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The White Chief: A Legend of Northern Mexico

Page 25

by Mayne Reid


  "Now, Roblado," asked the Comandante, "what is the other string to mybow?"

  "Can't you guess, my dear colonel?"

  "Not exactly," replied Vizcarra, though he well knew that he could. Itwas not long since the other string had been before his mind. He hadeven thought of it upon the day of his first defeat, and while his angerwas hot and revengeful. And since then, too--often, often. Hisquestion was quite superfluous, for he well knew Roblado's answer wouldbe "force."

  It _was_ "force." That was the very word. "How?"

  "Take a few of your people, go by night, and carry her off. What can bemore simple? It would have been the proper way at first, with such aprude as she! Don't fear the result. It's not so terrible to them.I've known it tried before. Long ere the cibolero can return, she'll beperfectly reconciled, I warrant you."

  "And if not?"

  "If not, what have you to fear?"

  "The talk, Roblado--the talk."

  "Bah! my dear colonel, you are timid in the matter. You have mismanagedit so far, but that's no reason you should not use tact for the future.It can be done by night. You have chambers here where no one is allowedto enter--some _without windows_, if you need them. Who's to be thewiser? Pick your men--those you can trust. You don't require a wholetroop, and half-a-dozen onzas will tie as many tongues. It's as easy asstealing a shirt. It is only stealing a chemisette. Ha! ha! ha!" andthe ruffian laughed at his coarse simile and coarser joke, in whichlaugh he was joined by the Comandante.

  The latter still hesitated to adopt this extreme measure. Not from anyfineness of feeling. Though scarce so rough a villain as his companion,it was not delicacy of sentiment that restrained him now. He had beenaccustomed all his life to regard with heartless indifference thefeelings of those he had wronged; and it was not out of anyconsideration for the future happiness or misery of the girl that hehesitated now. No, his motive was of a far different character.Roblado said true when he accused him of being timid. He was. It wassheer cowardice that stayed him.

  Not that he feared any bodily punishment would ever reach him for theact. He was too powerful, and the relatives of his intended victim tooweak, to give him any apprehensions on that score. With a little policyhe could administer death,--death to the most innocent of the people,--and give it a show of justice. Nothing was more easy than to causesuspicion of treason, incarcerate, and slay--and particularly at thattime, when both Pueblo revolt and Creole revolution threatened theSpanish rule in America.

  What Vizcarra feared was "talk." Such an open rape could not well bekept secret for long. It would leak out, and once out it was toopiquant a piece of scandal not to have broad fame: all the town wouldsoon enjoy it. But there was a still more unpleasant probability. Itmight travel beyond the confines of the settlement, perhaps to highquarters, even to the Vice-regal ear! There find we the secret of theComandante's fears.

  Not indeed that the Vice-regal court at the time was a model ofmorality. It would have been lenient enough to any act of despotism ordebauchery done in a quiet way; but such an open act of rapine as thatcontemplated, on the score of policy, could hardly be overlooked. Intruth, Vizcarra's prudence had reason. He could not believe that itwould be possible to keep the thing a secret. Some of the rascalsemployed might in the end prove traitors. True, they would be his ownsoldiers, and he might punish them for it at his will, but whatsatisfaction would that give him? It would be locking the stable afterthe steed had been stolen!

  Even without their playing him false, how could he hope to keep theaffair concealed? First, there was an angry brother. True, he was outof the way; but there was a jealous lover on the ground, and the brotherwould return in time. The very act of the rape would point to him,Vizcarra. His visit, the attempt of the "alcahuete," and the carryingoff of the girl, would all be pieced together, and put down to hiscredit; and the brother--such a one--and such a lover too--would not besilent with their suspicious. He might take measures to get rid ofboth, but these measures must needs be violent and dangerous.

  Thus reasoned Vizcarra with himself, and thus he argued with Roblado.Not that he wished the latter to dissuade him--for the end he desiredwith all his heart--but in order that by their united wisdom some safermeans of reaching it might be devised.

  And a safer plan _was_ devised. Roblado, deeper in head, as well asbolder in heart, conceived it. Bringing his glass to the table with asudden stroke, he exclaimed--

  "_Vamos_, Vizcarra! By the Virgin, I have it!"


  "You may enjoy your sweetheart within twenty four hours, if you wish,and the sharpest scandalmonger in the settlement will be foiled; atleast, you will have nothing to fear. What a devil of a luckythought!--the very thing itself, amigo!"

  "Don't keep me in suspense, camarado! your plan! your plan!"

  "Stop till I've had a gulp of wine. The very thought of such a glorioustrick makes me thirsty."

  "Drink then, drink!" cried Vizcarra, filling out the wine, with a lookof pleasant anticipation.

  Roblado emptied the goblet at a draught, and then, leaning nearer to theComandante, he detailed what he had conceived in a low and confidentialtone. It seemed to satisfy his listener, who, when the other hadfinished, uttered the word "Bravo!" and sprang to his feet like one whohad received some joyful news. He walked back and forth for someminutes in an excited manner, and then, bursting into a loud laugh, hecried out, "_Carrambo_, comrade! you _are_ a tactician! The great Condehimself would not have shown such strategy. _Santisima Virgen_! it isthe very master-stroke of design; and I promise you, camarado, it shallhave speedy execution."

  "Why delay? Why not set about it at once?"

  "True,--at once let us prepare for this _pleasant masquerade_!"


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