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Lonely Planets

Page 44

by David Grinspoon


  L o n e l y P l a n e t s

  of Oz, “a place very far away, difficult to reach, and populated by

  exotic beings.” Are there whisperings from more aged creatures, wait-

  ing for us to grow up and talk to them, coursing through the airwaves

  above our planetary crib? Ozma detected no messages, but the age of

  experimental SETI had begun.

  Project Ozma immediately provoked a full spectrum of strong reac-

  tions. In a 1960 article in Physics Today, Drake’s boss, astronomer Otto Struve, wrote that Ozma “has divided the astronomers into two camps:

  those who are all for it and those who regard it as the worst evil of our

  generation. There are those who pity us for the publicity we have

  received and those who accuse us of having invented the project for the

  sake of publicity.”

  Struve served as chairman of the first American meeting on SETI, a

  now legendary gathering held in Green Bank during Halloween week,

  1961. The ten participants included most of the early prime movers in

  American SETI. Morrison, Struve, Drake, and Sagan were all there, as

  were the astronomer Su-Shu Huang (who had invented the concept of

  “habitable zones” around stars in 1959), the engineer and SETI theo-

  rist Barnard Oliver, the biochemist Melvin Calvin (who was awarded a

  Nobel Prize during the Green Bank meeting for his work on photosyn-

  thesis), and the dolphin researcher John Lilly. Lilly had just published

  Man and Dolphin, a book arguing that dolphins have a complex lan-

  guage, and that we might learn to communicate with them. That Earth

  might have evolved not one, but two intelligent communicative species

  seemed encouraging for the prospect of intelligence evolving elsewhere.

  The presence of all of these distinguished scientists discussing the num-

  ber of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy, and working through the

  practical challenges of communicating with them, helped to infuse the

  dawning era of SETI experimentation with a new aura of respectability.

  As Sagan later described it, “There was such a heady sense in the air that finally we’ve penetrated the ridicule barrier. . . . It was like a 180-degree flip of this dark secret, this embarrassment. It suddenly became


  The Green Bank participants were so full of camaraderie and hope,

  and so enthralled by Lilly’s reports of success in talking to dolphins, that

  they formed a club called the Order of the Dolphin, with Sagan as sec-

  retary. They even made membership pins with little dolphins on them.

  But, the Dolphins never had a second meeting. John Lilly started

  writing publicly about his lengthy conversations with ethereal, extrater-

  SETI: The Sounds of Silence


  restrial beings, which occurred while he was tripping his brains out on

  large doses of psychedelic drugs (acid and ketamine being his favorites

  for interstellar discourse). The ridicule barrier may have been pene-

  trated, but it was not left far behind. The SETI pioneers decided that

  the association with Lilly would not help their credibility, and the

  Order of the Dolphin was unceremoniously dissolved.*

  Unfortunately, there are no published proceedings (and no group

  photos) from the Green Bank meeting. Perhaps no one appreciated the

  historical significance of the gathering, or they were still too embar-

  rassed to go on record as taking the subject matter seriously. However,

  SETI had arrived as a science.

  F I G U R I N G T H E O D D S

  Frank Drake began the Green Bank meeting by writing an equation on

  the blackboard that summarized the major questions encountered

  when trying to estimate the number of intelligent civilizations in the

  galaxy. He intended only to suggest an agenda for the meeting, but his

  formula was destined to become “the Drake Equation,” the most

  famous equation in SETI research. Four decades later, it is still used in

  nearly every SETI paper, book, and discussion.

  The Drake Equation is not really supposed to provide an answer.

  You can’t just plug in all the variables and determine that there are pre-

  cisely 3,741 civilizations in the Milky Way. What it gives us is a clear

  way of thinking through the problem and all of the factors that are

  important in determining the answer.

  Before I actually tell you the Drake Equation, I’ll give you an anal-

  ogy: the date equation. Say you are a single person going to a large

  dance party, and you would like to come away with a date for the fol-

  lowing weekend. Arriving in front of the house, you can hear the music

  pumping and feel the bass rattling your gut. You are excited, but ner-

  vous as hell, so you decide to calm yourself with some math. Before

  going inside, you try to calculate your chances of getting lucky. You

  *Lilly kept “Order of the Dolphin” listed under “professional associations” on his curriculum vitae until his death in 2001. Shortly after Green Bank Lilly set his dolphins free and focused on self-experimentation with drugs and isolation tanks. The protagonist in the movie Altered States is loosely based on Lilly.


  L o n e l y P l a n e t s

  start by guessing the total number of people at the party. You notice

  that people are arriving at a rate of three per minute. We’ll call this rate

  of arrival R. People are leaving at roughly the same rate, but you realize

  that you can estimate the number of people inside if you know how

  long they are staying. Let’s call this length of stay L. The number of

  people inside will be roughly R times L. So, if people on average are

  staying for, say, one hundred minutes, there will be about three hun-

  dred inside.

  But they are not all potential dates. After all, you have standards and

  preferences, and some may not be available. So you multiply the total

  number at the party by several factors, each expressing the probability

  that the average partygoer will meet one of your requirements. Each of

  these probability factors will have a value between zero and one. Zero

  means that nobody measures up to a particular requirement. One

  means that anyone will do. If half of them are okay, the probability is

  one-half, or 0.5, and so on.

  For instance, you might want to rule out potential dates because they

  don’t fit your sexual p reference. We will call this factor fp (pronounced

  “f-sub-p”) and assume that this is roughly 0.5, meaning that it rules out

  half of the people there.* Then you are going to multiply that by the

  fraction that you find yourself at tracted to. If you are being picky, we’ll say that fat = 0.1. In other words, one in ten meets this criterion. Again,

  it cannot be higher than 1, even if you are drunk or desperate. Now,

  some people are not going to be av ailable because they are already

  hooked up and not interested in multiple partners. Let’s say optimisti-

  cally that a quarter of the people (or 25 percent) you are interested in

  are free. So fav = 0.25.

  You also have to factor in your own behavior. Some are just so hot,

  you can’t get up the n erve to talk to or dance with them. But all this math is making you feel pretty confident, so we’ll say you can deal with

  approaching three-q
uarters of them: fn = 0.75. Then we have to multiply

  again by the fraction who turn out to actually be i nterested in you.

  Because you are fascinating and fun to dance with, and because you can

  talk knowingly and winningly of probability (chicks and cats dig that),

  no one can refuse you, so fi = 1. Assuming you have not forgotten any

  *Woody Allen has pointed out that if you are bisexual, it doubles your chances for a date on a Saturday night. Put quantitatively, for these lucky people fp = 1.

  SETI: The Sounds of Silence


  important factors, you can now estimate your chances of scoring at the

  party. The total number of likely candidates, N, will follow the formula

  N = R × fp × fat × fav × fn × fi × L

  This is the “date equation.” Given the numbers we’ve estimated, N =

  3 × .5 × .1 × .25 × .75 × 1 × 100. So, N = 2.8: 2.8 people at the party

  will go out with you next weekend. Jackpot! Although this is just a

  rough estimate, since we had to estimate the various f factors, your best

  guesses lead to an N greater than one, so you figure your chances for

  success are pretty good. Thus emboldened, you check your hair one last

  time and enter the party.

  Now back to the Drake Equation. The equation that Frank Drake

  wrote on the board to start off the Green Bank meeting looked like this:

  N = R* × fp × ne × fl × fi × fc × L

  The Drake Equation is parallel to the date equation, but the party we

  wish to crash is much larger, more frightening, and more enticing: N is

  the number of communicating civilizations in the galaxy. Each star in

  the Milky Way is a potential dance partner for a lucky biosphere, but

  some won’t have the right chemistry. We have to narrow them down.

  On the right side of the equation are all of the factors that we must esti-

  mate in order to size up N.

  Here’s what they all stand for, going from left to right:

  The first three factors are astronomical: R represents the rate, per

  year, at which stars are being born in the galaxy, fp is the fraction of

  stars with orbiting p lanets, and ne is the average number of planets, per star, with e nvironments where life can evolve.

  The next two factors are biological: fl is the fraction of suitable plan-

  ets where l ife actually does develop, and fi is the fraction of these where i ntelligent life evolves.

  The final two terms in the equation represent cultural or social fac-

  tors: fc is the fraction of planetary cultures that are c ommunicating over interstellar distances, and L is the average l ongevity, or l ifetime, of these civilizations, in years.

  Multiplied together, all of these terms give us N, our estimate of the

  number of communicating civilizations in the galaxy. Obviously, most


  L o n e l y P l a n e t s

  of these numbers are highly uncertain, if not totally unknown. If this

  were a serious attempt to nail down an answer, it would be laughed out

  of science. The value of the equation is that it allows us to examine the

  consequences of our assumptions and explore how changing them

  changes the answer we get about finding intelligence in the universe. It

  helps us to identify the most crucial small questions we must answer to

  crack the big one.

  Drake had the Green Bank group take their best shot at estimating

  each factor. Much of the discussion and literature of SETI in the forty-

  two years since then has attempted to refine, refute, or improve these

  estimates. Notice that the terms in the Drake Equation become less cer-

  tain, and more highly subjective, as we read from left to right. R*, the

  rate of star formation, has been pinned down by astronomical observa-

  tions. The Dolphins knew that between one and ten new stars are born

  per year.* In contrast, the fraction of stars with orbiting planets was

  completely unknown in 1961. The Dolphins estimated that half of all

  suitable stars had planets (fp = 0.5).

  They could not agree on a single estimate for ne, the average number

  of life-friendly planets per star. Some thought that a conservative esti-

  mate was ne = 1. Sagan, believing that several planets in our own solar

  system probably harbored life, argued for an average of five. They

  agreed to disagree, settling on a range of ne from 1 to 5.

  Since 1961, we’ve narrowed down the uncertainties in the astronom-

  ical factors ever so slightly. The biological and cultural factors remain

  pretty much where they were when Kennedy was in the White House,

  although different beliefs have come in and out of fashion. The Green

  Bank group reasoned that since life apparently arose quickly here on

  Earth, any planet that could have life must have life. So they estimated

  that fl = 1. This view is still quite common in astrobiology. They also

  estimated that fi = 1, arguing that biological evolution would always

  lead to intelligence, because of the great survival advantage it conveys.

  This has proven to be one of their most controversial assumptions.

  Finally, there are the “cultural factors.” How many intelligent civi-

  lizations will build radio telescopes and choose to use them for interstel-

  lar communication? In this innocuous term (fc) are contained a huge

  host of thorny questions about the nature of intelligence, the universal

  *In our galaxy, that is. This is not counting the massive stars that burn out in a few million years.

  SETI: The Sounds of Silence


  attraction of technology, and the motivations and desires of alien beings.

  The Green Bank Dolphins decided that one in ten such civilizations

  would have the required radio technology and the will to use it (fc = 0.1).

  The final term in the equation, L, the longevity of technical civiliza-

  tions, proved to be the hardest to estimate. The best we can do is to

  ponder our own future, estimate our longevity, and pray for rain. Then

  we extrapolate recklessly to the rest of the galaxy. The Green Bank

  group recognized that this number is totally unconstrained.* We might

  destroy ourselves after less than a hundred years of radio listening,

  which began in 1960. Or we might learn how to get along with one

  another, control our technology, live sustainably, and achieve security

  against natural disasters. (Well, anything is possible.) If we do all that,

  we might last for billions of years. So there is a factor of 107, or ten mil-

  lion, separating the optimistic from the pessimistic estimates. At Green Bank, recognizing that we can’t really pin down L, they settled on a

  range of 103 to 108 (one thousand to 100 million) years for the average

  lifetime of a communicating civilization.

  Multiplying all of the factors together, the Dolphins calculated a huge

  range of 103 to 109 for N, the number of civilizations in our galaxy. Take

  a look at the numbers in the following table and notice a couple of

  things. First, even in the most pessimistic estimate conceivable to all of

  these brilliant scientists, the galaxy should contain, at present, a thou-

  sand advanced civilizations. This is a modern, quantitative reaffirmation

  of the ancient principle of plenitude: in a galaxy this vast, with so many

  stars—each a potential home—we’ve sti
ll got plenty of company, even if

  the odds are extraordinarily unfavorable to life and intelligence. And

  that’s the pessimistic scenario.

  *Which is the technical term for not having a freaking clue.


  L o n e l y P l a n e t s

  On the other end of the range, the number of civilizations may

  approach 1 billion, or more than one in every thousand stars. If this is

  the true state of our galaxy, then several of the few thousand stars you

  can see with your own eyes on a clear night probably have planets that

  are home to advanced cultures. In this crowded galaxy, the average dis-

  tance between civilizations would be only a few tens of light-years, and

  we might hold two-way interstellar radio conversations within the

  short span of a human life.

  Also, note that the calculated range for N, the number of civiliza-

  tions, comes out identical to the range estimated for L, their average

  lifetime in years. That’s because in the (possibly somewhat optimistic)

  Green Bank estimates, all the numbers to the left of L, multiplied

  together, give a value around 1. Accepting this greatly simplifies the

  Drake Equation, which becomes

  N ≈ L*

  In other words, the number of civilizations in the galaxy is equal to the

  average lifetime, in years, of a civilization. This may or may not be

  close to the truth of the matter, but it does highlight the most solid con-

  clusion that we can draw from the Drake Equation: the number of

  intelligences in the galaxy hinges most crucially on one factor, L, the

  longevity of communicating civilizations.

  If intelligence is self-limiting, if brainy races are often too smart for

  their own good and survive, on average, only for a century or a millen-

  nium, then unless we are lucky (always an annoying possibility when

  trying to use probability on ourselves), even our nearest communicative

  neighbors are probably thousands of light-years away. Conversation

  would be impractical, to say the least, since every answer would take

  millennia, and most civilizations wouldn’t last that long. If, on the

  other hand, the average high-tech race lasts for millions of years or

  more, then the galaxy must be full of wise and ancient races. We con-

  clude that the nature of our galaxy, whether it is a quiet desert with an


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