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Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1)

Page 16

by Sheridan Anne

He watches, taking me in and scanning his heavy gaze over Nic’s hand in mine and for a moment, I'd dare say he looked … jealous, but that can’t be right. What the hell does he have to be jealous of?

  Nic pulls on my hand and we fall behind the back portion of the mansion and as we do, Colton Carrington slips from my mind. I guess it’s right what they say; out of sight, out of mind.

  Nic walks a little further before coming to a stop and dropping the bag at my feet as he beams up at the back wall of the house. “Here,” he says, opening his arms wide and grinning up at the wall. “A blank canvas.”

  My brows furrow but as I bend down and peer inside the bag, a wide grin cuts across my face

  Hell to the mother fucking yes.

  Chapter 14

  “Get up,” a loud, booming voice demands just moments before something lands heavily on my stomach.

  My eyes fly open to find my bag thrown across my bed and Colton Carrington staring down at me, very noticeably taking in the way my tank is glued to my body like a second skin and all twisted around from a night of restless sleep. “Get the hell out of my room, dickhead. You know, with how often you were bugging me, people will assume that you have a sick obsession with the help. They have people committed for that kind of shit.”

  “You fucking wish,” he scowls. “Now get the fuck up. You’re coming with me.”

  “The hell I am,” I demand, recalling what I did with Nic last night. I mean, if they’re about to kick me out of here then I’m at least going to go out in style. I’ll get up when I’m good and ready. Besides, I’ll do anything to avoid facing my mother this morning. After all the bullshit of last night, I’m sure she’s about to disown me and throw me out for the Black Widows to keep.

  “Three fucking seconds or we leave without you.”

  “Leave?” I grunt, pushing up onto my elbows to see him better.

  “Do I have to repeat everything I say when it comes to you? Are you fucking deaf? Get your bitch ass out of bed, grab your shit, and meet me out by the Veneno.”

  I narrow my eyes. It seems someone is still a little pissed about last night's shenanigans, but considering he hasn’t mentioned the shenanigan with Nic, maybe he doesn’t know. I’m not going to lie, my interest has been piqued and I’m desperate to know where the fuck he thinks he’s about to take me, but then, my attitude shines brighter than any interest I might have. “And I thought I told you to fuck off. Hmm, funny. Maybe you're deaf too.”

  “Laying on the sarcasm a little thick, don’t you think?”

  I glare at the shithead. “But your personality gives me so much to work with. It’d be a shame to be wasteful.”

  He grabs my blanket and tears it off my bed, letting the cool morning air brush against my skin. I let out a shriek and my body instinctively curls in on itself. “What the fuck is your problem?” I demand, throwing myself to my feet and storming up to him, glaring into his damn gorgeous hazel eyes.

  Colton’s jaw clenches and it takes me a moment to realize that after too long refusing to get out of the gown last night, I fell asleep in a thin tank and panties. “I asked you nicely. We’re going on a trip. You’re either coming or you’re not. I couldn’t fucking give a shit.”

  “Trip?” I grunt. “What fucking trip?”

  He turns and heads for the door. “You’re down to two seconds, Jade.”

  I hate him. I hate him, I hate him.

  Rage burns through me and I ball my hands into fists. He’s so damn infuriating. “I was always taught to think before I act,” I yell after him. “So, rest assured that when I beat the living shit out of you, I’ve thought about it and am confident with my decision.”

  I hear an irritated scoff before the sound of the pool house door slams closed.

  Fuck. I really do hate him. I get it, I'm not for everybody. It takes a specific breed of man to be able to put up with my flavor of bullshit but there’s a common decency us humans are expected to have around one another and he simply doesn’t have it.

  I go to reach for my blanket and as I turn to walk back to my bed, I find myself stopping.

  A trip.

  What kind of trip and why the hell does he want me to come along? This doesn’t make sense. I cast my gaze out the window of the pool house to find the morning sun glistening off the pool, sparkling like New Year's Eve. It’s a beautiful day. On days like this, people usually go to the beach, but rich people, they always step it up and it has my curiosity bursting at the seams.

  Fuck, why am I so intrigued by this?

  Before I even know what’s happening, my bag is packed with my bikini and my high waisted shorts are firmly pulled into place. I stand in the bathroom mirror, run my fingers through my tangled hair, and brush my teeth.

  What am I doing? I feel like I’m about to set myself up for torture yet I can’t find the strength to stop. This is either going to be some ridiculous attempt at an apology and he’s taking pity on me after my outburst last night or I’m walking into a trap, and where Colton is concerned, I’m going to go ahead and assume this is a trap.

  I don’t know, maybe I’m a glutton for punishment but one minute I’m contemplating what a bad idea this is going to be and the next thing I know, I’m dropping down into the sleek Veneno and watching out the window as Colton peels out of the driveway.

  He drives for roughly half an hour and despite the music playing throughout the car, I've never heard silence so loud. The whole way to wherever we’re going, I struggle with the need to either sucker punch him or climb on top of him and ride him like a cowgirl. There’s something about the way a man drives a car, but the way Colton drives his Veneno … fuck. I’m screwed. It's the most attractive thing I’ve ever seen and it has my thighs clenching like a needy whore.

  Five minutes later, Colton pulls into the marina, and my mouth drops.

  Holy mother of sweet baby Jesus. Someone needs to fuck me in the ass and slap a little life back into me. This shit couldn’t be real.

  I stare out at the water where a long jetty or dock or whatever the fuck it’s called stretches out into the water with massive boats on either side. I’ve never seen anything like it, not even in the movies. These boats are bigger than my old house. Hell, they’re probably bigger than my old school.

  This is the ultimate ‘welcome to the billionaire's club.’

  As I look along the water, I find a few jetty-dock things and see that each of them have at least twenty of these massive boats anchored at them. The center dock is the longest and is the one with the biggest boat in the ocean. Even without the obnoxious ‘Carrington’ written across the back, it’s clear that’s where we’re heading. I doubt Charles Carrington is the type of guy to allow some other fucker to outshine one of his prized possessions. When it comes to him, he has to have the biggest house, the biggest boat, the biggest bank account. He's just that kind of guy.

  Colton brings his Veneno to a stop right in front of the dock like some kind of asshole and I’m not surprised when a valet rushes in, desperate to adhere to his every wish and desire.

  Colton leaves the car running and gets out so I grab my bag and follow suit, hurrying along as he rushes down the marina. I can’t help but glance back as the valet takes off with the Veneno. A rush of jealousy fires through me. I'd give my right nut to drive that car, you know if I had a right nut. Maybe my right ovary then.

  Colton reaches the end of the line and looks up at the massive boat with pride. I don’t miss the way his eyes scan over the Carrington name on the back and wonder if maybe this thing is new. Music plays inside and my brows furrow. I hadn’t seen any other cars here but then, why would I? The valet would have dealt with that. Either way, Colton and I are not alone. It gives me peace of mind that he isn’t bringing me out here to kill and dump my body in the middle of the ocean.

  He starts making his way up the stairs that lead into the boat and I follow, slightly panicked as I’ve never been on a boat before. I don’t know if I can trust it, but then, if I’m going
to try out this whole boating thing, it’s probably best to try it in one like this rather than some piece of shit tin boat with rust and bullet holes like the one that’s been stored in Kairo’s backyard.

  I get to the top and hardly have a chance to look around before Colton turns his dark stare on me. “The staff kitchen is downstairs. I’m sure you can make yourself comfortable down there.”

  I raise a brow. “Excuse me?” I demand with an amused scoff.

  “I could hardly get staff on such short notice so unlucky for us, we’re stuck with you for the day.”

  A piercing screech comes from across the boat. “Colton,” some skank calls out. “You’re here.”

  Colton looks back over his shoulder and I peer around him to see a group of at least ten girls in bikinis surrounded by guys that I recognize from school. “Give me a minute, babe,” he says before glancing up and nodding to some guy in a captain’s outfit.

  Colton looks back at me. “First round of drinks served in ten minutes, then again every half hour but remain on the deck in case someone needs an extra refill. Once we’re anchored, food will be brought out and hell, maybe after that, I might even let you enjoy yourself.”

  “Oh, fuck no.”

  I spin around and go to walk my ass back down the stairs only the boat starts pulling out. “Too fucking late, Jade,” Colton says in my ear. “Get your ass down to the kitchen and make it quick. The clock is ticking.”

  I spin around and step into him, forcing him back a step. “Fuck you, Carrington. This is how it’s going to go. I’m going to stay down one end of the boat while you fuck around on the other. You’re going to stay out of my way and you’re going to hope to whatever God you believe in that I decide to stay out of yours. I’m not your little maid bitch you can boss around. I’m not fucking employed by you nor will I ever be.” I give him a sugary sweet smile. “Now, thanks for the invitation to your lame boat party, I’m sure I’m going to have a great time. Oh, and for the record, I’ll take a vodka sunrise.”

  I barge past him deeper onto the boat and don’t even bother looking around. I should have fucking known this was a bullshit game to try and humiliate me, but after the past week’s worth of humiliation, it seems to be sliding off me like water off a duck’s back. I guess there’s only so much Colton Carrington can do to me, or maybe I've just lowered my expectations of the guy.

  “Fucking bullshit, man,” I hear Jude snap from the back deck. I look back over my shoulder to find Jude glaring at Colton with his arm outstretched, indicating to me. “Why did you bring that fucking bitch?”

  Great. Now I have to spend my day with that douche too? Fucking perfect. And to think I could have been curled up in bed all day watching Netflix or chilling with my boys.

  “Had no choice,” Colton snaps back at him. “Shut the fuck up and have a drink.”

  Jude’s eyes slice to mine and there’s a dangerous warning, but what does it matter? It’s not like I’ll be going up there to spend my day with him.

  I turn back and start heading down the stairs that lead into the main living area of the boat and find Charlie and Spencer. Charlie’s face lights with excitement while Spencer scowls. He clearly isn’t fond of me the way his friend is, but at least he doesn’t look like he’s about to tear me apart the way Jude did.

  “Well, well,” Charlie beams. “If I knew you were coming along, I wouldn’t have brought Sara.”

  “You’re kidding right?” I laugh, looking up at him. “You’ll have better luck with Sara.”

  He laughs before jogging over and catching up with me. “I don’t hold last night against you,” he says. “It’s nothing a dry cleaner can’t deal with.”

  I groan to myself. “Oh, great, I'm so glad for you.”

  “It was an honest mistake,” he adds, not getting the hint that I’d rather be left alone. “You know, your dress and all. It kinda looked like the waitresses and you know how us guys are with that kind of shit.”

  I turn on him, making him pull himself up. “You’re just as bad as they are, Charlie,” I say with a disappointed sigh. “Only, you might be worse because you’re fake about it. Choose your side. Either be a dick with them or be chill, but I’m sick of this bullshit in-between crap you keep doing. Pick a fucking side and stay on it because right now, you’re as fake as shit. At least the other guys are real with me.”

  Charlie’s face falls and with that, I keep walking, pleased to find I don’t have someone following along. I walk into one of the many bedrooms and look around. This is fucking insane. I hate how impressed I am by the Carringtons. The things they can afford to have never ceases to amaze me. I couldn’t imagine a life where mom and I could ever be able to live like this.

  I drop my bag down onto the bed and sit on the edge, needing a moment to come to terms with how shitty my day is going to be. I can’t believe I let Colton play me like that, but he’s fucking insane if he thinks he has even the slightest chance of getting me to play boat bitch all day to his entitled friends. I can’t help but wonder what he meant with that comment he just threw at Jude.

  ‘Had no choice.’

  Why the hell wouldn’t he have a choice? Everyone has a choice. Either storm into the pool house and wake me up or don’t. It’s as simple as that.

  I let out a heavy sigh and decide that if I'm going to be stuck on a luxurious boat all day that I should make the best of it. Bad company aside, who knows when I could get an opportunity like this again.

  I get up off the bed and turn around to start rifling through my bag. Just as I feel my bikini on my fingers, a hand curls around my neck. I suck in a gasp but within a moment, I’m thrown up against the hard wall with Jude bearing down on me.

  “You think you can just get away with your bullshit and not be punished?” he roars, his breath smelling strongly of alcohol despite it only being eleven in the morning.

  I suck in a breath as his hand tightens and begins restricting my oxygen. “You’re a piece of shit. Get off me.”

  “You’re not going to get away with this,” he growls low getting right in my face so I can see the yellowing remains of the two black eyes Nic and the boys had happily given him earlier in the week. “You come into my world and start fucking shit up, well guess what? There are fucking consequences. You’re a fucking nobody. If you went missing, would anyone even notice? I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to you out here and even if you squealed to the cops, I’d get away with it because that’s just the way things are around here.”

  I try to stay calm, the same way Nic had taught me when faced with this situation. Though, there are a few other things Nic taught me about defending myself against dickheads like this.

  I may be a glutton for punishment, but I learn from my mistakes and around here, I’ll never go into any situation unprepared.

  My hand curls around the cool metal at the back of my high waisted shorts. I tear the gun out and without hesitation, I hold it against his chin and get the biggest thrill out of the way his eyes bug out of his head and he becomes motionless.

  His hand loosens on my throat and I lower my voice, mostly to sound somewhat intimidating but I’m pretty damn sure it’s got a little to do with the fact that if I was to speak up, my voice would shake. “I told you to get your fucking hands off me,” I remind him, pressing the gun harder against his chin.

  Jude’s hands drop and he remains silent, knowing damn well that I have the power. “You’re wrong,” I tell him, pressing up into him and letting my breath rush across his skin. “I have more people than you can count who would miss me and I can assure you, every last one of them would come looking.” I tap my fingers against the bandage supporting his bad arm. “But I think you know that. Tell me, how many would come looking for you? How many of your boys would actually care?”

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Colton’s low demanding voice questions from the doorway.

  “We were just having a little chat, weren’t we, Jude? Clearing the air and all that.�

  I feel his hard swallow against the tip of the gun and grin wickedly. Maybe it’ll do me a little good if these guys knew just how fucked up I could get. Jude gives me a sharp nod and I wink before pulling back and watching as he all but races from the room. “Fucking bitch,” he spits before walking out leaving me with Colton, studying me closer than ever before.

  “What did he want?”

  “What does it matter to you?”

  Colton steps into the room, seeming to not care about the gun sitting heavily in my hand, almost as though he knows I’d never use it on him. “It fucking matters.”

  I watch him for a silent moment, both of us just staring and locked in each other’s glare until I finally give in. “The loser was just trying to swing his dick around. He was trying to intimidate me and was in the middle of telling me just how easy it would be to get rid of me.”

  Colton lets out a heavy breath before nodding and stepping back. His eyes remain for a moment longer before he turns and stalks out of the room, leaving me gasping for breath.

  I have to give myself a moment. I don't know what it is about that guy that makes such simple things so hard.

  Once I’ve finally got myself under control, I get dressed and head up to the deck, determined not to let my day go to waste. Just as I had said to Colton, he stays at his end of the boat and I stay at mine and for some reason unknown to me, that’s exactly what happens.

  I sit at the bow of the boat feeling the wind slapping against my face and my hair blowing out behind me, my legs stretched out in the sun with my bag right beside me. After all, my gun can hardly be concealed in a bikini.

  After ten minutes, the fight leaves me and I’m finally able to relax. Some random girl I’ve never met comes and sits with me for a while and offers me a drink and before I know it, all the girls are sunbaking on the front of the deck as the boat glides across the water like a skater on ice.

  Luckily for me, the guys remain at the back of the boat, fucking around and doing what boys do. The anchor is dropped and suddenly it’s a party in the middle of the ocean. The music booms through the open sea and bottles of spirits get passed around like a joint.


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