Game of Passions
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Lucas rammed her with the vigor and impetus of a man who wanted, needed to be satisfied with her. Only she was able to calm her appetites.
This was Lucas, capable of making her scream and feel without respite, without respite. The only one that made him lose control and logic.
Their bodies trembled with desire trying to prolong an ending impossible to extend much more.
— Baby, you kill me.
Lucas's body dripped sweat from the effort but he was not going to stop.
He wanted her, he needed her as the food of the hungry.
With each thrust he felt how his sweet heat enveloped him and he could not contain himself, he wanted to get where no man had been before. He lay flat on top of her, holding his weight with his elbows but wrapping it like his second skin and deepening his thrustings even more.
— I can not take it anymore— Carmen stuck her nails in those wide backs and felt herself planning in a universe of sensations.
— Let go... I'll wait for you— Lucas bit his neck.
And Carmen let go.
When Lucas felt her squeeze him inside, he could not contain himself and rose to the heavens accompanying her where only lovers are able to meet.
I can not
Carmen summoned courage to think that Lucas was asleep, and got up with deep care not to move an inch of the sheets and wake him up.
He found his broken bra and discarded it to the ground when he did not see the possibility of using it.
He dressed very carefully and when he was about to approach the door, he felt the deep and angry voice from the bed.
— You run away.
Carmen took a deep breath. She would have liked to lie there and tell him that she loved him, that she needed him more than anyone else, and then what? Lucas was a very handsome man and if we add to that his funny character and his strong ardor, we created a cocktail of man with pure masculine essence, which made him irresistible for any woman.
I could not stand it.
Knowing yourself totally in love, for minutes later, being abandoned. It would be a much more painful suffering than with Richard.
At first they are interested in you but then they look for another and you suffer for what will never be again. She reminded herself of being a petite, plump teenager waiting for the handsome Richard in the town square.
«Baby, do not pressure me. Always asking for more ». Those words of Richard rumble in his head coming from the past to the present.
Do not.
She was an excellent professional, autonomous and independent of the bondage of feelings.
Carmen turned to look at Lucas and let her interpretation of modern woman make an appearance.
— We have spent a night of spectacular sex but... I must... — He could not finish the sentence because Lucas jumped from the bed to face her face to face.
— Night of sex? Is that what happened in this bed?
Lucas simply wore tight boxer shorts. And when he got up so naked and so imposing in front of her, he thought he could not face it. In fact, all he wanted was to throw him on the mattress and kiss him until he felt it inside again and melted into one.
«Lust, this is just lust and nothing else» Carmen repeated the words again and again like a mantra.
— Lucas, please! We like each other, and we let ourselves go...
— AHA! Now we like each other? — Lucas approached more and more and made it back down until hit the wall.
Carmen cleared her throat.
— Well yes, but we are two adults and... — Lucas put both hands on the wall to immobilize her and begin to kiss her on the neck.
— And? — I wanted the truth. He needed his sincerity, and he would do everything possible to obtain it.
— And... and... Please, you can stop! — Carmen tried to escape under the arms but he pressed her even closer to the wall.
— I hear you— Lucas was breathing hot against his throat.
— But I can not concentrate if you kiss me like that.
— Because you liked it — he continued with his torture.
— Yes, I can not deny that.
Lucas touched her over the shirt and walked her with his kisses in a way that made her lose any kind of logical argument.
— Then, if I like you and you like me and I want you and you want me— she said while licking one of her nipples over the shirt without a bra— Why do you run away?
— I like you? — His female pride wanted to hear him say.
— Small, I like every corner of your body and your being. You do not have to run away— Lucas continued kissing her.
Carmen heard the word run away and realized that it was what she had to do before she was totally lost.
I had to react or I would be lost. But how?
"Anger". He had to appeal to his strong character and disappear.
— I do not run away! — she shouted angrily as she let go of her embrace. — Why do not you understand me?
— It's what I want. Understand— Lucas touched the back of his neck trying to calm his anger—but for that I need you to tell me the truth. I want a reason why, in a moment I feel the center of your world and the next moment, you move away like a miserable flea.
— I already told you.
— Ah! Yes, I'm not ready— Lucas roared furiously.
— Exactly!
— And can you know why you're not ready? — Lucas tried to approach very slowly so as not to scare her— baby you reject me but your body calls me to screams— with all the sweetness she crossed those soft cheeks with her fingers stranded by the military combat.
— You do not understand...
— Do not! I do not understand it— he tried to breathe deeply to calm down— that's why I need you to explain to me what is happening.
"What happens is that either I leave you now, or you will hurt me later." Carmen sighed deeply. I would have to play dirty.
— Lucas, this is just sex. There is no more and there will be no more. I'm very sorry if you thought... well... I'm sorry, but something else beyond sex is impossible for me...
— Go! — His voice was a painful roar.
— Lucas please, I do not want to cheat you, I prefer to be honest. I can not commit to anything, sex is one thing but go beyond...
— Only sex... Is that for you? A good dust? — His voice was torn — Is that what happened here tonight when you shouted that you wanted me, that you needed me?
— No... Yes... — Carmen thought she would faint due to the tension she was in — please do not get angry — she tried to touch his arm but he distanced himself as if he were an incurable leprous.
— Quiet. Do not worry. I'm not angry. As you say, this is just sex and if I get angry the next time we see each other, I can not fuck you again like a bitch in heat.
Lucas was met with an open palm slap, right in the center of his face.
— Fool!
He smiled wickedly as he touched his face.
— Yes, the truth is that I am, but being here with you listening to nonsense — his voice was a plea — you could trust me and tell me the truth.
— There's nothing to tell — it was blunt.
— Then go! — Lucas turned and showed him his wide backs — It's daytime, you can ask for a taxi.
Carmen clung to her purse, regained her dignity and left without looking back.
Lucas collapsed on the couch. I had lost it.
He tried to make her feel. He thought they would have a chance. If she was simply able to trust him, but no, she was not willing to try, she would not let him.
Lucas slammed his fist on the door in front of him, causing a splash of wood chips all over the room.
Agitated, he leaned his head against the wall to calm his uncontrolled rage.
The only woman he wanted forever, with whom he was able to dream that a future was possible and she did not even notice it.
I had lost it. I was lost.
Carmen looked at Azul in her advanced state of pregnancy and smiled happily. Both were lifelong friends. He did not remember a day, a joy or a sadness in which his faithful companion was not with her.
Azul offered him his friendship when many others made fun of him, taught him the value of selfless affection.
She was the chosen sister and that life offers you in the form of friendship.
With the help of Azul he managed to keep going despite the pain of heartbreak. She finished her computer studies and today was a free and independent woman.
Both were raised together, and both went ahead, with their sorrows and their glories, but always together.
Her dear friend was in a state of sweet waiting. Matías's twins would arrive soon.
He could not help feeling a little twinge of envy as he felt the happiness of his friend.
«Maybe... maybe... true love existed...»
Matías, the couple of Azul, in the past, was not able to have only one woman in his life, he belonged proudly to the world of lost bullets, he was an incorrigible innate but he fell in love with his friend and his change was radical. I loved her and I respected her like the sky does with the stars.
Both were very happy and enviable were in love. Had he misjudged men?
No, that was not possible.
Richard had taken advantage of her to the untold and her father had abandoned them when he was only ten years old. He opened the door and left, without a word, without apologies, simply stroked his head and left with that light secretary of skirts.
Carmen shook her head to try to forget.
No, Matthias was one among millions. Men use you and dismiss you as stinky garbage.
— Carmencita! — Azul called her with her diminutive since they were small— Awake.
— Hey, yes... sorry, I was distracted.
— That's clear because I'm waiting for two children and you have a little pink dress in your hand — she answered graciously — or is it that you have to tell me something?
— Do not be silly.
Carmen smiled for the first time all afternoon of shopping.
— Let's have a coffee, I need it.
— I think it's fine, but for me it's a juice, I've been banned from caffeine— Azul put on his cheeks and Carmen embraced her with love.
— Are you going to tell me what happened Saturday night?
— Why do you think something has happened?
— It may be because you've been swollen and red for two days despite the make—up. And do not give me that story of spring allergy that I do not believe. Is it not Lucas? — His question sounded sympathetic.
— Well, no, my dear Sherlock Holmes, it's not for him, my life is something more than history with a man — he lied shamelessly and Azul did not believe him.
The two friends sat, as they always did since they were teenagers, at a table in front of a window with views. They loved inventing stories with the people they saw behind the glass. They were able to imagine a world of colors where they were the artists of a canvas with touches of dreams and love.
Azul remembered those pranks and thought it would be a good way to help release feelings buried by her friend.
— That girl, the one in the red jersey...
Carmen did not want to play, she was not in the mood but seeing her friend so excited and with that smile of pregnant plethoric, was unable to refuse.
— I say you've been crying for... — Azul looked at the passers—by the newspaper vendor on the corner.
— Let's see... she thinks he never looks at her when every morning he crosses in front of his calet for work. She feels very attracted to him... —
Azul continued the story.
— Yes, she works in that bakery — she pointed to the end of the opposite sidewalk.
Carmen continued with the game.
— The poor wretch is madly in love and the idiot does not pay any attention to her, she is plump— "Why did I have to say that?" Carmen thought, annoyed at her clumsiness.
— Can— her friend Azul decided to continue as if she did not notice the acidity of her words— but what that young girl does not know is that she is still very young, she is not able to see that like a swan, one day she will unfold the wings to leave everyone with their mouths open.
Carmen sipped the coffee without commenting at all on the end of the story.
Azul caressed her with the sweet look of friendship.
— Come on Carmen, you have to let time run. Forget the past.
— Look who says it, the one that almost kill to find the murderers of their parents— He could not hide the irony in his voice.
— That's why I'm telling you. They persecuted me, kidnapped me and I almost got Matías killed. My stubbornness did not let me see beyond my nose. Carmen, I'm happy beyond logic and reason, and I want you to be too. "He stroked his hand to convey confidence.
— Azul, please, do not give me sermons. It's okay that Matías adores you, you are very happy and he is delighted with the idea of being a father, but he is the exception that confirms the rule— I was disgusted.
— Well, if I remember correctly, it was you who encouraged me to conquer it.
— Yes, but I was talking about a little sexual play, momentary fun... and dear, for your state— and tenderly caressed the roundness of your gut while laughing— you have played up to double.
The two laughed out loud but Azul had to stop because the twins started kicking in their gut.
— Are you okay? — Carmen worried.
— Yes, but you do not.
— I'll be, I promise.
— Maybe if you give yourself a chance with Lucas and tell him the truth, your fears, your distrust, the reasons that lead you to flee always...
— Yes, you can... — she answered bored as she got up — and may, if we take longer, your beloved dark knight sends us to search with the GEOS, you know how he cares...
Azul moaned bored.
— It's a bit heavy, with that little left, think I can give birth in the street — seemed irritated.
— He worries about you and the babies— he answered amused.
— But two months are missing! It does not allow me to get up from the couch or to make tea.
— And you're delighted — his voice was that of an accomplice.
— Of course, but neither is going to say it.
Both friends laughed and Azul took the opportunity to press her friend's arm hard.
— You know I love you. You are my friend, my sister and my accomplice. I want you to find love and be happy.
— I know.
The two embraced and Carmen shed a couple of tears without being able to avoid it. Since the flight from Lucas's house, he was unable to control his emotions.
Azul watched the tears run down her friend's cheeks and wanted to dry them but she would not let them. Carmen, the strong and independent unable to be comforted. That was her friend.
Azul felt sorry for her. Life had taken her down a path of loneliness and she was unable to change course.
Azul also spilled a few salty drops down her cheeks but was not sincere in front of her friend's concerned question.
— It will be the pregnancy hormones that make me cry even for the baked chicken — she answered graciously.
— It will be that — Carmen was worse than ever.
The break with Lucas was proving more difficult than any other and he did not see the light at the end of the road. In fact, I was not even able to see the way.
The Heritage
Carmen listened without giving credit to the situation before her.
At what time he had gone from being a salaried to become the owner of a small hostel on a remote island in Brazil?
He remembered the famous Aunt Faustina well. When I was little I used to come to her house when I was visiting Spain.
Aunt Faustina was an old friend of her grandmother who married a Portuguese gentleman and who decided in those yea
rs to emigrate to Brazil. I did not know much more.
Faustina was a very affectionate woman and she was such a friend of her grandmother that from there the nickname of aunt.
Faustina and that man had no offspring and that's why they adopted her as a granddaughter of blood. Aunt Faustina visited Spain every year for Christmas and used to bring a lot of original gifts such as colorful dresses and round chocolate bonbons that were very good. One day, he brought a stone that seemed to be formed by small pieces of crystals of a beautiful cobalt blue, which his mother still kept leaning on one of the shelves of the dining room.
She tried to remember that once when she arrived crying from the institute, the usual thing at the time, Aunt Faustina, who was visiting her mother, was very affectionate with her. He spoke with understanding and affection.
«Carmen you are a beautiful girl inside and you will become a beautiful young woman from the outside, you just have to give yourself time. You'll see, one day you'll come to visit me in Brazil and you'll fall in love with all the natives with your beautiful blond waves and your honey—colored eyes »
He remembered those words as if time had not passed. One day the news arrived that Aunt Faustina had been widowed and she did not return to Spain anymore.
— Miss? I need you to sign here please.
— Yes— Carmen felt confused.
— Perfect, one last signature here and the Posada and this letter will be yours.
— Letter? — Carmen asked surprised.
— Yes, Mrs. Faustina asked me that when the time came, I would deliver the letter in hand, to you and only you — the lawyer spoke with responsibility.
Carmen sat in the law firm alone trying to digest what was happening.
She was the owner of a hostel in Brazil and an envelope with her name written on the back.
"Sole heir" the words echoed in her head.
He entered his house without being able to understand how his life was able to turn in just twenty—four hours.