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The Dark Brotherhood: A Medieval Romance Collection

Page 108

by Kathryn Le Veque

  Atreus laughed loudly; Tor grinned, not having heard what was said but assuming it was humorous if both Jax and Atreus were laughing. When the smiles faded and the situation settled, it became clear a solution was needed. Jax turned to the walls of White Crag, gleaming against the awakening day. His humor faded completely and his expression hardened into one only seen in battle. Both Atreus and Tor knew that Amadeo’s life would shortly be at an end.

  They followed Jax into the castle.


  Amadeo was sitting with Michael on the dais of the great hall of White Crag, enjoying warmed over beef, some kind of flour dumplings cooked in the beef fat, and big hunks of white bread. It was a generous meal. As a good knight always did, he was facing the door. A warrior never sat with his back to an entry or exit but was always aware of who was coming or going. But when he saw Jax enter the hall, he had no suspicion whatsoever of what was coming to past. Even when Jax did not say a word to him, he still did not have suspicion. He kept eating his dumplings. But when Jax got within a few feet of him and he heard the soft sing of a broadsword being unsheathed, a warning went off in his head and he instinctively bolted to his feet. He saw the blade coming towards him and he leapt over the bench, unsheathing his own sword in a split second. Raising the blade, he narrowly avoided having his head cut off.

  The benches upended and Michael leapt from his seat, making haste to put distance between himself and the combatants. As he watched in shock, Jax went after Amadeo with the power of an avenging angel.

  Though Jax was bigger and more powerful, it was hardly a one-sided battle. Amadeo was a fine swordsman and very swift. He suffered through a volley of four very powerful thrusts before he leapt back over the table to give himself a moment to breath.

  “What have I done to offend you so, my lord?” he asked as calmly as he could.

  Jax was incapable of answering at the moment; he kicked at the table to get at Amadeo, tipping it but not sending it over completely. In his blind fury, he leapt over it and descended on Amadeo with several swift and potent thrusts; Amadeo met the barrage as he backed away and almost ended up tripping on an upended bench. But he held his footing and managed to land a couple of good blows against Jax.

  “My lord,” Amadeo said, less calmly and more urgently now. “What is it I have done?”

  Jax delivered a powerful blow with his sword, picking up half of a destroyed bench in the process and tossing it at Amadeo’s head. The man saw the bench coming, barely avoiding being brained by it. Weapons and broken wood were flying everywhere.

  By now, Atreus and Tor were standing in the entry to the hall, watching the mortal combat. Michael, confused and apprehensive, saw the generals and grew doubly confused. But no one took their eyes off of Jax and Amadeo as the battle intensified. It was clear that this was no joke and certainly no practice session; Jax was bent on murder.

  Jax hurled another portion of the broken bench at Amadeo, this time catching him in the right arm. The jagged edge rammed into the man’s bicep and blood began to flow.

  “My lord,” Amadeo was spending more time avoiding Jax and less time actually fighting him. “Please tell me what I have done. Allow me to make restitution before you….”

  Jax cut him off again by hurling a free-standing iron sconce at his head. It caught Amadeo in the jaw, sending the man to the ground. Jax bore down upon him, lifting his sword above his head as he prepared to deliver the death blow. But Amadeo managed to get his sword up and gored Jax in the torso. Only his mail coat prevented him from being badly injured.

  But it was enough of a wound to cause him to fall back, away from Amadeo. The brief reprieve allowed Amadeo to resume his feet. Jax didn’t bother looking at the wound, although he knew it was a moderate one; he resumed thrusting at Amadeo’s head and the man danced backwards, spitting out teeth from his damaged jaw as he went.

  “Please, my lord,” Amadeo was beginning to plead now. “Tell me what I have done that would give you reason to kill me.”

  Amadeo tripped and Jax closed the gap between them, locking swords with the man as he grabbed him by the throat. He pulled Amadeo close, their faces inches apart. He could feel Amadeo’s hand as it clutched at the fingers he had wrapped around the man’s throat. He squeezed.

  “I will say one word that shall explain all,” he snarled. “Kellington.”

  Amadeo’s blue eyes flickered with realization but, to his credit, he did not falter. “What of the lady? I swear to you, my lord, I never…”

  Jax squeezed hard. “No lies,” he snapped. “I know of your orders to remove her from Pelinom and I know you threatened to kill her if she did not leave. So before I end your miserable life, know this; what I do, I do to eliminate the threat to Kellington. No more, no less.”

  Amadeo knew he was cornered and his red face began to ripple with fear. He tried to bring his sword up but Jax had it effectively blocked with his own. Amadeo was not strong enough to break free. Stars began to dance before his eyes as his life began to slip away.

  “I did not… harm her,” he gasped.

  “You ordered her removed under penalty of death,” Jax’s two colored eyes drilled into him. “How dare you interfere in my life. Who gave you permission to do so?”

  Amadeo was turning dark red. “I… I did it for your own good… for the good of the men….”

  Jax’s brow furrowed. “For my own good? Why in the hell would removing her be for my own good?”

  “Because… because she was causing you to….”

  Jax didn’t want to hear his excuses. He shook him hard enough to feel something snap in his throat. “I know why you have done this,” he snarled. “Do not believe I am not aware of your ruthless ambition and subversive nature. You thought that by removing Kellington, I would refocus on our plans. Truth be told, Amadeo, I was never unfocused to begin with. My plans will be concluded to a satisfactory ending no matter what you have done to try to manipulate the matter. Only now, my plans do not include you.”

  Amadeo was turning shades of blue. “My lord, please…”

  “I will ask you a question. Your answer will decide whether or not I truly kill you,” he stopped squeezing for the moment. “What did you do to Mira?”

  Amadeo’s eyes widened. “Lady Mira? I….”

  Jax shook him again; Amadeo fell to his knees as his life drained away. “What did you do with Mira?” Jax demanded.

  Amadeo couldn’t speak; Jax was squeezing too tightly. But he suddenly came to life, bringing his sword up and catching Jax on the wrist with the blade. It was enough of a jolt to cause Jax to lose his grip and Amadeo yanked himself from the man’s grasp.

  With a bleeding wrist and a bleeding gut, Jax tightened his grip on his broadsword and prepared to pursue Amadeo. The man had struggled to his feet and even now flailed away from Jax in the direction of the entry. But there was no point in Jax running; he knew Amadeo would not get far.

  As soon as Amadeo reached the entry, he pleaded for help from Atreus and Tor. Without a word, Atreus unsheathed his broadsword in a single smooth motion and thrust it into Amadeo’s chest. Amadeo’s eyes widened at the shock, the pain, the betrayal. As Jax reached him, he drove his sword in to the man’s back. Gored in the front and in the back, Amadeo collapsed to the floor in a heap.

  But he was not dead. He lay there bleeding and struggling, pondering a life gone wrong. Jax stood over him, his bloodied broadsword in his hand.

  “Tell me now and I will end your suffering,” he told Amadeo. “Tell me what became of Mira.”

  Amadeo had seconds to live. His breathing was labored, unsteady, and blood was pooling on the floor beneath him. But he moved his mouth slightly.

  “It was not… what you think, my lord.”

  “Tell me now and I will end your misery.”

  Amadeo’s eyes closed as he struggled to bring forth the last phrase he would ever say. Spittle and blood dripped from his lips as they quivered to form the words.

  “Bridge Terrace,” h
e breathed. “Blanken… ship….”

  And then he was gone.

  Jax stared at him for several long moments, a mixture of fury and remorse on his face. Then, he slowly sheathed his sword and looked at Atreus; the man was gazing down at Amadeo but looked up when he felt Jax’s gaze upon him.

  “What does he mean?” Atreus asked quietly, as if a louder tone would cause them all to break.

  Jax shook his head. “Bridge Terrace is a street that fronts the River Tweed in Berwick,” he said. “As for the other, I do not know what that means. Perhaps it is the name of the man he asked to dispose of her body. More than likely, she was given to the river at high tide.”

  Jax turned away from Amadeo as easily as that. Now that the adrenalin of battle was dying down, he was beginning to shake. He felt oddly hollow at Amadeo’s death, and oddly weak. He also felt something strange, like regret or sadness. He couldn’t be certain. But that strangely weak feeling was growing stronger. Curious at his reaction, he suddenly remembered the wound in his side and he lifted his mail and tunic to get a look at it; he was still bleeding heavily. In fact, blood was down his leg to his knee. Feeling increasingly weak, he made it to the table before stumbling. Atreus and Tor saw him stagger and they rushed to him.

  “Let me take a look at the wound,” Tor said as he helped Atreus steer Jax onto a bench.

  Jax let Tor pull back the mail and inspect the injury. “’Tis not that bad,” he mumbled. “I have had worse.”

  Tor lifted an eyebrow. “Aye, but this seems to have punctured something vital. Better have the surgeon stitch it up.”

  Jax shook his head. “No time. I must gather my troops and ride for Alnwick.”

  Tor and Atreus looked at each other. “You go after Northumberland?” Tor was trying to sound non-challenging. “But… Jax, if your lady really is there, then it is not as if Northumberland has abducted her or is holding her prisoner. Her father took her there. It is simply a haven.”

  Jax’s dual-colored eyes flashed, looking strangely bright in his pale face. “De Vesci holds her; I want her back. I doubt her father is going to simply hand her over. Therefore, I need my troops.”

  The men knew better than to argue. Atreus looked over his shoulder at Michael, now kneeling over Amadeo’s body. He let go of Jax and walked towards the other knight, his sword still drawn.

  “What do you know of Amadeo’s plot?” he demanded quietly.

  To his credit, Michael didn’t flinch. “This is the first I have heard of it.”

  Atreus eyed him. “I find that hard to believe. You serve closely with Amadeo.”

  Michael shook his head. “He was not close with me, my lord. He took Caelen into his confidence more than I.”

  “Then you knew nothing of his plans for Lady Kellington?”

  “He did not divulge anything to me, I swear it.”

  Atreus eyed him, debating whether or not to believe him. Since Jax was down two knights, he chose to spare him at the moment. “It would be best for you if you are indeed telling the truth,” he said quietly, his gaze lingering on him a moment to silently imply death and pain should he be lying. “Send for de Velt’s surgeon. Then you will assemble the army. Be ready in two hours.”

  “One,” Jax muttered.

  Atreus looked over at Jax. “You need to rest for a couple of hours before charging off to lay siege to Alnwick,” he said. “Give your body time to rest from this wound, Jax. Already it drains you. You will only make yourself ill taking to the road with an injury of this seriousness.”

  Jax knew that, but his determination to reach Kellington was so great that he did not care. He had just killed a man who had tried to separate him from her. He was not about to settle back and wait it out, not now.

  Jax’s surgeon was a big man with wild hair. He had been tending Jax’s men for seven years. He forced his liege to lie back on the bench while he went to work on the wound that was struggling to clot. It was a big gash that required the surgeon to pick pieces of mail and linen from it, causing Jax excruciating pain though the man never uttered a sound. Moreover, the surgeon repeatedly doused the wound with wine as he cleaned and sewed, adding to Jax’s misery but keeping the wound clean enough. When the surgeon was finally finished, he instructed Jax to remain lying on the bench for a time.

  Jax obeyed long enough for the surgeon to leave the hall. Then he sat up, wincing when the stitches pulled. The hall was completely empty; Amadeo’s body had been removed by Tor and Atreus, who were now in the bailey assembling Jax’s troops. He could hear their shouts through the lancet windows.

  Jax pulled his tunic back over his head, his gaze falling on the pool of blood near the hall entry and again feeling some remorse over Amadeo’s death. He was coming to think that perhaps he should have let the man explain himself. But he had been so infuriated at the thought of Amadeo taking charge of Kellington’s welfare that he hadn’t thought twice about punishing the man and eliminating the threat. He knew what Kellington would say about it; show mercy, my lord. He shook his head, struggling to pull on his mail tunic. Perhaps he should have shown mercy and simply exiled the man. Perhaps… perhaps he still had a lot to learn about the qualities of mercy.

  When Jax finally quit the keep, Atreus and Tor were mounted and waiting for him. Jax surveyed his army a moment, thinking that it looked like the days of old when he and Atreus and Tor and the other generals had conquered a portion of the Welsh border. With Atreus and Tor with him, he began to feel that familiar excitement and power again. He only wished he had more than eight hundred men to lay siege to Alnwick; he needed to make a strong show. It was perhaps the most important siege of his life.

  It was for Kellington.


  Bathed and dressed in a rose-colored shift and gown that Lavaine had packed for her, Kellington finished putting the final touches on her hair and secured the long braid at the end with a strip of gut. She looked sweet, simple and charming. The day outside was quickly heading towards noon and she stood by the lancet window, watching the birds hover in the drafts overhead. The sky was a brilliant blue and a gentle sea breeze blew in from the coast.

  Denedor had brought her some bread, cheese and wine and she had devoured it. But she was still hungry. She had not seen her father since the day before and had no idea what to expect from him this day. She was not particularly sure how to feel about him, either. Her father had always been her greatest protector and supporter. Now that the fury was gone, she could understand somewhat that the man had only been trying to protect her. But she was hurt that he had not listened to her feelings on the matter. She adored Jax; aye, if she thought about it, she knew she loved him. He was a man of amazing strength and humor and kindness when all of the horror of his reputation was stripped away. She knew what everyone thought about him. But she thought differently.

  The sea breeze blew gently against her face, the golden brown eyes soft with longing and sorrow. She missed him terribly and wondered how long it would take for him to find out where she had been taken. It would take days, weeks even, before she would be allowed to roam freely, if ever. There would be no chance to escape or send a missive while she was being so closely watched. Unless….

  There was a soft knock on the door. Kellington turned away from the window and bade the caller enter. Denedor pushed the panel open, his pale blue eyes finding her in the dimness of the room. A look of appreciation crossed his face and was just as quickly gone.

  “My lady,” he said formally. “I am permitted to escort you on a walk about the grounds if you are agreeable.”

  Kellington cocked her head at him. “Where is my father?”

  “With the baron.”

  “Did he give his permission?”

  “He is the one who asked me to come to you.”

  She nodded, thinking that she might like to get out into the sunshine. Anything to be free of the cold, dim chamber. Denedor opened the door wider for her to pass through and closed it quietly behind her. He politely
extended his elbow and, after a brief hesitation, she took it.

  He led her out into the ward; it was a big place, busy with soldiers and peasants who did business with the castle. The ground was dry from a lack of rain, kicking up little clouds of dust as they walked. Kellington saw the open main gate, resisting the urge to run for it. She knew that Denedor would only catch her and then she’d never be allowed outside again. Nay; she had to bide her time properly, establish a measure of trust and then wait for the right opportunity. Now was not the time.

  “You mentioned your wife died in childbirth,” she made conversation, not knowing what else to talk about. “Did the child survive?”

  He nodded. “I have a seven year old son. He is preparing to leave to foster.”

  Kellington shook her head. “I have never agreed with that particular aspect of child rearing. To send children away so young seems cruel.”

  He lifted his eyebrows. “You sound like my wife.”

  She looked at him. “Indeed? Then perhaps you should listen to her. At seven years old… he is still a baby.”

  Denedor grinned. “He is a big lad who already swings a sword with skill. He is ready to learn from those I have selected to teach him.”

  “Where will he go?”

  “I have selected Bamburgh Castle. It is not too far from here.”

  She nodded. “I have heard of it. When will he go?”

  “At the end of the month.”

  “Will you not miss him?”

  “Of course. But it is important for his training.”

  She shook her head again. “I cannot support a manner of training that takes small children away from their parents.”

  Denedor looked at her. “Did you foster?”

  She scowled at him. “Aye, I did, and I hated every minute of it.”

  She said it with such conviction that he laughed at her. Kellington fought off a grin and looked away. Off to her right she could see the main hall and a block of buildings that looked to be some manner of residence. She pointed at it.


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