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Escape of the Fae: A Fae Fantasy Romance: (Poison Penitentiary Book 1)

Page 19

by Taylor Spratt

  “Okay, Vampy. You want to die so badly? Fine. I won't stop you. But first I'm going to tell you a little story.”

  “A story?” I wheezed the air now straining to squeeze in and out of my lungs.

  "The other day in the cafeteria. You wanted to know more about my past and all that jazz. Well now you’re getting your wish and I just hope you can fucking handle it.”

  She stripped off her black jacket, letting it hang low. She reached to her back and wrench her tank top up from behind without taking it off. She then spun around to show me every inch of her back.

  I expected to see skin that was lovely and smooth, just like the rest of her beautiful body. But what I saw instead made horror rip through my chest and water spring to my eyes. Dozens of bite marks scarred her back. No inch was spared. It looked almost like a pack of wolves or something worse had mauled her.

  Mixed in with the bites were marks that seemed to come from harsh kicks and the lash of a whip.

  "Who did this to you?" I demanded, pressing a hand to the wall behind me, trying to push myself over to her. But I couldn't move more than a few inches before a sharp pain ran through my back and I fell against the wall.

  I didn't know which cruel monster would do something so terrible to my mate. I only knew that he would not live to regret it. His blood would run for days, ounce by ounce and drip by drip, he would slowly die in darkness and hellish agony. His screams would fill the skies but not even his chosen God could save him from my wrath.

  "My parents did this. If you can call them that," she told me in a detached voice. "They loved my brother, worshiped the damn ground he walked on. But even though I was his twin sister, they hated me. They only kept me alive to torture me, to make me strong enough that I wouldn't bring shame to the family with weakness."

  "They did this to you when you were only a child?" I asked, unable to hold the dismay from my voice.

  I outstretched a hand to trace the bite marks that trailed down her spine. I wanted to ask but couldn’t bring myself to. Sensing my question she continued to speak even though I could see that every word she spoke brought her more pain.

  “Zombie bites. They hurt like a bitch. But that’s what happens when your stubby little legs can’t outrun them. At least my parents were kind enough to give me the undead antidote, so I wouldn’t become a zombie myself.” She shrugged. “But I guess even that was to protect their precious honor. Couldn't have a zombie daughter in the family."

  She turned around to face me once again, and I just sat there silently stunned. Is this what my Jessica has had to endure in her short life? Is this the kind of agony that I allowed her to suffer? I should have been there to cut her attackers down and protect her. I should have...

  "And do you know what the worst part of it all was?” She continued, the passion now roaring in her voice like the boom of a cannon. “I have scars that will never heal, both inside and out. All for the sake of my family's pride. All to avoid their fear of weakness. Well, let me tell you something, even if I had outrun the zombies at eleven years old, that wouldn't have made me strong. True strength comes from what you do after you have been battered, beaten, and torn to shreds. True power is having the courage to get up, dust yourself off and continue living. Now, the way I see it, you have two choices, you can either lay there like a coward or you can suck it up and take a damn chance!"

  My fears didn’t dissipate. I was still terrified by the thought of possibly drinking her dry, but there was something in her eyes right now, as if she were sure… Sure as the moon that I would never harm her. I didn't deserve her faith, but I knew I was prepared to earn it.

  Hungry or not, madness or no madness. I. Would. Not. Harm. Her.

  Summoning the last vestiges of power, I had left; I outstretched my arms to wrap them around her waist. I pulled her into me and she fell into my chest. Her sweet scent ran through my nostrils like a rush of water. Having her this close relaxed my every muscle and made my mouth water to taste her.

  My eyes landed on the curve of her neck, and she tensed against me bracing for the pain. Without a single word more in protest, I pressed her chest hard against mine holding her in place. I leaned into her neck and inhaled her delicious scent. My jaw opened wide, and I trailed the tips of my fangs over her tender skin.

  "Are you sure about this?" I breathed, my heart now beating like mad, demanding I take my bite.

  "Just do it!" she yelled and unable to bear my hunger any longer my teeth knifed deep into her neck.



  O oooh my God!

  Alexandros drove his fangs deep into my neck and the air flew from my lungs. I’d always wondered what it would be like to be bitten by a vampire. The pain I’d expected, but what I didn’t foresee was the Dominion shattering pleasure that now radiated from my neck and coursed through my body.

  I shuddered against his hard chest that was crushing into mine. He wasn’t just feeding on me; he was merging with me. As my blood filled his body, I felt his vampire venom fill mine.

  Their venom was used to make their prey more pliable to not fight, even as their life was slowly being sucked away. I could see why someone would allow this, even if they knew they would die.

  The sensations were otherworldly, as if I were on five different drugs at once, all meant to bring my body irresistible bliss. Mixed in with the pain and deep pleasure, lust bloomed in my core. His bite was awaking a sexual desire unlike any I’d ever known. My pussy pulsated; my nipples hardened against the stiffness of his chest as my body surrendered to his carnivorous claim.

  I gave out a breathy cry as the pulsation between my legs turned to an intense ache.

  “Oh, God,” I moaned as my every muscle liquefied. His response was to wrap his arms around me tighter and sink his fangs in deeper. It was as if the predator in him worried I may escape before he finished feeding. His sucking intensified as if he were drinking through a straw and my pleasure soured. As white hot sensations ran through me, my vision blurred slightly and I felt my body weaken.

  “Okay, Vampy,” I whispered. “You can stop now.”

  His teeth sunk deeper still into my neck and I gave out a cry from the pleasure and the pain. I then grabbed a fist full of his long, black hair and tried to yank him off. His teeth sprang from my neck and a few drops of blood slid down his chin.

  His crimson eyes peered at me as if he were gazing deep into my soul. He was still hungry, you could tell from the way his fangs still hung low. But the mere fact that I could pull him off me meant he still held at least some semblance of control over himself.

  In his eyes I saw more than hunger, there was lust mixed in with his hunger and his madness. The psycho vampire had come back to play. The only question was, what game did he want to play?

  His eyes left mine to explore my chest. All that covered my breasts was the thin fabric of my top. My nipples stiffened, coaxed awake by the pressure of his scrutiny.

  “Beautiful Jessica,” he said in a deep raspy tone, the savage hunger high in his voice. “Do you know the sweetness of your own blood?”

  No, but I know the sweetness of your bite, I thought, but didn’t say.

  “No, unfortunately I have little taste for blood these days.”

  He waved a finger at me, as if I were a naughty academy girl. “Tsk. tsk. Life is short. One mustn’t miss out on life’s greatest pleasures,” he said in a honey sweet voice laced with vampiric seduction.

  He looked strong now, fresh from feeding and full of energy. Maybe too much energy. He sprang from where he sat at an impossible speed to bring his face precious inches from mine. My heart stilled then, as the pinch of anxiety twisted my gut. He was so powerful, and right now, I was so drained. I’d be putty in his hands, helpless against anything his deranged mind could cook up for me. So why did that fact excite me so fucking much?

  “There are many pleasures you have yet to learn,” he purred. “I will be your teacher.”

  Without w
arning, he pressed his lips over mine, driving his tongue deep into the cavern of my mouth. The zing of fresh blood caressed my tongue. But more than anything he tasted of testosterone and pure untainted sex.

  Everything about him was made for seduction, from the way his lips hungrily devoured mine to the way his hands now greedily explored my thighs.

  The taste of his lips over mine, and his tongue clashing with mine was incredible. Desire came alive in me, threatening to send me over the edge. My body craved his touch. My flesh happily indulged his touch. Even as his hands shifted from my thighs to squeeze up over the swells of my breasts.

  We were like wild animals, going at each other. I traced the firmness of his chest and abs with my hands and savored every inch. The feel of his hands over my breasts was more than sensual, it was lethal. And my body craved his poison like lungs craved air.

  He broke the kiss to lean his head down to my breasts. He inched his mouth closer to my chest and using his teeth to dig into the fabric he yanked my tank top down. My breasts sprag free over the top exposing my stiff nipples. He eyed them greedily and bared his fangs. A mix of excitement and fear echoed through my chest.

  What would he do to them? Did he intend to bite my nipples with… his fangs?

  He came in and grazed his fangs over one of the hard nipples, and I shuddered in pleasure. My pussy clenched, jealous and yearning for his attention.

  His piercing red eyes trailed back up to mine and in a deep raspy voice he said,

  “I want to taste more of you. I want to taste it all.”

  A smile creased my lips at the offer and taking that as permission, he took a swollen nipple between his teeth. He sucked it long and hard and I melted in his arms, crying out his name.

  I’d wanted this moment to last a lifetime. But just as he began to suck the other nipple I heard the closet door slowly opening.

  “You crazy bastards! I’ll get the mop but you’re cleaning up your own damn vomit!” A lanky prison guard called out as he pushed the door open and walked inside.

  His mouth fell open and his head jerked back in shock at the sight of two inmates, kneeling on the floor in front of him. One of whom had her breasts on full display.

  He opened his mouth to yell for help but before he could utter a word, Alexandros lunged at him, covering his mouth, and shutting the door behind him.

  “Listen and listen well, as I will not repeat myself,” Alexandros threatened, looking as serious as a heart attack. “Utter one word without my say-so and I will rip your neck in two.”

  The prison guard looked like he was one second from shitting himself and his eyes jerked from me to Alexandros and back again, panic accentuating his every blink.

  “Now show us your access key,” I said, tucking my breasts back under my shirt and raising to my feet.

  After his mouth was uncovered, the guard snatched the card from his side and held it up to us.

  It read ‘Cell Blocks 7-9 Only.’

  “No good, that’s not all access,” I sighed cupping one elbow and rolling my eyes.

  “All access? You want all access? I can get it for you if you just let me go,” the guard cried, the words rushing from his lips so fast you almost couldn’t hear where one word ended and the other began.

  “Shut up!” Alexandros rasped leering at the man. “Do not speak unless you are spoken too.”

  “There’s no way he can be trusted to get us the key. At least not on his own,” I said cupping my chin as an idea came to mind.

  “Think you can glamour him? Make him call out to a guard with an ‘all access’ pass from the table?”

  Alexandros’s expression calmed as he turned to look at me.

  “I can do that and more for you, sweet Jessica,” he said flirtatiously.

  He glamoured the guard into divulging the name of the guard with the all access pass and we made our way back to the room where the guards were drinking. We waited a few minutes before leaving the closet as our captive assured us that the coast would soon be clear as all other guards would be busy eating dinner in their dining room.

  Alexandros slowly creaked the door open and light washed the closet. I popped my head out and scanned the scene. There wasn’t a single person in the hallway just as our captive had assured.

  “See, I told you. I didn’t lie. See? See?” he said to Alexandros’s annoyance as the three of us stepped out into the empty hallway.

  “Shhhhhhhhh!” Alexandros said and the guard’s mouth fell silent, the worry returning to his face.

  Alexandros outstretched a hand to grip firmly around the back of the guard’s neck as he steered him down the hall. The guard was sweating profusely, as he trembled nervously. His eyes darted all around as if praying to the Gods that someone would appear and save him. It was only natural that the man was afraid. Being held by an ancient killing machine would do that to a man.

  We approached the door to the room filled with the guards that we’d looked into earlier.

  “You know what to do,” Alexandros whispered in his ear and following his orders the guard pressed his lips up to the slightly open door.

  “Umm Paul, can you please come out here? I need your help with something,” he said.

  “The fuck? What’s the matter, Collins? Baby too drunk to find the broom closet?” A deep voice laughed from inside the room and a chorus of drunken laughter joined it.

  “Just get your fat ass out here, Paul!” The guard said, and the laughter stopped. The sound of a chair being scraped over the ground could be heard from inside the room.

  Paul stepped through the door, closing it behind him. He had an X-shaped scar on his face and a massive belly. He was the one we wanted; I scanned his key card, and it was the right one.

  He looked excessively drunk and half asleep with droopy eyes and yet still he looked noticeably annoyed from being called out of the room so abruptly. His tired eyes met Collins and he opened his mouth and said, “The fuck’s the matter with you now, Collins? Since when do you talk to your commanding officer like that?”

  All our captive guard did in response was point a weary finger at the dark figure that stood behind Paul. Paul spun around to see Alexandros standing tall and menacing.

  His mouth fell open in surprise and his hand sped to his waist, searching for where his thunder baton would normally be during his shift. But he must have left it inside since he had been drinking.

  “I’m going to need something from you.” Alexandros said to him as his eyes peered deep into the man’s soul. “And if you scream, it will be the last sound you ever make.”

  I never saw fear like I did in Paul’s eyes right then, nor had I ever seen a man hand over a card faster than Paul handed his all access card over. I took it instead, being the only one of us who could touch it.

  He then glamoured both men, sending them back to their tables with no recollection of seeing us or being threatened. Our mission was done, and we’d claimed the grand prize.

  Armed with a well full of energy, Alexandros wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight and traced us both out of the guards’ barracks and back to our cells.

  Now I had the Shiso for the soul eaters, and the keycard needed to break Michael out of Gold Block and get us through the front door. All my plans were coming together faster than I ever imagined and I had one devilishly insane, yet surprisingly kind vampire to thank for it.

  So, why could I not stop thinking about the secrets he kept from me? What caused this otherworldly connection we shared? And why did I burn so much to know more about his mate?

  As much as I was beginning to like this vampire, something about him didn’t sit well with me. I needed to know what he was hiding, and I needed to know it fast. I couldn’t afford to fall for a man so shrouded in darkness. As the darkness was one place so dangerous, I promised myself I’d never venture there again.

  I could feel his resolve cracking bit by bit. Every time we met, he got closer to telling me the truth. One day soon his truth would b
e set free from its cage, and on that day I hoped it didn’t eat me alive.

  I hope you are ready, Vampy, because if there is one universal truth, it’s that what is buried in shadow, must someday come to light.



  I sat on the edge of my bed, hunched over cupping my forehead in frustration. It was darker than usual here but I didn’t care, the dark brought me comfort and right now I needed all the comfort I could get. How much longer would my suffering continue? I wished I could just wake up tomorrow and my torment would be over.

  I’d been avoiding her and it’s been killing me. Every day I want to see her. Everyday I want to just go to her cell and talk to her.

  My men keep watch of her, keeping her safe. And whenever they inform me she is in the cafeteria I want nothing more than to go and share a meal with her. All I think about now is her and spending time with her and what it would be like for us to laugh and have fun times together. But since our day in the Greenhouse I felt it best I kept my distance from her, for her own sake. Above all else I was determined to keep her safe, from the other prisoners, from Hades and most of all from me.

  I could feel it in the chill of my bones. My darkness is a danger to her. She was a creature of the light and I was one of the darkness. If I got too close to her for too long, my darkness would snuff out her light till it no longer existed, robbing her of her life in the process. Hades in all his wickedness was no less toxic for her than I was.

  This was my curse as a demon, and this would never change. She was better off without me. She would be happier without me. This is what I’d been telling myself over and over again.

  There was just one problem. Keeping away from her was driving me mad. How much longer would I continue to dream of the taste of her sweet lips over mine? How much longer would I be haunted by the vision of her flame spangled eyes? That spark of power, vengeance and strength that followed her every move had captivated me from the moment I first laid eyes on her all those years ago. But now it merely teased me with a joy I am destined never to have as my own.


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