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The Defiant Magician

Page 21

by Sarah Noffke

  He shrugged, looking around uncomfortably. “It’s fine. I knew how much it meant to you.”

  She nodded, pointing at the table of food. “Go get the cheese dip before Rory gets here. There won’t be anything left after that.”

  Clark didn’t look pleased about being at a party with a giant, and his disappointment grew when he spotted Rudolf chatting up Plato by the jukebox. “You invited that fae?”

  “Yes. He’s sort of an ally now,” Liv said.

  “’Ally?’” Clark questioned.

  “Well, maybe a friend, but if you tell him I said that, I’ll deny it vehemently,” Liv stated with a wink.

  “Fine. You make the weirdest friends, dear Liv,” Clark said, striding toward the refreshment table.

  Liv turned her attention to the little girl, who was wearing a yellow and white checkered dress, her expression sympathetic. “Did you hear the news?”

  Sophia nodded. “I know you’re not moving into the House of Seven anymore.”

  Liv swallowed. “And are you okay with it?”

  The little girl squeezed her sister’s hand with more force than Liv had known she possessed. “I want you to be happy. That’s what family does for each other. If living where you are and working here makes you happy, then I’m happy.” She looked around the shop, her eyes blazing with excitement. “And this place seems completely magical.”

  Liv pulled her close and kissed her head. “Thanks, Soph. And it totally is. Just a different brand of magic than you’re used to.”

  The girl giggled, unleashing true happiness in Liv’s heart. Blinking away tears of joy, Liv stood, pulling her little sister away.

  “There is someone you have to meet.” Liv didn’t stop until she was standing at John’s back. She coughed to get his attention. He’d set up a crockpot of creamy queso on a workbench. When he turned to them, he was wearing a smile. If possible, it broadened when he took in the sight before him.

  Dropping the ladle onto a dish beside the crockpot, John knelt, offering a hand to Sophia. “Well, you must be the famous little sister I’ve heard so much about. I’m John.”

  Sophia blushed, giving John her hand and curtseying slightly. “I’m not famous at all. I haven’t left the House of Seven since I was a baby.”

  John laughed, looking up at Liv. “She has your sense of humor. I bet she has your brains, too.”

  Liv shook her head. “Oh, she’s much smarter than me.”

  John winked at her. “I think you two are a dynamic duo, destined to take over the world.”

  Sophia looked at Liv with a smile that could only be described as being full of happiness. “That music—I like it. What do you call it?”

  John laughed. “That’s the Beatles. Have you never heard of them?”

  Sophia shook her head, then pointed at the row of old cameras John had on the shelf. “And what are those?”

  “Those are cameras. I collect them. Do you want to test one out?”

  Sophia shook her head. “I don’t know how.”

  John waved her forward. “I can show you. They are really fun. I’m working on fixing one right now. You can help.”

  Sophia looked at Liv for permission, and she encouraged her with a nod. The little magician took the hand John offered, and the two strode over to a far shelf to explore the old cameras.

  “You know, John would not have been happy in Mexico,” Rory said, suddenly appearing at Liv’s side.

  She turned, hiding her surprise. “Why is it that, for a giant, you move like a mouse?”

  He looked around, not answering her question.

  “And I’m certain that John would have found some happiness with the waves crashing next to his bungalow and enjoying an afternoon beer on the beach every day,” Liv countered.

  Rory pulled his gaze away from Rudolf, who appeared to be explaining to Plato the complexity of knock-knock jokes. “No matter what the landscape, John wouldn’t have been happy there.”

  “Well, he loves his electronics, so I’m guessing that over time he would have opened another shop,” Liv said. “Then he would have been happy.”

  Rory looked down at her. “Liv, he loves you. You make him happy.”

  Liv didn’t know what to say to that, so instead, she watched as her favorite mortal explained to her magician sister how cameras worked. Sophia’s face blossomed with surprise when the film popped out.

  “The handoff went okay?” Rory inquired.

  Liv nodded. “And your mum? Has she taken her prejudice back to the remote isles?”

  He nodded. “I won’t apologize for what she said.”

  “It’s fine,” Liv stated.

  “But that’s how most giants feel,” he continued. “Now you know.”

  Liv watched Clark regarding a Cheeto like it was a strange piece of nuclear technology. “You are one of the few giants who live in society, aren’t you?”

  He nodded. “I’m one of the only ones.”

  “That must make dating a bitch,” she related.

  “It makes life in general different,” Rory confided. “However, I don’t agree that we should live separately, but I’m also not good with living alongside others. So I definitely don’t have things figured out.”

  Liv looked around the room at the mortal, magicians, fae, lynx, and giant and smiled, her heart full for the first time in a long time. “I don’t think many of us are good at living together, but we’re trying, and that’s what counts.”

  “You know, when I found out you were a Warrior for the House of Seven, I had my doubts,” Rory said.

  “And now?” Liv asked.

  “I still do, but in spite of everything, I think you might be what that institution needs,” Rory said.

  Liv was speechless again. Rory’s visit with his mom seemed to have humanized him somehow. “Would you like to meet my little sister?”

  Rory nodded and then shook his head. “Yes, but first I have something to tell you.”

  Liv paused. Sucked in a breath. “Go on.”

  “It’s about Turbinger,” he related.

  “You found out the memories it was holding?” Liv asked.

  He ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t think I fully understand it yet, to be honest. I saw so many things, and I’m still trying to piece them together.”

  “At least you did it before the sword was taken away,” Liv said hopefully. “Maybe in time, it will make sense.”

  He nodded. “I think that’s where you come in.”

  Liv looked up at him quickly. “Really?”

  “Well, before I told you to back off and not pursue leads,” Rory began. “I was worried about you and John and whoever was behind the elf. However, I realize now that we need answers more than ever. Something has been covered up that none of us can explain. There is a history that has been erased, and although I can only see bits and pieces of it, I think that uncovering it fully will change everything.”

  Liv stiffened. “Rory, what did you see?”

  He gave her his full attention and spoke in a whisper. “Liv, a long time ago, there was a war between magicians and mortals. It didn’t end well, and from everything I could see, I can’t tell you who won.”

  Liv sucked in a breath. “What? I’ve never heard of such a thing. How do we not know about this? It sounds monumental.”

  Rory agreed. “I think it was, and I believe everything has been rewritten so that we forgot the past.”

  Liv looked around the room, a chill running down her spine. “Then it will be our mission to uncover everything. Whatever has been lost will be found.” She looked at Rory, giving him a meaningful expression. “Whatever has been broken will be mended.”

  He almost smiled at her. “Then maybe we can all live as one again.”

  The Triumphant Daughter

  The story continues with The Triumphant Daughter, coming soon. Join the email list to be notified when Book Four is available.

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  Sarah’s Author Not

  March 1, 2019

  Thank you to you, the reader, for reading the books and supporting the series. I’m still so thrilled you all have connected with Liv, Rory, Sophia and the gang. I’ve gotten a huge outpouring of attention for Rudolf. Can you believe that this fae wasn’t even a part of the regular cast? He just showed up on the page one day, insulting Liv and making awesome jokes. Since then, I’ve been reluctant to let him go.

  I found myself in Las Vegas on holiday between books two and three. That’s when I came up with the idea for the Fae Kingdom. I was looking out at the Vegas strip and thought, what if the fae owned all of this? Then the idea started to unravel as I had a drink at the Chandelier at the Cosmopolitan. That bar is totally whimsical and the perfect backdrop for the sexy fairy creatures. I knew I wanted to modernize the fae in this series, making them edgy and not carrying flowers or wearing kilts. Vegas seemed like the perfect place for these deceptive creatures. However, what I didn’t realize until after starting book three was that there would be a ton of layers to these seemingly superficial fae.

  As some of you’ve read about in other books, I often enlist Lydia, my daughter, to name characters. One day, we were sitting at our favorite Indian restaurant, discussing the next book. We often do that at this place and then Lydia draws scenes from the book on the paper covering the nice table cloth. While she was drawing, I asked her what the queen of the fae should be called. She told me Queen Visa and that she’d have a pet bear named, Bruiser. I have to admit that I forgot about Bruiser when I wrote about Queen Visa, but there’s time to include him in later books. It was a good idea for the queen to have a pet bear and Bruiser, a small black bear, is Lydia’s favorite stuffed animal. He has an alter ego that we call “Own Bear.” In the morning he jumps around the bed and says, “I’m my oooooown bear. You don’t own me! Don’t tell me what to do.”

  If I ever wonder why my daughter rebels later, please remind me of this bear’s alter ego which I absolutely created. Anyway, Bruiser will show up in another book, I’m sure.

  But Lydia got her wish about naming Queen Visa. She’s pretty much named half the cast at this point. Funnily, Michael was reading the outline for the book and saw the name Queen Visa and made a note that said: “King Mastercard? Prince American Express? Lol. (Sorry, it was so easy…).”

  Okay, it was easy and he’s right. I deserved that. I allowed a seven-year-old to name a character and she has no idea what a Visa is, but probably heard it somewhere. However, when she named this queen who owned the Vegas strip Visa, I was like, you’re a freaking genius.

  My question to Michael is, what are you doing living in the fae kingdom? And what have you done with Bruiser? And are you and Queen Visa trying to take over the world?

  Oh! And where are my BBQ nachos? I finished another book!

  Michael’s Author Notes

  March 3, 2019

  THANK YOU for not only reading this story but these Author Notes as well.

  (I think I’ve been good with always opening with “thank you.” If not, I need to edit the other Author Notes!)

  RANDOM (sometimes) THOUGHTS?

  Have you ever hoped for something wonderful, and it was just that much more precious because you were able to be a part of it for someone else?

  That is my life right now.

  The success of Liv’s stories has been a wonderful surprise, and watching Sarah’s reaction to the success has been particularly satisfying. I’ve had more than one opportunity to either chat with her in Slack or on the phone when she admits she still feels like pinching herself.


  Joking aside, (really, not really) I would like to convey how your support of this series has made the beginning of 2019 cause Sarah’s eyes to glow, her lips to smile, and an easy chuckle cross her lips.

  Wait, I’m sorry…she was looking at a hipster and making a comment.

  My bad.

  Ok, joking aside, your reading of these stories has made 2019 a special time in my life as I watch a wonderful collaborator succeed with these characters far beyond what we expected.

  Thank you.


  One of the interesting (at least to me) aspects of my life is the ability to work from anywhere and at any time. In the future, I hope to re-read my own Author Notes and remember my life as a diary entry.

  DFW Airport, on an airplane…

  Those joining me for the trip out of town are almost finished boarding, and it will be time to scoot down the runway and lift off towards fair Samarkand.

  Or as we like to call it, Las Vegas.

  I live in Las Vegas, just a few short steps from the Cosmopolitan Sarah mentioned in her notes. She is right—if there was a location for the Fae on the Strip, one of the courts WOULD probably be right there in the Cosmopolitan.

  Interesting fact about the Cosmo—it doesn’t belong to any other players’ club. When you go to the Cosmopolitan and get a player’s card, the big “C” is the only casino which you can play using that card.

  Just like I would suspect some non-sharing fae to operate.

  In the car (middle floor only) they have a drink that has a bud of a plant on the top. You are supposed to chew the bud, then drink the liquor. When you do this, the plant (which is horribly nasty in my opinion) will numb the crap out of your mouth, tongue, (and if you try to spit it out, like yours truly) your lips.

  Who would concoct such a nasty drink?

  Fae, I tell you. I bet they laugh at the mundanes who come into that place all the time.

  Like me.


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  Review them so others have your thoughts, and tell friends and the dogs of your enemies (because who wants to talk to enemies?)… Enough said ;-)

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle


  Sarah Noffke

  My favorite part of writing any book is creating the acknowledgements page. It reminds me that writing a book is not a solo task. I might sit alone and write, but the finished product is a result of the support and encouragement of a tribe of people.

  Thank you to the readers who buy the books, read them, review and recommend. YOU are the one who keeps us writing. I’m always inspired by the messages I receive from readers. Thank you supporting the books and offering so much richness to my life.

  Thank you to my LBMPN family for all the support. Steve, Michael, Lynne, Moonchild, Jennifer and so many others who help champion the book to publication and beyond.

  Thank you to the beta readers who offered so many valuable insights early on. Thank you to John, Chrisa, Kelly, Martin and Larry.

  Thank you to the JIT team for all the awesome feedback. A new series is always exciting and nerve-wracking. Michael and I thought we had a great idea for a new world, but we don’t really know until we get objective feedback. What would I do without all you awesome readers?

  Thank you to my friends and family. Writing is a strange profession. I work weird hours, talk to myself, have a strange diet, get antsy about deadlines. But the wonderful people in my life continue to show their encouragement and thoughtfulness no matter what. It is never lost on me because I know that I wouldn’t be doing what I love without all you amazing people, cheering me on.

  And as with all my books, the final thank you goes to my muse, Lydia. I wrote my first book so that I could make my daughter proud, and it’s never stopped. I
write every book for you, my love.

  Books By Sarah Noffke

  Sarah Noffke, an Amazon Best Seller, writes YA and NA sci-fi fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. She is the author of the Lucidites, Reverians, Ren, Vagabond Circus, Olento Research, Soul Stone Mage, Ghost Squadron and Precious Galaxy series. Noffke holds a Masters of Management and teaches college business courses. Most of her students have no idea that she toils away her hours crafting fictional characters. Noffke's books are top rated and best-sellers on Kindle. Currently, she has thirty-three novels published. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

  Check out other work by this author here.

  Ghost Squadron:

  Formation #1:

  Kill the bad guys. Save the Galaxy. All in a hard day’s work.

  After ten years of wandering the outer rim of the galaxy, Eddie Teach is a man without a purpose. He was one of the toughest pilots in the Federation, but now he’s just a regular guy, getting into bar fights and making a difference wherever he can. It’s not the same as flying a ship and saving colonies, but it’ll have to do.

  That is, until General Lance Reynolds tracks Eddie down and offers him a job. There are bad people out there, plotting terrible things, killing innocent people, and destroying entire colonies. Someone has to stop them.

  Eddie, along with the genetically-enhanced combat pilot Julianna Fregin and her trusty E.I. named Pip, must recruit a diverse team of specialists, both human and alien. They’ll need to master their new Q-Ship, one of the most powerful strike ships ever constructed. And finally, they’ll have to stop a faceless enemy so powerful, it threatens to destroy the entire Federation.


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