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A Little Blood Magic (Here Witchy Witchy Book 10)

Page 12

by Kessler, A. L.

  “He thought it best he didn’t come. Apparently, there was something about him pushing boundaries, and he didn’t want you to shoot him.” Levi’s joking disappeared. “What did he do after I left?”

  “He trapped me against the couch and said a couple things that I wasn’t sure were threats or him just trying to scare me into agreeing to be changed.” I wrapped my arms around myself and still didn’t look at Levi. “He scared me.”

  Levi took a step toward me, and his hand fell on my shoulder. “He cares about you, Abigail. He just doesn’t know how to make you see that.”

  “Trapping me against the couch and telling me that everything that has happened is my fault.” My mind flashed to the look in his eyes. “Told me that you long for your daughter, yet you refuse to do everything in your power to protect me.”

  Levi’s hand fell away. “He should not speak about you as such.”

  A sorrow hit me that I wasn’t expecting. “All these years, you’ve kept me at arms’ reach, constantly reminding me and anyone else that I was your adopted daughter. That I hold no power in the world of vampires. Yet, here we are. I’m the Witch-Princess of Vampires, you the King, and we’re one fucked up family who can’t even admit that we’re related.”

  Levi turned me around and pulled me into a hug. “If I were to admit that you were of my blood, that would give Samuel more control over me and you than I ever want. If I had admitted it when you were born, Ira would have stolen you the day you left the hospital. There was - is - too much riding on that secret, Abigail. You know that. You’ve seen the creatures Ira made, and you know what Samuel is capable of. I don’t want to put you in any more danger than I have already.”

  I sighed and leaned my head against his chest.

  “I’m sorry, Abigail,” Levi whispered, and my house melted as he took us away.

  When we reappeared, we were in my room at the mansion. “Levi?” I pulled away from him.

  “You’ll be staying here until I say otherwise.” He wouldn’t look at me. “Until the council decides that it’s safe.”

  “I return to work on Monday.”

  He shook his head. “You’ll call O’Donald and tell him that you have decided to take an extended vacation.” He walked out of the room, and I followed him.

  “I am not a child, Levi. It’s a bit late to try and lock me up,” I snapped and turned him around to force him to look at me.

  He met my gaze. “You are not a child. You are the Princess of Vampires, who works with someone who has openly spoken about taking me out. You are a public target who has been shot and poisoned in one week. You are involved in a high-profile case that I do not want your face or name attached to.”

  Nick. He was worried about Nick. Nothing else was new. “You asked me to be on the case.”

  “Mason suggested we pull you in. I didn’t know that you were going to end up facing a witch of legend. Abigail, please.” He put a hand on my shoulder, and I shrugged it off.

  “I can’t abandon that case. Liz will go right back out there as soon as she’s healed. You and I both know that she cannot take this on without back up.” I locked my jaw.

  He hesitated for a moment. “When she’s healed enough to leave the hospital, we’ll reassess the situation. Until then, you are to stay here.”

  “You can’t keep me locked up, Levi,” I tried again. “Any time you’ve considered it, you’ve always come to your senses and decide against it.”

  He shook his head. “Not this time, Abigail.”

  He disappeared, leaving me alone in the hallway.

  Fuck me.

  I called Oliver. No answer.

  Simon. Voicemail.

  Merick sent me a text asking where I was because the house was empty and my bag was by the door.

  I rarely went anywhere without it.

  I called him, and he answered.

  “Where are you?”

  “Levi decided to kidnap me and is holding me hostage at the mansion.” I tried to keep the anger from my voice. “It’s long from dawn, so I’m sure if I step a foot outside, either he or Mario will drag me back.” I sighed. “How’s Liz?”

  Merick hesitated for a moment. “She’s going to heal, but she wants to see you the moment she gets out of the hospital.”

  “Levi said we’d reassess things once she was released. I’m supposed to take an extended vacation from work, though. At this point, I think I might just hang up my badge and retire. O’Donald hates me, Nick is back, and Levi’s determined to take it away from me.”

  “Let him get past his fit. Something has probably spooked him, and this is how he’s reacting. There could be an unseen threat to you and him. Let him have the illusion of keeping you safe for now.”

  I snorted. “And until he lets me go?”

  “Work on the case with Liz. You’re home, Abigail. Go use your chamber for some magic and see what you can learn. Research. Pretend like you’re stuck in the office again.”

  I pressed my lips together. “I want a piece of Gabby’s hair.”


  “Because I want to track her movements. She shouldn’t have known that location. Not off the top of her head like that. When Liz asked her, she hung up.”

  “Good, I’ll see what I can find for you.” He disconnected, and I put my phone in my pocket.

  I wanted a snack before I climbed into bed. It was getting late, and I was tired from my day and night I’d had.

  When I turned the corner of the kitchen, I found Mario and Levi standing there talking.

  I had two choices. I could lose my shit on them both, or I could get my snack and deal with them tomorrow night.

  “Princess.” Mario bowed his head. “I’m glad to see you’re home.”

  I refused to rise to the title. “Will you please move so I can get to the fridge? I’d like a snack before I turn in for the night.”

  Both Mario and Levi looked shocked that I was being civil. “I was making you some frozen waffles.” Levi motioned to the toaster. “I just put them in.”

  The attempt was cute and almost sweet, but it didn’t make up for the fact that he forced me home. “Thank you.”

  The waffles popped up, and he put them on a plate for me. “You ate these all the time when you were at the PIB academy.”

  I nodded. “I’d eat them while I studied for tests. They were easy and cheap, and there’s just something comforting about waffles.” I smiled. “I’m glad you remembered.”

  “I watched you and studied every detail about you from when you born to now, Abigail. Never doubt that I was always vigilant.” He handed me the plate. “Enjoy your snack and get some rest.”

  I took the plate from him and started walking out of the kitchen. I expected some sort of smart-ass remark from Mario, but he remained silent as I left the kitchen and went back to my bedroom.

  The fact that Levi had thought to get food told me he’d planned this before tonight. I rarely stayed here enough for him to think about stocking more than a frozen pizza or two.

  The only thing he kept at all times was coffee. I got back to my bedroom and set the plate on the bed. I hoped I had left some pajamas here at some point…I opened the draw to find all new pajama pants and shirts folded neatly.

  He was serious about me staying here. I rubbed my eyes. This was going to be a pain.


  The next morning, I woke to the smell of breakfast cooking. I sat up, wondering which vampire had decided to take the day shift. When the smell of coffee hit my nose, I didn’t care which one it was since there was coffee involved. Even Mario could be tolerable if there was coffee.

  I didn’t bother getting dressed before going to the kitchen. I couldn’t help the smile that automatically crossed my face at the sight of Simon standing at the stove cooking. “When did you get here?”

  “About four this morning. I didn’t want to wake you and scare the shit out of you.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, I probably would have shot you if
you’d crawled into bed with me. What are you doing here?”

  He glanced at me, almost apologetic. “Levi wanted me to watch you for the day to make sure you stayed put.”

  “You were in on this?” I narrowed my eyes and tried not to get distracted as he stepped away from the stove to make me a cup of coffee.

  He shook his head. “I didn’t find out until an hour before you arrived. He told me not to answer your call or text if you wanted me to bring you the Hummer. He didn’t say why, but told me that you’d be staying here for a while.”

  “Ugh.” I shook my head. “I don’t want to be stuck here.”

  He nodded. “I know you don’t. Play along for now, though, just to see what happens. He typically bows to your need to work. Even when you had the hex on you.”

  “And then he sent you to follow me the whole time.”

  He shrugged. “I can’t really complain.” He handed me a mug of coffee. “I did bring your bag.”

  “Perfect.” I kissed him on the cheek. “I’m afraid today’s going to be pretty boring unless Merick got what I needed.”

  “He said that he wasn’t able to get a hold of Gabby or find her.” Simon shrugged. “I’m not sure why you sent him after her, but I’m assuming it wasn’t a good reason.”

  I shook my head. “I think she knows more than she let on. That smell of fear was real, and the location wasn’t a lie, but maybe we weren’t asking the right questions.”

  “I can see if Travis could help track her down?”

  “Not yet, I don’t want to spook her. I’m not sure what’s going on with her.” What I wanted were answers and to follow her tracks. “Does Mason have someone watching the hospital where Liz is?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, and PIB said they were going to send someone over.”

  “Hopefully not Nick.” I shook my head. “I should be the one that’s over there with her.”

  Simon nodded. “Yes, but you have to split your obligations right now. You’re on vacation from PIB, so you need to make sure you satisfy the King of Vampires and stay safe as Princess.”

  I pressed my lips together. “Nick once told me that I couldn’t walk between two worlds.”

  “You want to choose a world?”

  I shook my head. “No. I’m not ready to choose.” I sipped my coffee. “But it’s getting harder to live in both of them. It’s getting tiresome.” I ran a hand over my head.

  “Take this time to rest then,” Simon suggested and kissed my head. “Your party is this weekend. Take another week off to decide what you can do about Nick and what Liz needs help with.”

  I snorted. “You know me, I can’t just take time off.”

  “That is true.” He turned back to the stove and finished the bacon and eggs.

  We sat down to eat together in silence. Silence between us meant that nothing eventful was happening. There was nothing that the other one needed to know, and we could just enjoy our time together.

  My phone rang, and I closed my eyes. Simon grabbed it from the table and answered it.

  “Agent Collins’ phone.”

  I gave him a small glare.

  “Yeah, Liz, she’s right here. She was relocated last night at the request of the King.”

  I could hear Liz yelling, but I couldn’t make out her words.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Not my choice. Here’s Abby.” He handed the phone to me.

  “You should be resting, Liz.”

  “And you shouldn’t be locked up like some damn Disney Princess,” she snapped back.

  I chuckled. “I don’t really have much choice, but Levi did say that when you’re out of the hospital, we’ll reassess because he knows your case is important to me.”

  “Well, I’m being released tonight, so make sure he’s ready to negotiate your freedom. We’re going after Adrianna.”

  I blinked. “You just got free of that woman, and you want to go after her now?”

  “She has Gabby and Jude. I have no choice.”


  I looked at Simon, and he nodded. “Okay, make a plan, and I’ll have your back. We don’t go in blindly.”

  “I know. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “I’ll see you tonight, Liz. Come up here, and we’ll talk to Levi about it together.”

  “Thank you, Abby.” She disconnected the call, and I put the phone down.

  Simon looked at me. “Levi’s not going to like it.”

  “I don’t care.” I shrugged. “Liz needs my help. She’s trusting me to have her back.”

  “Can you take this woman?” Simon asked.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t met her face to face. I’ve only seen the handy work of her torture. I haven’t seen her actual power.”

  “I don’t want you to do anything stupid in the name of loyalty.” He shook his head.

  I grinned. “Oh, come on now, what have I done in the name of loyalty that’s stupid?”

  “I’m sure I have a list somewhere.” He stood and cleared our plates. “What’s your plan?”

  “Well, now that I know that Adrianna has Gabby and Jude, that changes what I was planning on doing.” I went to the sink and started cleaning the dishes. “We wait until dusk, and I talk to Levi about Liz’s request and hope that while he slept, he’s seen that he needs to lighten up his restrictions on me.”

  Simon nodded. “Are you still mad at him?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not mad. I’m frustrated. I’m trying to see where he’s coming from. Though I’m almost positive that Mario and the council are the ones that talked him into it.” I frowned. “Levi has always allowed me to have my independence. It’s not like him to suddenly take up and store me away.”

  “Samuel?” Simon offered, with no other comment.

  I glanced at Simon. “A possible catalyst.”

  “No, I’m wondering if Samuel didn’t give him an order to do it. Put you in one spot like a sitting duck.”

  The thought made me sick. Levi was powerful, but he did fear Samuel, and I knew that Samuel held some sort of control over him still. How much, I didn’t know. Did vampires ever outgrow that?

  “I don’t like that thought.”

  Simon shook his head. “Me either. But it’s a thought.”

  I finished up the dishes and dried my hands. “I need a map and some thumbtacks and to talk to Mason.”

  “Okay. I’m going to go call and check in with Travis.” He kissed me and walked out of the kitchen.

  I had the needed things in my chamber, and Simon knew where to find me if he needed to.

  I walked through the house and to the staircase. Walking down the staircase brought comfort with it that I missed. The stone basement was magically enhanced to make sure I didn’t accidentally blow the house up if my magic went crazy.

  It was the best Levi could do for me when I was working with my tutors. Luckily for him, I’d never almost blew up the mansion, and now it acted as a place for me to get away and think when I needed to.

  I went to the desk at the far end of the room and pulled out a map of the state. Adrianna seemed to want to stay within the state lines. I don’t know why she thought setting up shop here was a good idea. Especially after Ira failed in setting up his little experiments in the area.

  Or she was here to finish the one person who could probably take her out. Liz. I got my push pins out and put them on the three locations I knew Liz had been at, and then a different color pin at the two crime scenes Mason had been at.

  There was no obvious pattern except the three Liz had been at were isolated.

  The two crime scenes Mason had been at were closer to the edge of towns. Vampires weren’t at all of them.

  I crossed my legs and leaned over the map. I needed something to connect it all. I pulled my phone out and called Mason.

  “I hear you’re on lockdown,” he muttered. “Not much help.”

  “Don’t worry about that. You know I won’t stop working. Listen, do you have the crime scene pictures?

  “I have copies, yes.”

  “Email them to me, please. I want to take a look at them. I think we’re missing something.”

  “I agree. Also, the little girl? The state has taken her in and given her a name.”

  “What did they name her?”

  “Hope,” he answered. “I found it somewhat fitting since she survived the horrors we found.”

  I agreed. “Did any of the other scenes have signs of children?”


  That was good. “Okay, send me those pictures, and I’ll talk to you later.” I hung up and called Liz.

  “I’m not out of the hospital yet,” she muttered.

  I laughed. “I know you aren’t. Be patient, and they’ll get to your paperwork when they can. I have a question. The first location you sent me, we found a little girl.”

  “A little girl?” she muttered. “There shouldn’t have been any children there, Abby.”

  Dread filled my stomach. “She said someone matching your description freed her.”

  “There was no child there. I would have known. I killed anything that moved because Adrianna…” She paused. “Where’s the child now?”

  “Mason said she was in the custody of the state. What did you think of?”

  “That she’s planted by Adrianna. Was the child human?”

  “As far as I could tell, yes.” My heart pounded in my chest. Had we made a mistake without realizing it?

  There was a muffled sound. “I have to go. The doctor is here to sign the paperwork and give me follow-up instructions.”

  I tried to call Mason back but didn’t get an answer. I sent him a text instead, letting him know what Liz thought. Maybe we’d get lucky, and that wasn’t the case. Maybe the child was hidden when Liz went on her killing spree, and Liz didn’t realize it.

  Of course, she’d done a pretty thorough job since she’d put a note out to tell me there were vampires there.

  The door to my chamber squeaked open, and I looked up to see Simon standing there.

  “All clear to come in?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, no magic, just maps.”


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