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Sinners MC: A Motorcycle Club Anthology

Page 9

by Evan Grace

  “Please, Aiden,” I whimpered, moving faster.

  He nibbled my bottom lip as he grunted like a hungry predator after his prey.

  “I can feel every inch of you. I can feel your nerves quaking. You are about to come, aren’t you?” he growled.

  I nodded my answer. I did feel it, the pleasure building inside me. My muscles were dancing on the edge, and I knew that I was going to come anytime now.

  Oh God.

  “Come for me now, so that I can come for you.”

  I threw my head back as I was on the very edge.

  “Come now, Lisa.”

  “Oh God! Aiden!” I moaned.

  His words triggered my body as the orgasm exploded through me with an intensity I never imagined before. His kisses captured my moans and cries. I saw white for a second, completely overtaken by an immense amount of pleasure. I heard him let out an animalistic grunt as he rested his forehead against my neck, breathing heavily. His eyes shut as his face constricted.

  It was a sight so beautiful that it would always be stained in my memory.

  “Fuck. Fuck…fuck, Lisa,” he whispered while we both caught our breath. The crickets chirped around us, and the cold, airy Georgia night draped us in the damp heat of our connection.

  But when sanity returned, the tension between us built up again.

  His dark gaze met mine as he cupped my face. “You got what you wanted. Now it’s your turn to give me the answers I need, Lisa.”

  My body immediately became still as my head cast down. I shook my head while swallowing the lump in my throat. The tears threatened to spill out, but I blinked them away.

  “This is the only time I will let you say what you want. After tonight, I won’t bother even thinking about you,” he warned.

  My heart sank from his words, but I did my best to stay strong.

  “I can’t, Aiden. Not now…I just need some time.”

  He was quiet for a moment, making me more nervous than I already was.

  When I looked at him, I was presented with his glare and pain.

  He narrowed his eyes as if trying to figure me out but was having a hard time. “How long?”

  “I don’t know. A few days?” I suggested.

  Tonight was not the right time. I wanted him to have an open mind when I revealed my truth. He wouldn’t be able to handle it well as he simmered with anger.

  “You have till Tuesday.” That was the day after tomorrow.

  “On Tuesday, you better tell me because I’m finally giving us a chance. Take it or leave it.”

  I knew this was the best I would getting from him, so I didn’t protest.

  I nodded. “Tuesday,” I agreed.

  He let out a heavy sigh as he finally relaxed, with his gaze softening at last. For the next few hours, we sat there in each other’s arms while we relished the peaceful silence.


  After Aiden dropped me back to my dorm and left me with a kiss on my lips, I stayed awake till dawn. I couldn’t stop thinking about the moment we shared together. It felt so special that it had already become a part of my most treasured memories.

  I finally felt relieved that he was giving us a chance. This time I wouldn’t let go. This would be our new beginning.

  A new beginning to our broken friendship―and perhaps something more.

  Finally, I let myself drift to sleep with Aiden lingering in my thoughts.

  Everything will soon be all right.

  When I woke up, it was already afternoon. The usual buzzing and chattering of the students filled the atmosphere as I got ready and left my room.

  As I headed downstairs, I found Monica getting in. Perfect timing.

  When she found me at the stair, she beamed up at me and shrieked in excitement, as if we hadn’t met for ages. She immediately hugged me tightly, engulfing me in her warmth.

  “Urgh! I missed you,” she gushed, swaying us left and right with her arms around me.

  I giggled and snuggled closer. “It’s been only three days, but I missed you, too.”

  Chuckling, she moved back and frowned at me. “Girl, did you just wake up? Your eyes are puffy.”

  God, I couldn’t hide anything from her.

  “Yeah, I just…” Should I tell her? “I was up late finishing the history assignment,” I lied, even though from her narrowed eyes it was evident she wasn’t buying it. She crossed her arms and gave me her are you sure, you aren’t lying look.

  “Do you want to grab some lunch?” I offered, trying to change the subject. Thankfully, she agreed and dropped the subject. For now.

  We headed to our usual brunch place, finding it packed like usual. We took a seat in an empty booth. The waiter came by and took our orders for two Caesar salads and steak before he left.

  “So?” Monica asked in a chirpy voice with her arms crossed on the table.

  “So what?” I questioned back, taking a sip from the water bottle.

  “Are you going to tell me what your history assignment was about? Or should I say who?”

  I nearly choked on my drink from her question but got my composure back as I placed the bottle on the table. My heart skipped a beat while my shoulders became rigid.

  “What?” I whispered with my eyes wide open in shock. How did she know?

  “Don’t bullshit me any further, Lisa. One, you were literally blushing when you gave me that lame-ass assignment excuse. Two, we both attend history class together, and there was no assignment. And three, spill the beans right now.”

  My shoulders drooped in defeat, and I hid my face with my hands in mortification.

  Huffing, I ran my fingers through my hair and looked up at my best friend.

  “Okay. Here’s the truth…”

  And then I spilled everything to her. Aiden pulling the stupid stunt, both of us riding on his motorbike and going to the lake, Aiden opening up to me and both of us getting intimate with each other. I didn’t get into too many details because I wasn’t ready for it.

  The entire time she looked at me like she’d gotten the biggest shock of her life.

  “I leave for three days and I miss so much. Why doesn’t anything happen when I’m around? Urgh!”

  I chuckled nervously.

  By that time, our food arrived and we both dug in.

  “So, you will tell him on Tuesday?” she asked while chewing on a piece of the delicious, flavorful steak.

  I nodded. “He has to know. I can deal with his ignorance for the rest of my life, but I can’t even fathom of dealing with his hatred for me.”

  She stared at me with a pitiful look. “You love him, don’t you?”

  I remained silent as I continued eating my lunch.

  “He will forgive you, Lisa. He’ll understand,” she muttered, placing her hand on mine as she gave it a gentle squeeze.

  I offered her a small smile, which she returned. As we finished our lunch and split the bill, a new customer entered the restaurant. Normally, I wouldn’t bother who was coming or going, but this person mattered to me.

  Aiden was entering the restaurant with a few of his friends. Monica followed my gaze and gasped, giving me a sly smile. He was still wearing the same clothes as last night, and even now he was the most handsome and breath-taking sight in this restaurant.

  “Do you want to go and talk to him?” she asked, arching up her eyebrows.

  Should I tell him now? Or wait?

  His back faced me as he placed his order at the front counter, while his friends laughed at some joke they were whispering among themselves.

  I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. He’s here with his friends and I don’t want to bother him.”

  Monica opened her mouth to protest, but when I heard my name coming from Aiden’s friend, we both turned our gazes in that direction.

  “How is it going with Lisa?” the guy with blond hair asked.

  Aiden put his hands inside his jacket pockets and leaned against the counter.

  “Nothing.” His tone
sounded bored, as if he’s trying to brush off the question.

  “Oh, come on. She’s been chasing you for months. You must have had a piece of her by now,” his friend teased and winked as the other guys started laughing as if he’d cracked a joke.

  Realizing something must be wrong here, I moved back to the corner so that Aiden didn’t see me. Monica’s worried eyes met mine, but I shook my head, letting her know it wasn’t affecting me.

  But I was lying to her and myself. It was already affecting me deeply.

  “It’s nothing, man. Is our order ready?” he nearly growled at the cashier.

  “Five more minutes, sir.”

  “Come on, man. At some point, you have to share with us. Why not now?” his other friend chided with a grin on his face.

  Everything was happening too fast for me to comprehend that look in Aiden’s eyes. I didn’t know what all of this was about, but I did know something was immensely wrong.

  “Forget it, man,” Aiden said, his voice low.

  The blond guy punched him playfully on his shoulder while laughing. “Aww. Did she run away? Did you scare her with your so-called charm?”

  What is happening? Monica mouthed.

  I don’t know, I mouth back.

  “You were out with her last night and came back nearly at dawn, man. Something must have happened for sure,” another guy interrupted.

  Oh no…no. If it were possible for my heart to sink any further, it would have. I couldn’t believe he shared our intimate moments with his friends, who were literally bragging about it.

  “Nothing happened,” Aiden replied, his voice on the edge of fury.

  “Okay. Okay. That’s no problem. You got till Tuesday to win the bet, so there’s still time,” his friend muttered, patting Aiden on the back.


  Please, no. This couldn’t be happening. Not right now…not ever.

  Monica’s eyes widened with utter shock as she realized what was happening. I knew it, too, but I wasn’t ready to accept it. Aiden wouldn’t do that to me.

  “It’s just one girl, man. What’s taking you so long?” one of his friends in a white t-shirt asked.

  Aiden huffed, rolling his eyes. “I will win the fucking bet. I-I will…get her to my room…and t-there I will do the…task. You guys will get the proof, so stop fucking asking me about it again and again.”

  All the air seemed to be sucked out of my lungs, and I found myself almost gasping for air as the reality of all this set in.

  I was just a bet for him. I chased after him day and night to get back his friendship, but he was making me chase after him to win a fucking bet.

  I didn’t know what possessed me, but before I knew it, I was getting out of the booth and striding toward Aiden. His horrified eyes looked up at me as he realized that I must have heard everything.

  He opened his mouth to spit out more lies, but he never got the chance because my right palm slapped him across his face with viper-like speed. His face turned sideways from my force as sudden silence filled the room with everyone’s eyes on us.

  “You fucking asshole. I will never forgive you for this!” I spit at him, venom oozing from my voice. I had no wish to make a scene, but I couldn’t tolerate even looking at him right now.

  I felt Monica’s hands on my shoulders as she showed her support for me, but it wouldn’t make any difference for the pain I was in right now.

  Tears emerged in my eyes, but I didn’t allow him that satisfaction as I left the restaurant even when Monica was calling me. I needed to be alone. I hugged myself, shielding myself from everyone as I headed back to my dorm.

  Shutting the door, I rested my back against it and knelt down on the floor. I didn’t have the strength to stand or think after what I heard today.

  Curling myself into a ball, I finally let the tears cascade down.


  The rest of the day went by in a blur. Monica found me on the floor, crying my eyes out. She did everything she could to comfort me, but I was stuck in my shadow of sorrow.

  I should have listened to Monica and let this go, but my stubborn heart was after his forgiveness and friendship. Not anymore.

  Aiden could go to hell for what he did to me.

  He was just using me for a stupid bet, and I was going to fall for his trap like some stupid, innocent prey.

  I didn’t know when I fell asleep, but Monica’s high-pitched voice woke me up from my slumber. Another familiar voice was echoing from the doorway, making my heart thud against my chest.

  What was Aiden doing here?

  I looked at the clock, which showed it was past midnight. Throwing back the covers, I summoned the courage and left the bed before stalking toward the doorway.

  “Leave her the fuck alone, Aiden! She has already been through a lot―”

  “I’m here to see her, not you. Let her decide for herself, because last time I checked, you aren’t her guardian.”

  Could he be any more of an asshole than he already is?

  “Fuck you, Aiden. Get out of here before I call the guards,” Monica warned while blocking the doorway.

  “Monica,” I whispered as both of their gazes turned toward me.

  “It’s okay. Let him in.”

  She shook her head as she stood her ground. “No way, Lisa. I won’t let him―”

  “Please. I need to do this,” I pleaded.

  She sighed, looking down then back at me. “Fine. I’ll be in the hallway.”

  Before she left, she gave Aiden a fierce warning. “Make her cry again and I won’t hesitate to stab you.” With that, she left the room, leaving me alone with Aiden.

  “What do you want, Aiden?” I asked coldly.

  I saw the shadow of guilt in his eyes before he looked down. There was a pregnant silence while we both just stood opposite each other.

  “Why?” I asked, breaking the silence. If he didn’t know what to say, then he could answer my questions so he could leave as soon as possible.

  He knew what I was asking about, but I was left with silence only. His jawline ticked as if he were clueless for the first time about what to say to me. Most of the time he held the power, intimidating everyone in the room…including me.

  But this time, the roles were switched. “I…the…” he stuttered.

  He closed his eyes, inhaled a deep breath, and let it out before opening his eyes, determination set in his gaze.

  “The guys saw you running after me for months and thought they’d turn it into a stupid bet―”

  “And I’m sure you agreed right away. After all, you were halfway there,” I retorted. He took a step toward me, making me take a step back as I shielded myself from him.

  “You know what the sad part is?” I could sense my voice breaking from the tsunami of emotions colliding with my heart.

  “I was after something that was never real. I was after your forgiveness and friendship so badly that I ignored everything else around me…” I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  He remained still in his spot like a statue.

  “I thought if you listened to my truth, you would accept my apology. But now it seems like I never had a chance.”

  My eyes burned slightly from the tears forming. His face filled with pain, as if seeing me was breaking him. No. This isn’t real.

  Nothing was ever real with him. “I didn’t know your mom died. I couldn’t answer your calls because I was dangling between life and death.”

  He frowned in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  I snorted, rolling my eyes. “Of course. How would you know, right? You were too busy ignoring me,” I hissed out through my clenched teeth, feeling anger consuming me into its darkness.

  “I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation before the break. I didn’t know I even had it before one night when I felt this immense pain in my heart. Doctors said it’s curable, but sometimes the operations can cause death.” Tears streamed down my cheek as my voice turned hoarse from the memo
ries of the nights I spent in fear of dying. “The operation succeeded, but I was still having complications. I had to stay at the hospital for a month so they could monitor my heart every day.”

  I saw the horror diffusing all over his face as his breathing turned shallow. It was clear that it was tough for him to process the truth as he never expected it.

  Suddenly, Aiden strode toward me and hugged me tightly. He buried his face in my hair as he inhaled and exhaled heavily.

  “Oh God…Lisa. I-I don’t have the words to express how sorry I am.” His voice was muffled by his lips pressed against my temple.

  “I was so blinded by my own pain that I didn’t allow myself to see the reality…I’m so sorry, and no matter how many times I say it, it will never be enough.”

  I laughed humorlessly as I bucked away from his hold and pushed his chest.

  “Feels painful, doesn’t it? You keep saying sorry again and again, and the person makes you sweat for it. The place you are in now, I was there months ago. But not anymore, because I can never forgive you for what you did to me and how you treated me,” I growled, and then I lifted my knee, hitting him hard in his groin.

  He knelt down instantly, pain radiating all over his face as he grabbed his crotch and grunted deeply, while I kept staring at his hunched over form.

  “I loved you, and that love made me determined to get you back. But it was all a vain attempt.”

  He was struggling, but at the same time his gaze never left mine as he let my words hurt him further.

  “I’m―” his voice croaked.

  “I don’t want to hear your apologies anymore. Just leave me alone and never show me your face again.”

  I didn’t need him. I didn’t want him.

  “I will make it up to you.” He straightened, his nostrils flaring as he breathed through the physical pain. I wiped at my eyes with the back of my hand and swallowed the lump in my throat.

  “Why? So that you could win the bet?”

  He shook his head. “No. I never gave a fuck about the bet. I had to say yes to it. Otherwise someone else would have trapped you for it, and I would never let that happen because I love you.”


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