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Science and Sorcery Box Set

Page 58

by Ryan Tang

  Alex winced.

  "When I was growing up, I thought about being an asteroid miner. They have a simulator for that, and I had a few people come to recruit me because of how well I did in the Paragon duels. My parents went crazy. They said it was way too dangerous."

  She had a few childhood friends who'd become asteroid miners. She hadn't kept in touch with them, but she still occasionally checked the colony news to see if they were alright. Asteroid mining was a very dangerous job.

  Emile frowned.

  "What about the relic? Is there a relic on Diligence?"

  Each of the colonies had a relic. Plenty had the Library Spire, Generosity had the Palace of Luck, Humility had the Mechanical Lion. Alex thought again about her theory of the Spire and frowned. Could there be a sinful god trapped on every colony?

  She shook her head.

  It was a perturbing thought, but there was nothing she could do for now. Once she found the schematics, she would have all the time in the world to research in the Spire. But if Governor Steel arrived on Plenty before she figured everything out, all of her friends and the beautiful home they'd built together could be endangered.

  "No. Diligence doesn't have a relic. It's probably because of its history. You know, how the Nobles didn't live there."

  Nobody knew anything about the Mad Nobles' history, but regular people had lived on Diligence, and they'd written down their stories.

  "The biggest building is the governor's residence, and it's pretty small."

  Alex recalled Macob proposing repeated votes to try to make it bigger only to get shot down every time. Emile poked at her tablet and slid it over.

  "Well, that explains why they are calling this the new relic."

  Alex stared at the picture on the screen. Just like the new Governor, the new Governor's building was a complete shock. She grimaced. She should have been checking the politics section too. The librarian had ignored politics during her time on Plenty, but now she knew how important it could be. According to the colony's former laws, everything Stock had done during the Southern Robotics crisis had been legal.

  "What the fuck?"

  The Governor's office had transformed into a massive floating city. It loomed high above the service center, held aloft by a set of powerful thrusters pillowing out smoke.

  "Check out this article."

  Governor Steel: We are rebuilding the Governor's residence to show everyone the new Diligence is a threat. The other relics were inherited. Diligence's was earned.

  The shock of the floating city stayed with Alex until they arrived shortly after.

  Emile gasped and pressed her face tight against the window, and Alex did the same right next to her. She'd only seen a colony from the outside twice before. When she left Diligence six years ago and when she'd left Plenty earlier today. The first time she arrived on Plenty, the whole colony had been blockaded by the false sky. The view from up high was truly miraculous. She doubted she'd ever get tired of it.

  Alex and Emile gaped at the lush green of the farms and the stark gray of the metal factories. They saw the packed bustle of the services district. The buildings were neat and orderly in the center of the colony, but they sprawled messily at the edges. The service district was always expanding.

  And she saw the strange building floating in the sky and the machines swarming across the surface. They were still expanding it. The sight filled her with a faint unease, but Alex shook her head and told herself it was only due to the unfamiliarity.

  When they arrived at the Gate, Alex was disappointed to see there weren't any miners outside. She'd been hoping to show them to Emile. The sight of the small machines determinedly tugging a massive asteroid was emblematic of Diligence's ironclad determination. Pictures didn't do it justice. It had to be seen in person.

  A sleek factory jet stopped them just outside the Gate.

  "Hey! You're the ladies from Plenty, right? Come this way through the back. There's a lot of bad sentiment for foreigners right now. It'd be best if you didn't enter from the front. Let me show you another way in the back."

  Alex manned the controls and overrode the auto-pilot. Her unease deepened. The fact that they couldn't enter through the Gate was just another reminder that Diligence was a different place now, a place with angry citizens and a man who might be an imposter governor.

  But being an ace wasn't just about skill in battle.

  Sometimes there was guile involved too.

  She just wasn't sure if she was up to the task.


  "Over here. This way. This way."

  The pilot's fussy voice was vaguely familiar.

  "I've received a message from the Governor."

  The way he said it, it sounded like he'd received a message from god.

  "He would like to meet with you two immediately. Is that a problem?"

  Alex was a little taken aback, but it was welcome news. They only had a few days to build the machines. It'd be best to get the schematics as soon as possible.

  "No, not at all."

  "Good. Good. Over here. Follow me over here."

  He continued directing them even after it became clear where they were flying. The secret port was cleverly disguised to look like an exhaust pipe. Alex would have fallen for it too if it hadn't been for a conversation she remembered having with Jared a couple of months ago, before the clash against Stock. Her friend had told her the colonies didn't need exhaust pipes. They'd been built with long lost Eternium technology. Like the colony, her mosaic blue Paragon didn't have an exhaust pipe either.

  The librarian fidgeted anxiously with the throttle as the shuttle flew closer and closer to the disguised entrance. She'd feel a lot more comfortable if she had her Paragon by her side. But bringing a massive block of Eternium with them was the least subtle thing she and Emile could do. The holy metal was treasured, and even a small piece like a medallion was invaluable. She'd have to do with the two shards she'd slipped into the newly sewn pocket of her dress. This was a task that required guile, not raw force.

  Their guide tittered as the port flashed green and opened to admit them.

  "We built this to allow the Governor's more treasured guests to enter discreetly. His family members and some of his chief advisors. Right now, the colony isn't very trustful of foreign guests."

  Family members and advisors from different colonies?

  The man's words more or less confirmed Leanne's suspicion that Steel was her classmate from Generosity. Alex frowned.

  Steel had publicly stated he was from Diligence. Even if it was a lie, it didn't make sense for the jet pilot, someone who should have been one of his most loyal servants, to contradict him so openly.

  The pilot paused awkwardly before plowing on.

  "Of course, the people are right to suspect foreigners. They are right to be angry! There were a lot of things wrong with our old policies. I didn't see it at the time, but I see that now. We were taken advantage of! From the inside and the outside! Taken advantage of all over!"

  His voice became louder and louder with each word he spoke, and Alex's conviction that she knew the pilot grew stronger.

  Was he some former classmate?

  She might figure it out once she saw his face.

  Emile took the communications wire.

  "How have things changed under Steel? I have a friend from Generosity who spoke highly of his leadership."

  The pilot fell silent. Alex froze.

  Emile had just brazenly asked the question on both their minds. Alex's mind whirled, fearful that her friend had given them away, but then she realized there was little risk. The wealthiest people on all the colonies knew each other. They'd want to check in on their friends. And they were exceptionally brazen. They wouldn't worry about accidentally exposing Steel. Alex remembered all the Southern Robotics executives who'd swaggered into the Spire and demanded that she serve them first.

  Emile's question didn't break character at all. If anything, it enforced it. A
nd it told them all they needed to know. The pilot had already slipped earlier, and this time, his silence spoke volumes. The fussy man stammered for a moment before finding his words.

  "Better! Better! Things have greatly improved for the better. The colony has been galvanized. Even the Strangegods are taking part! We could never get them interested until Steel came along. We know what the problems are now. Inside and out. Inside and out."

  The tunnel-port led them to a cleverly designed hangar at the base of the floating city. To anyone who saw them, they'd look like a pair of factory owners going for a private flight. Come to think of it, Steel had no problem with factory owners who lived on the colony. He'd only complained about foreign influences.

  Alex frowned and briefly turned off the wire.

  "Man. I'm just not sure what Heidi is doing working for this guy. I think her mom stayed on the colony with her, but I remember her dad lived somewhere else. And like I said, they all moved away! It doesn't seem like having to sneak around like this is good for her or her family. I don't get it."

  "Maybe they moved back."

  Emile paused a moment to choose her words.

  "High school was a long time ago. Maybe Heidi changed her mind. Hell, maybe Steel changed his mind. From what Leanne said, the Families were really taking advantage of Diligence. Maybe he felt guilty once he realized. If that's what happened, I don't blame him. Grandma and I spent a long time studying Stock's corruption, and we didn't even think about how it'd spread to other colonies. We need to keep an open mind."

  Alex frowned. Perhaps she was being unfair. Maybe she did have to keep an open mind.

  "Let's just wait until we find out more. We're here for a reason."


  The landed on the floating city, and it looked even more marvelous up close than it did from a distance.

  The old capitol building had been white marble, fussy and dignified like Macob. The new building was modeled after Diligence’s industries. The main hall was made out of synthetic wood and carefully crafted to resemble a farmhouse. The spiraling metal chimneys, reminiscent from those in the refineries, pumped smoke in the air. The platform was built out of asteroids. A set of four dark gray thrusters propelled it high into the sky, spewing blazing flames at the ground.

  Alex smiled. It was a little like the apartments.

  Their guide boasted excitedly.

  "Look at the new capital! It's marvelous – and it's still growing by the day!"

  Alex saw workers balancing precariously on the platforms, adding piece by piece to the base of the city.

  She shuddered. The work looked dangerous – even more dangerous than asteroid mining.

  And then the pilot climbed out of his machine and Alex gaped.

  She knew exactly who he was.

  His hair had turned very gray, and there was a wary hangdog look in his eyes. But he had the same swaggering gait, the same finely coifed hair, the same semi-boyish face that'd talked down to the entire colony for years and years.

  It was Governor Macob. For a moment, Alex felt bizarrely starstruck. The Governor was right in front of her! He was famous!

  Then she laughed and shook her head. She'd faced down Stock and his monstrosity. She'd exposed Waters's lies and crimes. Macob was just another man who called himself a leader.

  "Governor? Governor Macob?"

  The man whirled at her.

  "How do you know me?"

  In moments, his shock expression transformed into an oily smile. His eyes flared then widened. He stepped forward a little too aggressively, and Alex hastily backed off. He blinked, scowled briefly, and then took a step back.

  "Well, I'm not the Governor anymore. Steel has taken my position for now. But I'm remaining involved in the government. I think it's best for us all if I keep a steady hand on the wheel. And there are times when I can provide my invaluable guidance, which only I can provide."

  Emile stepped out of the plane, and for a brief moment, it was like Macob's brain had to be rewired again. His eyes widened.

  He took the same aggressive step forward. Emile scoffed loudly, and then Macob stopped in his tracks. He did the same brief scowl, and his oily smile surfaced again. He'd always had a heavy air of sleaze around him.

  "What are you doing as a chauffeur?"

  Alex turned to hide a smile.

  Emile was always direct, and she knew how to take advantage of their false roles. Spoiled socialites never had to be polite. They could bluntly demand answers, and it would never seem out of place.

  "Well, you do the jobs you must to make sure you still have a voice. I represent the reasonable people of Diligence! The ones who haven't been swept up in the anti-foreigner sentiment. You have me to thank for the port."

  Macob sniffed.

  "Some would say I saved your life!"

  He pulled a mirror out of his bag and preened at his hair. He angled his face a little to the left. Alex noticed him sucking up his mouth to make his cheekbones look higher. He turned and posed at them again. Alex had forgotten about Macob's vanity. His opponents used to mock him for it all the time. She'd heard some pretty good jokes about it, but she couldn't recall them off the top of her head. Her life on Diligence seemed like such a long time ago.

  "It's the burden of maintaining our colony's sanity. Someone has to take it on! And who knows? After a while, the people may tire of this. I may become governor again! We don't need anger. We need experience! And we need someone who is actually from the colony!"

  He leaned in and whispered conspiratorially.

  "I didn't want to say anything – not while the shuttle was recording my every word, but the two of you are onto something. Our dear governor isn't from Diligence!"

  He shook his head.

  "He's from Generosity – and he has the same gauche taste!"

  He made a face and discretely flipped off one of the buildings, angling his body so only they could see the vulgar gesture.

  "What a waste! What a waste! Imagine what the money could have gone too. Once I'm back in charge, things will be better again. Things will be normal again."

  He grew more excited with every word he spoke.

  "Once I am in charge again, you beautiful ladies must return! Yes! You will see the new-new-Diligence. I have learned from his techniques. In the next race, I will destroy him!"

  Alex and Emile exchanged a look.

  It was plain for anyone to see. Steel was a far better politician than Macob. He was a better speaker. He was so handsome. Frankly, he just seemed like a better person. Right now, Macob appeared painfully weak and petty. He muttered angrily under his breath as he led them into the building.

  Workers streamed back and forth across the halls. One swept the shining wooden floor clean with a large broom. Another was carefully framing a picture on the wall. The frame was twisting gold, and the painting depicted one of Diligence's greenhouses. A pair of men carried a sculpture high above their heads. Governor Steel beamed proudly and handsomely, his muscular arms crossed tight against his chest.

  Macob abruptly barged in front of Alex and Emile, giggling as he pretended to shield them from view.

  The former governor let out a pompous shout.

  "Away! Away! Away with your anti-foreigner sentiment! These lovely ladies are with me!"

  The workers turned.

  One spat on the floor.

  The others just scoffed in disgust.

  "Can't believe he's still here."

  "What the fuck is wrong with that guy?"

  The men carrying the statue set it down so they could flip him off.

  "Why are you still here?"

  "Just leave, nobody wants you here!"

  Macob laughed anxiously.

  "Just some tough love for the new guy! Must be a bit of an adjustment for them since I'm not the Governor anymore!"

  Macob continued striding down the hall, moving a little bit faster than before.

  "Don't worry about anyone finding out you're here. Th
ese people have signed contracts promising their silence. They see the Governor's family when they arrive too, but they'll never tell anyone the governor's been consulting with foreigners."

  At the mention of contracts, Alex and Emile inadvertently shuddered. "Contract" was a bad word on Plenty. During his conspiracy, Stock had tricked countless numbers of Plenty's citizens into signing Contracts magically laced with the goddess of Ignorance's blood. The documents compelled their signers into complete obedience. Stock had forced them to mine Eternium from the colony with their bare hands. Emile wore elegant gloves with filled-out fingers to hide her missing joints.

  Macob looked at them strangely.

  "Do you not understand the brilliance?"

  At that moment, he sounded as condescending as ever.

  "They signed a contract promising not to say anything. People here know we have foreign guests. People like Steel's family and others. They are paid a little extra to stay silent. So now they'll never tell!"

  He smiled smarmily.

  "My idea. My idea, of course. Steel wanted to see his family, but he was worried about what would happen. I told him to just buy the workers off! I might seem like a valet. But I assure you lovely ladies that I'm not! I am actually a very treasured member of the government! Some might even say that I still run Diligence from behind the scenes!"

  As they continued walking down the hall, many of the workers stopped their tasks to join them. Before long, there was a large crowd trailing behind them as they walked through the palace. Emile asked Macob what was happening, but the former Governor just shrugged.

  "Who knows? Maybe they have grown tired of their work. There's always been too many lazy people. I said what I had to to get votes, but my noble opponents always spoke the truth."

  He lowered his voice to a conspirational whisper.

  "It's not like Steel and his constant excuses for them. I'll say what I have to next election, but it's not anyone's fault if you're doing poorly. Just look at the factory owners! They have all the wealth and power in the world! And it's because they worked hard and played fair. It'll be my turn to bring diligence back to Diligence!"


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