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by B. A. Stretke


  Dragon’s Blood M.C.

  Book 4

  Copyright © 2017 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  Master Augustin Chamberlin sat with Calum Keith Chieftain of Clan Keith on the back deck of the Dragon’s Blood Lodge. Never in a million years would he have believed such an alliance would exist, dragons and vampires bonded together.

  Members of the paranormal world, as a rule, tended to be species-specific in their matings except for human and humans were somewhat of a wild card and generally accepted by all. Fate though makes her own rules. So here he was overseeing the union of his Coven Commander, Vadin Labont, and Calum's dragon warrior, Kyle Keith.

  When the dragon clan set down roots in Laramie two years ago, Augustin had seen it as an impending disaster for his Coven which resided just to the Northwest in Jackson. Dragons were not known for their understanding or acceptance, they were fierce warlike creatures and they were unstoppable.

  Augustin had learned recently that preconceptions were not always valid and that dragons could be allies. He was also given access to his little cousin, Archie now in the custody of his uncle who happened to be the mate of the dragon clan’s second-in-command.

  The boy was half vampire and half human but was raised on a steady diet of dragon blood. The outcome was uncertain but it was a given that in time, young Archie would have strength and skills beyond the average vampire.

  Augustin found common ground with Clan Keith and a tentative friendship with their Chieftain. Now they would find their way forward following the union of their two respective members.

  Augustin looked ahead to understanding the strength and skill of Kyle Keith. Here was a dragon warrior adept in current technology, now to be like one of his own. Calum seemed just as impressed to have Vadin as part of his Clan. It would be a good union for all concerned.

  Augustin was finding that having a dragon clan in your backyard was not as unsettling as he initially thought it would be. He and Calum continued their light banter as they sat together overseeing the festivities. When Kyle and Vadin entered the backyard, they both stood and raised their glasses in a toast to the new couple, wishing them an eternity of happiness.

  “Clan Keith!” Calum shouted.

  “The Coven Chamberlin!” Augustin followed jovially. He took a long sip of his champagne and glanced to his left just as someone was leaving the house and walking out onto the deck. He was muscular yet slender in comparison to the other dragons. He had bright red hair and the same electric green eyes as most of the Clan. Augustin found himself inexplicably transfixed by the presence of the stranger.

  Calum patted his shoulder, but Augustin was helpless to take his eyes off the new man. “You haven’t met my youngest warrior, James," Calum commented. "Augustin this is James Keith and James this is Master Augustin Chamberlin."

  "Pleased to meet you, sir." James turned to greet him with a smile that curled Augustin’s toes. This was the one, the one he’d waited centuries to find. The other half of his soul. His beloved. Augustin reached out his hand as if in slow motion, just waiting for the burst of electric awareness when James’ hand held his.

  “Pleased to meet you too, James.” His voice was an octave lower but he hoped no one took notice. He wrapped his fingers around James’ hand and held on, the sensation reverberating to his core. He was hard pressed to let go as James removed his hand and with a nod moved away towards the festivities in the yard.

  Augustin watched him closely throughout the remainder of the day. Following James with his eyes everywhere that he went. James kept sneaking glances at him too, the look on his face pensive. He knew there was something about him, Augustin could see it in his eyes, but James could not put his finger on what it was.

  Augustin never left Jackson without cloaking himself to conceal his scent. It was a habit born out of the desire to remain anonymous. Paranormals who knew him knew him by sight and those who didn't know him didn't need too. But now the casual practice that he thought nothing of in the past, had prevented his beloved from recognizing him. James was unaware that they are a fated match.

  Uncertain how to proceed, Augustin decided to stay silent until he could determine the best way to make himself known to his beloved. To simply drop the cloak would be too abrupt and would require too much explanation. He would wait and speak with Calum about the situation in private and get his advice.

  When the celebration turned to music and dancing, several of Augustin’s men, who he’d brought with him, approached James but he turned them all down. James wasn’t just handsome, he was captivating with his beautiful red hair, striking green eyes and porcelain complexion. He understood why James was being sought out. But truth be told if James had accepted any of the offers, Augustin would have intervened immediately. Augustin can be patient but he does not share and he would not sit and observe as his beloved danced with another.

  Thankfully, James didn’t show an interest in any of the eligible men at the party. He sat with family and Augustin watched as James entertained Archie while his parents, Dane and Alrick danced. Augustin noticed that James had a warm robust smile and he appeared to genuinely enjoy watching the festivities but did not once try to join in.

  Augustin could not take his eyes off James for the remainder of the evening. He wanted this man and he wanted to proclaim their connection loud and proud, but this was not the place and he would need to prepare before springing it on the man.

  Augustin could sense the young man’s social difficulties and wondered what his life had been like to leave him so quiet and unsure. The young dragon belonged to him now, there was no question and that knowledge was glorious. Whatever James’ life had been, his future was going to be perfect, because Augustin would accept nothing less. Augustin finally had his beloved within sight and he could see his future in full color with this magnificent creature.


  Augustin and two of his men, Antoni and Nef, remained in Laramie for the night. They secured rooms at the hotel downtown. The rest of the Chamberlin contingency returned to Jackson. Vadin and his beloved Kyle left for a week in the mountains.

  Augustin stood on the small balcony outside his room and scanned the horizon. His mind was consumed with ways of clearing the way to claiming his beloved, James Keith. He knew absolutely nothing about the man yet he ached to be with him. The thought brought a soft smile to his lips and hunger to his eyes. He wondered how things would have unfolded had he not cloaked his scent and if James had recognized him.

  Augustin had not thought of his beloved in a long time. As a young boy, he often daydreamed about the perfect match that Fate had waiting for him. But as he grew into a man and life came at him hard and unyielding, his mind drifted from such imaginations. He had no time and very little heart for the prospect of love and romance. It seemed that such a connection was not to be his, he believed as every paranormal believes, but he had little hope that he would be blessed with love.

  Now, his skin prickled and his breath came out in expectant pants, all evidence that his time had come. Fate had blessed him with James Keith. The young dragon was more than he ever dreamed of, even back when his fantasies of the future filled his days. James Keith was a man of strength and honor and a
man Augustin would strive to merit.


  James watched as the vampire master left and wondered why he was so interested in this man, this stranger, this vampire. After meeting him earlier in the day, James found himself constantly looking for him. James, as a rule, did not seek out attention of that nature. It was something he found difficult and awkward so he usually avoided relationships.

  Like the others, he was sent by King Duncan Adair on a quest to find his mate but he really had no delusions that such a thing would happen to him. He joined the quest those hundred years ago in order to escape. His Chieftain knew his background as did his fellow warriors because they were all Clan. He had nothing to hide from them, but it terrified him that he was not suited to be anyone’s mate.

  The Vampire was attractive, but there was more to it than simple attraction. The moment their eyes met, James felt a familiarity as if they’d already met, but they hadn’t. He’d heard about Master Augustin, but never met him. His words, his gaze, his very presence became like a physical touch that James could feel skate across the surface of his skin.

  His mind went in several directions, but the lack of scent kept him confused. The idea that the great vampire master could be his mate actually made him laugh. Fate would not be so cruel to such a fine-looking man as Augustin Chamberlin. Besides, he did not smell like his mate.

  The party broke up around midnight, with the couple leaving shortly before. James, Flynn, and Ewan volunteered to do clean-up. James found that he possessed a lot of pent-up energy and wanted to burn it off before trying to sleep.

  Thoughts of Augustin Chamberlin refused to leave his mind as he finished with the backyard and entered the kitchen. Ewan and Flynn were also finishing up dishes and food storage. They would be eating finger sandwiches for the next month by the looks of it.

  “The yard is back in order, do you need any help in here?” James called out as the last of the pots and pans were stowed away.

  “No, we’re good in here too. I guess we can call it a night.” Ewan announced and slapped Flynn on the shoulder and gave James a salute as he disappeared up the back stairway.

  James walked up beside Flynn. “Do you know anything about the Coven Master? He seems rather intense.” James asked casually as he and Flynn walked into the living room for a final check around the first floor before turning in for the night.

  Flynn stopped and turned to look at him directly. "I thought the same thing, very intense like he was really interested in something."

  James was relieved that it wasn't just him who felt the heaviness coming from the man. "Any theories?" He knew Flynn loved to spin stories based on simple observation.

  “Could be Archie. He wants to have a regular visitation schedule and Calum has agreed. Maybe he was contemplating how to use their time together.” Flynn wrinkled his nose at his own guess. “No, that sounds absurd. I’ve seen him with Archie, he is very comfortable and their time together was natural, not manufactured.” Flynn rubbed his chin and glanced up at the ceiling as if searching for the answer there. Suddenly he snapped his fingers and looked excited. “I think he saw someone he’s interested in.”

  “One of us?” James scowled.

  “Yeah, one of us. Now that I think of it, he did look rather broody and his eyes, man they were on fire.”

  “Now you’re just making shit up.” James gave a half grin.

  "Maybe, but I think I'm right, he was interested in somebody. Someone in the backyard was lighting his fire." Flynn chuckled.

  “Goodnight Flynn.” James rolled his eyes.

  “Goodnight James.”


  Augustin was up early after a night of very little sleep. His intention was to call Calum and set up a meeting to discuss his relationship with James. When he entered the outer room, the phone was ringing. His guard Nef picked it up and after a few words put it on hold and handed the receiver to Augustin.

  “Chieftain Calum Keith for you sir.” He said and then returned to his post at the door.

  "Hello, Calum," Augustin answered.

  “Are you free, I’d like to discuss a sensitive subject with you.” Calum sounded firm not a shred remained of the lighthearted conversationalist of last night.

  “Yes, of course. Would you like to meet here at the hotel or should I come to you?” Augustin was in Calum’s territory so the location of the meeting was up to Calum.

  "I'll come to you." With that, the phone went dead. Augustin understood from Calum's tone that whatever the subject of this meeting, it was important. Calum arrived immediately following their conversation which spoke to the serious nature of this meeting.

  They sat together in the main room of the large suite. Augustin had his men wait in the hall, reading the need for privacy from Calum’s unguarded expression when eyeing the guards. “Can I get you anything?” Augustin asked before taking a seat opposite Calum.

  "No, but thank you." He raised his eyes speculatively and waited for just a beat before stating the reason for the meeting. "You showed an inordinate amount of attention to one of my men yesterday."

  This time, Augustin was the one to raise his gaze slowly and take in every nuance of the dragon's words and presentation before responding. "Yes, I did," Augustin stated but did not elaborate.

  “I will not allow you to toy with him.” Calum straightened in his seat and his eyes bore down on Augustin. “James is a keen and capable warrior, but when it comes to matters of the heart, he is a fragile young man.”

  "James is my beloved," Augustin announced and watched as Calum's expression changed from challenging to dumbstruck. He straightened again, took a deep breath and glanced away for a moment as if gathering his thoughts.

  “James has said nothing about it.” Calum’s eyes narrowed.

  "James doesn't know," Augustin informed and then quickly explained. "I cloak my scent whenever I leave Jackson. I recognized him yesterday when we met, but he did not recognize me." Augustin looked away this time. "I believe he felt something, but he doesn't realize that I am . . ." Before he could finish, Calum finished for him.

  “His mate.” Calum let out a long sigh and pushed his hair back with his left hand as he watched Augustin. “Why didn’t you say so at the time, are you planning to deny him?”

  Augustin stiffened as if having been struck and his eyes filled with shocked revulsion at the mere thought he'd contemplated such an action. "James is my beloved and I will never give him up or let anyone take him away from me. Anyone who believes otherwise is sorely mistaken." Augustin leaned forward in his seat for emphasis.

  “I didn’t come forward with the news immediately because of the venue and the hesitancy I recognized in him. I stayed in town last night because I intend to pursue him. He is my beloved and I will never deny him anything.” Augustin held Calum’s gaze, something few paranormals could do.

  Calum nodded accepting Augustin’s explanation. “I can smell the truth of your words, but delaying telling him is not a good idea. James is a complex man.” Calum leaned back in his chair and contemplated his next words.

  Calum’s cagy comment and behavior had Augustin tensing in his chair. “What are you not telling me? I have a right to know my beloved.” Augustin needed to know.

  “James is, as I said before, fragile. I don’t mean that in the physical sense. Physically he is a fierce and skilled warrior. Our King, Duncan Adair intervened in a family tragedy and pulled James out. King Duncan put him in my custody and he became James Keith of Clan Keith. He has been a part of my family for a hundred and forty-five years.” Calum kept his eyes on Augustin as he began his explanation.

  “What happened to James’ family?”

  "His father, Rory, was one of King Duncan's personal guards. The situation in his home was abusive but was unknown to us all and for that, we all grieve." Calum's words were disturbing, Augustin began visualizing the things Calum hadn't said yet.

  "His life was pure torment and none of us knew, I can't go into detail b
ecause it is James' story to tell. But let me say this, he was raised in fear and intimidation and doesn't trust easily. He lacks confidence and his sense of self is severely damaged." Calum leaned forward as he finished. "His mother is deceased and his father was banished from the Shetland Circle."

  Augustin struggled to control his anger and his overwhelming sense of helplessness. The thought that James’ life was an ordeal, became an agony that tore at his heart in a way that was excruciating. “I will cherish him for the rest of our lives and beyond. His life will be as perfect as I can make it.” Augustin vowed. He understood the Chieftain’s hesitance and concern now and respected him all the more for it.

  “I would like to see him, today. I need him to know me.” Augustin lost a little of his harshness as his tone was taking on a shade of neediness. The information he was given caused in him a sense of urgency far and above what he’d been feeling before.

  “I’ll arrange it. I think it best that you come to him. Talk to him in familiar surroundings. He will recognize you, every dragon knows their mate on scent but he will be scared. It may bring back many dreadful days he thought were forgotten. His parents were not good role models for mated bliss. Be prepared to fight for him because I believe that you may have to.” Calum stood and Augustin did likewise.

  "Thank you, Calum." Augustin reached out his hand and Calum took it and held firm.

  "I'm glad it's you. James needs someone like you. My Clan and I will help in any way that we can, do not hesitate to ask." With that, he left the room. He assured Augustin that he would contact him within the hour to set up a meeting.


  It had to be the longest hour in the history of time, but true to his word, Calum called him and arranged for him to come to the Lodge. James was relaxing on the back deck with Forbes and Bryn. He was instructed to approach from the yard and Forbes and Bryn would leave when he arrived giving him privacy with James but also allowing James the space he may need. Augustin chose to go alone, leaving his guards at the hotel.


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