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Desperate For You

Page 26

by Weston Parker

  She moved even slower than I had, but when she eventually lifted the lid off the box containing the diamond earrings I’d gotten her, she gasped. “Jacob! That is way, way too much.”

  “Nope, it’s not. It’s only the shiny part of the present, though. The real gift is underneath. Lift up the tab.”

  She pinched the little satin loop between her fingers with a slight frown on her face, pulling it up before her frown deepened when she saw what was inside. “A key?”

  “It’s for our house. I want you to come and go freely, and when the time is right, I’d like you and Katie to move in here if you want. Or we can move in with you. The point is that maybe next year Santa will only have to come down one fireplace to give the girls their presents.”

  I glanced at where the girls had finished their stocking stuffers and were now lovingly cradling their dolls. “And it will be harder for you to pull the wool over my eyes and surprise me like you did this morning. How did you get your hands on that toy?”

  She giggled. “I didn’t. Santa did. Didn’t you know he has a whole factory dedicated to making every toy in existence? One little doll wasn’t an issue.”

  I shook my head at her. “I’m going to find out eventually.”

  “Maybe.” She leaned forward to kiss me before snuggling into my shoulder. “I love you. When the time comes, we’d love to move in with you.”

  I rested my head on top of hers and breathed her in, tightening the arm I had around her. “When that time comes, all you have to do is say the word. I’m ready, Laurie. For all of it. Whenever you are.”

  She shifted in my arms to look into my eyes, bringing her hand up to stroke along the stubble on my cheek. “I was so lost two months ago. I was desperate for something to save me. I was desperate for you.”

  I lifted her chin to kiss the tip of her nose. “I’ll make sure you never feel lost again. I will always find you, my love. You will always have a home and an anchor in me. So will Katie. Forever.”

  Sure, there was no way I could know only two months in that it would be forever. It really felt like it would be. It was the beginning of our happily ever after, and it was definitely a very happy for now.

  The End.

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  About the Author

  Hey there. I'm Weston.

  Have we met? No? Well, it’s time to end that tragedy.

  I'm a former firefighter/EMS guy who's picked up the proverbial pen and started writing bad boy romance stories. I co-write with my sister, Ali Parker, but live in Texas with my wife, my two little boys, a dog, and a turtle.

  Yep. A turtle. You read that right. Don’t be jealous.

  You're going to find Billionaires, Bad Boys, Military Guys, and loads of sexiness. Something for everyone hopefully. I'd love to connect with you. Check out the links below and come find me.

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  The Parker’s Wicked Playground

  Desperate For You

  Copyright © 2020 by Weston Parker

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and plot are all either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

  First Edition.

  Editor: Eric Martinez

  Cover Designer: Ryn Katryn Digital Art




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