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Bound by Fate

Page 28

by Maddie Taylor


  “Okay, what if I spank you?”

  “That will only delay things because you’ll want to fu—um, make love to me after. Pay attention to what I’m saying then you can do whatever you want to me.”

  “Sleep,” he stated tersely. “No matter how much I love you, that’s priority one for me at the moment. But you have my full attention for the two minutes of consciousness I have left.”

  She held the journal in front of his face. “Beck was right.”

  He responded with silence for a heartbeat, then growled, “Did you wake me in the middle of the night to talk about my sister’s mate? Spanking it is.” His hands came around her waist, but she grabbed his wrists and squealed. “He was right, Trask. There is a Betsy connection, and I found it, written by her own hand!”

  He stilled. Beautiful teal eyes alert with interest as he stared up at her. “Explain.”

  “She wasn’t connected to the miners, other than suffering a horrific death same as them.” She held the journal open with the drawing facing him. “Her connection was with the alien.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Look at the label beneath this sketch.” She pointed to the words blue orb written in Betsy’s messy scrawl.

  “Damn, this means—”

  Lana couldn’t wait for him to say it and jumped in. “It means I was right about her from the day I laid eyes on her. But with this, Betsy sank to a new low even for her. Something I wouldn’t have thought possible. Not only was she a bitch, but it looks like she was a traitor.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Somehow, she pulled off a wedding in a week.

  Her friends stayed, just as Beck thought they would, rather than making the three-day trip to Primaria only have to turn right around and come back. Their warrior mates stayed busy touring the colony and meeting with officials, including Beck, the commander of the military base, the mine contractor, and a host of other influential humans working hard to accommodate so many in such a short time. This left the women plenty of time to help her make arrangements.

  As she predicted, supplies for a wedding were scarce, as were venues. The only church was still under construction, and most events were held at the rec center, which, to Adria, was unacceptable.

  Instead of drab and utilitarian as her wedding theme, she chose nature, and she knew the perfect place. On a hill overlooking the lake north of town, where she and Beck never did get that picnic. The backdrop was the vivid-purple sky overhead and the pristine lake beneath it—also purple though in a darker shade—and, for contrast, the blue grass at their feet and the green rocky cliffs in the distance.

  In a word, it was stunning.

  One of Beck’s carpenters built an arbor that they draped with the profusion of flowers she’d dreamed of. This was where Eryn came in and was pivotal to the success of the day. She arrived with her mate the day before the ceremony, but did so with huge baskets of fresh-cut white, yellow, and lavender flowers, and Adria’s wedding dress.

  She had an image in her mind of exactly what she wanted—white satin, minimal lace, and fitted to her tall frame. The deep V neckline, which would have been frowned upon on Primaria, was perfectly appropriate in the Earth colony and added a touch of sensuality to the innocence of the color. She and Eryn messaged back and forth, and one of the local artisans worked furiously to get it done in time. Her friend, who was her size, less an inch, tried it on for fit, and when it arrived, it needed no alterations.

  The only unknown variable in her plan—would the weather cooperate?

  Saturday dawned sunny but cool, though there wasn’t a speck of snow. And, as if fate had a hand in it, again, for once the wind wasn’t blowing.

  All her cousins and their mates were in attendance. Even her favorite uncle Aylan and his mate, Neela, made the trip. Her co-workers from the clinic, and a big contingent of the Beck’s friends and business associates were all there to bear witness.

  Her groom exchanged his Levi’s and T-shirt for a blue suit. He later told her he packed it and hauled it across galaxies because something told him he might need it one day. When she walked down the aisle to become his wife under the laws of Earth and Terra Nova, her groom took her breath away. There was something about the jacket that made his shoulders look a mile wide, and the way it fit snugly to his lean waist and hips, and his long legs covered in trousers of the same color made him seem taller and more handsome than he already was.

  As she passed her friends on the way to meet him beneath the arbor, she noticed there wasn’t a dry eye among them. Even usually stoic Eryn wiped at her wet cheeks, although she did it in frustration. It came out afterward she was carrying the master warrior’s second child. Adria wasn’t fooled. The formidable chief of security for the humans’ inaugural trip to Terra Nova two years past was a romantic deep down like the others.

  Other than becoming her fated mate’s wife, the best part was her big brother, whom she loved dearly, walked her down the aisle, kissed her sweetly on the forehead then joined her hand to Beck’s as he gave the bride away.

  AT HOME, A NEWLY MATED couple sequestered themselves for a week, sometimes two, until the mating hunger abated. With the weight of his responsibilities and the perpetual influx of new colonists, Beck didn’t have time to take what he called a honeymoon. Adria didn’t have the luxury of taking off work either, not with her and Ellar and Juna and the two advanced-practice nurses already not having enough hours in the day to get everyone seen.

  But he walked her to work each morning, took her home every night and, a few times a week, managed to break away for lunch with her, in private, where tender touches led to heated kisses, and often more.

  One night after work, about a week after they made their public vows, he made her a promise. “As soon as things calm down, we’ll cut off all communication and barricade ourselves inside, just the two of us, away from the constant demands of our jobs, and I dare the first fool who knocks.”

  “That sounds perfect, but do you think we’ll still be able to, uh, you know, in about fifty years? Because I don’t see it calming down anytime in the near future.”

  He paused in the act of accessing the door to his office/apartment, which was now also her home, and stared at her, crestfallen. Then he sighed in resignation. “If I have to spackle and tape and glue myself together in fifty years or one hundred, I’ll still be able to, uh, you know, with you. If this damn job doesn’t kill me first.”

  She smiled up at him. “I don’t doubt that for a minute.”

  His head lowered, and she came up on her toes. Just as their lips met, the thumb scanner beeped, and the door unlocked.

  “Damn constant interruptions,” he muttered as he held it wide for her to enter first. “We also need to get out of town. We’re too accessible. I’ve got my eye on a spot overlooking the lake near where we were married.”

  “For what?” she asked, letting out a little squeal when he kicked the door shut with his boot and hauled her into his arms.

  “To build our house. I want to see it after the snow melts to make sure it drains properly, but a year from now, I promise to carry you over the threshold to your new home.”

  Adria slid her arms around his neck, molding her body to his hard one. “This home is fine with me as long as I get to share it with you.”

  “That’s sweet, but a cramped modular unit in a muddy construction yard isn’t home or fine with me. Trust me, this is not permanent.”

  “A tent would be fine with me if I got to spend each night in your arms, except in the winter; we’d freeze our hind parts off. But I’m glad to know I married a man with vision.”

  He chuckled and swung her up into his arms. He did this often, so instead of squealing in surprise, she clung to his neck, snuggling against his chest as she anticipated a late dinner after Beck made love to her. Something else that was fine by her.

  He carried her to the bedroom without turning on a single light. It would have been easy e
nough, they were voice activated, but he didn’t need them. The man had a knack for navigating the crowded office and cramped living space with his lips never leaving hers. He did so now, without raising his head until he carried her through the open bedroom door.

  Not a foot inside, he came to a sudden stop. “What the hell?”

  “What’s wrong?” She twisted in his arms and followed his gaze to the odd-looking contraption in the corner. In as much shock as her husband that it was there, Adria stared at it, too, although not entirely at a loss like him.

  “I can’t believe someone actually sent us one,” she groaned as she dropped her head to his shoulder.

  “One of what? Do you know what it is?”

  Instead of answering, she wiggled until he dropped her feet to the floor.

  “Look, there’s a card,” she announced when she spotted a white envelope stuck to one of the vertical supports. She gave voice to her astonishment a second after opening it. “My cousins’ mates are insane.”

  “Let me see.” He slid the card from her fingers and his eyes rose to hers after he briefly glanced at it. “Apparently, this was intended only for me. Your name isn’t listed.”

  She looked away and muttered, “Because I’d have sent it straight back.”

  “Which is probably why I’m the only addressee. Why is that?”

  “I haven’t a clue,” she replied, striving for wide-eyed innocence.

  He laughed, which meant she’d failed. “I know you know what it is, wife, because you won’t meet my gaze and your red face looks hot enough to fry an egg on.”

  When she still didn’t answer or look at him, he began reading aloud.

  Dear Beck,

  Congratulations! We are all so happy for you and Adria. Primaria is all abuzz. Some are shocked, others outraged that a transformation happened without an illustrious Primarian male as part of the equation.

  Eva, Eryn, Maggie, and I thought it only fair you should reap the same rewards of other mated pairs. Please accept our gift of a mate’s helper. Adria might not be thrilled when she sees it. Do not let her send it back! We are confident she will have a change of heart once she experiences all it can do.

  When she groaned, Beck glanced her way but didn’t stop reading.

  I have enclosed a user’s manual. Please don’t use it until you have read it in its entirety, or it could lead to rather embarrassing consequences. Don’t ask how I know—just trust that I do.

  Enjoy it in good health, my dear friend!

  Love, Lana

  He chuckled. “She’s added a bunch of post scripts.”

  P.S. Eryn recommends position #2

  P.S.S. Eva says her favorite is #4

  P.P.S.S. I prefer #9 but don’t recommend it if Adria is averse to being wrong-side up and having all the blood rush to her head. Frankly, that’s part of the appeal, but that’s just me. Oh dear. Now I’ve revealed too much. Please don’t bring it up when we meet again face to face. I prefer if you don’t ever think of me using it, and vice versa.

  “And here I thought she was a friend,” Adria muttered. “Like a sister, even.”

  “I was a friend, and look how we turned out,” he reminded her. “Sometimes, friends do things for your benefit because they love you.”

  “Like taking the heat for sending me home when you didn’t have anything to do with it?”

  “Yeah. Just like that.” He cleared his throat and looked back at the card. “There’s another note in a different hand scribbled at the bottom.


  This is the best invention since sliced bread and toilet paper. And, while I doubt you need a marital aid, none of the warriors I’ve met do either, but it provides countless hours of mutual enjoyment. You just have to figure out which mate it helps more. My money is on Adria.

  Sincerely yours, Eryn.

  BECK LOOKED UP, A BEMUSED expression on his face. “It’s funny. While reading, it was like I could hear your friends giggling.”

  “I mentioned they’re insane, right? Either that or the prima got into Uncle Aylan’s volanta stash again.”

  “Vo-what?” Then he waved the hand still holding the card. “Never mind. I’m not sure I want to know.”

  “Smart man.”

  “What I do want to know is what this thing is, or what it does, and why they’d think we need help with whatever it’s supposed to help us with.”

  In order to avoid an embarrassing and lengthy explanation, she walked to the helper and circled it until she found the manual Lana referred to. Returning to his side, she flipped to a random page then passed it back to him.

  Then waited for his reaction to the full-color image of a couple engaged in position 2. It came in a low whistle. Then, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, he thumbed through the graphic images of other sexual positions.

  “Damn. I knew you Primarians were into spanking, but I didn’t know you flew a kink flag at full staff.”

  She yanked the book out of his hands. “It’s going back!”

  “Uh-uh,” he countered as he snatched it her fingers. “This is my gift, not yours, and I believe it warrants further investigation.” Then he slid an arm around her waist and plastered her to his side, holding her easily while she wiggled and squirmed and tried to retrieve the manual. His long arm kept it well out of reach while he perused it, however.

  “Oh, look, there’s a quick start guide.”


  “Shh, darlin’, I’m studying.” A few moments later, he announced, “Seems simple enough. Mate’s Helper, on,” he ordered in a loud, clear voice. When the device hummed to life, he grinned. “This is going to be fun.”

  He had her out of her clothes in seconds and standing on the foot pedals.

  “Now, let’s see what this baby can do. One of your friends recommended the one on page eight. I’m game to try it first. Mate’s Helper, position two,” he commanded, his voice practically purring with excitement. The slats and padded boards immediately moved and her with it until she was on her hands and knees with her bare butt pointed in the air and straps around her wrists and ankles.

  “Position 2 is perfect for punishment, but can also be enjoyed when deep penetrative breaching is desired.”

  “What?” she shrieked

  “That’s what it says right here.” He moved to the side and held the booklet out for her to see, pointing to the script beneath the picture of a male taking his female from behind. “The manual has hints throughout, isn’t that helpful?”

  He tried for a deadpan response, but his lips twitched, and, after only a moment or two, he lost it and burst into laughter, which went on and on until he bent double.

  “Turn it off, Beck,” she insisted.

  But he couldn’t hear over his voluble amusement.

  “Let me down.” When the helper didn’t respond, she screamed, “Let me go you stupid thing!”

  “Adria,” he murmured, sobering instantly upon seeing her distress. His hand smoothed up her spine before he crouched in front of her. “I’m sorry, but you’ve got to admit this is funny.”

  “This is embarrassing.”

  “Why? Primarians don’t have exclusive rights on kink, you know. In fact, I’d be surprised if we humans didn’t invent it. At the very least, we perfected it.”

  She peeked at him, her face burning with humiliation. Of course, she’d never been on one of the contraptions before; they were given to males only. But she’d heard talk, and overheard plenty of stories.

  “Hang on a minute,” he said, with his lips pressed to her temple. “Let me figure out how to get it back to where we started.”

  He stood and resumed scanning the instructions.

  “No,” she whispered. “It’s embarrassing but not uncomfortable. Since I’m already here...”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “They went to the trouble of sending it all this way...”

  He grinned, his blue eyes glinting with anticipation. “And we wouldn�
��t want to disappoint them.”

  “Never. And, Beck?”

  “Right here, as always.”

  “It’s actually kind of hot. Maybe we should give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Isn’t that how the Earth expression goes?”

  “It is,” he answered then crouched until his face was level with hers. “If we play, we do so by mutual consent. Are you sure?”

  “I am.”

  He leaned in, his eyes sparking with eagerness when he said with a carnal grin, “I’m really happy to hear that.” Before he explained why, he parted her lips with his own and while his tongue swept inside, his hands moved over her—everywhere—in her hair, over her face, sliding down her back and along the taut curves of her upward-aimed backside. When he lifted his head, his husky voice was filled with sensual promise. “Because, darlin’, you look fucking incredible like this.”

  His lips replaced his hands and caressed her bottom with hungry licks, kisses, and playful little nibbles. This left his fingers free to explore the wetness between her thighs, which were spread invitingly wide in this position. He plunged two inside her, easily sinking in to the third knuckle as drenched as she was. Then, with his thumb on her clit, moving in concert with his fingers, his tongue dipped between her cheeks to tantalize and tease her puckered rear hole.

  She jerked at her restraints, but the helper was doing its job and held her firmly in place. That she was vulnerable to her mate and whatever he wanted to do to her only heightened her desire. Words couldn’t express how incredibly depraved it felt, but she didn’t need them. Her tortured moans told him for her.

  “Mate’s Helper, add vibrations.”

  Before she could process what he meant, the device shifted under her and spread her legs several more inches. A low hum started from somewhere beneath her, then the most intense buzzing centered directly on her clit.


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