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Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1)

Page 13

by Sheridan Anne

  “Wait,” I say, my brows furrowed. “What party? I haven’t heard about a party.”

  “Oh, you haven’t?” she questions, her eyes beaming with excitement. “It’s going to be amazing, like one of those grand parties you see in the movies. Apparently, it’s some kind of tradition that Charles’ ex-wife started some good ten years ago. They were so successful that even after she left, they’ve continued the tradition. There’s a theme and all. This one is going to be black and white and I think they’re planning a masquerade ball for next month's party. The best of the best are going to be there in gowns and tuxedos.”

  My eyes brim with wonder. “Are you kidding me?” I screech, hardly able to sit still as I picture an elegant party held in one of the ballrooms, complete with decorations, chandeliers, champagne, and everyone having an amazing time. “That sounds incredible.”

  “It will be but it’s also going to be a massive job. Maryne has been going crazy with scheduling and event planning. I was thinking I could give her a hand in the morning. I've always been good with that sort of thing and it beats sitting around in here doing nothing while you’re at school.”

  “Great idea. I’m sure she’ll be grateful for any help she can get,” I say, pressing my lips into a firm line and trying to work out how to word this next question. “So, this party …” I start. “Is it like, invitation only, or could I maybe … you know, sneak in?”

  Mom’s eyes bug out of her head. “You will do no such thing,” she demands. “I can’t have you sneaking in and getting in trouble. The whole drama with the school hasn’t even started blowing over yet. You need to lie low, however, if Charles or Colton speak to you about the party and offer you an invite then I’d be happy to see you there and enjoying yourself, but under no circumstances will you be sneaking in or embarrassing us by trying to win yourself an invite.” She looks around at the group of boys. “That goes for all of you. Ocean and I need me to keep this job. It’s the only thing keeping us clothed, bathed, and fed at the moment. We can’t be screwing it up. Not to mention, Ocean is currently receiving an education from some of the most sought out teachers in the country.”

  I nod, completely understanding where she’s coming from. “Alright, mom. I’ll behave,” I tell her, feeling a slight pang of disappointment at the idea of not being able to attend the party, but then I guess I can always watch through the window and pretend there isn’t glass sitting between me and the most expensive champagne I’ll ever taste. “I promise. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  Mom smiles up at me with love shining brightly through her big, blue eyes. “I know, love. I trust you,” she murmurs, just for me despite the room full of boys listening in.

  She gets busy eating her dinner and soon enough, the boys are crowded around her, catching her up on all the gossip that’s been going on in Breakers Flats over the last few days. Spoiler alert, it’s not much.

  I get up and start cleaning up after dinner and smile up at Kairo when he silently gets up and starts helping me out. He’s such a moody, quiet guy with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He looks like a hardened criminal yet deep down, he’s a big softy with the sweetest heart. Apart from our boys and me, he’d never let anyone know.

  “Alright, guys,” mom says a little while later as a yawn comes up and surprises her. She gets to her feet. “I’m going to head off to bed. It was great seeing you all. Don’t be strangers, okay?”

  Nic stands with her. “You know we won’t,” he says, giving her a brief hug. “We’ll chill out by the pool so you’re not disturbed.”

  Mom gives him a warm smile and then says a quick goodbye to each of the guys before disappearing deeper into the pool house. Just as Nic had promised, the five of us get up and make our way out to the pool. The guys drop down into the sunbeds while I’m pulled down onto Nic’s lap. Music is turned on, beers are found, and suddenly it’s like any other night I’ve spent with these guys just with a different backdrop.

  “How are you?” Nic murmurs in my ear, threading his arms around my waist as we watch Sebastian slip onto one of those massive blow-up pool floaties in the water. With a beer in one hand, he crosses his legs and props the other hand behind his head as though he belongs there.

  “Better now,” I tell him, leaning back against his wide chest and feeling more normal than I have in days.

  “How are you really?” he questions, prodding for more information.

  I let out a sigh and scrunch my face. “Kinda hungry, kinda tired, kinda horny, and kinda want another tattoo.”

  He sucks in a breath, knowing I only have the guts to get a tattoo when things are really fucking up for me. “That bad, huh?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “It’ll get better,” I tell him. “As soon as Colton gets off my back, it’ll be fine. The guys at school have eased up now that they see I’m not some pushover who’s just going to accept their bullshit.”

  “Good,” he murmurs. “You know I’d be here every day kicking those dickheads’ asses but it’s sounding more like a full-time job. As for the kinda hungry, tired, and horny part, you know I can help with that too, right?”

  I roll my eyes and nudge my elbow back into his stomach, grinning as the soft ‘Oomph’ sails from between his lips. “Behave,” I warn him.

  Nic laughs and pushes a strand of hair back out of my face. The air is chilly but with Nic’s warmth at my back, I hardly feel it.

  The guys and I fuck around by the pool, all sense of time leaving us. Before I know it, we have a drunk Sebastian and Elijah on our hands, and I can’t help but laugh when Eli gives Sebastian’s pool floaty a push and he goes toppling into the water with a high-pitched squeal. Hell, it even manages to pull a smile out of Kairo.

  Sebastian’s head surfaces from the water and panic sets into the fine features of his face. He gasps, his eyes big and frantic as his hand dives down into the water and he digs through his jean’s pocket.

  “NOOOOO,” he cries, producing all his joints from his pocket, now dripping wet and destroyed then trying his lighter only to find it waterlogged and completely useless. Though, if it were me, I’d be more concerned about the gun at his back which is probably now fucked, but judging by the look on his face, the gun is the furthest thing from his mind.

  His bottom lip pouts out and if I didn’t find it so damn funny I’d even feel sorry for the guy, but as it is, I struggle to reel in my laughter. “Oh, shit, man,” Eli booms, not caring about hiding his amusement. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

  Sebastian’s gaze darkens as he turns his scowl on Eli. He slowly starts making his way out of the pool.

  Eli’s face drops. “Oh, fuck.”

  Sebastian takes off after him at a sprint, the idea of losing his weed managing to sober him up a little. Eli runs, crashing into things and launching himself over plants and garden gnomes.

  This isn’t going to end well but seeing as though we don’t have much in the way of entertainment right now, Nic and Kairo don’t do a thing to stop it.

  “What the fuck is going on out here?” a loud booming voice demands, somehow managing to steal the breath right out of my lungs.

  The boys instantly stop fucking around as my head whips to the back entrance of the main house. Colton fucking Carrington.

  I should have known his douchiness was going to come down here and ruin all my fun.

  His eyes rake over me on Nic’s lap, taking in his arm secured around my waist. His eyes darken and I’m instantly reminded how it was his hands on me last night.

  Nic stands, holding onto me as I slide to my feet. “Who the fuck is asking?” he demands despite already knowing exactly who this is, striding forward with the boys at his back looking like the baddest group of motherfuckers I’ve ever seen.

  Colton’s eyes travel over them with distaste and I cock a brow at how he doesn’t back off. Everyone always backs off. It's like a silent rule. These four guys look as though they're ready to deliver death on a silver platter and Colton isn’t
even batting an eyelash.

  Panic starts to surge within me and I hurry forward, squeezing myself between the boys. They stare over the top of my head and it’s as though they don’t even realize I’m here.

  Colton’s eyes narrow in challenge and chills sweep through my body. I’ve seen all sides of his douchiness, but I’ve never quite seen him like this. He looks just as lethal as my boys do, yet somehow he manages to do it without the tattoos, bandanas, or guns. Maybe it’s the power that comes off him in waves or maybe it’s all in my head and it’s just this stupid attraction I have for him.

  “You know exactly who I am,” Colton says, easily pointing out Nic as the leader and making the other three straighten, their scowls deepening. “And you know exactly whose house you’re in.”

  Nic’s eyes travel up and down, sizing him up and mentally working out what it would be worth to beat the shit out of him. “Yeah, I know who you are, and I also know that you’ve been causing trouble for my girl.”

  Colton scoffs. “Your girl? If she was your girl, she’d be left satisfied and wouldn't need to take care of matters herself, but don’t worry, Nic,” he says with a slow grin, guessing who this is by the texts he read on my phone yesterday, “I’ll take real good care of her.”

  Oh, fuck.

  Nic goes to make a move and I slam my back up against Colton’s chest so I can fight for Nic’s attention. “Nic, look at me,” I demand, pressing my hand on his chest and feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath my palm. Nic doesn’t dare cut his sharp gaze from Colton’s so I push hard. “For fuck’s sake, Nic. Look at me.”

  Reluctantly, Nic’s gaze drops to mine, heated, wild, and pissed off. “Don’t,” I warn. “It’s not fucking worth it. I’ve already made it damn clear that this fucker will never touch me.”

  “Maybe he needs a refresher course,” Nic growls, his hands bunching into fists.

  “Nic,” I demand, reaching up and grabbing his face. “Time to go. You’re not getting involved with this shit.”

  “The fuck I’m not.”

  “Please,” I beg. “You heard what mom said. We need this.”

  Nic’s jaw clenches and I feel the vibration of Colton’s chest against my back as he silently laughs, making me want to cause all sorts of damage. Nic’s eyes come back to mine and I watch in relief as the fight begins to leave him.

  A silent message passes between us and as if sensing his resignation, the others back down. I close my eyes and the relief completely takes over but when I open them again, Nic’s eyes are black as night and focused heavily on Colton’s. “If you fucking touch her or even think about fucking with her again, I’ll come for you and I’ll fucking end you. Mark my words, Carrington. No one messes with what’s mine.”

  Colton scoffs behind me and I silently beg for him not to mention what happened last night, otherwise, it’d be a bloodbath in here. Colton seems to understand that though and can clearly see that he’s outnumbered. So, while he obviously has balls of steel, he’s not fucking stupid.

  Nic takes a step back and I go with him, peeling my back away from Colton’s strong chest. We only get two steps before Nic pulls the gun from the waistband of his jeans and presses it into my chest. His eyes remain on Colton as he speaks to me. “He touches you. You take him out.”

  I swallow as I take the gun from his hands and nod. It's not a stubborn demand from an overprotective and jealous ex-boyfriend and best friend, but it’s an order from the top, from the man who’s going to be the leader of the Black Widows one day.

  Nic leans in and presses a hasty kiss to my temple, one where I don’t feel the love. “What have I always told you?” he questions, pulling back to meet my eyes.

  I roll my eyes and can’t help but feel some of the tension dissipating from within me. “Don’t be the bigger person—slash their tires.”

  “That’s my girl,” he murmurs, looking broken at the thought of having to leave. This really isn’t the goodbye I was hoping for but if he doesn’t go now, I’m not sure how this night will end.

  “Hey,” I say, reaching up and slipping the bandana off the top of his head and bunching it between my fingers as I’ve done a million times before. “I love you.”

  His eyes soften. “Love you too, O. Call me when you can.”

  “I will,” I promise.

  I meet the boy’s eyes and they all give discreet nods. Despite going against everything they know and challenging their most basic instincts to protect me, they walk away, leaving me here with an amused Colton at my back.

  A shit storm brews inside of me as I turn a ferocious glare on Colton. My finger curls around the trigger, knowing Nic wouldn’t be carrying an unloaded gun. This thing is more than ready to go, just like I am, but I’d never make a stupid mistake like that. I hold the gun down by my side with Nic’s bandana scrunched in my other hand and I don’t miss the way Colton’s eyes flick down to it.

  He’s more than aware that he’s crossed some invisible line and right now, he’s ready to test the limits. “Fucking with me is one thing, but involving my boys is a low fucking blow.”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” he murmurs, his eyes dancing with the challenge. “I just came out to say hello.”

  I step into him, somehow managing to make my glare worse than anything Nic could deliver. When my boys are fucked with, I’m one pissed off bitch. “You need to back off, Carrington. You don’t know what kind of bullshit you’re getting yourself involved in.”

  “You don’t think I know exactly who you are and what you’re involved in? What the fuck do you think you’re doing hanging out with trash like that anyway?” he demands, his lips pulling up into a disgusted sneer.

  I scoff, smirking up at him. “Oh, haven't you heard? I am trash, just like them. They’re my people, Colton, and if you fuck with my people, I’ll fuck with you.”

  With that, I turn and walk back toward the pool house, dipping the gun into the waistband at the back of my jeans. “Hey,” he calls after me. “Don’t fucking walk away. I wasn’t finished with you.”

  I turn back around but keep walking in the direction of the pool house, opening my arms out as I stare back at him. “What can I say? I’d love to stay and chat but this conversation is boring me to death and my survival instincts just kicked in. So, yeah … I’m out.”

  I give him a sickeningly sweet smile before flipping him off and disappearing into the pool house, hopefully somewhere that I won’t be bothered by Colton Carrington ever again.

  Chapter 12

  Saturday night rolls around way too quickly.

  Colton and I have somehow managed to avoid each other and completely stay out of each other's way so it’s actually been an alright couple of days. To be honest, I didn't know Colton had it in him to leave me the hell alone. I guess I have my boys to thank for that. Had they not come and moved the old bag out of the pool house, I’d probably still be suffering the same old bullshit day in and day out.

  Who knows? Maybe Colton’s running scared, now that he knows what kind of power I have standing at my back. I’m not some bitch he can mess with whenever the fuck he wants. I’m the motherfucking bitch you want to stay away from.

  I’ve only just started where Colton is concerned. He's damn lucky that he seems to have backed off, as I have a full arsenal of ammunition and I’m not afraid to use it. After all, messing with a chick who has nothing to lose is going to be the biggest regret of his life. Maybe the fucker will even learn a lesson or two, but then again, maybe I’m underestimating him. Yes, he’s backed off, but maybe there’s a reason why and he’s getting ready to hit me in a big way.

  I’d be a fool to assume the worst is over. Guys like Colton Carrington don’t accept defeat, and the last time I saw him I had the last word. He might have won that round and got his way, but he saw it in my eyes, he’d barely scratched the surface.

  Since that night, my four Black Widows have been in overprotective mode, especially since they witnessed Colton’s a
ntics first hand. I get at least two messages from each of them a day all randomly spaced out, so I never go long without hearing from one of them. I love them, but it kind of sucks. I know they love and adore me, but it’d be nice if they were messaging me just for the sake of saying hi, because they wanted to, not because they were waiting for something to go down. It doesn’t matter how often I tell them that I can handle myself, they just keep messaging.

  Nic is a different story though. He’s still pissed about the whole thing and blows up my phone as much as he can. He calls before and after school then checks on me again at night. It’s going to kill me when he finds his soulmate, but at the same time, maybe it will give him someone else to aim all that big dick energy at.

  I try to take my mind off everything that’s been going on this week and focus on me. Particularly my reflection in my full-length mirror. I can’t even believe it’s me.

  My long dark hair flows in soft waves down my back, my makeup has been done to perfection, and the dress … holy hell.

  Charles had invited me to the party late last night after he’d overheard a few of the staff asking mom what my plans were for the night. They had wanted me to help out during the party, handing out champagne flutes and walking around with those expensive snack thingies with fancy names. Charles was on the doorstep of the pool house in no time. I was about to take my shower when I heard a knock at the door and to be honest, I was more than surprised to see him. It’s his place and all, but I’d assumed he’d be the type to keep away from dedicated staff areas as though he was above it all.

  He apologized for forgetting to extend an invitation and I beamed up at him as though he’d just handed me all my dreams on a silver platter. I was so excited about this party and when the invitation never came, I’d gotten used to the idea that I was going to have to watch through the ballroom window. Charles had explained that it was a big week and it had completely slipped his mind. He’d also assumed that I was just going to be there, invitation be damned. Honestly, I probably would have snuck in at some point despite mom’s warning.


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