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Page 31

by Carl Stubblefield

  Photoelectric Shielding (Level 11): Energy below a certain threshold state will be absorbed by shielding, sufficient energy will result in a retaliatory burst of photoelectrons causing radiation damage.


  Wreck-luse (Level 10): Upon touching an enemy, with weapon or physical touch, a toxin is released which causes them to flee away from friend and foe. Necrotizing damage at site of touch that continues to spread outward, dealing damage until healed. Gives poisoned debuff, -20% movement speed, -20% attack damage.

  Indi-Wreckt (Level 1): Allows you to destroy items not directly in physical contact with you, given they are suffused with enough energy.

  Range of effect: 10 feet.

  Damage done: 1:2 ratio of MP invested to HP damage.

  WRECK-LESS (Level 2): This skill dramatically increases the durability of used items, weapons and armor. (+50%) It extends to vehicles you directly use, or are a passenger in, and lowers critical failures rates (30% reduction).

  Smol (Level 13) [45MP/minute]: Controls quantum field fluctuations to reduce the space between fundamental particles, using modified quantum chromodynamics to stabilize quark/gluon interactions. TL;DR: Reduces size by a factor of up to 30 times.

  Cleanse (Level 17) [50 MP]: Eliminate toxins of all types from self or others who possess Nth. At higher levels, can create remote effects on those who do not possess Nth.

  Shake (Level 21) [30 MP]: Cause an intense vibration that causes disorientation and dizziness.

  Shatter (Level 11) [20 MP/minute]: Vibrate at a frequency that will cause stress-hardening weakness in metals and polymers, causing their failure. Vibrations will cause glasses and ceramics to propagate any weaknesses and break.

  Kitty’s Got Claws (Level 7) [20 MP]: Increased damage and poison transmitted to wounds for continued damage over time.

  Meld (Level 8) [40 MP]: Temporarily gain properties of a selected item. Duration depends on the type of material utilized and energy requirements to affect transformation.

  Ice Shard (Level 16) [15 MP]: Use ambient moisture to create dagger-like weapons. MP cost doubled if insufficient ambient moisture and ether must be converted to water to create effects.

  Amber (Level 8) [20MP]: Create a viscous substance that rapidly hardens, trapping enemies inside.


  Enhanced Strength (Level 36) [Passive]: Every level of this ability gives a (1.7 x level) permanent increase to Strength stat. Each allocated point into Strength yields 1.7 points in addition to skill boost (not retroactive).

  Hyper (Level 17) [20MP]: Doubles a stat for 5 minutes per activation.

  Cat-Like Reflexes (Level 34) [Passive]: More intuitive reactions and Agility. Increases Agility by 20 points.



  Resilience (Level 11) [Passive]: Grants extraordinary resistance to projectiles and explosive damage due to a passive ether shield that absorbs and deflects attacks above melee speeds.


  Wreck-ord (Level 3): Everyone marches to the beat of their own drum, but you use this to your advantage! When you songify your life in apropos ways, you will get a bonus to stats. Bonus depends on the aptness of your choice and stats relevant to the situation. Rock on!

  Note: Each song can only be used once for effect. Unlike most abilities, as you increase in your personal level, this ability loses its potency. Use this ability wisely.

  For levels 10-19:

  Multiplier Progression: Geometric progression x2.

  Cooldown: 12 hours.

  Vivid (Level 4) [Passive]: Enhanced dreams, often providing special benefits, including: temporary stat increases, insights, crafting epiphanies.

  Command (Level 17) [10MP]: Compel targets to obey instructions. Success rates increase with higher levels of Intelligence.

  Electronic Mind (Level 36): Facilitated communication with non-biologic entities, as well as intuition in construction and repair of all constructs meant to interface with biologic tissues.

  Aim-Assist (Level 8) [10 MP/minute]: Display augment to aid in targeting, allows the host to lock-on at higher levels. Once a lock is achieved, can be maintained even after target is out of the line of sight or uses stealth skills.

  Coerce (Level 11) [50MP]: Compels a target to agree with instruction. Success calculated based on the delta between the target’s base Intelligence stat compared to caster.

  Telepathy (Level 21) [10 MP/minute]: Send and receive mental messages, images and information.

  Mindfulness (Level 8/42).

  True Sight (Level 1): You have looked beyond what is false for long enough to gain a certain sense of clarity. You now can perceive truth more readily. Improved understanding of how the universe truly functions and increased perception of truth in communication, dispelling illusions, and your environment. Increased levels allow greater success in seeing things as they truly are.

  TimeSight (Level 7): You can now access some relativistic effects that will compensate and increase reaction time while traveling at excessive speeds.


  Dash (Level 12): Speed forward a distance of 650 feet or less. Distance increases with skill level (50ft +(n x50ft)).

  Bound (Level 5) [20 MP]: Jump with increased ability, energy stored upon landing, aiding height and power of successive jumps.

  Advanced Flight (Level 47) [30 MP/minute]: Can control trajectory and speed of flight. Lowered MP cost to maintain flight as levels increase. As levels increase, carry capacity during flight increased.

  Xyzzy (Level 3) [75MP]: Bamf! Form wormholes to create portals and transport from one location to another. Base range is 5 feet. Each additional level extends this range another 5 feet.

  Lightskate (Level 8): Move effortlessly on any surface on photonically charged ether.

  Drafting (Level 34): Creates a wake behind you that allows teammates to travel at the same speed.


  Camouflage (Level 5) [3 MP/minute]: Blend seamlessly into your environment. Note: At your current level you will be detectable during movement.

  Phase-Shift (Level 4) [10 MP/minute]: Shift partially out of the current dimension to avoid detection. During shifts, cannot be damaged by projectiles or melee damage, but will still be susceptible to area-of-effect damage.

  Gemini (Level 11) [40 MP/copy]: Create an illusory copy of self that acts independently based on mental commands. Shares no actual abilities and can cause no physical damage.

  Shapeshift (Level 18): Change your physical form at will by temporarily reconfiguring connective and hard tissues.

  Mimic (Level 5) [20 MP]: Impersonate others by adopting their outward appearance. At higher levels can match vocal patterns and mannerisms.

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