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The Juggling Act

Page 7

by Carol Maloney Scott

  It’s a small inn and I guess we are the only people checking in on a Monday afternoon.

  She continues to smile as she offers us seats to sign our paperwork, while we present our corporate credit cards. As she hands me my check-in form, she holds it back a moment and begins an explanation about my room.

  “Ms. Harmon, I am deeply sorry, but the room you had originally selected for your stay was inadvertently given to another guest by my inept son-in-law. He covers for me on Sundays. I like to take one day off to recharge.”

  She clears her throat and I wait to find out if I need to find another hotel or if she’s putting me in the pool cabana.

  “Because of his unfortunate error, we have placed you in the honeymoon suite. It has a king bed, of course, and a romantic whirlpool tub for two.”

  She glances at Justin and he jumps up and starts looking at the array of brochures on parasailing and snorkeling.

  She turns back to me and continues. “Of course, I know you’re here on business, but I hope you will enjoy the extra space and luxury on us.”

  “Thank you, Linda. Wow, I guess I got lucky that your son-in-law gave away my room.” I smirk at Justin, who looks up from an advertisement for drag queen shows.

  “What? Oh, that’s fine.” He stands up and grabs his suitcase. “Claire should have the better room. She’s a hard worker and a mother of a little one, too.”

  Linda and Justin continue to discuss how I have a lot in common with Wonder Woman, and I put my bags back down to show Linda some pictures of Brandon and Aidan on my phone.

  “Oh, what a beautiful family. I bet you wish that handsome husband of yours was here with you to enjoy your upgraded room.” She winks and nods with widened eyes.

  “Yes, maybe I can convince him to vacation here the next time we can get away.”

  We say our goodbyes to Linda, after she gives Justin a few restaurant recommendations. I’m too tired to talk anymore, and long to throw myself across my huge bed for a little rest before dinner.

  Justin catches up to me and helps me bring my bags to my room, which is off the back patio and pool area, which is gorgeous and private. It doesn’t feel like we are situated on the busiest street in town with all the palm trees and lush vegetation. The sparkling pool is surrounded by deck chairs and pretty tropical décor, and the back area, which is even more private, features the hot tub. The honeymoon suite is right off the hot tub area, and is clearly the most secluded location on the property.

  Justin brings my bags to the door and peeks inside, as soon as I crack the door.

  “You can come in and look if you want.” I watch Justin crane his neck while keeping his feet firmly planted outside the door.

  “No, I’m fine here. I don’t want to get too jealous. It’s not like I can hope to get invited in. You’re a happily married woman.” He grins and says, “Is Italian okay for dinner? It sounded like a nice little place with the white tablecloths and good wine. I’ll make a reservation. Is seven okay? Give you a little time to rest, talk to your hubby and get even more beautiful?”

  “Sure, thanks. Hey, maybe you could scope out the area and find out where the hot chicks hang out. I don’t want you to miss out because of me.”

  I hold the door and watch him walk back towards the pool and the main house, to his own room.

  He turns around and replies, “Nah, I have some work to do. And besides, I’m not going to ditch you on our fun trip. I’ll see you out front at seven?”

  I nod and shut the door. This room is beautiful. Our honeymoon suite was not this luxurious, but it was nice. Our trip to Sanibel Island was relaxing, although Brandon probably would have preferred Key West. Sanibel was picturesque, but the nightlife was lacking. And we went in October, which was the dumbest choice, but I was consumed with wedding planning and Brandon was eager to appease me.

  As I take a trip down memory lane, I lay down on the huge and fluffy bed and fall asleep under the slow moving ceiling fan.



  Waking up refreshed and hungry, I glance at my phone. Wow, I slept for almost two hours. It’s almost six. I rub my eyes instinctively and remember this is not the morning. Now my eye makeup is smeared, but that’s okay. I’m ready for a shower after the day’s travel.

  I step into the enormous two person, tiled shower, lather my hair with the decadent shampoo, and rub my body with the divine smelling pomegranate and mango sea salt scrub the inn has so graciously provided. Why did I ever resist business travel? As I let the warm water soothe my nerves, I remember. Little Aidan. Brandon. The wiener twins.

  I turn off the water and wrap my hair, and then my body, in the plush white bath towels. I trot back into the bedroom and grab my phone again. Surely I missed a message or text. What the hell? Still no message from Brandon. I wish Aidan was old enough to have his own phone.

  I start rifling through my suitcase, hanging up clothing that will wrinkle and spreading out my choices on the bed. Brandon must be caught up with something. If anything was wrong, he would surely call. But he also knows what time I was landing, and I thought he would have some concern about my safe arrival.

  My phone beeps. Okay, there we go. I was jumping to conclusions as usual. I snatch my phone off the dresser and see that it’s my mother who is interested in my safety, not my husband. She is also scolding me for not texting her when I landed. She’s right and I’m sure one day I will feel the same when Aidan is grown.

  I am running out of time, so I choose an outfit and start applying makeup. A hot pink tank top, a long floral skirt and huge silver hoop earrings seem like the perfect tropical dinner outfit. I brought all of my makeup, and in no time I am sparkling and shining, complete with hot pink lip gloss. I choose flat, sequined silver sandals to complete the vacation look. Except this isn’t a vacation. Maybe tomorrow the reality of the work part of this trip will set in.

  It’s almost seven now, but I decide to call Brandon. I won’t make it through dinner in peace without knowing everything is okay at home.

  I pace until I hear Brandon’s voice. “Hello.”

  “Hi, Honey. Is everything okay at home?” I sit back down on the bed.

  “Oh yeah, it’s all good. Sorry I didn’t get your text earlier. I got really caught up in a chapter in my manuscript, and then I wanted to take Aidan out to play in the snow before it got dark.”

  I resist the urge to mention that it got dark about two hours ago. “I bet he liked that.”

  “Yeah, he’s asleep. I need to wake him up so he doesn’t wake up at five in the morning.” He laughs, but seems preoccupied.

  “Do you have company? You seem distracted.”

  “No, not all. I’m just trying to get some dinner together. Tatiana asked if she could go to her sister’s house and play in the snow with Galina.”

  I can’t argue with that. Ron and Natasha’s little girl is adorable and Tatiana is a good aunt.

  “Okay, I won’t keep you. I just wanted to hear your voice and let you know I’m here, safe and sound.” I pause and continue. “There was a mess up with my room and they gave me the honeymoon suite. Isn’t that funny?”

  “Yeah, just make sure Mr. GQ knows he’s on a business trip, not a honeymoon.”

  “Brandon, that’s ridiculous. Justin is a perfect gentleman. All he talks about is Aidan, and how he bets I wish you were here to share this with me.”

  A soft knock on the door interrupts our conversation. “Hold on, Honey.” It must be the housekeeping person. I walk to the door and open it.

  Justin smiles and points to his non-existent watch, which makes me realize that I’m late. I mouth, “I’m sorry,” but apparently it was audible enough for Brandon to hear.

  “Is that the young stud now? I had a feeling he’s already weaseled his way into your room.”

  “We are just meeting for dinner. I’m late, so I should get going.” Silence on the other end. “Brandon, don’t be like this. I am not going to eat dinner by myself when
I’m traveling with a work colleague.”

  I blush as I see Justin trying to pretend he can’t hear us. He slips out the door and points to somewhere outside, as if to say, ‘I will give you your privacy to fight with your husband, but I’m pretty hungry so let’s get going.’

  I hear Brandon’s heavy sigh through the phone. “Listen, Aidan’s up. I’m going to get him so we can eat. I know it’s stupid. I just feel like you’re a million miles away on a glamorous trip with an old boyfriend, and I am here up to my eyeballs in diapers, dishes and an empty bed.”

  I bite my tongue on the empty bed part. He has plenty of temptation on his end. Our house is like a revolving door of hot women lately, and Aidan and the dogs are useless informants.

  “It’s just for the week, and make sure you use Tatiana. Appropriately. I mean…make her work for her money. I mean…she should be cooking and changing diapers. You have a deadline looming.”

  I can almost see his eye roll through the phone. “Yes, Mom. I know what to do.” He softens and says, “I miss you, Claire. I know your dining companion is starving to death at your door, so I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  I sigh and reply, “Okay, let’s talk tomorrow.”

  “Have a good night, Babe. Love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I put my phone in my purse and check my teeth for lip gloss, before joining Justin. Maybe a few drinks and some fresh air will clear my head. Damn it, I forgot to ask him about Chastity’s visit, but that would have only delayed dinner further, and intensified my anxiety. We’ll have to talk about it tomorrow.

  We walk to the restaurant, which is only a few blocks away, and the host seats us at the cozy corner table with a view of the bustling street.

  Justin places his white napkin on his lap, covering his navy blue shorts. His light gold shirt is unbuttoned a little bit, revealing soft, blond chest hair and a tan. How is he always tan? His green eyes shine, even in the low light of the quaint Italian bistro.

  “This town is funny, huh? We passed two places offering nightly drag queen shows and we are only three blocks from the inn. And supposedly this is the tamer side of Duval Street.” He laughs as he opens the menu.

  I sip my water and reply, “I did read that this is a pretty liberal, swinging town. But I think we’ll be safe.”

  We continue to laugh and comment on how we also passed several stands selling alcoholic beverages. It seems you can literally walk around with your drink, and wherever you happen to take your last sip, there’s another place within a few feet ready to serve the next one. Good thing I don’t drink like I used to.

  “Claire, the waiter asked if you would like to see the wine list.” Shit, what was I just saying?


  “You could have told her I was here. After all, it’s just a play date for the kids. I guess that’s why you didn’t take any pictures to send her of the incriminating evidence.” Diamond points to Aidan and Ruby. They’re playing with Aidan’s train set.

  “She hassles me enough, and she has her own hot guy to drool over without my intervention.”

  “Aww, Brandon, are you saying I’m a hot girl you can drool over?”

  Diamond licks her full lips. It’s almost as if she was stung by bees and no one took her to the hospital in time. But just enough to be sexy.

  “No, I’m not saying that, but of course…hey, is that food heated up yet?” I jump off the sofa and head into the kitchen, with two hungry wiener dogs at my feet.

  Diamond stands in the doorframe. “The soup should be hot enough. Let me help you. I know where you keep your bowls.”

  She brushes past me and reaches into the cabinet, displaying her stomach and the edge of her bra, which is red and lacy. Where’s Tatiana when I need her? At least if they were both here, they’d probably stay clothed. Unless…never mind. Sigh. Get behind me, Satan.

  I step back. She retrieves a couple of bowls, while I busy myself with preparing the booster seats for the little ones. Ruby trots over and puts up her little arms, asking to be picked up.

  “Somebody’s ready to eat.” I pick her up and glance over at my son, who is happily zooming his trains and making noises. “Aidan, come on, time to eat.”

  Aidan’s appetite has gone downhill since he stopped eating baby food. Claire still buys him some of the junior foods, but for the most part we are trying to get him to eat what we eat. So far he only likes bananas, bread and chicken cut up in miniscule pieces. Oh, and noodles.

  Diamond ladles the soup and says, “Why don’t you take a picture of him now for Claire? Since he’s alone.” She smiles and comes over to make sure Ruby is secure in her booster seat. She grabs her mommy with her chubby little hand as if to say, ‘Where’s the food, woman?’

  “I told her he was sleeping.” I rub my chin and continue. “But I also said I was going to try to wake him up to eat, so you’re probably right. It will make her happy to get a picture of her baby.”

  I kneel down with my cell phone and snap a couple of shots of Aidan playing, and I finally get him to smile into the camera. There. That should make Claire feel better.

  We sit down to eat and Diamond begins, “So what’s going on with that adoption?”

  “We decided not to do it. The lawyer said they have no problem finding another couple ready to adopt a healthy infant. It’s a bad time for us. We’re already so busy, and well, you know my plans with the band.”

  “Yeah, you guys are young.” She clears her throat and widens her already enormous eyes. “Well, you’re young, and Claire’s not forty yet, right? And people are living longer and much healthier than they used to. My mother looked a lot older when she was Claire’s age.” She hastily looks down into her soup bowl, as if discussing my wife’s advanced age was an embarrassing accident.

  I may be a little bit of a clueless man (or at least that’s what my wife says), but I know when Diamond is purposely trying to make herself look better than Claire. It’s a shame she’s so insecure because she is a knock-out. Joe up the street almost went into cardiac arrest when she moved into the neighborhood.

  Wait until summer! I guarantee she wears next to nothing. Even now in the dead of winter every one of her sweaters shows her stomach, her shoulders, is see-through or has some kind of holes or cutouts. Yes, I look, but I have self-control. I enjoy the ego boost that comes with the flirtation, and it’s all harmless.

  Diamond takes a small sip of soup and again fixes me with those huge blue orbs. “And I think your plans for the band are so exciting! Claire is lucky she’ll get to join you on tour if you guys become famous. Do you think she’ll quit her job?”


  “Excuse us, but you look like a fun couple.” A middle-aged man in striped shorts and a linen shirt approaches our table, with a woman tagging behind.

  Justin and I stop eating and stare at them in unison. Before either of us can speak, the man shakes Justin’s hand. “Hi, I’m Henry. And this is my wife, Fran.”

  Justin tentatively shakes his hand, and we all smile and nod. I reluctantly introduce myself while trying to figure out what they want.

  “What can we do for you folks?” Justin furrows his brow slightly, and places his napkin on the table.

  Henry leans in closer. “There’s this really cool bar, I don’t know if you guys have tried it yet. The Royal Pelican?” When he gets no response, he waves his hand and continues. “Anyhow, I was just saying to Fran here that you two looked like a couple who would like that type of establishment. If you have time after dinner, you should stop by there for a drink. The top floor has a great view.” He smiles and Fran beams and nods. What a couple of weirdos, but it seems that people are drunk pretty early in this town.

  “Thanks, we’ll keep it in mind.” I hope they’ll leave now, and breathe a sigh of relief when Henry stands up straighter.

  As Henry writes the address down on a slip of paper, Fran is staring at me.

  “Your hair is so pretty. Claire, was it?” She is staring
just long enough for it to be uncomfortable, but I thank her and take a gulp of wine. I am trying to lay off the excessive booze on this trip, but after Brandon’s nonsense and these nutters, I feel like a shot of something stronger.

  They finally stop smiling and gaping, and leave the restaurant.

  “What the hell was that all about?” I lean forward and I hope Justin is more street-wise than I am, and has experience with being approached by weird random strangers.

  He frowns and says, “I really don’t know. Maybe they’re just friendly. Or the guy owns a share in the bar. We could check it out. I like a nice view.” He smiles and says, “But I do have one right here.” He must catch my concerned expression, and laughs. “Claire, I meant the view of the hustle and bustle of the street from our table.” He points outside, but I catch him staring at me again.

  My phone beeps and I jump. Oh, it’s a text from Brandon. Aww, a picture of my little muffin.

  “Did you get your ‘good night, Mommy’ text?”

  “Not exactly. It’s a picture of Aidan playing with his trains. Brandon did say he wanted to wake him up, so he’s probably trying to keep him up a while so he’ll sleep all night.”

  I show Justin the picture and then type a quick response. As I am getting ready to hit send, I spot something.

  “Justin, does this look like a woman’s shoe?” I point to the corner of the picture as he asks the waiter for the check.

  He grabs the phone and tries to hold it closer to the light. Of course, he then does the logical thing and zooms into that area with his fingers. “I think it does. Yeah. Why? It’s probably your nanny’s shoe.”

  I take back the phone and look at it more closely. “No, that’s a tiny shoe and Tatiana is a big woman. Plus she would never wear a shoe with a heel that high.”

  “Are you sure it isn’t yours? Don’t kids like to play with shoes? Or is that just dogs?”

  I roll my eyes at Justin’s bachelor ignorance. “It’s not mine. But I think I know who it belongs to.”


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