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Sinners MC: A Motorcycle Club Anthology

Page 2

by Evan Grace

  Huffy rushed to Bonnie. She was standing behind her father. He needed to get her out of here. Preacher may not be acting alone. More likely than not, he wasn’t alone. He had no idea who could be trusted. Bonnie screamed as a bullet hit her father. His body jolted on impact. Not once, not twice, but three times. Huffy got there in time to catch LB before he hit the ground. He had two bullets hit his shoulder and another in his gut. This was bad.

  “Get her out!” LB growled.

  Mother drew a Ruger from his waist band. “Take him with you. Get the fuck out of here.”

  “You’re not coming?”

  “Someone needs to stay here. I got this. Keep my goddaughter safe at all costs.”

  It would only take a minute for Preacher to reload if he wasn’t packing another piece. He slipped his arms under LB’s and began to drag him backwards. Mother flipped a table up to use as cover. He fired back at Preacher. Two guys Huffy didn’t know entered the bar, firing rounds into whoever happened to be in their way.

  They wore Potomac Brotherhood colors. Fucking Preacher sold out the Angels. They needed to move quicker. If the back door wasn’t covered already, it would be any minute.

  Bonnie screamed as he continued to drag her father toward the hallway. “Dad. Dad, hold on.” His eyes rolled back in his head. She put her fingers to his neck. “He’s just unconscious. He’s losing a lot of blood, Huffy. We need to get him out of here.”

  Huffy needed to be able to cover them, but LB would be too heavy for her to carry on her own. The man was knocked out and nothing but dead weight. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. They only had one hope.

  “Can you shoot?”

  “Yeah, Dad made sure. I work late at night.”

  “In my boot. It’s loaded.”

  They stopped at the back door. Bonnie grabbed his throwaway piece from his ankle holster. She immediately pointed the weapon at the floor and checked the rounds. She flipped the safety off, nodding she was ready. Huffy was impressed. She wasn’t shaking or melting down. She was calm and ready for whatever came next. This should not be a turn on. He maneuvered LB so he had a better grip.

  He really didn’t like her covering for him. “I don’t like you going first. I can leave you both here while I check things out, then come back to get you.”

  “So then someone can shoot us from the hallway while we wait? No thanks. I’ll hold the door open and keep my eyes on the yard. You get him to my truck. It’s the silver Chevrolet Colorado. I’ll be right behind you.”

  It wasn’t ideal, but she was right. He nodded his agreement. “Be careful. Don’t trust anyone you see.”

  Bonnie used her hip to open the door. The gun pointed down in front of her, she exited the building, holding the door open for them to get out. They had to cover close to fifty feet with nothing to conceal their movements. Bonnie scanned the yard as he picked her father up in a fireman’s carry.

  He still needed both hands; LB was a solid son of a bitch. He couldn’t believe the series of events that went down. Preacher murdered Cracker Jack and who knew how many other guys. Cracker Jack was patched two weeks ago. The poor kid wasn’t even legal to drink yet.

  He reached the truck, sliding LB’s body off his shoulder, leaning him against the side. Suddenly yelling came from the side of the building. Huffy opened the back door of her truck, heaving LB’s limp body inside. Bonnie fired off a round. He didn’t know if she hit anything, nor did he have time to look around and check. The opposite door opened, she climbed in.

  “I have some first aid in here, but it may not be enough. You drive.”

  Bonnie tossed him the keys. Pushing LB’s legs in the truck, he slammed the door. He scurried into the driver seat. Turning the engine over, he peeled out of the spot. He glanced in the rear view. Preacher barreled through the door, shooting before he was all the way out. The back window of the truck shattered.

  Bonnie screamed but never stopped tending to her father. He could hear her rustling through her bag and tearing packages open. LB moaned as she pressed something into his gut wound.

  “Disable any tracking on your phone. LB’s too. Power them both off.”

  “Do you think that’s necessary?”

  “The Fallen Angels have friends everywhere, and we don’t know which ones are on LB’s side.”

  They made it to the highway without further confrontation. He got off and back on at one point, always watching the rearview to make sure they weren’t being followed. Once he was certain they were clear, he headed north. It was a long ride. He hoped LB could hold out.

  The cabin was tucked away in the middle of the woods. There wasn’t another cabin around for five miles at least. They would be safe here. No one in the club knew about this place, not even LB.

  Bonnie sounded completely exhausted. “Where are we?”

  “My cabin. Don’t worry. The guys don’t know about this place. It’s my private retreat. How’s your dad?”


  “Let me unlock the door and I’ll come back to carry him in.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair. She didn’t say anything. She nodded before laying her head against the back of the seat, closing her eyes. Her face was taut with worry and exhaustion. Unfortunately, there would be no rest yet. They had to patch LB up and figure out what’s next.

  Once inside, Huffy pushed everything off the dining room table with one swoop of his arm. He ran to Bonnie where he left them, leaning on the door frame for support. Slipping his arm around LB, they maneuvered him to the table.

  “He’s lost so much blood. I don’t know…I just don’t, Huffy.” Her voice was barely over a whisper.

  He didn’t know how to respond. She was right, and he wouldn’t lie to her and say everything was going to be okay, because it wasn’t. No matter what happened with her dad, everything had changed. They had a bullseye on their back now.

  Chapter Three


  She couldn’t believe what was happening. Surely, she would wake up soon and find all of this to be a dream. She needed to focus. She had to change the bandages on her father. They were soaked through.

  “Can you grab the big duffle bag from the back of my truck? I keep a second kit in there.”

  Along with first aid supplies, it had a change of clothes, some cash, and her Ruger LCP. She wished she had something for an IV set up. She was stocked for an emergency until help could arrive. Not long-term care. She hurried to the sink. Wetting a paper towel, she returned to where her father lay in and out of consciousness. She squeezed the towel above his lips, allowing some water to enter his mouth. She massaged his throat to trigger him to swallow.

  Pulling the gauze back, she checked his shoulder wounds. The Quikclot she poured on in the truck helped. It looked ugly and gnarled, but not as bad as his stomach. He must have a hell of a horseshoe up his ass. The bullet was a through and through in the lower left side. The blood loss was extensive, however not as bad as some she’d seen at the hospital.

  She put fresh bandages on and checked his vitals. They were holding steady for now. Grabbing the pillow from the couch, she elevated her dad’s feet. There wasn’t much else she could do. The next twenty-four hours would be a waiting game. The sun was setting, and a chill seeped into the room. She looked around for the first time in search of a blanket for her father and herself if she could find one.

  There was a beautiful stone fireplace between two large windows. She didn’t see any firewood. However, there was a wooden chest behind a straight back chair. She lifted the lid; a strong cedar scent perfumed the air. Inside were blankets. Flannel, crocheted, and quilted in all different patterns and colors. She covered her father with a flannel blanket and chose a quilted one for herself.

  She sat on the couch, pulling out her phone. It was off, she remembered they needed it off, so they weren’t traced. Just great. How was she going to check in with her mom? News of the shooting must be all over the television by now. Her mother was surely wor
ried. Huffy came through the door with an armful of firewood, startling her.

  “Sorry, it gets pretty cold in here. I’ll have the fire going in a few minutes.” He put the firewood on the floor and began placing pieces in a pile to light.

  “I found blankets. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course. Help yourself to whatever. I’m gonna change my shirt. I’ll be right out.”

  He had blood all over the right side of his body. When he emerged from the bedroom, he had on a black t-shirt, the cut accentuating the muscles underneath.

  “There’s a lot of canned food, bottled water, and a few things in the freezer. Are you hungry?”

  Bonnie hadn’t eaten anything in a while. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, her appetite was running rampant.

  “I could eat.”

  She watched him open a cabinet, pulling out two cans. He retrieved a pot from the rack above the stove. He glanced over his shoulder at her father.

  “Is he going to be okay?’

  Bonnie wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, joining him in the small kitchenette.

  “Only time will tell now.” She looked down at her father. He looked smaller than usual. He was always larger than life in her eyes. He commanded attention when he entered a room. Not by what he did or said, but from his presence alone. It was heartbreaking to see him this way. She took his wrist in her hand, checking his pulse. Nothing had changed. She should count her blessings. At least things hadn’t taken a turn for the worst.

  “You did great, patching him up the way you did,” he praised as he dumped cans of soup into a pot.

  “Training. It just takes over.”

  “I get that. You’re a doctor?”

  “Nurse, in the ER. I’ve seen a lot of GSWs, unfortunately.”

  “Never guess you’d have to work on your own dad, though.”

  She brushed her fingertips across her dad’s forehead. He felt warmer than he should. He needed an IV and meds as soon as possible. “Look, I know what he’s all about. I don’t wear blinders where he’s concerned. I haven’t for a long-ass time. I always knew it could happen. I never thought I’d be standing next to him when it did, though.”

  “I can’t believe Preacher was involved.”

  “How long have you been around?”

  “Few years.”

  “Preacher always thought he’d be the next President. I wish I was surprised, but I’m not. Not completely, anyway.”

  Huffy looked genuinely interested in what she had to say. “Why wasn’t he picked?”

  “Club voted. Most of the guys were happy to get out of pharmaceuticals. As you know, there’s money to be made elsewhere.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  She met his eyes. “Women are invisible once their clothes are back on. Especially me, I was a child. I heard a lot growing up.”

  She brushed her hair back from her face. She was worn out. She watched him move around. He exuded confidence, most of the guys did, but there was something different about him. She couldn’t put her finger on it.

  “I would never describe you as invisible.”

  He poured soup into two mugs before retrieving spoons. He nodded toward the couch, carrying everything past her. She followed him, sitting down before accepting the steaming mug.

  “It’s chicken noodle. I hope that’s okay.”

  “My favorite.” She smiled.

  They ate in comfortable silence. The sound of the crackling fire soothed her. Her eyes began to grow heavy. She leaned her head back against the cushion and drifted off to sleep.


  Huffy finished his dinner, his gaze drifted to find Bonnie sound asleep, the mug that once held dinner still clutched in her hands. He chuckled to himself. Gently, he plucked the mug from her hands. She stirred, pulling the quilt around herself tighter. She looked so small, almost childlike. She didn’t ask for any of this.

  He put another log on the fire before washing the few dishes they had used. LB was still unconscious on the dining table. His breathing seemed normal, not that he knew anything about medicine. He was, however, familiar with gunshot wounds.

  He was tired. He figured now would be a good time to rest a little. Sitting on the opposite end of the couch, he propped his feet up on the cheap table. He pulled his phone from his leather holster. There was no service out here. That’s the way he wanted it. No signal meant untraceable. There was a small town twenty minutes away if he needed an internet connection. He wasn’t going to sleep, but it would do him some good to rest his eyes for a few minutes.

  He woke to the sound of screaming. He pulled his gun from the small of his back, looking for the threat. Bonnie sat straight as a pin next to him. Tears shimmered on her face. Huffy didn’t see anyone or anything out of place. She was a woman who’s seen too much. It was written all over her tear-stained face.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded her head yes, even as fresh tears spilled from her eyes. She was lying. The last thing she was was all right. He put his arms around her, pulling her close. She smelled faintly of vanilla and something else he couldn’t put his finger on. Her arms were wrapped around his neck tightly. She began sobbing, her breathing erratic. Without thinking, he rubbed his hand up and down her back, like his mother used to when he was upset as a child.

  They stayed that way for some time. He felt her breathing return to normal. She leaned back to look up at him. Her hair was a mess, make-up smeared slightly around her eyes, but he saw beauty in it. She licked her lips before pressing them against his. It’s a well-known fact people who went through traumatic events together could develop an attachment to each other. He knew he should stop her, but he’d thought about kissing her from the moment he laid eyes on her.

  His hand glided up her back to rest behind her head as he deepened the kiss. She melted in his arms. Leaning forward, he lay her on her back, pressing his body down the length of her. Every kiss like a drug he couldn’t get enough of. She tugged his shirt from his waistband. Her hands began exploring the skin underneath. He braced himself above her with one arm so he could remove his shirt with the other hand. She rose to meet him, kissing his chest as he heaved her shirt over her head. Tossing it on the floor, he continued to kiss a path down her body.

  She was gorgeous, her skin practically glowing in contrast to the navy lace still hiding her breasts. He unhooked her bra, taking the soft, pert globes into his hands. He squeezed them firmly, yet gently, sucking her nipple into his mouth.

  She moaned softly, arching her body toward him, silently begging for more. His erection pressed firmly against his zipper. The deep tan on his hands resembled a shadow on her porcelain skin. This whole night would be a shadow in her past. Even though he wasn’t who she thought he was, he was what she wanted. Right here, right now. There wouldn’t be a future for them. He knew that. She probably did too. He wasn’t going to let that keep him from making her his for the night. He quickly stripped off the rest of their clothes, the hunger in her eyes reflecting how he felt.

  He retrieved the condom from his wallet, rolling the latex over his erection. She dug her fingers into his hips. The delicious pain only turned him on more.

  “Hurry,” she whispered.

  Huffy positioned himself between her silky thighs, plunging himself inside her. Jesus, this was exactly what he needed. Bonnie’s breath hitched. Her hands gripped his ass as he moved inside her. Her hips thrust up to meet his, quickening the pace. His thoughts were all over the place; it was too much. He was afraid he would come already. He withdrew from her, flipping her over.

  He had more control this way. She was on her knees with her head and chest on the back of the couch. Her ass looked amazing, just as he had imagined when they met at the bar. Kneeling behind her, he slipped into her soaking wet pussy again.

  Firmly, he gripped her hair, pulling her head back, kissing her neck. His need growing, he plunged harder and faster. Position didn’t matter. She felt too damn good. She
moaned beneath him. Her moans turned to pleas.

  “Don’t stop,” she panted.

  Huffy had no plans to stop until they both got what they needed. Her moans turned to screams of pleasure. He covered her mouth lightly to mute the sound. The last thing he needed was for her father to come to as he fucked the man’s daughter thirty feet away. She clenched around him. Fuck, he couldn’t hold out much longer.

  He buried his face in her soft hair, his own grunting amplified in his mind. Her last scream was loud even through his hand. The moment he felt her cum drip down his balls, he let go. The orgasm ripped through him with such intensity his body went rigid and his toes cramped.

  He didn’t know if he could move, but he couldn’t imagine Bonnie being comfortable with him laying on her back. Huffy slowly withdrew himself. He walked awkwardly to the bathroom while carefully removing the condom. He felt like a newborn deer trying to walk for the first time. After depositing his condom into the trash, he returned to Bonnie with a washcloth to clean herself up.

  Only she was already dressed. Her hair was a little wild and her lips were darker than before, but otherwise she looked completely normal. That was quick. Now he felt underdressed standing there in what God gave him. No sense being shy now. He strolled across the small living room, picking up his pants. He slipped each leg in, pulling them up.

  Bonnie broke the awkward silence first. “Fiji would be nice. Do you have a passport?”

  Huffy was more than a little confused. “For what?”

  “For our destination wedding. I’ve always imagined an intimate ceremony on the beach in a flowy white dress.”

  He froze. A what? What the hell was she thinking? They just met a few hours ago. She was beautiful and the sex was great, but it was just sex. Why the fuck would they get married? She continued, “Daddy would expect nothing less after that.”


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