Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset Page 44

by Elizabeth Knox

  “You need to get that fuckin’ stick outta your ass. You were acting fine with me up until the point you found out I was with Amara again,” Widow grumbles, walking over to the mattress on the far side of our motel room. He’s right. I was fine up until that point.

  “You told me after the last time it wouldn’t happen again, that the last time was the only fuckin’ time and I believed you.” I knew they were together once, it was a drunken night, around the time he and Melody broke up. He promised me he’d never touch Amara again, and looks like the bastard is too good at lying.

  “It wasn’t supposed to happen again. I fuckin’ swear, but I can’t help it that she wants me, and I want her. Fuck! Why are you ragging on me about A when you’re with Kat?”

  “My relationship with Kat is completely different than yours,” I snap out, unable to help but roll my eyes at him.

  “Really, why’s that?”

  “Cause I’m in love with Kat. You just view my sister as a piece of ass.”

  “Say it again. I fuckin’ dare you. No one disrespects A, not even you,” Widow snarls, jumping off the bed, nostrils flaring as he approaches me.

  “What, am I wrong? Do you somehow have an ounce of respect for my sister that you haven’t told me about? What is it? What am I fuckin’ missing here?!” Obviously, there’s something I don’t know, and I sure as hell better find out soon. I’m tired of all the game’s that my family plays. I’m dead fuckin’ tired of it.

  “A is pregnant, you ass. That’s what your missing. Your sister has my fucking kid growing in her belly and I just found out today, right before we fuckin’ left. That’s what. So, no one on this god damned planet is going to disrespect her. Not one fuckin’ person, you hear me?”

  I’m taken aback, unsure of what to say in this moment. What the fuck am I supposed to say, thanks for knocking up my sister, you irresponsible ass? Before I can speak, my phone starts ringing, distracting me from what Widow just confessed.

  I see Kat’s name pop up and answer it immediately. “Hey baby.”

  “Hey baby? Are you really hey babying me right now?” She snaps, her voice already sounding like it’s cracking into a million pieces.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask.

  “Like I want to beat you into a pulp.”

  “That’s not what I mean, Kat. Are you getting chills, or shakes? Anything?”

  “No. I’m all good. I haven’t needed to take anything.” I sigh in relief when the words leave her mouth, thinking that we’re finally over this, that she’ll never have to take a fucking pill ever again.

  “I’m sorry that I didn’t say goodbye,” I tell her, speaking lowly. I had to leave in the middle of the night, not because it was the best plan, or because I agreed with everyone else. Instead it was for purely selfish reasons, because if I didn’t leave without saying goodbye who knows if I even would have left at all. “After this time, I’ll never leave you ever again. I promise, baby.”

  “I don’t want you to do that to me again, Damon. Please…just don’t leave me like that again…cause if something happens to you…Fuck. I needed to say goodbye, to see you one more time before…” She trails off until she’s silent. I just wish I was holding her in my arms right now.

  “No. Don’t talk like that. I’m gonna be fine, and I’m gonna see you again in just a few days. You just have to wait for me baby, can you do that?”

  “I’d wait a lifetime for you.”

  “That’s my girl” I murmur softly into the phone, we talk about a few pointless things until she lets me go. I’m exhausted and need to catch up on some sleep before the big day ahead of us.

  Chapter 26

  She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings. -Atticus


  The moment I woke up this morning I knew something was wrong. Come to find out Damon had left like a thief in the middle of the night. I can’t describe the way my stomach felt, how my heart dropped into it, or just how nauseous I suddenly became. It was horrendous, and then it hit me. This is exactly how someone feels when they worry about the one they love. I knew weeks ago that I loved him, but it didn’t hit me flat in the face until this morning, until every bit of fear that could have surfaced did. The ironic part about this is that I shouldn’t have even been worrying then. I should be worrying later. Nothing has even happened yet, and that’s the worst part – the waiting.

  Who knows what the hell is going on down in Nevada, but up here, things are getting a little insane. Men from the Brotherhood rolled up, which I wasn’t expecting, naturally assuming that most of them would have gone to Vegas to help Damon and the others…but they didn’t, they came here.

  My Uncle Fist has been running around with Cracker, getting shit done I suppose. No one is telling me jack shit, which is honestly irritating the living hell out of me. Everyone wants us to be prepared for this so-called war that is upon us and yet no one is communicating…which doesn’t make any sense, but whatever. I’m a smart cookie and the rest of us are here too so we’ll be fine.

  I walk into the clubhouse and see Kade, ghost white, staring at his phone. “What’s the matter?” I ask, running up to him. He’s never a quiet man, never has this son of a bitch been silent.

  “It’s Ivy. Her Dad fuckin’ knows about us…I just got this.” Kade turns the phone around and I see a picture of a girl, tied up with rope, in a bra and underwear with the word traitor carved into her torso. Her neck is wrapped with rope and she appears to be alive…I don’t even know what to say.

  “Have you showed your Dad yet?” I ask. We need to do something now, if we don’t…Fuck, if we don’t she could die.

  “Kat…he’s not gonna authorize any of us going over there to save my girl. I gotta do this on my own.” He gives me a stern look, grabbing my shoulder and giving it a good squeeze before he takes off through the front doors. I run after him, but he’s already on his bike and peeling out of the parking lot and down the road.

  “Shit!” I yell, looking around for anyone. How in the hell is this place so dead with everything going on? I glance around slowly, then see Booger. “Boog!” I yell loudly, waving my arms up and down. He comes running over to me and I do my best to spit out everything that I know about the situation at hand, telling him how urgent it is that they go after Kade. If they don’t get there in time, it may not just be one person’s life on the line. It could be two, and I’ll be damned if we don’t do something to stop both of them from dying today. “Do something!” I scream at him, shoving his chest.

  Boog yanks out his phone and I know he’s talking to my uncle Fist within two seconds, he tells him exactly what I relayed to Boog. He nods into the phone and mumbles a few times before he looks right at me. “This is what’s happening, Kat. Got me? You stay here. We’re going to the Bears clubhouse now. The Prospects from the Brotherhood and Reapers are staying here to defend the club, you get all the girls and kids and get the fuck underground in the safehouse. Do not come out until one of us comes for you, no matter what, you do not leave that safehouse. Do you understand me?”

  I nod once.

  “Good. Your uncle is on the way with a few of the boys to the Bears clubhouse right now. I gotta go,” he tells me, tapping away on his phone, I hear the sound of a text being sent out. He slides it in the back of his jeans as he starts speaking to me once more. “I just sent out a group text tellin’ everyone what shitshow just came upon us. You do what I told you and keep each other safe, and for fucks sake, Kat, do not let Camila do anything stupid. You hear me? Just don’t. She needs to listen and stay the fuck safe. I need you to watch out for her for me, please.”

  I nod again, shoving at him to get going. Fuck, he needs to stop wasting time and leave.

  I thought that this day couldn’t get any worse, that I’d just be worried about Damon and my Dads…but now I find that I’m worried for every single person that I care about. Who knows what the hell this day is going to bring.

  Chapter 27

he days that break you are the days that make you. -@PrimeWayOfLife


  My father always told me as a child that war is quiet. I didn’t quite understand him then, and he didn’t bother to explain it to me until I was old enough. The moral of his point is how foolish your opposition can be, making the biggest noise and loudest ruckus.

  We must be quiet like a snake, until we’re ready to strike and that is the moment where we make noise. Only in the moment where you know you’ve already won. Otherwise, you’re just a greedy, foolish bastard. In this moment, I think a lot about the lessons my father had instilled in me as a child.

  “We need to be smart,” Tex mumbles into his hand, looking out into the landscape before us. It’s nothing but desert, dry, itchy desert.

  “More like quick. Longer we’re here, the sooner Rage is gonna catch wind about it,” Dracus adds, and I nod in agreement.

  “Dracus is right, but so are you Tex. We need to be both quick in getting our job done, but we have to be smart. It’s why we need to go in at night. I know these people. I know their habits, when they go to bed, who they fuck, hell even what time they piss.”

  “Why the hell didn’t we just do it last night then?” Widow grumbles, kicking his boot into the dirt.

  “You honestly think we have enough manpower to take the entire club, just being the five of us? No. We have to wait for our help.” I retort back, unable to refrain from rolling my eyes. If Widow was in charge, we’d all be dead, that’s for damn sure. Fist calling on the other MC’s was the smartest thing he probably could’ve done, even if I have to put up with Widow’s ass. He’s nothing compared to Cobra and Chaz anyway. Chaz isn’t half bad, but shit…once an asshole always an asshole as they say. Cobra is just a royal prick, but damn do the ladies love him.

  “They could hurry their asses up. I’m not fuckin’ nervous, but sittin’ around here on our asses is just gonna draw attention and that’s the last thing we need. Heard these fuckin’ Demons are a lil’ territorial,” Widow says, giving me a slow look over before redirecting his attention to the road in front of us. The motel is maybe a few hundred feet from the interstate. Pulling over here to rest is good not only because we could get going quick if we had to, but we could see whoever comes towards us too.

  “They’ll be here whenever they get here. No point in rushing what’s about to happen. Some of us have waited a long time for this day, more years than you’ve been on this earth,” Bolt pipes up, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

  “Each of us have a reason to be here, only our reason ties in with Damon’s. You’re just here for muscle, and a few of the others are too, but when the time comes…you’d best know who Rage belongs to. He fucked with our lil’ girl,” Tex states. I won’t lie. I want to watch closely as Rage breathes his last breath, getting a front row seat to the torture that I’ve mustered up in my mind. But I know my right, and more importantly, my place. Dracus, Tex and Bolt all have first dibs on Rage. It doesn’t matter that I’m with Kat. They’re her fathers. They are the three who will get to rein down hellfire on Rage, and all I can do is hope that they give me a chance to have my round with him.

  “Not just our lil girl, our ol’lady too,” Dracus snarls, glaring right at Widow.

  “Fuck…what am I missin’?” Widow asks, cocking his head. I don’t know how much he really knows about Rage, probably not too much. My father has never really been one to over share. Instead, he states the important shit. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just told all of the Brotherhood that we hate the Demons and that was it. It’s true, but at least I got a little bit more information to go off of. Although, I didn’t get the full story until years later.

  “A lot of past shit that none of us wants to talk about,” Bolt adds, yanking a cigarette from his jeans and lighting it up in front of us. I don’t know how the hell he’s smoking when it’s so hot that our faces could melt right off, but to each their own.

  The rumbling of bikes comes upon us quickly, each of us looking to the north east where the sound is coming from. My heart beats quicker and quicker as they approach, not knowing if they are friend or foe. The chances are split down the middle, but I can’t help but wonder if we will be greeting one another with blazing guns, or handshakes.

  Harley’s come into view, slowing down as they approach the motel. I can’t see their fucking cuts, which just causes me to be on guard. I take my hand over my side, feeling my glock resting easy. Five men pull their bikes up adjacent to our own, while one man dismounts – their leader, their Prez.

  “The years haven’t been kind to you, my friend,” Tex laughs as the older biker comes walking up. He’s maybe in his fifties, blonde hair that is faded gray in some parts. His build is very similar to my own, much like a swimmer’s physique. We’re thin, but we’re powerful fuckers.

  The men behind him dismount, as they come closer I can see them assessing each and every one of us. It’s not uncommon, we’re doing the exact same to them. It’s funny, even as allies we will always be on guard to some extent, never truly knowing who our friend or our foe is. We’re all introduced to one another quickly, Zeus is the Prez of the Sons of Gods MC. Fist mentioned he might show up for this, but I never really thought that was going to happen. Prez’s usually stick close to their charters, which begs me to question why he’s come all this way. Alabama and Nevada aren’t exactly neighboring states.

  Now that the Sons are here, all we have to wait on is the Brotherhood. Jesus, they better hurry up. If they aren’t here soon, I’m half tempted to just go in tonight without them. Our numbers are looking better, and the men in front of me look like they have half a brain.

  It’s time that the Demons have paid for their crimes, every last one of them.

  Chapter 28

  Perhaps I don’t deserve nice things, ‘cause I am paying for sins I don’t remember. -Anonymous


  I’ve never really been much of a good listener. It makes me wonder how the hell I survived being with Rage for so long. I had my moments of complete disobedience, but after the years I just became his perfect little pet, listening and doing as he asked. I lost myself and turned into something that makes me sick now when I think back on it. I’m no longer that girl anymore, that fraction of myself. Finally, I’m Kat – the girl who has found the missing pieces of herself. When Boog told me to watch out for Camila, I thought it would be an easy task, but boy was I wrong. This girl is a whirlwind of trouble, which is probably why we get along.

  Underneath the club is like a bunker, there are cots and bunkbeds all around the place and a small kitchenette thing that you’d probably see if you were watching one of those survivalist videos or something.

  “What is this place for?” I ask Ashley, glancing around, still in awe. It’s been at least an hour since Booger has been gone and the rest of the guys were alerted with what was going on. It took us a little while to have all the ol’ ladies, sweet butts and kids load up into the bunker. Since we’ve been down here Camila has just been pacing back and forth, mumbling in her Spanish mumbo jumbo, even though she knows that not one of us can understand a lick of it.

  “I cannot keep still in this place,” she fusses, walking straight up to Ashley and me. “How do you two just act so calm?”

  “Well, first of all, Fussy, you aren’t staying still. As for the second part, it’s really not that hard. We just follow orders,” Ashley says, holding Noelle close to her.

  “I refuse to just stay down here while everything happens around us. My father did the same to me, and then Maria and I went through hell. Look where we ended up, two sisters alive and yet thousands of miles apart, not even allowed to….” She trails from English to Spanish for minutes, going on and on until she realizes what she’s done. Ashley and I just stare at her. I knew Camila wasn’t from here, but I don’t know crap about her past. She’s never really opened up. Now I know she has daddy issues and a sister. I guess that’s a start.

  “My point is, I won
’t sit down here and do nothing. I did that for far too long.”

  “You need to sit your ass down and behave. We have to wait for them to come back, that’s what we’re supposed to do,” Ashley hisses, bouncing Noelle on her hip, all the while glaring at Camila.

  “Do you always do what it is that you’re told?” Camila cocks an eyebrow, staring at Ashley who only huffs in response. Ashley walks over to Saffron and hands her Noelle. I watch as she mumbles something, and both the women nod before she comes back to where Camila and I stand.

  “No, I don’t. Now how about you shut your mouth and dammit. I swear, Cam, you’d better freaking listen to me before I cut all of that gorgeous hair of yours off.”

  I try to hold back a giggle, but I laugh. Ashley glares at me, “You too, Kat. I’m good with a pair of scissors.”

  Camila and I stick close to Ashley as she leads us down a hallway and make a turn left. It feels like we’ve walked two miles when she approaches a door. I watch as Ash turns a lever and pushes, it creaks but doesn’t budge. At this point I know she needs help, so I position my shoulders against the door, looking over to Camila as I’m doing so. She sighs, places her arms in between Ashley and mine, “one…two….three!” I say, and just like that, it flies open, our clumsy bodies hitting the ground with a thud.

  “What’s the plan here, genius?” Camila grumbles, dusting the dirt off of her knees.

  “Oh, gee. I dunno. How about to go see what the fuck is going on with our men?” Ashley snaps back….shoot, I feel like I’m watching some reality television with the hostility going on between these two.


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