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Escape of the Fae: A Fae Fantasy Romance: (Poison Penitentiary Book 1)

Page 22

by Taylor Spratt

  What the hell?

  “Oh, those little ones love the fire. They bathe in it all the time back home,” Hades said, folding his arms as he nestled his back on the tree as if excited to watch the show.

  I jumped back and the little creatures kept coming at me, determined to kill. I dodged them one after the next, twisting myself away from their sharp claws and teeth, never missing them by more than an inch or two.

  They gave out a war cry that sounded like the roar of a lion. They then circled around me, closing me in till there was no escape.

  This was bad, there was nowhere to run anymore. A booming laughter erupted from Hades as he watched in delight. He was going to pay for underestimating me. I would make damn sure of that.

  “If you think all I’ve got is a little fire, you're wrong.”

  A cool sensation washed over me as pure energy built up and expanded inside my core. It was time these nasty little monsters saw the light and I would take great pleasure in showing it to them.

  Without warning a pure white light radiated from my body, lighting me up like a Christmas tree. It was blinding in its intensity and it lit up the area like a flash of lightning. All four of the creatures were blown back by the wave of awesome power. Their little bodies slamming into trees and bushes.

  Fairy light was the oldest and most sacred power of the Fae. The strength of our light was what marked a Fae as Alpha, and mine was one of the brightest in Dominion. I’d only ever known one Fae who shined brighter, and that was Michael.

  The light cleared and Hades looked on in dismay as his little henchmen laid unconscious on the floor. For the first time since I’d met him, he looked truly angry.

  He pressed off of the tree and if looks could kill, the look he gave me then would have done me in for sure.

  He marched closer to me with gritted teeth and a clenched fist, his dark stare piercing a hole through my face. I could almost feel his demonic energy. It clung to the air like an illness. He was so close I inhaled his demonic energy when I breathed in. It battled with the light within me. I didn’t think I’d ever felt power this immense, not even from Alexandros.

  He was within reaching distance from me and I raised my fists, readying for battle.

  “You want some too, Hades? I’d be more than happy to oblige.” But before either of us could strike, someone called out to me. It was Broderick, standing tall with the fire of defiance burning in his eyes.

  “Demon shadow!” He bellowed and Hades was frozen in place as if someone had pinned his feet to the ground.

  That was Broderick’s binding power. I’d seen him use it once before but by the way Broderick’s face twisted in pain, it took more out of him to conjure it than it did before.

  “I told you to keep your dirty fucking hands off her, Hades!” Broderick gripped his hand at his side and gave out a moan of pain. He then approached me to stand at my side.

  “Broderick, I’m so happy you’re okay.” I gripped him by the arm, trying to keep him steady as he looked in no condition to fight, let alone stand.

  “I’m the one that’s sorry, Sugar Lips. I never should have let you fight him alone.”

  Hades looked at the two of us with a look of utter menace. The evil grin on his face was anything but pleasant. “Well, looks like sleeping beauty has finally come to the party. But did you really think you could hold Daddy with this pitiful little demonic enchantment of yours twice?”

  Hades’s arm muscles began to flex, his face going red with strain and he began to fight Broderick’s hold.

  Little by little he twisted his body more and more. The fact that he could move at all meant he would soon break free of Broderick’s demon shadow.

  I thought it’d take at least a few minutes, but my body tensed as after mere seconds of twisting, Hades was able to take one step in our direction. He followed it with another, never taking his eyes off of us. The hold was still not broken but it slowed him down tremendously.

  “Why have you come to fight alone, Hades? What happened to your army?” Broderick spat out and not taking the time to stop trying to break free, Hades laughed. “Well, doesn’t someone sound jealous. I can’t help it if people love to follow me. My men have been dying to take a swipe at her. But I was never one for sloppy seconds. I was hoping to just get the job done myself this time. But I must say, this Fae of yours is one tough cookie.”

  Hades’s steps were now coming at faster intervals as he neared us.

  Broderick held both my arms in his hands and turned me to face him. “Listen. You need to get out of here. I can’t hold him for much longer and neither of us are any match for him.”

  “Speak for yourself, Broderick. You’re hurt, I can still fight. You haven’t seen half of what I can do.”

  He shook me slightly, his face lighting up with alarm.

  “No! You haven’t seen half of what he can do.”

  “Too late to run, kids. Daddy’s here.” Hades began marching towards us, his body free as a bird.

  My heart sank in my chest but then, halting him in his tracks, the prison intercom began to hiss and hum. Hades’s eyes explored the surrounding area for the source of the sound. It was Blackwater and she was about to make another announcement.

  You’d think a little intercom wouldn’t stop the king of the underworld. But it was only natural he cared about her announcements, his entire plan of killing me was all for the purpose of winning his freedom from her.

  “Okay, dirtbags. It’s Warden Blackwater here and someone’s really stepped in some fucking shit this time. Fun time is over! Return to your cells immediately and prepare for a search. Any prisoner who doesn’t walk through the Greenhouse gate in the next 2 minutes is getting a thunder baton to the crotch and a month in solitary!”

  With a pop and a series of hisses the transmission ended. Bile rose to the back of my throat, bittering my mouth.

  A search? There was no doubt about it. She knew someone had stolen one of her precious key cards and now she was out for blood. If she knew I was the one that nabbed it, all my dreams would be over. I’d be over and so would Michael.

  “Interesting.” Hades rubbed his cheek as if in contemplation. With his eyes heavy on me he gave a bow and a friendly wink.

  “Can’t afford to piss off the old lady, now can I? Well then, Fae and sex slave. Daddy’s got to run, but we’ll pick up this little convo next time.” Hades rose from his bow to turn away and sprint through the trees.

  Something in the pit of my belly told me the next time I saw him, he wouldn’t leave his army behind. He was a big fucking obstacle in my way out of here but there was one bigger.

  I hadn’t had the time to find a better hiding place than under my bed before we were called out to the Greenhouse. But you sure as shit better believe I’d have to find one before Blackwater could get to my cell.

  “Well, Sugar Lips, shall we go?” Broderick gave me his hand and we started making our way through the trees towards the exit.

  Anxiety churned in my stomach, snaking its way up the back of my throat like acid. I needed to get out of here and back to my cell asap. The only question was, was I already too late?



  O nce we left the Greenhouse, I’d taken Broderick to the Hospital wing and headed back to my cell as fast as I could. The second I entered Cell Block Five I was relieved to see that Blackwater and her crew hadn’t reached our neck of the woods yet.

  I dove through my open cell door and after checking to see that nobody was looking, I kneeled down and traced my hand along the bottom of my mattress for the key. I’d hidden the keycard in the envelope with the Shiso leaves. After feeling the bumps of a few broken springs, my hand brushed over something smooth and papery.

  Perfect! It was still here. I finally breathed. Thank the Gods it was still there. I then peeled the tape that held the envelope in place and took the envelope into my hands. I rose to my feet and scanned the area of my dusty cell.

  No way
was I letting that evil bitch, Blackwater, get her hands on this baby. If she wanted her key back, she’d have to pry it out of my cold dead fingers.

  So where should I hide it? My eyes fell on the toilet. Nah. Then to my box of clothes and toiletries that laid open on the floor. Way too obvious. Black water had it out for me. The minute she got to my cell she’d no doubt have the guards pull this place apart like a twister. I had to be cunning. I had to outsmart her, but how?

  As I stood clutching the envelope tight against my chest, scanning the bricks covering my cell’s floor, Jamie strolled up. His tall frame blocked the entrance of my door and cast a huge shadow in the cell.

  I turned to face him, and he folded his arms scanning me from top to bottom. He then shot me a wicked grin as if he knew he’d caught me in the middle of something mischievous.

  “Looks like someone’s been a very naughty young lady.” His voice was deep and somewhat amused. He gave me a look that was both chastising and playful.

  “What gave you that idea?” I grinned, tucking the envelope behind my back, hoping he hadn’t already seen it. Who was I kidding? That ship had long sailed. He knew I was up to something.

  “I thought I smelled a rather herb-like scent, maybe even…Shiso?” He raised his brows and dropped his gaze to the floor before gunning his sights back on me. “Would you happen to know anything about that, Jessy?”

  Jamie strode up to me, his eyes boring into mine, his gaze both chastising and sinfully seductive. This brought back memories of our time at the lake. I could feel the cool water at my back and him hard at my chest sucking away at my nipples like there was no tomorrow. Every sensation of his wicked touch flooded back, nearly distracting me from the ticking time bomb in my hands.

  I didn’t have time for this. I was about to be up shit street and Jamie had no idea what was really going on. He didn’t know that any minute Blackwater would barge her evil ass in here and ruin all my plans. I had to tell him the truth. I owed him that.

  I held the envelope in front of me and his eyes fixed on it with wolfish curiosity.

  “Listen, Jamie. I have something important to tell you. You see, I didn’t come to this prison for my health. Far fucking from it. I’m here on a mission.” His expression grew serious as he considered the severity of my words.

  “I came to get Michael back and I’m so close to getting there. This envelope…” I said raising it to his face and his eyes twinkled at the sight. “… This little bad boy contains a prison gate key and more than enough Shiso to put down an army of soul eaters. This key is why Blackwater’s ordered a search. And it’s what’s going to help me get to Michael and help us all out of this shit hole.”

  “All?” he asked, seeming more curious by the second.

  “Yes, you’re coming with us of course.” All the color drained from his face and he looked white as a sheet. His eyes fell to the ground.

  “I’m thrilled you and Michael are getting out of here, Jess.” He squeezed a hand around my shoulder as his expression turned more somber by the second. “This is no place for the two of you. But I’m better off here, Jessy. In here Zero can’t hurt anyone. Well, at least not decent folk.”

  Not this Zero stuff again. I had no time for this. I stretched my head over his shoulder to peer out the door. Good, she’s not here yet. I then fixed my gaze back on him.

  “As much as I’d love to argue with you, Jamie. I’ve got no time for this Zero belly aching of yours. The Warden is no doubt heading this way as we speak. She’s had it out for me from day one, so I need to hide this thing fast.”

  “Had it out for you? You mean after you kicked her ass?”

  “Yes well, tomato, to-mah-to,” I rolled my eyes.

  A warm smile graced his handsome face and he said, “Listen, Jess. I’ll do anything I can to help you. All you ever need do is ask.”

  Wait. Did he mean he could actually help me hide the envelope? Damn I loved this wolf!

  I reached one hand to the back of his neck pulling his lips down to mine and kissed him. Our lips parted and his face went red as a lobster. He looked more like an embarrassed schoolboy than a tall, handsome man.

  Klink! My cell door closed behind us and it was soon followed by the doors of every cell on the block. We were locked in!

  Oh no! this can’t be happening now. Any time but now. Panic echoed in my chest and all I could hear was the sound of my own heart beating.

  Jamie gave a hard swallow as his eyes raced to the closed door.

  “Residents of Cell Block Five, sit on your beds and stay quiet as we go from cell to cell doing our search,” Blackwater yelled out, as the sounds of heavy footsteps flooded the cell block.

  She and the guards were already at the cellblock door. It was too late. To make it worse, not only was Jamie locked out of his own cell, but I also lost my only chance to stash the card and Shiso somewhere else in this rat’s nest.

  Think, Jess, think.

  The sound of Blackwater and her minions clearing one cell after the next on her way down to mine, crept closer. There were yells and curses and crashing noises as Blackwater no doubt tore apart every cell looking for the key.

  “Well, seems like I’ve royally fucked up your plans.” Jamie cleared his throat and he began to look almost nervous, if not reluctant for some reason.

  “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. I just need to come up with something quick,” I began fidgeting, scouring the room for a decent hiding place.

  Sensing my panic Jamie raised a hand and took a step forward.

  “So, Jessy. What would you say if I said I could swallow that envelope of yours and e… erm… give it back to you… later.”

  The image of poor Jamie huddled over a toilet in pain wasn’t winning any prizes. But with him in my cell, he’d be seen as an accomplice if she found the key and Shiso in here. That wicked warden wouldn’t hesitate to throw the book at him just as hard as she would me.

  I cupped my chin considering his offer. But then another problem shot to mind, one a hell of a lot bigger than any unfortunate toilet torture. The Shiso was magical, it could survive the burn of stomach acid and more but…

  “Um, Jamie.” My head popped to one side in confusion. “This is a pretty big key card. How in Dominion are you going to get it down your man-sized throat?”

  “Well that’s the other part of the plan.” He cupped his hand over the back of his neck and started rubbing it. “I would have to shift.”


  Had Jamie gone psycho? Honestly, he wouldn’t be the first lunatic I’d seen in here and he sure as hell wouldn’t be the last. Basic magic was one thing, but no shifter was powerful enough to shift while exposed to Pembroke poison. You’d have to be crazy to even try and by the hesitant look in his eyes right now I think he knew that fact.

  “Listen, Jessy, I’m powerful, but I know even I’m not strong enough to shift in here. At least not unless…”

  He swallowed hard, his hands folding at his sides as the words seemed lodged in his throat.


  “Unless we do a power share.” The words broke from his mouth like a broken dam and he studies my face for my answer. I just stood there, not knowing the words to say.

  A power share was an ancient ritual used by Magicals to transfer power from one to another in time of crisis. It had saved entire covens of witches facing being burned at the stake, rescued entire flocks of vampires from Van Helsing’s raids. Even Fae had used this power to keep the demons away during the seven years’ war.

  But anyone who said a power share only shared magic was a dirty liar. Whoever you did it with would see you in ways no one ever had. During the merge they would feel your emotions, know your thoughts, dreams and memories. It was said to be a melding of souls, the equal of a mate bonding and now Jamie wanted us to do this?

  “The answer is yes,” I said without hesitation. The bond Jamie and I had spanned on for years and the moment he mentioned the power share my heart
rumbled in my chest. There was something deep inside of me that knew we were meant to be together. In all the years we were apart, I’d never stopped thinking about him.

  The pound of feet battering the ground down toward my cell echoed off the walls. Along with it were angry shouts of inmates as they were being frisked not so gently, I assumed.

  Even with our very lives on the line right now, Jamie seemed over the moon that I’d agreed. His eyes shone and twinkled in the dim cell light.

  “Okay, Jess. No time like the present.” He pulled me into his chest and pressed his forehead over mine. Skin to skin contact of one head over the other. This was how you started a merge. Any Magical Arts textbook in Dominion would tell you that. But what it didn’t tell you was how it felt. A cool sensation caressed my skin as if I were submerged in ice water.

  I don’t know what happened next, all I saw was a spiral of colors before me, some I’d never seen before. It was like a vision or a dream. The sight was more beautiful than any I’d ever witnessed. But it wasn’t all beautiful, there was darkness, loss and pain all unfurling before my eyes.

  I felt it all, Jamie’s emotions and his suffering. I saw the day Michael and I left him behind and the grief it caused him. He mourned us like the dead and was never the same for having lost us, for having lost me.

  The colors changed to playful pinks and baby blues all dancing before me like a flurry of pigments. And suddenly I was overcome by feelings of love. Was this Jamie’s love? Warmth filled me from the tips of my toes to the flesh of my forehead and I moaned, losing myself in the rapture of Jamie’s intense feelings.

  The colors parted and a blurry form took its place. I couldn’t see much at first but then I saw something. It was a figure with pink hair, the color of bubble gum. Was that… me? I was surrounded by fields upon fields of angel roses, beautiful and blue. I was happy and smiling. Suddenly Jamie appeared, he was beside me as we basked in the roses together. This vision. Was it Jamie’s dream for the two of us? It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen and it brought a tear to my eye.


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