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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

Page 54

by Elizabeth Knox

  “If you’re asking me if I think this,” He points his hand at both Kat and I and moves it in a circular motion. “Babysitting job is important, the answer is no.”

  I catch Kat clenching her teeth together and watch the way her nostrils flare. “Do you understand why you’re with us?” I wait for the part in my mind where she calls him a befouled idiot, but it doesn’t happen. I like the rendition that happened in my mind better.

  He takes a few steps towards us and growls. “Like I said, I’m babysitting both your asses to make sure you two don’t get into any trouble.”

  “Dumbass,” Hawk snarls out.

  “I forgot he was with us too,” I whisper in Kat’s direction, getting a chuckle in response. Hawk is either a man of little words, or a complete chatterbox. It depends on the day, or maybe the mood that he’s in.

  Hawk grabs Cobra by the throat, “Tell me why I shouldn’t make you look like a defenseless little boy for disrespecting them the way you are. You little piece of shit. We’re doing the most important thing there is right now, protectin’ my Prez’s ol’lady.”

  “Get your giant gorilla hands off of me, fucker.” Cobra snaps out.

  “No, fuck you and your attitude too.” Hawk grumbles out. He sternly stares at Cobra, “You ever hear about what happened to Daisy at the Skulls? She was fuckin’ grocery shoppin’ and some fuckers grabbed her. Held her for ransom. You want that kinda shit to happen to Kat or Camila? Fuck no. We take our jobs and do them with grace, whatever they may be. Our women are our families. They aren’t some disposable bitch like what you’re used to.” Hawk shoves him into the aisle harshly and I watch as he falls flat on his ass. Guess that’s what happened when you’re barely six feet tall and all the others tower over you. His attitude must be compensating for his height.

  “Hawk, while I appreciate your passion behind your duties, roughing Cobra up isn’t necessary.” Kat says to him, her eyes drifting over to where Cobra is. He puts his hands under himself and gets back up, looking right at Kat.

  “I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

  “That’s bullshit and we both know it. I understand that accompanying us to the grocery store isn’t the most thrilling thing you could be doing, but it’s your job, so stop acting like a child and do what you’ve been told.” Kat always has some way of sounding like she’s the sternest, yet the most graceful person in the room. Whenever I’ve seen her bitch at anyone, she’s never really bitching. She has a classiness to her that’s hidden under dark clothes and way too much eyeliner. “I’m not your mother, Cobra. Don’t make me act like I am.” Damn, I didn’t see that comment coming but it sure gets the message out.

  Cobra disappears down the other end of the aisle, obvi-ously butt hurt by what Kat’s said to him. “I never knew you had it in ya to be bitchy like that.”

  She shrugs, “I don’t like to be, but for some reason that man tests my patience more than any other biker I’ve come into contact with. He’s a wildcard, Camila, and that makes me nervous. Not just for me, for all of us.” She continues her search for string beans, giving me a whole speech about how she loved them about ten minutes ago.

  “Yeah… he might be a bit different, but he’s not a bad person. I think he just wants to feel important.” Kat stops what she’s doing at my words, raises her eyebrows and gives me an ‘oh really’ look.

  “Are you about to tell me that the man just wants to feel special?”

  I purse my lips together, “Maybe. He probably just needs a woman in his life. Women always make the guys feel special.”

  Kat lowly mutters, “They put ‘em in better moods too.” “I’m standin’ right here,” Hawk says to the both of us. “Oh, hush. It’s not like your feelings are gonna get hurt.”

  I tell him, wearing the biggest smile on my face. A lot of the guys won’t let us fuck with them, but Hawk takes it like a champ and puts up with whatever it is we’re going on about. “Hey, do you know anything about Amara and Widow?” I know asking Hawk is a longshot cause bro code and all that, but I’m dying to know what’s going on between those two. They’re a clusterfuck if I’ve ever seen one.

  “No, and I don’t wanna. They can keep their shit to them-selves. No one needs to be involved in whatever mess they’ve got going on.” I take a gander at Hawk and smile at him. He’s a man well beyond his thirty something years.

  “One more question, why don’t you have an ol’lady yet?” Hawk’s mouth drops open at my question. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting me to ask something so personal.

  “Uh, well. There was this girl back in Montana who I was smitten for, but turns out she has a boyfriend. Can’t seem to stop thinkin’ about her, though.” The way he talks about her makes me get butterflies. If anyone deserves to have a good girl, it’s Hawk. I can already tell he’d be a great ol’ man to have and an even better father, if that’s what he wants someday.

  “Well, things always seem to work out in the way they’re supposed to.” Kat chimes in, “If someone would’ve told me that I’d be where I am today, considering all the hell I went through… shit, I’d call them crazy.”

  “Thanks. Nothing’s off the table. You both know I’m the type of man who goes after what he wants, regardless of obstacles in my way.”

  “Oh, oh!” I jump up and down, “What’s her name?” Hawk squints his eyes at me, trying to figure out what I’m about to do. He’s not gonna, so he’d better just fess up. “Raven.” Oh my goodness, two lovebirds!

  “I’m team Ra-wk!” I say, smacking him on the shoulder. “Team what?”

  “Team Ra-wk. It’s Raven and Hawk combined, like, your couple name.” Kat busts out laughing as I say it, making a bird sound like a crow.

  “Hey, cut that shit out!” He growls at her, but she continues to do it.

  I hear the pitter patter of feet behind me and turn, I come face to face with two girls who look a little rough. One is a blonde with tattoos going up and down her arms. She’s kind of skinny. A little too skinny, which makes me think she’s either anorexic or on drugs. Shoot, what am I kidding, she could be both.

  The girl next to her has jet black hair, a little darker skin tone with deep green eyes. She’s a bit thicker, and has an ass that can compare to mine. She’s the one who has the courage to speak to me. “You’re with the new MC in town.”

  I nod, glancing back to Kat who comes to stand beside me. Hawk is watching them intently, and I don’t think it’s because he has any interest in them. If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that strangers are always a threat. “Can we help you with something?” Kat asks, and one of the girl’s eyes goes wide.

  “Wow. You’ve changed.” Is all that comes out of the blondie’s mouth.

  Kat peers down at her, looking up and down her body.

  “So have you sweetie, and not for the good from the looks of it.”

  “Can I talk to you… in private?” The blonde asks her. I witness the way Hawk’s eyes go wide and are silently answering ‘fuck no’ for Kat, but Kat does something I don’t expect. She grabs the girl’s hand and walks with her down to the other end of the aisle, staying in plain sight. The dark haired girl starts to go with her friend, but I don’t let her. “Oh no honey. You’re stayin’ here with me and hawk-eye.”

  “Your name is hawk-eye?” She looks over to him and I can’t keep the laughter back. Oh, I love fucking with him.

  Chapter 19





  “What was all that about?” I ask Kat, wondering what the hell those two were talking about for over ten minutes. Obvi-ously, they know each other, but I want to know more.

  “Nothing much. They used to hang around the clubhouse when I was with the Demons.” I take note of the way she says the word ‘with’. Kat wasn’t with the Demons, she was being held as Rage’s own prisoner. Any time she talks about her situation, which isn’t much, she lightens the severi
ty of what she endured. When I think about it, I do the exact same thing. Part of me wants to tell her that it’s okay to accept and admit what we’ve both been through. But in doing that it opens up a deep can of worms for the both of us. Plus, I don’t think I could tell her to do something that I can’t do myself. I think that saying ‘the pot calling the kettle black’ would apply here. “And?” I question, urging her to go on. I’m not reallymclose to anyone in the clubhouse, but I do see that Kat and I can bond over a few different things. We’ve both been through a whirlwind of shit and I think because of that, we’re going to end up being very close friends.

  She takes in a deep breath, almost like she doesn’t want to speak the words that we both know she’s about to. “Those two are trying to see if they can come to the clubhouse and work.”

  “Work? We don’t even have enough for you and I to do right now. It’s boring as hell.”

  Kat gives me a knowing look, one that tells me exactly what type of work they’re looking for. “They want to be clubwhores.”

  I scrunch up my face at the thought of it. Back in Montana the clubwhores aren’t bad at all, but whenever you introduce new blood into a community type setting, there’s bound to be issues. Personally, I don’t want any issues.

  “I told them that I’d talk to Damon about it and get back to them. Based on the way they look, I know where they’re hiding out. Never have been there, but I always heard the rumors.”

  I stay quiet for a moment, thinking about how tiny the blonde girl is. “Is she on drugs?”

  “Probably. I didn’t see any tracks on her, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Kallie is the type of girl who does what-ever she has to do to survive.”

  I nod once, “Understandable. What about the other girl that was with her? She looked a bit thicker, so she must be clean.”

  “Not necessarily. You never know what’s going on with those two. They stick together like two peas in a pod. Kallie and Esme have been together for a really long time. From what I have seen, Esme calls the shots and Kallie suffers the most. Those two are bullies and I don’t trust them. Kallie did mention she has a boss, though. If she has some low-level pimp, we’re not going to take them. It’s a huge mess to get involved with that shit.”

  “Kat’s right. We don’t wanna get mixed up in any of that shit. I think we have enough goin’ on anyways.” Hawk says to the two of us.

  I roll my eyes at him, needing to fuck with him just a little bit more today. “Dios Mio! Who asked for your opinion? We’re just two ladies trying to have a private conversation, but you just have to put your two cents in.” I say, sticking my tongue out at him.

  Hawk huffs loudly, “Just get done your damn shopping so we can be on our way.”

  Kat takes me by the arm and we both walk down the aisles, getting our shopping done quite quickly. We grab a load of meats, imperishable, and so much more. Our pantry is bound to be stocked up for quite a while.

  Kat and I load up in the truck while Cobra and Widow escort us back to the clubhouse. “Shit. I need to fill up the tank.” Kat mutters, putting on her turn signal she pulls to the right, so we can enter into the gas station’s driveway. I look down at my phone, checking to see if I have a message from Boog when suddenly she turns the wheel sharply to the left. Cobra speeds up around the truck and flies up the road and Kat follows suit, almost matching his speed.

  I turn around in the seat to see where the fuck Hawk is and let go of the breath I’ve been holding in when I see him. Only, I don’t just see him. I see a few cars back at the station, men running out with guns and a deep orange-red coming from the gas station. The place is on fire. “What the fuck just happened?” I yell, confused beyond all belief.

  “From the looks of it, those snakey motherfuckers were robbing that station. Sorry I didn’t notice until the last minute. If I had, I wouldn’t have started to pull in. I just hope they don’t try to follow us back to the club.”

  “Yeah, me either. Step on it so we can lose ‘em.” I mumble, trying to not let any anxiousness overcome me.

  After a few minutes I turn back and only see Hawk behind us. The sight in front of me causes me to breathe easy again, and for my heart rate to go back into a normal rhythm. Kat pulls down into the parking lot of the club and goes, “Who the fuck owns that shitty Honda?”

  I whip around and see the beat up old Honda civic parked out front. “I dunno,”

  Both of us get out of the truck and head for the front door, but Hawk steps in front of the two of us and raises his glock in the direction of the club. “Jesus. You’d think you two wouldn’t leave your brains in your asses. Know how dumb y’all are for heading into the club when no one knows whose car that is?” He shakes his head in disapproval and approaches the door, swings it open and enters.

  “Hey there handsome,” Is said by a high-pitched girly voice. Kat and I both share a look and take that as reasoning enough to go walk in. Cobra is right next to us as we do and our sights land on a skinny, tan girl with teal hair sitting on the couch. She has a bowl out in front of her with some tortilla chips and I’m betting that she broke into Damon’s queso dip. Someone’s not going to be happy.

  I look her up and down, sizing her up. “Who are you?” “I’m Onyx. I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but I don’t really

  like people. Say, where’s that big, bad Prez of yours?” She bends down, grabbing something off of the ground and as she does, I see her take a heavy shot back of tequila.

  Why do I have a feeling like this girl is going to be a handful?

  Chapter 20




  “It was nice spending a bit of time with the group of you. Next time you need anything, you know how to get in touch.” Christian says as he shakes Damon’s hand.

  “Sure do. Don’t be so much of a stranger. We are all on the same side, after all.”

  Christian flashes him one of those sadistic smiles, showing me that whatever is about to come out of his mouth is gonna be good. “You mean the side where my pockets keep getting lined with more cash? Yep, I’m always on that side.”

  Damon chuckles, shaking his head. “I don’t think you’ll ever change.”

  “Why should I? I’m perfect just the way I am.”

  “Does Selena say that to you?” Damon busts out in laugh-ter, barely managing to get his question out. Christian stays silent, not saying a word so Damon continues. “Before I forget, how is Madigan doing?”

  Christian’s jolly face turns into a more serious expression. “She’s doing alright, given the circumstances.”

  “Well, if I can do anything, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

  “Thanks for offering, Damon, but I’ve got it handled.” “It’s not an offer, Christian. It’s a promise. We may do

  business together, but your family and mine have known each other for a very long time. If we can help you deal with your problem, we sure as hell will.” Damon seems to be talking in a code that none of us quite understand. I’m betting that if it’s important enough, he’ll end up telling us sooner or later. Until it gets to that point, I’m sure we’ll be in the dark. Just because I respect the fact he keeps certain matters to himself, doesn’t mean that I don’t want to know what the hell he does.

  Damon gives a curt nod to me and the others, signaling us that it’s time to pack up and head back to the club. I walk over to my bike and mount her, starting her up and wait for our boss. Amara says a few words to Christian, but I can’t hear her over the sound of my engine. If you ask me, she’s been acting a little odd the past few days. A bit quieter than she usually is. Yet again, I’m also getting that feeling like something is up.

  Damon goes to his bike and mounts it, starting her up. We all form in unison as we ride back to the clubhouse. The Vegas heat slathers against my skin even as we ride. I’ve ridden through countless state’s, in a var
iety of weather conditions, but never have I felt like I’m riding through Satan’s asshole. This is a first for me, especially when I grew up in the armpit of America.

  Damon raises his hand in the air as we break into the clubhouse grounds, pointing at a car that none of us recognize. We aren’t expecting many visitors, and the ones we knew were coming have already come and gone.

  I get off my bike and head straight into the club, noticing how the light isn’t on in our trailer. If Camila’s inside, the light would’ve been on so I know she must be with Kat. Upon opening the clubhouse doors, I see Kat and Camila sitting across from some teal haired gypsy girl. As she shoots up from the couch, I can tell she’s about the size of a four-teen-year old girl in her height. “Ah, the man I’ve been waiting for!” She beelines it, heading straight for Damon.

  Damon doesn’t even look at her, instead his eyes drift to his ol’ lady. “Who is this?”

  Kat makes an annoyed face. “The only thing I’ve gotten outta her is that her name is Onyx. She’s just been eating our food the last two hours like a starved gerbil.”

  “What do you want?” Damon’s tone comes out callous, as if he’s annoyed. He’s not the type of man to allow anyone to figure out what kind of mood he’s in. Constantly stoic, keeping everyone guessing. It seems like he couldn’t give a rat’s ass about keeping his poker face on right now.

  “Obviously I’m Onyx.” She flips her hair and glances over to Kat. “Thanks for the introduction, sweet cheeks. Now, let’s get down to business. I’m not a woman who enjoys wasting her time.”

  Damon’s eyes narrow on her. “Business?” He cackles, “Who says I’m going to do business with you?”


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