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Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1)

Page 30

by Sheridan Anne

  “You just got done having all these pricks calling you a whore. This isn’t going to help.”

  “I don’t give a shit about that. This is more important.”

  I don’t give him a chance before my lips press needily against his. I close my eyes and kiss him as though he’s my whole fucking world and I hold back a laugh at the way his body stiffens. I feel his stare on the side of my face and I don’t doubt he’s trying to hold back a gag, but I’m doing this and I’m giving it my all because I’d prefer Milo to be hidden in the closet, where he’s happy and safe, then being out and having to hide in terror.

  He’ll reach the point where he can proudly come out of the closet one day and when he does, it’ll be for him and not because someone else has forced it on him. And when that day comes, I’m going to be his biggest cheerleader, until then, I’m going to be his beard girlfriend.

  Milo’s body starts to relax and while there’s still a heavy hesitation, he quickly gets on board with the plan. His arm curls around my back and holds me tight before it trails down to my ass. He gives it a firm squeeze and I make sure to press my chest harder against his, showing just how desperately I crave his touch.

  His other hand slides up the inside of my shirt, brushing along my skin until his fingers are cupped around the curve of my breast. We look like a couple of horny teenagers and judging by the silence of the crowd staring at us, I’d suggest they’re starting to second guess themselves.

  My hand curls into the back of his hair and I fist my fingers into it, grabbing hold and upping the intensity. Milo has been putting on a show of being a straight guy ever since starting high school and today is his best performance yet. I should get him a trophy. Hell, if he was straight, I might even be into this.

  He pulls back ever so slightly but keeps his hands moving on my body, making out as though we’re still unable to pull away from each other in our desperation. “Shove your filthy little whore tongue in my mouth again and I’m going to bite it the fuck off,” he murmurs against my lips.

  I tighten my hold in his hair and in response, he squeezes my ass to the point of pain. “Watch it, Milo,” I whisper, my lips moving against his as I talk. “Just be lucky it’s only my tongue. I’m more than happy to throw you down and sit on your face to prove your straight.”

  He gags. “Stop. You’re going to make me hurl.”

  “What’s wrong? The idea of running your tongue over my clit and making me come on your face is not appealing to you?”

  “Shut up,” he grumbles, grinding against me again before squeezing my breast. “I think I understand the beauty of tits now though. These things are so soft and squishy.”

  “Alright, perv. Time for the big finale.”

  “Big finale?”

  I roll my eyes. “Haven’t you watched any romantic movies? You’re going to have to lift me onto the hood of your car, step between my legs, and take control in a big way.”

  “No fucking way. You’ll scratch my hood.”

  “You want to sell the straight story, then act like a straight guy.”

  “For fuck’s sake.”

  Within the blink of an eye, Milo’s hands slip under my ass and he lifts me onto the hood of his car. His hands fall to my thighs and he pushes them wide before stepping between them and lining his dick right up with my center. He grinds against me as his hands find my jaw and force my face up to his.

  He kisses me deeply and holy hell, it’s fucking hot.

  I shouldn’t be turned on but damn. This boy has skills. I’m sure if he was straight, he’d be as much of a man-slut as Charlie. I wonder what he’d be like in bed …

  No. Ocean. Do not go there. Milo is off-limits. This is already pushing the friendship.

  He pulls back and looks down at me as though I’m the most desirable woman he’s ever had the pleasure of looking at. “Was that the big finale you were hoping for?”

  I grin up at him. “Damn straight. You nearly gave me a big finale there.”

  His face drops. “Tell me you’re lying.”

  “Sorry,” I say with a shrug. “What can I say? You were grinding all over my lady bits like a damn pro. Hell, Charlie didn’t even get me that close so fast.”

  “Okay,” he says, taking my waist and helping me down. “I need to get in the car so I can hurl in private.”

  He walks me back around to the passenger side door and as we go, something has me looking up. The crowd of pissed off homophobes has vanished without a sound, but there are two sets of eyes staring at me, one filled with a look of pissed off jealousy while the other just looks turned on.

  I tear my gaze away. At least I know our little plan worked. If Charlie and Colton are fooled, then I’m damn sure that the rest of the school is too.

  I drop down into the Aston Martin and soon enough, Milo is pulling into the driveway of the Carrington mansion. He comes to a stop in front of the mansion and after thanking me for acting like the whore they all think I am, he drives off, leaving me to race up the stairs and get stuck into my homework. After all, the quicker my homework is done, the sooner I can get to work, and the sooner I get to work, the more I’m able to get paid.

  After racing to the top of the stairs and struggling to catch my breath, I barge through the big double doors and come to a screeching halt when I find Harrison standing at the door waiting for me. He looks down at his watch and then back to me. “Miss Munroe. You are due home from school at promptly 3:45 pm. It is now 4 pm.”

  “Ah, I see you’ve discovered time. Congratulations.”

  I go to keep walking but he stops me. “Homework can wait today,” he says, making my brows draw in confusion. My homework was the one main certainty that ensured I was able to work. “You are to meet with Maryne immediately in the dining hall.”

  “What? Why?” I question, going over everything I’ve done since being here and trying to work out where the hell I fucked up. There’s only one reason why my presence would be requested like this and that’s if I was about to get fired. “I haven’t done anything wrong. I've been a perfect employee. I don’t even scowl at Colton when I’m working.”

  Harrison sighs, looking frustrated at having to explain himself. “You are not in trouble Miss Munroe, however, your version of being a perfect employee varies from my version. You’ve been satisfactory at best.”

  I cringe and look up at him. “Then what’s going on?”

  “Mr. Carrington has been called to attend a business meeting in the Maldives for two weeks. He will be leaving on Sunday morning. Due to …”

  “The Maldives for two weeks?” I scoff, cutting him off just because I know how much he hates it when I do. “That hardly sounds like a business meeting to me. Sounds like he’s going on a spontaneous vacation with some money-hungry gold digger and if you were to ask me, it’s probably that cousin of Spencer’s. What was her name again?” I pause a moment before it comes rushing back. “Oh, that’s right. Jacquie Vanderbilt. Did you see what those two were getting up to at the black and white party? Though, he did suggest that he’d only just met her so I guess it may be someone else …”

  Harrison’s glare sharpens to a point where I fear he’s going to snap, but unfortunately, he holds himself together like a true professional. “Mr. Carrington’s business meetings are none of your concern,” he tells me. “You have no place scrutinizing his actions or questioning his motives. If he has said he is going away for business, then that is all you are required to know. Nothing less, nothing more. You are here to work. Is that understood?”

  “Yes,” I sigh, not willing to push it. He’s clearly not in the mood for our little banter. Though, something tells me he doesn’t classify this as banter. “Understood.”

  “Good. Now, with Mr. Carrington unavailable for the next two weeks, the Masquerade party that was planned for next week has been brought forward to this weekend so Mr. Carrington can attend. He will be flying out on Sunday morning.”

  Well, that perked me right up.

  “The Masquerade party is this weekend, like in two days?”

  “Yes, keep up, Miss Munroe.” I roll my eyes and he continues. “Now, with such short notice, we’re going to need all hands on deck. Maryne is busy in the dining room finalizing all the party details with your mother and they could use some help. The whole house is going to have to be cleaned from top to bottom so it’s going to be a late night. I suggest you take tomorrow off from your schooling duties to do your part.”

  “Um … okay,” I say slightly confused but more than happy to take the day off from Bellevue Springs Academy.

  “The party is starting promptly at 7 pm sharp and due to short notice and being understaffed for the event, anyone working the night will be paid double time. Maryne will have a dress rush ordered for you so that you may work at the party. Are there any questions?”

  My brows pinch. “Umm … double time?”

  “You will be paid twice your usual rate.”

  My eyes bug out of my head. “Woah,” I laugh. “I am so down for that.”

  “Good, because you didn’t have a choice.”

  “No,” comes from a demanding, familiar voice behind me, instantly stealing Harrison’s full attention.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Carrington? No?”

  Colton steps in beside me, refusing to look at me as he addresses Harrison’s confusion while also leaving me wondering how the hell he managed to sneak up on us. His Veneno isn’t exactly quiet. “No, Ocean will not be working at the party. She will be attending as my guest.”

  Harrison’s eyes widen a fraction but he does his best to reign in his surprise. Me, however, I’m not that practiced. “The fuck?” I screech, finally gaining his attention. “No way in hell. I’m not attending as your guest. Are you insane? You’ve hardly spoken to me in two weeks and when you do, it’s to remind me that I'm trash and a whore, so thanks, but no thanks. I'll be joyfully declining your bullshit offer.”

  Harrison looks horrified that I had the nerve to speak to a Carrington like that and goes to reprimand me when Colton looks back at him. “Are we clear?”

  Harrison nods. “Yes, sir. Miss Munroe will attend as your guest. I will have her added to the list.”

  The fuck? Am I mute or are they both deaf?

  Colton nods dismissively. “Thank you,” he says, then walks away.

  “Oh, hell no,” I yell, racing after him. He gets away from me but I’m determined to say my peace. He turns into the massive kitchen, most likely on his way to lock himself in the den so he doesn’t have to deal with me, but after a few weeks of living in this place, I’ve learned a few tricks.

  By the time Colton is walking through the door of the den, I'm already there, staring at him and waiting ever so impatiently. His eyes widen in surprise before he narrows them at me with his usual tough-guy act.

  “What the hell is your problem?” I demand. “You don’t get to make those kinds of demands. I’m not going to the party with you. Besides, Harrison said it was double time and I need the money.”

  “You’re going to the party.”

  “You’re right, I am because I’ll be working at it.”

  “You’re not fucking working at the party. If you need the money so badly then you can help with preparations and with the clean up on Sunday. Besides, Harrison never lets the staff do both the party and the cleanup.”

  “But …”

  “No. You’re coming.”

  I stare at him, my brows pinched with confusion. “I don't understand you,” I tell him. “Why do you want me there? Every chance you get you’re pushing me away. You’re usually desperate to have me anywhere but near you and now this? You’re giving me whiplash. I can’t keep up with you.”

  Colton lets out a frustrated sigh and runs a hand through his messy hair as his eyes soften and he lets go of that hard-ass exterior. “Just … please.”

  My brow raises. I did not just hear that correctly, did I?

  “But why? Why do you want me there?”

  He shakes his head, silently begging me not to ask him that question. There’s strange desperation behind his eyes and something tells me that he’s just as terrified of the answer as I am, so for once, I do him a favor and leave it.

  My eyes drop to my hands. “Even if I wanted to go, I can’t.”

  His voice is low and grumbly and at this moment he seems like a complete stranger to the already confusing version of Colton Carrington that I’ve come to know. “Why not?”

  “I don’t have a dress or a mask so I’d look even more out of place than what I do now, and in case you haven’t noticed, being different around here is cause for humiliation.”

  “You know the guys at school are only dickheads to you because they want you and know that they don’t stand a chance.”

  I raise my chin and meet his eyes. “And you?”

  Colton sighs and dips his fingers into the pocket of his school slacks before pulling out a familiar little card. He hands it to me and I take it in confusion. “Buy yourself a gown and anything else you need.”

  I look down at the card in my hand before trying to hand it back. “I can’t do that. It’s not my money to spend.”

  “You can and you will,” he murmurs, his voice impossibly lower. “Someone as beautiful as you should not be in a borrowed dress. You deserve the most expensive gown at the party.”

  With that, he turns and walks away, leaving me gaping after him, unsure why my heart is racing so fast, but needing to put it to the back of my mind before I race after him and throw myself into his inviting arm, I pull out my phone.

  It rings twice before Milo’s voice comes hollered through the phone. “What’s up, bitch?”

  “The masquerade party just got put forward to this weekend and guess who was given a Carrington credit card to go and buy the most expensive gown she can find?”

  “No way,” he screeches, excitedly. “WE’RE GOING SHOPPING!”

  Chapter 29

  The Rinaldi’s limousine pulls into the long driveway that leads down to the Carrington mansion and stops by the gate, marking our names off the guest list.

  Butterflies swarm through my stomach. I’ve never officially been on a guest list like this before. I mean, I guess I kinda was for the black and white party but that doesn’t really count. Charles added me on as an afterthought for that one and I felt as though I was playing Cinderella going to the ball, but tonight, I feel as though I belong here.

  My white-gloved hands trail over my silk gown and I catch myself glancing down at the golden material as it frames my body just right. I feel like a fucking princess.

  Milo hired a hair and makeup artist to come to his place and do me up like some kind of barbie doll. I usually hate other people doing my makeup and touching my hair, but it was done to perfection and gives me chills every time I look in the mirror, which just happens to be a lot.

  The driver hits the gas again and we start making our way down the drive. I find myself gawking out the window at the mansion. I live in this place yet I’ve never seen it lit up like this. Lights line either side of the driveway and although I’ve seen them there every time I’m forced to walk up and down this long beast, I've never witnessed them actually turn on while the moon briefly lights up the night sky.

  It’s simply stunning.

  Tonight could turn to shit from here on out and I’d still have the audacity to say that it has been one of the best nights of my life. This world finds new ways to amaze me every single day and today, it’s this party.

  I haven’t even gotten inside and I know it’s going to be incredible. Just as Harrison had requested, I took yesterday off school and helped get the house ready for the party. I watched as trucks arrived and started unloading decorations while a sound team came in to hang speakers and set up audio equipment. I listened as they did their soundcheck and fell in love while the room turned from a plain ballroom to a venue fit for the biggest party of the year.

  The limo comes to a stop and the driver hurrie
s around to open the door. “Alright,” Milo’s mom says, giving Milo and I a warm smile while still assuming that we’re an item. “Masks on.”

  My gloved fingers trail over the soft lace of the mask sitting in my lap and I pick it up. It’s amazing. Milo and I had spent all Thursday night searching for this mask but when we finally saw it, it spoke to me and I knew it was the one.

  I place it over my face, making sure not to ruin my makeup in the process and just as I go to fasten it at the back, Milo leans over. “Here, let me.” I beam at him and turn my head, knowing he’ll fasten it the way the hairstylist had suggested as to not ruin my hair. “There, perfect.”

  I straighten up and pull the small mirror out of my purse and take a look.

  It’s like a complete stranger staring back at me. My plum lips stand out with the black lace mask, but my blue eyes are so bright that they’re stealing the show. I hate how obnoxious that makes me sound, but tonight, I'm going all out and I don’t care who it offends.

  Milo’s parents scoot out of the car and Milo quickly follows, knowing there’s bound to be a line of cars piling up behind us. Milo stands at the open door and offers me his hand. I graciously take it as I slip my leg out of the car.

  The high split of my silk gown shows off my thigh but I quickly hurry out of the limousine and raise to my feet beside him, covering my legs before I go ahead and show off the goods.

  Milo’s parents are long gone so we start making our way up the sixty-six steps to the front door. His hand falls to my back, leading me up the stairs like a true gentleman and I’m thankful knowing that I was bound to fall in these stiletto heels.

  Milo’s hand brushes against the skin of my back, reminding me just how dangerously low it dips. If I was to make the wrong move, every guest at the party would get a good look at my lacy thong covered ass. Hell, without the Hollywood tape, I’m sure they would have already seen it.

  The closer we get to the front door, the higher the nerves rise within me. I don’t understand why though. I shouldn’t be nervous. It’s just a party in the place I’ve been calling home, yet for some reason, I can’t wait to find Colton and show him just how amazing this gown really is. After all, he just paid 10k for it.


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