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Sweet Caroline

Page 6

by Lissa Matthews

  “Does it bother you if we use it now? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “No, I don’t care.” The blanket was draped over the top of the horse, and Caroline pressed her lower stomach against it. “Do you want the bra and undies off?”

  “Not on your life. It’s possible you might have to buy another pair. Legs spread like I said, up on your toes, and bend over. Next time, you need to wear heels. Tall, very high heels.”

  She groaned. “In my closet, there’s a red box. It’s full of the kinds of shoes you’re talking about.”

  “Next time.” He rubbed his hands along the backs of her thighs, caressed the backs of her knees, squeezed her calves. “I don’t mind feeling the muscles tremble while you’re on the balls of your feet, straining.”

  She wished desperately for something to hold onto. At the same time, she loved the feeling of being exposed to Buck like this. It was erotic, hot. Her confidence level shot sky high around him and ever since yesterday and last night, all she should think about was getting naughty with him, exploring more of what they liked together, learning what he might like that she could be drawn into.

  She wanted to make the most of the few weeks or months she had with him before she put the house on the market and moved. She didn’t want to walk away with any regrets.

  When he walked around in front of her, his crotch was at face level. If he moved just a spit closer, she could nip at his hard cock safely and unfairly tucked inside his jeans and though she started to say something to him, ask him to step closer, he turned away and she was given a yummy view of his tight ass.

  Something about a man in blue jeans.

  “See something you like?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  He knelt and took each of her wrists in his hands and brought them up, wrapping his belt around them. He secured the buckle on a hook screwed in to the surface of the built in workbench. Why Derek had wanted this place, she never quite understood. He’d loved the barn, but hadn’t once used it for anything other than storage. She’d never cared one way or the other, but at the moment…

  “Tug on it, see if it’s tight enough.”

  She tested it, and the leather didn’t budge.

  “Good. Too bad I don’t have some weighted nipple clamps out here with me. They’d look pretty hanging from your rings.”

  “Ooooh. I don’t like weights.”

  Buck took her head in his hands. “You don’t?”

  “No,” she whispered, the fib telling on her even as she said it. The teasing going on between them mixed with the lust and need was a level she’d never reached with her ex or any of their lovers. It was fun, and it only added to the sexiness of the situation.

  “You like having your hands bound?”

  “Yes.” She struggled to get comfortable on the sawhorse and found if she tried to lower her feet to the ground, it pulled the leather tighter around her wrists. Buck was a clever and evil man. She loved it and when he smirked at her realization, she laughed. Oh yes, this was so much fun.

  He smacked her ass through the boyshorts when he moved out of her line of sight. “Let’s get down to business, sweet Caroline.” He smacked her ass again, punctuating his words. The tension she’d been waiting for yesterday to show up, was still strangely absent. Was she that relaxed around him? Was her body so at ease and welcoming?

  By the time he stopped spanking her, her cheeks were stinging and the roughness of his hands only added to the discomfort. Damn, she loved this too. He knew what she liked, knew where to take her and it didn’t take him long to get her there. Her body was primed and ready for anything he wanted to do to her so long as he didn’t stop doing her.

  He pulled her panties to the side and spread her entrance with his fingers. “Ready, Caroline? Say it. Your pussy is telling me yes, but I want you to say it. I want the word from you.”

  Caroline nodded. “Yes.” Pulling on the belt binding, bouncing on her toes, she was telling him with her whole being she was ready.


  What she felt next wasn’t the heated flesh of his cock like she’d expected. It was cold, hard, ungiving and wide… “Buck?” she gasped as her sex was stretched and filled.

  “Remember the dildo yesterday in the store?”

  Oh God, he didn’t. “Y-yes?” A little more was pushed inside her, and she strained on the tips of her toes.

  “Consider it a gift. Like it?”

  He pulled it out, leaving only the head at her hole, slowly teasing her with it. “Yes,” she hissed.

  He slammed it deep, fucked her, and gave her no quarter, no mercy. The more it penetrated her, the warmer it became, smoother in its slide, but it was uncompromising in its size. It didn’t mold to her body and fit all snug the way a real cock would. Instead, her body molded itself around the intruding toy and when Buck found the right depth, the right angle, the right rhythm, she couldn’t stop the moan of pleasure and whimper of growing need.

  The hardness of the head nudged against the wicked little spot inside her and as Buck tortured it, he slapped her ass. It wasn’t a teasing or light slap. It was hard and made her yelp at the surprise.

  “Do it again, Buck.”

  He did. He slapped her other cheek just as hard and she knew there’d be handprints for the rest of the day and maybe into the next. She loved carrying marks made by a lover. She loved the sign that someone had been there, touching her, enjoying her.

  Two more strikes to each cheek and he plunged a finger inside her ass. “Come on, sweet Caroline. Come for me.”

  Grinding herself on the unrelenting dick rubbing against her G-spot while Buck finger fucked her did push her over the edge. She let go, completely, fully and another cry tore from her.

  “That’s it. Give me more. Damn, your ass is clenching so hard around my finger.”

  She didn’t know how much more she could give him. The muscles in her legs were trembling, and she was afraid she was going to end up ripping some part of his belt because she was tugging so hard, holding it so taut.

  He eased up on the pressure inside her pussy and slowly slid the dildo in and out a few times before sliding it out completely, at the same time pulling his finger from her. Her sex was still clenching as was her ass and his warm hands rubbed at the backs of her thighs when he pressed himself against her back. “So sexy, Caroline. So beautiful and so sexy.”

  “Yes, I must say she is.”

  Chapter Seven

  Caroline whipped her head around to find Derek standing in the doorway of the barn with his new bride. Embarrassment should have come crashing in. Humiliation. Something. But nothing did. Nothing but pride and a twisted feeling of satisfaction. She grinned at the couple.

  Buck took the buckle off the hook and loosened the leather from her wrists. He kissed her on the forehead. “You okay?” he whispered.

  His gaze was on her. He was concerned, and she was touched. “I’m perfect.”

  He helped her to stand and brought her clothes to her. She simply laid them on the workbench and turned to face her guests.

  “Rings. Nice touch, Caroline.”

  “Yes, thank you. They were a gift to myself for your wedding.” She went to stand closer and held out her hand to his wife. “Hi, I’m Caroline. Congratulations on your marriage.”

  At first, the woman didn’t seem to know what to do, but finally she shook Caroline’s hand. “Brande. And thank you.”

  Could he have picked a woman with a more cliché name? “To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?”


  “Well, yes. As you can see and could no doubt hear, I’m not alone.” She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “Buck, this is Derek.”

  Buck nodded and came up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against his solid warmth.

  “We already know one another, Caroline. Didn’t he tell you? He’s the one that made the floggers you loved so much.”

  For some reason, it didn’t
surprise her. “Really? I guess I’ll have to see about having some more made for me. But, that still doesn’t tell me what you’re doing here.”

  “I have a proposal for you.”

  She could swear her eyebrow lifted of its own accord, rather than by any command her brain gave. “The last proposal you had for me didn’t work out so well.”

  “We had some good times, you can’t deny that.”

  He was right, damn him. “No, I can’t.”

  Derek waved his hand in an up and down gesture at her. “Wouldn’t you like to get dressed before we talk?”

  “Would it make you feel better if I did? I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.” She glanced at Derek’s wife who was looking over Caroline’s shoulder at Buck and appeared to want to eat him for breakfast. “Brande?”

  The woman reluctantly removed her gaze back to Caroline’s face. “I would rather you be dressed.”

  “Buck? What do you think?” she asked over her shoulder. He kissed the tip of her nose and smiled.

  “Why don’t you at least put your jeans back on? The sweater is your choice. Your nipples are still going to poke at the fabric, though. It’s actually a big turn on to see them all pointy and hard under your shirts.”

  He was teasing her, joining her in the play. “Okay.”

  When he let her go, Caroline got dressed and led the way to the house. Buck followed close behind Derek and Brande. Without his touch, a little uncertainty set in and some of her bravado started to slip.

  Once inside the house, she put on a new pot of coffee while Derek and Brande sat at the kitchen table. Buck simply stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Do you want me to go?” he mouthed when she looked in his direction.

  “No,” she mouthed back. “Please stay.”

  He nodded and leaned against the doorjamb while she took a seat at the table. “Okay, so, talk. What’s this offer you have for me?”

  “I want to buy the house from you.”

  Now she was shocked and surprised. Sort of. He did love the house and had been reluctant to leave it when she asked him to move out. It was sad. He had been more concerned leaving the house than he had been to leave her. “The house? This house? Our house?”

  “This house. I want to buy you out.”


  “You know I’ve always loved it. I don’t want it to be sold to anyone else.”

  “You want to live in it? With her?” She didn’t say it with bitterness or malice. She really wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

  “I do.”

  “I don’t know what to say. We bought this house when we got married. It’s been my home for almost twenty years and now you want to share it with someone else.” She turned to Brande. “How do you feel about living in my house?”

  “It wouldn’t be your house. It would be ours.”

  Caroline didn’t know how to respond to that either. Being so unsure she simply turned her head toward Buck. He was in front of her in a matter of seconds down on one knee. He took her face in his hands and kept her eyes on his.

  “Let her think about it, Derek.”

  “Do you make her decisions now?”

  “No. She makes her own, but she needs a few days to process this. What you’re asking isn’t even… You can give her a couple of days at the very least.”

  “Caroline, I am prepared to write you a check today for the house. You can have a few weeks to get a new place and move. Buck, I’d be happy to have you stay around and finish the work you’d started. There are a few things I know Brande would like you to do too. Actually, I’d like to hire you on a continuous basis to take care of things since…well, I don’t have the patience for home improvement.”

  “No. I’m a professional contractor. I’ve done the work as a favor to Caroline, but I’m not available to work for you after she moves. I can recommend a few guys I know though.”

  “I’ll match whatever price…”

  “It’s not about price, Derek. I’m not available.”

  “Suit yourself. Caroline, do you really need a few days? I’ll just buy it the day you put it on the market.”

  “Yes, I need a few days. I’ll call and let you know what I decide.”

  “Very well, though I honestly don’t know what there is for you to think about.” Derek and Brande stood, and Caroline followed them out to the garage. Brande turned to her as Derek continued huffing and puffing his way toward their car. The other woman looked her up and down and surprise surprise, her eyes softened when they reached Caroline’s face again.

  “He didn’t leave you for me.”

  What an odd thing to say to the one that used to wear his ring. “I know he didn’t. He left because I asked him to and I just let everyone else think that it was my fault things didn’t work out. Our marriage was over long before you seriously entered the picture.”

  “I love him.”

  Another odd thing to say. As if she cared. “Good. Once upon a time I did too.”

  “I know it’s odd to think I would want to live in this house, but he talks about it a lot. He wants to live here, grow old here. It’s his dream house, and the only reason I want to live here too is because I want to be with him. Do you understand?”

  “It’s not for me to understand. If you’re happy with him, then…” Caroline shrugged, unsure what else to say. She had nothing against the other woman. She just didn’t want to have to deal with her. She was done with this—having to see and talk to the other women Derek fucked. This wasn’t her life anymore. The house…well, it wasn’t hers anymore either. She was ready to leave it behind, same as she was ready to leave everything behind and begin anew. She just hadn’t realized…

  “Derek,” she called out. He stepped out of his car. “You pay for all the legal costs, and you pay Buck to finish the work he started. Do those things and give me half the appraisal value and you can have it.”

  “Half the appraisal?”

  “Yes. Half.”

  “The divorce settlement should have been more than enough to take care of you.”

  “Half Derek. No less. My take if it’s sold on the market will be more. You know that. Don’t try to bullshit me thinking I’m so dumb I’ll agree to whatever you say. Been there…”

  Brande touched her arm, and Caroline fought the urge to fling her hand off. Caroline looked at her.

  “You’ll get half, Caroline. He’ll pay it. I’ll make sure.”

  She wanted to ask how Brande could make a promise like that. Derek always did what Derek wanted and nothing a woman could say would sway him. “How old are you?” she asked instead.


  Ten years younger than her own age. Maybe she did have more pull than Caroline imagined. “Thank you.”

  Brande smiled and joined Derek at their car. They drove away, and Caroline stood, watching until the taillights disappeared from view. “Do you think I was wrong to demand that much?”

  Buck hadn’t spoken, but he was standing there, silently supporting her, listening. She could feel him, sense him. It was comforting and she liked it. Liked the way he stood up for her in the kitchen, too. He was a special man, and she wished she could take him into the Georgia mountains to that little cabin with her.

  “No. You probably deserve more.”

  “I want to leave. I don’t hate it here. I just want my own place.”

  “I know you do.”

  She turned. He was rumpled from their encounter in the barn. Neither had been able to enjoy the afterward or even talk about it. Her pussy was still wet, her nipples were straining at her sweater, as they always since the rings, but the ache for him, his touch, and his mouth was what she felt more than anything. “Why did you tell him no?”

  She walked as she talked and when she stopped in front of him, he tilted her head and kissed her. “Because.” His hands went to the hem of her sweater and pulled it over her head. “I like these uncovered and fuck, Caroline, I love thi
s bra. I want to mark them, tattoo my name on them. They’re beautiful.”

  Tattoo his name on her breasts? God, the image in her mind of ink and him together on her body forever… “Because why?”

  “I’m yours. I work for you. I don’t want nor intend to work for him.” He flicked and pulled at her rings. “Do you ever change out the rings?”

  “I have a gold pair. I don’t like them as much though. And I have a couple of charms I can slide on the rings.” She was trying not to squirm as he teased her, as he told her he was hers. She tried not to let that go to her head, to her heart, but she couldn’t stop it from going straight to her throbbing sex. “Why don’t you want or intend to work for him? He’s got money. He could keep you busy.”

  He pinched her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and tugged, effectively pulling her into the house. “Caroline, I don’t need the money. I’m not a handyman. I’m the owner of a contracting company.”

  “You are? I mean, I remember you telling him you’re a contractor, but I didn’t know you meant you owned a contracting company.”


  “Then why are you working for me? If you wanted the work, you have people who work for you, right? People who could have done it all?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t want anyone else working out here. I wanted to do the work myself.” His fingers went to work on the snap and zipper of her jeans. He pushed them down over her hips and again, with her nipples pinched between his fingers, he tugged her toward him. “I wanted you, sweet Caroline.”

  “Oh.” So it hadn’t just been her from the very beginning months ago. He wanted her, too. For some reason, his admission made her belly flutter all the way up to her chest, right under her left breast.

  One perfect brow lifted. “Oh? That’s all you have to say?”

  “Yes.” She pressed her nakedness against his body, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him much as he’d kissed her a few minutes earlier. He held her to him, then picked her up in his arms. Her legs immediately surrounded his hips, and she rubbed herself on his hardness.


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