Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset Page 45

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Do you know where the Bears clubhouse is?” I ask Ash, knowing better. Of course, she does. She’s lived here her entire life. She probably knows every piece of gossip and where it happened too.

  All I get is a snicker in return, and the next thing I know, Camila and I are struggling to keep up with Ashley’s long strides. We ended up coming out at the back part of the property. No wonder it had felt like we walked for ages, because we did. We were practically at the lake. We went into Ashley and Blackjack’s house, she grabbed the keys to her truck and then we were on the way down the road.

  My heart pounds in my chest as I look out the window, wondering what the hell is going on with my family, and then worrying about what Damon is doing right now. I can’t help but hope he is safe, losing my breath if I think about it too long. I can’t describe the way it feels to not know if the one you love is safe or not, of the frog that develops in your throat, or of the way you feel like the wind has been knocked out of you. There’s no use in me worrying, though. I can only control what’s happening right in front of me.

  “Here we are,” Ashley whispers, turning the truck onto a dirt road, much like the one that our clubhouse is on. I wonder how long we traveled, but I was too trapped in my own thoughts to take notice on what was happening around me. “I’m gonna drive us up a little further and then pull the truck off to the side. In case shit is still goin’ south, I don’t want anyone seeing us. Plus, if shit’s going too far south we’re just gonna pop back in this truck, call in some favors and make sure we’re ammo’d up at the club.”

  I roll my eyes at what Ash just said. No way in hell would we just pop back in the truck, she’s got some guns in here somewhere. Of that I’m sure.

  Ashley does as she says, going up a little further before she pulls the truck off the dirt road and into the safe cover of the woods. She pulls far enough in so that no one would really make it out unless they were looking for it. The three of us get out of the truck and follow Ashley closely.

  “How do you know where to go?” I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

  “Cause Daddy wanted me to know everything I could. Including the Bears compound. You and I both know that it’s never been rainbows and butterflies up here, Kat. You might not remember much of it, but your Dad’s had you doing the same stuff. Remember when my Dad taught us where all the hiding spots were in the club?”

  I nod, remembering my uncle showing us the loose floorboards amongst other things.

  “Do you remember what he had us put in them?” She laughs as she asks me, and I don’t remember. All I have is a vague memory.

  “Drugs. Daddy had his daughter and niece hiding drugs in case the police decided to show up, but luckily that never happened”

  Out of nowhere, I’m toppled to the ground. It felt like a freight train just ran into me, hitting me at full force. I can’t help but groan at the discomfort. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Zane snarls, glaring at all of us.

  “…It was their idea,” Camila lies, causing Ashley and I to shoot daggers at her. Zane scoffs, knowing better.

  “Let me ask you this again. What the fuck are you doing here?” I’ve never seen Zane so angry before, he’s physically shaking from it, turning beet red. His attention goes straight to Ashley, “You know better. You fucking know to sit your ass in the bunker until one of us comes to get you, and instead you’re here…in the middle of a fucking war zone. I swear, Ash. You’ve done some dumb shit, but what the hell has gotten into you? What is going on in that mind of yours? You’re not just a girl anymore. You’re a mother. You need to be there for Noelle. Fuck, you can’t just be making these rash decisions!”

  “What do we have here?” I take a look behind me to see Bull, the club’s enforcer staring down at us. “Some hens escaped the coop it seems….shit, your men are not gonna be happy.”

  “What’s happened?” I blurt out, wondering why the heck no one else has asked it. Yeah, we were caught. Yeah, we probably didn’t expect it to happen like this, but we need to know what’s happened.

  “Not much of anything. Grizzly and his piece of shit son aren’t here, there were a couple Bears but I think it’s safe to say that the Reapers have annihilated the remainder who decided to wait ‘til we showed up. Don’t know where the rest scurried off to. We were prepared to fuck some shit up today, but this was easy. Too easy if you ask me.”

  Zane stands up, grabbing mine and Ashley’s elbows, tugging us along with him. I turn back and look to Camila, who seems to be escorted chivalrously by Bull….seriously? Zane is holding onto Ash and I like we’re flight risk kids at an amusement park. We walk until we reach the clubhouse, and boy…the second I see my uncle’s face I wish I was back at the bunker.


  “What on earth are you three doing here?” He roars, causing everyone around him to stop what they are doing and look right at us.

  I feel like a very disobedient child right now.

  “We just – “ Ashley starts to talk until Blackjack walks right up to her. I didn’t think the man could scowl….but holy shit was I wrong.

  “Don’t.” One word from Blackjack and she goes silent, looking at her husband with regret in her eyes.

  Zane shoves Ashley into Blackjack, the silence closing in around all of us. “You deal with her disobedient ass.”

  Zane looks down to me, shaking his head back and forth.

  “Where’s Kade?” I ask, glancing around, looking for my cousin who is more like a brother to me.

  “He’s in the clubhouse with the doc and his girl.” Zane responds.

  “Ain’t that fuckin’ grizzly bear his girl. Over my dead body,” Fist snaps. I’ve heard my uncle with venom in his tone, but never like this, never laced with such hatred. I don’t know what the heck is going to happen…but it’s not gonna be good. I doubt he’s even talked to the girl, and he hates her because of who her father is.

  That’s wrong.

  It’s so fucking wrong.

  Chapter 29

  Be afraid of the calmest person in the room. -TheSuccessClub


  The bastards took their good old time, that’s for damn sure. We waited for hours until I decided to just get some damn shut eye, by the time I walked out of the motel room to grab another cigarette I saw Chaz and Cobra rolling up. It was still too early to head out, so we grabbed some food and waited a little while longer. When the time came I escorted the brothers right until we were within a mile of the Demons clubhouse.

  I want to make sure no one spotted us, or our shit. This would all go up in flames if we weren’t careful, which is exactly why we had to be. Each of us here have a reason to be standing here, wanting to bring misery to the man who’s fucked so much of our lives up, and the ones we care about. I know why Kat’s Dads are here, and it’s evident why I am, but I’m curious about Zeus’ reason. It’s not every day that a Prez rolls up to the front lines of a battle that isn’t even his. He told me why while we were back at the motel. Apparently, Rage had fucked with Zeus’ wife and two little girls. He didn’t tell me what happened, but I could see the hatred and loss he wore on his face. Somehow, I didn’t think that any of them lived to see another day.

  I had us all pull over at an old gas station. It’s been abandoned for many years according to the old time Demons, or at least it’s what I always heard when I was at the club. There wasn’t a better place to hide our bikes, so we pulled around back, hiding them close enough to the club but within plain sight. There isn’t any greenery before my eyes, only dirt and sand fill the landscape. There may be a cactus or two, but we’re dead center in the devil’s asshole.

  “What’s the plan?” Zeus asks, tugging on his cut, looking around.

  “We keep the bikes here, cut through the valley and sneak up on them. Don’t attract attention. We can do this a couple different ways, going in smooth and quiet, killing a hell of a lot more of them. Or, guns blazing and probably lose a few of our own in the process,” I info
rm everyone around me. I’m not the man in charge in this situation, but neither is anyone around me. Fist is back home, and we are just sent here to get the job done. He was right in sending who he did, very well knowing that there is no possible way we are going to let Rage, or the Demons, breathe another breath. This means too much to all of us, way too much.

  “Everyone got a blade?” Dracus asks, looking to each of us. There’s one light still buzzing on this building. You’d think that it’d go out after the years but nope, it’s been on for as long as I could remember.

  “Yeah, we’re set. Plus, if anyone needs any extra’s just ask me.” Cobra snickers, yanking out one of his kukri’s. He’s only a couple years older than me and I can remember him playing with these things when we were kids. I always wondered why he had such a fascination with them, it’s no matter though. His fascination turned into much more, an advantage.

  “Insane fucker” Widow grumbles, shaking his head back and forth. I can’t disagree with him, Cobra’s always been insane, but it works in our favor. He’s a dick too, and that sure as hell doesn’t.

  “Let’s get going,” Chaz adds, meeting every brother dead in the eye. I nod, agreeing that we should get a move on. It won’t take us too long to walk to the clubhouse but if we take our time and arrive right when we need to, almost everyone will be asleep, giving us our advantage.

  I lead the brothers through the valley, taking step after cautious step through the desert. It would be just my luck to step on a fuckin’ rattler and get bit. I shake my head, trying not to think of it. The timing wouldn’t be any worse than right now, and we’ve got heads to cut tonight. I glance back making sure that everyone is within a good distance and breathe easy when I can make out at least a few of them. It’s so damn dark, you can’t even see your own hand in some spots. The stars give us a little bit of light, but surely not enough of it.

  “Care to share the layout of this joint?” Tex says. I almost smack myself, shit. I knew I was forgetting to do something.

  “Yeah. There’s a main house and then the club. Rage is probably gonna be holed upstairs in the club. He hardly ever goes home anymore, has too many sweet butts to be fuckin’ around with. When we get there, follow my lead. We need to be fast but efficient.” My words are followed by a series of grumbled agreements.

  When we arrive, they do as I ask and follow my lead. Looking in through the front window I can see a couple of the Demons passed out on the fucking couch. Shit. This is gonna be a lot easier then I planned.

  I start to walk toward the back when my shoulder is grabbed from behind, I turn back and can barely make out Bolt’s features. “I appreciate that you want this quiet as can be, but it’s not happening. While you and Widow were catching up on sleep, the three of us managed to get a few things done. C’mon, follow me.” I do as Bolt asks following him alongside the rest of the brothers. He takes us back a few hundred feet and from the corner of my eye I can see a red flashing light.

  “What is that?”

  “You may want this to go down with as little fuss as possible, but not us. Rage blew up our entire world, and I plan on doing the exact same thing to his” Bolt muses, as I hear a click, watching everything in front of me rise into a hungry inferno.

  Chapter 30

  “We just want the world to love the little monsters that we are.” -Atticus


  “My man! Shit! We’re gonna be great friends,” Cobra chuckles to Bolt, watching the blaze spread. Screams fill what was once the silence. A few people run out of the clubhouse, I guess I could call them lucky but that would be dumb of me. Especially seeing how Zeus raises his gun and fires, picking them off one by one.

  “Someone needs to find Rage, and he’d sure as hell better be alive,” Dracus snarls to the group of us, running off into the distance.

  We all split up, going our separate ways. I watch as women stagger out of the flames, looking to us with fear in their eyes. “Go, we’re not here for you” I tell the whores. That’s all they are, women hoping to get a little further in life by being with a Demon. They just never figured out that they were going lower on the totem pole, not higher towards some sort of magical life. These women wanted nothing but to be loved, and yet they came to the one place where they couldn’t find an ounce of it. Ironic, isn’t it?

  I make my way through the chaos, eyes seeking out one person in particular, only I can’t seem to find him. I look left and right, hoping that by some strike of luck he will appear before me, but nothing.

  I feel a slam between my shoulders, immediately forcing me to turn back abruptly and face whomever it is behind me. I’m ready to slit someone’s throat, but it’s Widow. Doesn’t mean I still don’t want to slit his throat. “What the fuck, man. Watch it. You can’t sneak up on someone like that,” I grumble out in annoyance.

  “Yeah, well while you were looking around the joint like a lost little schoolboy I managed to off quite a few Demons, and I heard Chaz got an eye on Rage” At that my attention is peaked. He could have started off that way, but Widow has never really been the forthcoming type of guy. He loves to spatter around about the pointless bullshit and then follows up with the need to know stuff.

  “Where is he?”

  “Out by the shed,” Widow mutters, and I know exactly which shed he’s talking about. The only shed we have here, the one where we’d go to fuck around with anyone who dared to cross us. The Demons had nicknamed it the Butcher Shop, and I’m sure you can figure out why it’s named that.

  I start off in a jog, running straight into mayhem. Bullets are being fired, flames are rising, and throats are being slit. But none of it matters to me, not any of it. The only thing I am concerned about is getting vengeance for Kat, for everything that Rage had done to her. It’s not just about her though, it’s my own guilt for not acting sooner that eats me alive. Knowing that I could have done something to pull her from his grasps. I could have, and I simply didn’t. Why though? I’m unsure, the only thing that I know is that I didn’t want to disappoint my father. What a load of shit that is now. I refuse to be anyone’s toy ever again. I am not some piece of shit pawn to send out on a wild goose chase.

  I make my way to the shed, busting open the old wooden doors, and the sight before my eyes only makes me smirk. Rage is hung up on the meat hook, like many traitors have been before him. I take a look, seeing the hook pierce between his shoulder blades and come out the other side. The hook maybe has four inches of skin between it, and his weight is hanging off it.

  He grits his teeth, glaring at me as I enter. “You fuckin’ piece of shit weasel. Shoulda figured out what you were up to, Trig.”

  I laugh, truly not giving a fuck anymore. I laugh at the way he says my road name. I’m Damon-fucking-Raines, and I don’t need a damn road name. My name is my fucking power, and Rage is going to discover that.

  Bolt comes up to Rage’s side with a cattle probe, and the next thing I know Rage is thrashing violently in front of me. “Did I tell you that you could fuckin’ talk?”

  I glance around the room, taking note of how Tex looks at Rage. It’s not the same way that Dracus or Bolt are looking at him. There’s something different. Something that I don’t know.

  “Been a long time, hasn’t it Tex?” Rage spits out, staring right at him.

  “I didn’t think you could get worse, you know that. I thought it was impossible, but boy was I wrong to hold such faith.” Tex shakes his head from side to side.

  “You can’t fix the damned, brother,” Rage hisses out to him, tone filled with spite.

  Tex chuckles at his response, a glare that could kill follows before he charges towards him, yanking his glock from his holster and pressing it to Rage’s temple. “You’re right about that. I tried, I tried for so damn long to fix you, but I can’t fix something that’s broken. Never could have. I just should have done this sooner.”

  “Wait!” Dracus growls “There is no way you’re going to put a bullet through his head, not after eve
rything he’s done to our girls. It’s too easy, it’s too quick. He deserves to suffer for everything he has done!”

  In that moment Zeus comes through the door “Well, I’ll be…they weren’t lyin. Here you are.”

  Rage snickers, looking around to each and every one of us. “I didn’t realize that this was a multi-club affair. What’s the problem, Tex? Reapers too chicken to do this themselves?”

  “Oh no, not at all. You’ve just pissed off quite a few and we weren’t gonna be selfish bastards. Zeus has his bone to pick with you too, and we’re all going to get our chance. This is going to be slow, and we’ll drag it out for as long as we can.”

  “As long as I had your daughter?” Rage smirks.

  I can’t help it, I race straight for him, grabbing a hammer off of the floor and slam him straight in the head, knocking him unconscious. The men who stand alongside me look at me with concern and anger.

  “Relax. I didn’t kill him, I just wanted him to shut the fuck up before I did. We all need a shot at him, remember?” I look to Tex, paraphrasing his exact words.

  Zeus chuckles, “Shit. Someone get some ice water, so I can get started”

  Chapter 31

  I’ve tortured and killed many people in my mind. -Anonymous


  No part of the night went by quick, while we were inside the shed torturing Rage in the most atrocious ways, brothers were outside slaughtering every Demon that didn’t get away. We were all sending a message from the Reapers, the Brotherhood and Sons of Gods.

  I bet after this storm blew over, every shit stirring MC who dared to fuck with any of us before is going to think twice about doing it now. As a unified front we are unstoppable, that’s for damn sure. I might as well pray for every person who tries. They’re going to need it more than we will.


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