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Rogue Pilot

Page 14

by Will Macmillan Jones

  “The tow tether is released, Frank.”

  “Right.” I closed down the section of the navcomm that ran the tether, the tether that had let Rosto’s battlecruiser take me away from Port Royal. “Where are we, exactly?”

  “Close to the only professional maintenance base that can repair your hyperdrive. Star Fleet Base.”

  “What!” I looked at the vidscreen. There was the enormous space station that was The Free Union’s Star Fleet Base. “But the admiral will have me arrested on sight!”

  “Maybe,” agreed Rosto. “Maybe not,” he added with a wink. “Head for maintenance, and the boys there won’t be able to see you.”

  “How much use to me is a blind mechanic?”

  “Don’t be like that. It’s all arranged. You were helpful to me, so I’m returning the favour. I always pay my debts, Frank. This makes us even.”

  “Quits,” I muttered.

  “If you like. I’ll be seeing you, Frank.”

  “Not if I see you first, Rosto.”

  “That’s Colonel Rosto to you.”

  I saluted and set a course for the maintenance bay. The Free Union’s Chief of Espionage smiled at me and waved a hand at his comms system which closed down. Grinning, I closed the channel at my end. With the hyperdrive repaired, I would be back out in space and away from authority, free once again to be a rogue pilot.

  Frank and his Speedbird will be back. Look out for Interstellar Mercenary, the next adventure from Red Kite Publishing Ltd


  Will Macmillan Jones lives in Wales, a lovely green, verdant land with a rich cultural heritage. He does his best to support this heritage by drinking the local beer and shouting loud encouragement whenever International Rugby is on the TV. A fifty something lover of blues, rock and jazz he has just fulfilled a lifetime ambition by filling an entire wall of his home office with (full) bookcases. When not writing, he is usually lost with the help of a SatNav on top of a large hill in the middle of nowhere, looking for dragons. He hasn’t found one yet, but insists that it is only a matter of time.

  He is known locally as a poet and oral storyteller, specializing in ghost stories and traditional tales, some of which can be found on YouTube, and are now available to buy on CD.

  His major comic fantasy series, released by Red Kite Publishing, can be found at:

  and information on his other work and stuff in general at :




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