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Jameson's Salvation (Gemini Group Book 2)

Page 20

by Riley Edwards

  “I wasn’t. I was looking for deliverance.”

  “Such a dramatic child,” Lola returned.

  Jameson was enjoying the banter between mother and daughter. He’d never experienced a close bond between child and parent. His relationship with his mother had been very different. They were more of a team, working together to get through life. Never really stopping to enjoy it. And there was no funny back-and-forth. His mother had always been too tired.

  A familiar hatred filled him as he thought about what his father had taken from him. Could this have been his life? A loving and fun relationship with his mom? How different would she have been if she wasn’t working herself half to death? Would she have smiled and teased him? Would she have tucked him in and told him stories? Goddamn, he hated his father.

  Kennedy’s hand on his thigh pulled his attention to her and she smiled.

  Immediately the knot in his gut unraveled. That was all it’d taken—one smile from Kennedy and she could ease the pain and fill him with her shine.


  Nixon pulled his buzzing phone from his pocket and frowned. “Excuse me, this is Jonny. I have to take it.”

  Nix got up from the table and walked out the back door. Jameson watched as his friend’s body went stiff and one hand went to the back of his neck. Something was wrong.

  “What’s that about?” Kennedy leaned closer and asked.

  “No idea,” he answered. “I’ll be right back.”

  He kissed her temple and stood. Holden and Chasin followed him out the door and the three of them waited until Nixon hung up.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Peyton Marshall was found dead in his holding cell.”

  “What?” Holden asked the question for all of them.

  “Apparent suicide.”

  “Suicide? Over a breaking and entering and assault charge?” Chasin shook his head.

  “Suicide if you take into account the note Peyton wrote, explaining in detail that he alone acted against Kennedy.”

  “Really? And what was his reason, did he say?” Jameson inquired.

  “He sure did. Said he was holding a grudge since high school, fighting the need for vengeance but he finally lost control.”

  “They have problems in high school?” Chasin asked Nixon.

  “Not that I know of. Peyton was always a dick. But I never knew him and Kennedy were even friends. They didn’t hang out in the same circles. But the issue is, the manner of death doesn’t add up to suicide. Peyton was stabbed five times in his neck and stomach.”

  “Jesus,” Jameson muttered, even though in the darkest places of his soul he was thinking it couldn’t have happened to a better person.

  Just because Jameson couldn’t injure an unarmed man didn’t mean he wasn’t pleased karma hadn’t wasted any time.

  “Jonny is pissed someone was able to get to Peyton. The detention center doesn’t have the room to separate the inmates, so Peyton was in general population even though he was awaiting arraignment.”

  “You know Reggie made a call to his business partner this morning. I think we need to listen to it again and find out more about Gary Earle,” Jameson suggested.

  “Absolutely. As soon as Janice takes Lola home, we’ll talk,” Nixon said and nodded for the house.

  Twenty minutes later, McKenna and Kennedy were putting away leftovers and Jameson and Nixon were helping the ladies to the car.

  “You’ll make sure that nice young man eats when he gets home, right?” Janice asked.

  “Weston is already at Lola’s waiting for you two lovely ladies to get there. And he’s already eaten dinner,” Nixon told them, and Jameson chuckled knowing it would not matter if Nix stressed Weston had eaten, they’d still force-feed him.

  “Oh, good. It’s nice having a man around the house,” Lola said and winked.

  “I agree,” Janice started. “If I were twenty years younger, I’d give him a run for his money.”

  Good God. Poor Weston.

  “Even twenty years ago, I think he could still outrun you.” Lola laughed.

  “Twenty years ago he wouldn’t’ve been trying to run away.”

  Janice wiggled her eyebrows and it was time to send the ladies on their way. Jameson wondered if he should call his friend and warn him the cougars were on their way home but decided it would be more fun to let Weston figure it out on his own that two old women were looking at him like he was a juicy piece of meat.

  “You drive careful, Miss Janice,” Nix said and closed the driver’s side door.

  The men stood in the drive and watched the women drive away.

  “Those two are a trip,” Nixon muttered.

  “How much you wanna bet Weston calls within the hour?”

  “You know he will. Good thing for him he can indeed outrun those two or I have a feeling they’d put it to him.”

  Jameson smiled into the darkness thinking how different his life was now. Five years ago he would’ve never imagined having that type of conversation. Hell, six months ago he would’ve never thought he’d be standing in his woman’s driveway after helping her mother into the car. And not even two months ago would he ever have believed he’d fall ass over tea kettle in love.

  What a difference one woman can make.

  They were sitting at Kennedy’s table listening to the conversation between Reggie and Gary for the second time. Jameson had been surprised at Kennedy’s lack of emotion over hearing Peyton was dead. She expressed sadness that life had been lost but had followed it up with, bad people reap bad things.

  “Listen to this part again,” McKenna said and played back the beginning of the recording.

  “I heard a new business agreement is needed.” Gary Earle started the conversation.

  “Not so fast,” Reggie protested.

  “I don’t take risks. I need to know my investment is solid.” Gary obviously didn’t like Reggie’s hesitation and continued. “I had the new papers drawn up this afternoon.”

  “That’s not needed,” Reggie rushed out his tone, missing his normal cocky attitude. “Give it a week. Everything will work out.”

  “No risks. That was the deal. Risks are to be eliminated immediately. You agreed to that. I can just as easily dissolve the partnership and run solo.”

  McKenna paused the conversation.

  “Does that sound like Gary was telling Reggie he planned on killing Peyton?” she asked.

  “If we assume Peyton is the risk,” Nixon answered.

  “Gary was clear risks are to be eliminated immediately,” Chasin added. “But how would Gary find someone to take out Peyton so quickly? He was only arrested yesterday and this conversation happened less than eight hours before Peyton was found dead.”

  “A leftover from Sheriff Dick Dillinger’s reign?” Nixon suggested. “I know Jonny and the sheriff have been working on making sure the department is purged of all the shit that plagued them. However, it’s gonna take more than a few months. That’s one thought, but we need to figure out who Gary Earle is. He could have his own connections and it may have nothing to do with Dillinger.”

  “I can help with some of it, but McKenna will have to work her magic and dig deeper.” Holden started looking at his tablet screen. “Gary Earle was born in Dover, Delaware, and now lives in Wilmington. He’s hella wealthy and made his money by going into slums and rebuilding. I found an interesting article about him accusing him of bribing local and state officials. Of course, all involved denied the claims, but a local community outreach organization is adamant. They even provide documentation that their requests to tear down dilapidated old row homes to build low-income housing and a community center was denied, citing historical preservation. But six months later Gary Earle obtained the land and the permits for demolition. The county came back and said they were misquoted that the outreach organization lacked funding. Yet the organization supplied original copies of the denial letters and bank statements with more than enough funding.”

  “So Gary Earle’s the Reggie Coleman of Wilmington,” Kennedy concluded.

  “Sounds like it,” Holden agreed. “Now the question is, how did the two scumbags come together to form a partnership? And why would Earle have any interest in a small farming community?”

  “I’ll work on it first thing in the morning.” McKenna typed her notes and looked around. “Anything else?”

  “Yes, can you find the link between Sunbelt Heating and Air Conditioning and Reggie? If not for anything else, we’ll have confirmation Reggie ordered the man not to fix Lola’s AC,” Jameson requested.

  “Wait. Then who fixed my mom’s AC?” Kennedy asked. “She said it’s working.”

  “Nixon and Zack,” Jameson offered.

  “What happened?”

  Jameson gave Kennedy the abbreviated story and with each word he’d spoken her eyes narrowed with irritation.

  “You know, Reggie really is an asshole. I mean, we already knew that but he’s the king of all dicks. I just don’t get why everyone does his bidding.”

  “I’ll find that out tomorrow, too,” McKenna told her. “And someone should go speak to Willow Realty and the agent in charge of his rentals.

  “I’m on that. I’ll go first thing in the morning,” Chasin volunteered. “And I’ll see if the shop owners will talk to me.”

  “Go easy on Jonas Brown, he’s a total hippy and very sensitive,” Kennedy advised. “And maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he just wasn’t happy with my product.”

  “He ever complain before?” Holden asked.

  “No. But he really is a nice guy.”

  “Right. A nice guy, who’s being jacked around by Reggie. I’ll go easy,” Chasin assured.

  “I’m headed home. Get the lead out, woman.” Nixon smiled at McKenna.

  “You talk to me like that again, Nixon Swagger, and you’ll be the one getting my buckshot lead outta your ass.” A perfectly-shaped eyebrow lifted and Nix chuckled.

  “Noted. How ‘bout I carry your computer and purse to the truck so we can get home before Mandy and Zack’s curfew?”

  “Shit, I forgot they both went out. Dammit, Nix, why didn’t you remind me what time it was?”

  “Yeah, it’s totally my fault I forgot I was the designated timekeeper.”

  “Whatever,” McKenna huffed and gathered her stuff.

  Holden and Chasin both announced they were leaving, too.

  Jameson and Kennedy walked the foursome to the door and said their goodbyes.

  “You have more to clean up or are you ready to go?” Jameson asked.

  “I think I want to stay here.”

  Jameson took a moment to study her features. She’d been relaxed all day, and had smiled and carried on through dinner. She’d shown no signs of hesitation or fear being back in her house, but that didn’t mean now that the house full of people had left and night had fallen she wouldn’t slip back into not wanting to be in her home.

  “If at any time you change your mind we’ll go back to my place,” Jameson told her.

  “Now you sound like my mom before my first sleepover. She promised to pick me if I got scared, she said she didn’t care what time it was.” Kennedy’s innocent statement sent of pang of hurt to Jameson’s chest. He’d never had a single sleepover. How much had he truly missed out on? “Thank you for everything. You’ve been really great helping me through this.”

  Her appreciation worked its magic and hurt was filled with warmth. He was pleased he could help even though he felt like he should be doing more.

  Jameson led Kennedy up the stairs and into her room. His hands shook with pent-up need when he helped her undress and get into bed. He slipped in next to her, donning a pair of running shorts. There was only so much a man could take and with Kennedy only in a tee and panties, Jameson’s limits were maxed out.

  And she’d already proven to be devious when she wanted something. The thought of the first time they’d been together assaulted Jameson, doing nothing to help his dick stay soft. He’d never forget the way she’d lifted her hips and impaled herself on his dick. The wonderment in her eyes when he drove his cock deep. Fuck. There was nothing about Kennedy that wasn’t hot. Nothing he could think about that would deflate his now-throbbing hard-on.

  “Why are we wasting this?” Kennedy’s knee brushed his hard dick. “Seems like such a shame.”

  Jameson reached down and grabbed her thigh, hitching it up to his stomach. “Trust me, babe, it is a cryin’ shame,” he groaned. “But when you’re better, I promise to never waste another one.”


  “Please have mercy on me. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “We’ll go slow.”

  “No, we won’t. You know all it will take is you begging me to go harder and I’ll fuck you silly. Please, Kennedy, let’s just go to sleep.”


  “It’ll go down on its own as soon as I stop thinking about you sitting on my face while I eat your pussy.”

  “That’s what you’re thinking about?”

  “I got one sweet lick before you fucked me on the couch. I’m looking forward to burying my face between your legs and watching you come in my mouth. I can’t stop thinking about the sounds you make and how good you feel under me. But the thought of eating you out while your hips buck against my face is so fucking hot, Kennedy, I think I can come from just the thought alone.”

  “You should stop talking if you don’t want me to start begging,” she moaned and rubbed her pussy against his bare thigh.

  “Fuck, you’re wet,” he grunted when he felt the damp material of her panties.

  “Oh, yeah, I’m wet. You just told me you fantasized about eating my pussy.”

  “Fuck, don’t say pussy,” he growled.

  “Why not? You say it.”

  “Because you saying it is turning me on more.”

  “What am I supposed to say? You talking about eating my vagina is hot? Or what about you eating my cunt? Though I will admit I don’t like that word. I prefer pussy. It sounds sexier. Cunt sounds like a dirty word.”

  His head turned, and in an effort to make her stop talking about her pussy, he slammed his mouth on hers. Huge mistake. The sneaky vixen pushed her tongue passed his lips and his resolve snapped. He gently eased her to her back and his hand went under the material of her shirt, circling one nipple before he moved to the other and repeated the movement. Kennedy’s back arched when he cupped her breast and rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger. Satisfaction bloomed when Kennedy moaned as he plucked at the hard nub.

  His hand moved down over her stomach and over her panties until he stopped at the gusset and yanked it to the side. It would be easier if her panties were off but Jameson didn’t want to waste any time. His finger gathered wetness as he circled her clit. Kennedy’s hips bucked just like he’d imagined they would if it was his tongue flicking the bundle of nerves and not his finger.

  “Don’t move,” he said, breaking the kiss. “Stay still or I stop.”

  She nodded and he took her in. Eyes half-mast and full of lust and need, lips red and puffy from his kiss. Neck flushed—seeing it had him changing his mind.

  “Sit up.” He pulled his hand away from her pussy and helped her take off her t-shirt and panties.

  When she laid back down fully nude he had to take a deep breath and remember tonight was all about making Kennedy feel good. Giving her what she needed. His cock would stay safely inside his shorts—the downside of not wearing underwear was there was only one layer of material between them.

  Jameson resumed their position but this time he spread her legs wide and came up on his elbow. One hand went back between her legs and his mouth descended to her nipple.

  “Jameson,” she breathed.

  He swirled his tongue harder and teased her pussy, running a finger up and down her slit.


  The whine in her voice made him smile against her nipple. He gave her a hard nip and pushed two thick f
ingers inside of her.


  Kennedy didn’t finish her sentence, and with a stern reminder Jameson warned her to stay still.

  “I can’t.”

  “Then I’ll stop.”

  “No. Don’t stop. I’ll stay still.”

  Jameson worked his fingers in and out of her pussy and continued to lavish her tits with attention. He licked and sucked on every part he could reach.

  When Kennedy’s hips started lifting again and her mews of pleasure were getting louder, he knew she’d had enough teasing.

  He eased his body down onto hers and lifted both her thighs over his shoulders. He speared his tongue into her wetness and used his thumb to strum her clit.

  “Jameson!” she shouted and ground her pussy against his face.

  So fucking hot.

  His hips pushed into the mattress, his cock throbbing to the point of pain. He knew he was going to come with her. He flattened his tongue and lapped up her excitement, then shoved his fingers back inside of her and sucked her clit until she screamed his name. Her pussy convulsed around his fingers and his balls started to tingle. He continued to fuck her with his fingers until the pulsing stopped.

  Jameson quickly rolled to the side, yanked his shorts down his legs, came up on his knees between her splayed thighs, and took his cock in hand.

  “Ohmygod,” Kennedy moaned.

  Jameson rubbed the length of his cock against her drenched pussy, coating it with her orgasm and started stroking.

  Kennedy’s hands went to her breasts and she pushed them together, massaging them while she flicked her nipples with her thumbs.

  “Goddamn, that’s sexy as hell,” Jameson groaned. Feeling his orgasm quickly approaching, he stroked himself faster.

  “You’re telling me,” she murmured. “Does that feel good?”

  “Not as good as your pussy,” Jameson answered. “But I have to say jerking off while you watch is hot as fuck. I’m gonna come, baby. On you or in you?”

  “On me. I wanna watch.”

  Jameson groaned and a few pumps later, his thighs tightened, his balls drew up, and his come splashed on her pubic hair and lower stomach. When his orgasm finally waned and he was able to focus, he grinned at the sight.


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