Book Read Free


Page 7

by Loretta Johns

  Darla placed her still full spoon back into her bowl. Traditional mating ceremonies. Her lips twitched. That was one way to describe a wedding she supposed, especially given the antics known to happen within wedding parties, like the time her older cousin Angie was a head bridesmaid and ended up having to contact the guy who’d been the best man. He’d been surprised to find out he was going to be a daddy, to say the least. “Yeah. I’d like to. Have a wedding, I mean. It’s just, from the time I was a little girl, I loved imagining myself as a bride. The big white dress, the veil, the flowers, and all that. All very Cinderella, I know, but in my mind, the guy I would marry would be my one true love and we’d have a white wedding and then live happily ever after.”


  “It’s a children’s story. It’s about a girl whose mom dies and her dad marries a horrible woman with two ugly looking and bratty daughters. The father then does, probably overworked thanks to all their spending on clothes and jewels, and the step-mother and two daughters make the girl, Cinderella, clean the whole house and act like their personal maid. Then a prince holds a ball to find his bride and Cinderella finds out she has a fairy godmother who uses magic and transforms her rags into a fine gown and all that and she goes to the ball where the prince falls in love and-"

  “I understand. You dreamed of finding a person of means who would lift you from poverty and a life of overwork and who would be your perfect match. You would have a lavish ceremony, like in the stories, and have a happy life together. This is more than acceptable.” She watched as his scales became prominent once more, this time not fading back as they had done previously. She met his gaze and was startled to see his pupils s had also changed, giving him an almost reptilian look to his eyes. “We have been matched as perfect mates and I have such a position. You only need to work as you so choose. We shall have your lavish ceremony and declare our happy ever after.”

  Darla felt at a loss as to what to say to that other than, “My family and friends can come? Does it have to be after the mandatory settlement period?”

  “You will need time to plan such an event, will you not?”

  Darla thought. Yeah, she would. Actually, eight weeks wasn’t a lot of time. “Umm, actually, yeah, and I’ll probably need help to plan it. People usually have their moms, best friend, or a wedding planner helping them and it still takes months.”

  “You wish to take months to seal our bond?”

  Yes. No. Maybe? No, no. Best to get it over with, right? What’s gonna happen is gonna happen. “No, I’d like to have it as soon as we can, so, I will definitely need help.”

  “Xeranos will be able to help you, as will the Chief Supply Officer. We do not have months. We have one week, due to biological imperatives.”

  “Not what I had in mind, but okay. Best we can do without breaking the rules again, probably.” Shit. One week to get cake, a dress, and all that. Family and friends no contact rule means no bridesmaids dresses needed, so I guess it might be doable. Not exactly the fairytale wedding of my dreams, but hey ho...

  “You will wish to begin your schooling afterwards, yes?”

  “Actually, I’d like to take a bit more time, if that’s allowed. I have a whole new culture to fit into and new friends to make, and all that.”

  “It is permitted. You may train at anytime, whether it is now or thirty years from now, or longer. Your Bride status entitles you to a lifetime of education and other benefits to use as and when you so choose.”

  “Really? Like what?”

  “Mylos healthcare for you and any of your immediate family that you choose to designate, for one thing.”

  “Seriously? So, I can pick one and they get to use Mylos medical facilities? Does it include dental?”

  Gundar frowned. “I did not say it correctly. You may list as many members of your immediate family as you so choose. What is dental?”


  “The teeth are part of the body. If it is a body part, it is covered, whether natural or prosthetic.”

  “So, vision too?”

  He inclined his head.

  “Oh my God! This will mean so much to my mom and dad! How do I sign them all up? And what is it going to cost?”

  “I will sit with you after the meal, if you like, and have Xeranos register your chosen family members. As for cost, like I said before, it is a benefit of your Bride status. All citizens of Mylos receive this, free of charge. A healthy populace is one that contributes well to society.”

  “But they are not citizens of Mylos.”

  “No, but your Bride status makes you one, and as it has been noted that peace of mind is a matter relating to good over all health, immediate family members are able to use our medical facilities. Minor children are also able to avail themselves with academic tutors, should it be so desired.”

  “Yes, please! Oh my gosh, my brother will be able to get new glasses and my sister to have her braces done. My family will not believe this! Thank you so much! I had no idea that becoming a bride would give me and my family so much!”

  “It is for us males to provide for our mates, so we take pride in offering this. We should eat now, as this is growing cold,” he said, picking up his spoon once more. Darla nodded and did the same. The sooner she finished, the sooner she could give her family a helping hand.

  Chapter Eleven: Gundar

  Gundar felt extreme satisfaction. His mate had praised the meal he had provided for her and had confessed that he was her childhood dream come to life. Her excitement at discovering the benefits she could share with her family warmed his scales further. All was going as it should.

  He cleared the now empty bowls and glasses from the table and placed them in the cleaning receptacle. “If you’d like, we can have the apple cobbler and ice cream in the living area while you enroll your family,” he called out, dishing up the warm from the oven cobbler and placing scoops of vanilla Cornish ice cream on top.

  “You made cobbler? Yum! Yeah, I’d like that. We having coffee with it?” Darla asked, taking him up on his suggestion and making her way to the couch.

  He had anticipated this desire correctly, thanks to Xeranos’ sharing of humans’ social media images of desserts served at restaurants. They usually came with a hot coffee or a pot of tea. He knew from Darla’s profile that she preferred coffee, especially something called a caramel macchiato. He’d had Xeranos program it into the replicator and two mugs of it sat steaming on the counter, complete with the apparently completely desirable latte art. The images had seemed to favor foam with fanciful pictures in chocolate powder. Xeranos had informed him that Darla had been watching an animated program while he cooked and had bookmarked several films from that studio to watch at a later date. He’d had Xeranos create latte art in the likeness of one of the fanciful beings from one such film. He hoped she liked it. He opted for random sprinkles on his instead of an image.

  “Yes, I have it ready. I am placing it on a tray now,” he called out to her. Darla’s eyes sparkled as she saw the delicious dessert and beverages he brought.

  “This looks divine,” she said. “Oh my goodness, it’s Totoro on my coffee! How cool! How did you know? He’s my favorite! Gosh, I had no idea you were so talented!”

  “I have to admit that Xeranos had the replicator create the beverage, including the edible design on top of your coffee.”

  “Thank you, Xero! And Gundar, you still had to think to ask Xero to do it. So thoughtful!”

  “You humans have shared many images of such art. Your social media is full of food and beverages served in fanciful ways,” Xeranos replied. “I have bookmarked many that may please you.”

  Darla accepted a bowl of cobbler from Gundar, placing it on her lap so that her hands were free to take her coffee as well. “Where should I sit this? Do you have coasters?”

  “The surfaces are heat and moisture tolerant. Just place it where it is convenient for you,” Gundar replied.

  “Oh, okay.”

p; Gundar sat down next to her on the couch. Placing his own beverage and bowl on the side table closest to him, he then opened a side drawer and took out a data pad. He tapped the screen to power it up. “Xeranos, the healthcare family member registry please, to data pad two.”

  “Sending now,” Xeranos replied. The logo on the powered up screen flickered and was replaced by the requested form. Gundar scrolled to the bottom where there was empty space. He tapped the empty space. Turning to Darla he said, “Please give Xeranos the full name, address, date of birth, and relationship to yourself of each person you are registering.”

  “I just say that out loud?”

  “Yes. You say, ‘Xeranos, add’, then state the name of each person and their information.”

  Darla did so for each member, adding her father, mother, and all of her brothers and sisters. When she was done, she looked at Gundar expectantly.

  “You are done?” he asked.

  “That is everyone in my immediate family, yeah.”

  “Xeranos, accept voice imprint as verification.”

  “Voiceprint of Darla Levin verified and accepted. Registration complete. Documents explaining coverage and where to go for treatment are being prepared and will be couriered to the noted address. Estimated arrival time: two p.m. Eastern time,” Xeranos informed them.

  “Thank you so much,” Darla said, tears in her eyes. Gundar leaned forward and wiped them away with his thumbs.

  “It is as it should be,” he said gruffly. “Now, this Totoro. You say it is your favorite?”

  Darla sniffed, looking surprised. “Yeah. He’s from an anime called My Neighbor Totoro. Oh, but you probably don’t want to watch it or anything, huh?”

  Did she not know that part of the courtship process was to get to know likes and dislikes? How was he to really understand her if he didn't share the experience of trying her favorite things? He decided he should reassure her of his sincerity. “I would try the things that make you happy.”

  “Oh!” she squeaked. “Um, Xero, can you put on Totoro for me? I bookmarked it.” Darla sat back and began eating the cobbler. “The ice cream’s gone all melty. It’s lovely.”

  The main view screen flared to life, the corporate logo quickly giving way to a still image of the requested program.

  “You played My Neighbors the Yamadas earlier, using the original voice track with subtitles in your own language. Do you wish to do so now?” Xeranos queried.

  “Oh, umm, what would be easier for you?” she asked Gundar.

  “My internal translation device will translate any of the major human languages I do not know.”

  “It’s in Japanese.”

  “That’s fine,” he nodded.

  “Xero, please play the original Japanese with English subtitles,” Darla ordered. The film began to play.

  Gundar ate his dessert and drank his coffee while paying close attention to the screen. He found it fanciful, yet full of profound messages about nature, family, and community. He decided he approved though he wasn’t too sure about some of the more peculiar modes of transportation. When it was over, Darla looked at him nervously.

  “Did you like it? You thought it was childish, didn’t you?”

  “Childish? No. It was fanciful, and no doubt is very appealing to children, but it was far from childish. Such depths to the meanings hidden within the fantastical storyline! It is ageless,” he reassured her earnestly.

  “Wow. You’re the total opposite of what I expected. When I was told I was matched to the commander of the fleet, I was in shock. I was imagining some old fart. Then I saw you and I was like, this is him, really? You were so young and handsome and nice. But also so very correct and, well, military-like, I guess. So I didn’t think you’d like the stuff I’m into. People at school and at my job would say stuff. Like, ‘Cartoons are for kids’, or ‘What a geek!’, and stuff like that.”

  “I am older than you. If I were human, my age would make me old enough to be your father. But we Mylos live much longer lives, so percentage-wise, I am closer to your age than you’d think. I am commander of this fleet, yes, as the years I have lived have given me the experience to be promoted thusly. It is also because of who my father is,” he confessed.

  “Your father?”

  Gundar nodded. “It pains me to say so, as I always have to keep guessing if I deserve my early promotions as much as they say I do. I think I have earned them, as there are many worlds and dozens of Bride fleets within the greater Fleet, plus our military defense fleet, so there are many positions to be filled. But, I also know that many wish to curry favor with my father.”

  “Just who is your dad?” Darla asked.

  “Vice Chancellor of the Mylos Systems Realm, Lord Tyfrin of Chaldar.”

  Darla just gaped at him.

  Chapter Twelve: Darla

  Holy shit. I really am going to have a royal wedding. Darla’s mouth went dry at the thought. Oh crap! I’m just an ordinary girl from Tennessee, not some debutante or even the daughter of a rancher or anything.

  Gundar was studying her face. He sighed. “You find my father’s title overwhelming, do you not? I assure you, it I nothing to concern yourself with. I’m his third son, my eldest brother inherits the title and land. I have made myself a career here within the Bridal Fleet and here I will stay until transferred elsewhere.”

  Oh, thank God. I don’t think I could handle having to do political stuff. Plus the thing with all the forks and spoons. If they do that, I mean. Wait, did he say ‘transferred’?

  “Transferred?” she blurted. “Transferred where?”

  “That would depend on where they would decide I would be most needed. It could be to another Bride Trade planet, in which case I’d either move this fleet there or take command of a fleet already there, or it could be a position at the Academy, or even a defense posting.”

  “Oh. And I’d go with you?”

  “Well, you are my mate, so, yes.”

  Darla felt cold. She had not taken that into consideration. She thought they’d marry, stay right here, and she’d get to visit back and forth with her friends and family some. She realized that had been rather naïve. After all, her Uncle Zeke was in the Army and he and his family had been sent all over the world. Right now, they were living in Germany, where he was stationed. Knowing this, she should have connected the dots and realized that sooner or later, the Mylos might reassign her Mylos mate. His job was to command ships, not to just be her husband and have everything at her convenience.

  “You did know this?” he asked. She felt guilty hearing the undercurrent of distress in his voice. His scales were losing some of their sheen, even.

  “I hadn’t put two and two together, no. I should have, and I should have read the brochures and whatnot more closely, too.”

  “Put two of what things?”

  “It’s an expression. It means that I didn’t stop and consider all the implications.”

  “You are regretting your choice?”

  “No! I just feel like an idiot for making certain assumptions.”

  His scales brightened. “This is because of your family and their proximity? Travel can be arranged and also regular communications such as the one you had earlier.”

  Relief washed over her. “That’s all right, then. Um, it’s been a long day and I’m really tired.” She stood up and picked up her dishes. “If you’ll just show me where I am to sleep after I put these in the kitchen, I’d like to go on to bed.”


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