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The Soul of Archer

Page 5

by Michelle Kee

"Oh?" Alora questioned.

  Ethan pulled over another chair. "Oh yeah. We were training out at 29 Palms and he took a hard knock when he fell off an AAV. His boot snagged on the vehicle and he hit the deck. Anyway, the corpsman was having such a hard time treating him he knocked Lance out. When he came to a few hours later in sickbay...let's just say he was ready to kill everyone."

  Alora giggled as she looked back at Lance. She grew serious once more. "He saved me Ethan. He put his body between me and that car. How did he even know?"

  Ethan ran a hand through his hair, "We were meeting with Danny. There was a surveillance photo taken from the deli near your bakery yesterday afternoon. The picture showed Sam watching your shop. When Lance saw it and found out, he tore ass to get to you. We've all learned over the years to trust our guts and I guess his said you were in danger."

  This floored Alora. Why would he do that? Could she have misunderstood him last night and jumped to conclusions? Was it possible that Lance "Hawkeye" Archer felt something for her like she did for him? Well, when they got back to his place they were having a discussion, then she was putting his ass to bed like the doctor ordered.


  Lance groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. The room he was in smelled like Lysol. Glancing to his right he saw the heart monitor. Yep. He was in a damned hospital. He looked to his left and instantly calmed. Alora was slouched in a chair asleep. He smiled and reached out to touch her hand. She stirred when he squeezed her hand.

  "Hmm. Hey." She sighed.

  "Hey." Lance said.

  "How you feeling?"

  "Like hell. You okay?"

  Alora leaned toward him, grasping his hand. "I'm just fine. Thank you. For saving me today."

  "You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad I got there in time." He replied, squeezing her hand. "Um, two questions. One, why the hell am I still in the hospital? And two, who the hell authorized the butchers here to sedate me?"

  Alora giggled. "Well, you're still here because Dr. Marcs, that's your doctor by the way, wants you to be observed to make sure there's nothing else but the bruising on your hip is wrong with you. As for who authorized them, I did."

  "You? Why the hell did you do that for?" He demanded.

  "You really don't remember?" Lance shook his head no. Alora just rolled her eyes and sighed. "Jesus, you Marines really are a handful. You were fighting the doctor and nurses so bad in the E.R, that it was either restrain you or knock your stubborn ass out. I figured you'd swallow that easier than being restrained so I told them knock you out."

  Lance was dumbfounded. Alora had ordered that he be sedated. He blinked a few times before he spoke again. "Well I'll be damned. How were you able to do that? I thought only family could authorize stuff like that."

  He lifted he brow when he saw her start to squirm in her chair. "Um, well, I kind of told them that I was"

  "Alora." Lance pushed, his voice taking on a deep authoritative tone.

  "Oh, fuck it, I told them I was your wife, alright? It was the only way I could think of to get them to sedate you." Alora huffed, dropping his hand and leaning back her chair, crossing her arms.

  "My...wife?" He stuttered.

  "Yeah. Look, I couldn't bear it to see you restrained so I acted." She said.

  Silently Lance rolled her explanation around in his head. 'Alora Archer. Hmm, not a bad ring to it.' He sat up in bed, biting back a hiss of pain. Alora was out of the chair and on the bed next to him in a blink. "I'm okay. My hip just hurt."

  "I would imagine considering you were clipped by a car." She stated, propping the pillows behind him. "Here, ease back. Slowly."

  "Yes ma'am." Lance teased, easing back.

  "Ugh, why is it you men always turn into baby's when you're sick or hurt. Ryan acts the same way with Jacquie." She complained.

  "When are they letting me out?" He questioned, changing the subject.

  "Eight tomorrow morning. It's almost ten now. You think you can eat something?"

  "Yeah. Food sounds good, as long as it's not the slop they serve here. I swear MRE's are better than hospital food." He grumbled.

  Alora smiled, standing. "Well, you're in luck. Dr. Marcs said it would be late when you came around and that I could bring in outside food. Gage brought your truck over earlier. Any place in particular you want?"

  "Gabe's Burger from Gabriel's Café. Just tell them it's for me and they'll take care of it." Lance requested.

  "You got it." Alora nodded. She leaned over and kissed him softly. "Be back in a flash."

  Lance could only nod. With one last smile, she was out of the room. He just laid there. She had kissed him. First, she says she told the doc that she was his wife and now this. How many more shocks could he take from this woman?


  "Damnit, why do I have to be in this damn chair? I can walk." Lance growled as Alora pushed him down the corridor.

  "Hospital rules Mr. Archer." The older nurse answered sweetly. "Consider yourself lucky Dr. Marcs is letting you go home this morning. Anyone else would be here till tomorrow."

  Lance huffed and crossed his arms. Alora laughed. "Stop being such a baby. We'll be back at the house soon and you can grab a shower while I fix breakfast."

  "Fine. I'll behave but only because you promised food woman." Lance grumbled, causing Alora and the nurse to laugh more.

  Lance loved Alora's laugh. It was sweet and melodious. He promised then and there to make her laugh more. When the trio exited out the front, he found his truck ready and waiting for them. Alora pushed the chair closer and without waiting, Lance pushed out of the chair and moving slowly, opened the door. When Alora moved to his side to assist him into the truck, a small part of his frozen heart thawed even more.

  He studied the woman who only a week ago he hadn't known existed as she talked to the nurse. Over the last week she had not only gotten under his skin but had begun thawing his heart. That was the biggest shock. When she hopped in a minute later, she flashed him a sweet smile before pulling away from the hospital.

  "So, what do you want for breakfast?"

  "Huh?" He said.

  Alora giggled, "Breakfast. I told you while you were getting a shower I'd cook. So, I'm taking requests."

  "Oh. Well, in that case. Three fried eggs over medium, hash browns, bacon extra crispy and ham steak. And yes, I have all that. Course the hash browns are the frozen ones and I got a fresh pound of ham steaks from my butcher guy that Ethan sent me to when we moved here." He replied.

  "Then that's what I'll fix. And which butcher? I go to Johnny G's." She stated.

  "I use Hudson's on Congress. Ethan's family knows the owner, so it works."

  "Oh yeah, Frank uses them. He keeps telling me I should go there but from the first time I walked into Johnny G's I've been hooked. I guess kinda like you and Gabriel's. When I went in last night and placed your order they asked about you. I told them you were in the hospital. The manager didn't even charge me and threw in the extra-large fries and drink."

  Lance had to smile at that. "Yeah, they're good people at Gabriel's. I go there for lunch at least twice a week."

  He and Alora fell into a comfortable silence as she drove. He was impressed with how she handled his truck. It was his pride and joy. It was fully restored '42 Ford pickup. The exterior was black with red and yellow flames over the hood and along the driver and passenger side doors. On the tailgate he had the EGA on the driver's side and the emblem for MARSOC on the passenger. He loved his truck.

  “You handle my truck well." He commented.

  "I should think so. My grandpa taught me to drive on his. It was '42 just like this." She shot back with a smirk, turning onto Lance's street.

  "He still got it?"

  "No. I do. It's not in Austin right now. My garage isn't big enough for it plus my Outback. It stays at Jacquie and Ryan's for now. In a year or so I'm thinking of either trying to expand the garage or just buying a new place with a bigger garage, so I can brin
g it up here." She explained pulling up next to her Outback in his drive.


  Alora stood at the stove working on breakfast. The second they walked into the house, she shooed Lance upstairs for a shower. The cocky man gave her a salute before heading up, making her laugh. Now she stood in his kitchen, at his stove, making them breakfast. When was the last time she had cooked for a man? Or rather a man she was interested in.

  She couldn't recall ever cooking for Sam, nor any of her other boyfriends come to think of it. But here she was cooking for a man she barely knew. If she were honest with herself though, it seemed there was a part of her that knew Lance Archer on a deep visceral level. How does that happen? Movies and books, oh sure it was completely feasible, but in reality? Things like that didn't happen, or so she thought till she met Lance at Blackout.

  "God damn that smells like heaven." The man in question groaned as he walked into the kitchen.

  "Glad you're nose approves. Sit down, take those four Aleve and drink your juice. Then I'll give you some coffee." She ordered without looking away from the frying pan.

  "You remind me of my Corpsman in Iraq. So bossy." Lance mumbled.

  "Since you're still here I'll take that as a compliment. You obviously had a Corpsman who knew his stuff. Now take your pills and drink your juice like a good boy." Alora laughed.

  "I ought to turn you over my knee." He said, popping the little pills and washing them down with the juice.

  Alora shivered at the threat he promised, her body beginning a slow boil as her mind pictured the scene. Worrying her bottom lip, she glanced over her shoulder and saw Lance had done as she ordered.

  Removing the ham steak from the pan, she put the bacon on then turned for the coffeepot. "How do you take your coffee?"

  "Four spoonfuls of sugar." He answered.

  "Ah, a man after my own heart there. My friends tease me saying I drink coffee with my sugar."

  "My mama tells me the same thing." He smiled.

  Alora fixed his mug and carried it to him. When she sat it on the island, Lance reached out and slid an arm around her waist. She licked her lips, her eyes glued to his. He leaned in and softly kissed her. Her whole body melted, leaning into him. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders as he continued to keep the kiss soft and slow.

  "Thank you. For taking care of me. For...being here." He whispered.

  "Y... you’re welcome, Lance." She breathed.

  Reluctantly, she pulled away from him to finish up their meal before the bacon burned. Her legs felt like jelly and her nipples throbbed. God this man packed a sensual punch. But she liked it.

  Chapter 9

  Lance was laying stretched out on the couch watching TV when Alora walked in. He glanced over at her and saw on her face something was up. "What is it?"

  "Lance, I think we need to talk." She answered moving toward him.

  When he started to sit up, she lifted her hand to stop him. Instead, she came closer, cupped his head, lifted it then replaced it on her lap as she sat down. Lance looked up at her as he clicked off the TV. "What did you want to talk about then?"


  Lance sighed, "Yeah, we do need to talk about that. Look, the other night I think you got the wrong idea when I told you I had never crossed the line with a client. No," he stopped her as she started to speak. "Let me elaborate on that. Me and the guys agreed when we started Blackout to not mix business and pleasure. We've seen enough of that to know it brings trouble.

  "Yes, Ethan crossed that line with Krista last year, but they had a past that was left unresolved when he joined up. So, while yes, he crossed that line, their situation was one of those extenuating circumstances. I always held firm to that rule. Then I met you."

  Alora frowned, "What do you mean?"

  "What I mean Tigress, is that from the day I met you there was something about you that I couldn't explain or shake. You're constantly on my mind and I don't mean as a client. Hell, I bet if you knew even a quarter of what passed through my head this last week you'd run." He explained.

  "Why don't you try me before you start making assumptions Archer." She shot back.

  Lance slowly sat up. Without giving her a chance to so much as blink and despite his hip screaming in protest, he had her straddling his lap in an instant. Her hands flew to his shoulders to steady herself. His eyes locked with hers for a moment before his lips captured hers.

  This wasn't the gentle kiss they had shared in the kitchen earlier nor the one they shared behind her bakery. This was hotter. He poured all the lust he had been feeling for her into it. Letting her feel what he felt for her. In his arms she whimpered as her kiss matched his. Their lips, tongue and even teeth were fierce. Both trying to overpower the other and neither giving in.

  When she began grinding against him, he growled, feeling his dick hardening to stone in his sweats. God, he wanted her. To feel her under him, to slip deep inside her as she exploded into orgasm for him over and over. Finally, he pulled away, panting just as she was.

  "Well...that was..."

  "Alora, right now I want nothing more than to strip you and fuck you into oblivion."

  "Holy hell..." She moaned. "I think I'd enjoy that." Lance leaned in and suckled at her neck. Alora gasped, her back arching as her hands slid into his hair. "Damn, you're driving me crazy Lance."

  "Good. That's exactly how I've felt all week." He chuckled, leaning back. When her eyes met his again, he continued, "Look, this situation is unusual. You're a client with a dangerous and unpredictable ex hunting for you. And at the same time, I want you. Part of me is saying fuck the rules and take you. Yet, the rational side is saying now isn't the time."

  Alora sighed, resting her forehead against his. "I know exactly what you mean. Our heads and bodies are the same damn page on that. While your feelings started the day we met, mine kicked in the day you kissed me at the bakery. I've been so confused about what to do. But now that I know you've been that way too, I think we can figure it out."

  He cupped her cheek, "If my hip wasn't bruised we'd be going to bed right now and not sleeping till dawn..."

  "I don't think that would be a good idea." She giggled.

  He smirked, "True. But I would like you to sleep in my bed tonight. I just want to feel you against me. I got to admit, I like you in my arms.

  "That makes two of us Lance." She nodded.

  With one last soft kiss, Lance eased her off his lap. He then gingerly laid back down with his head in her lap. As he switched back on the TV, Alora smiled and began running her fingers through his hair.


  Sam sat stiffly in front of his father's desk watching his parents. Behind the desk Ian sat with his chin resting on steepled fingers while Monica stood behind him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

  "So, let me get this straight. You found out this woman saw you kill Omar. She then went to Blackout Security, who in turn reported this to the authorities. You then pushed back the meeting in Houston by a week. Next, you went to her home Wednesday night, fucked it up more, tried to have her eliminated in BROAD DAYLIGHT and again failed. Now we have more heat on us. That about right?" Ian stated.

  "Father, I...I..." Sam stuttered.

  "Silence." Monica hissed. Sam's mouth closed instantly. "We told you to drop her when you met her again. But as usual you refused to listen. Now because of you, the deal with the Lobos and Fredrick is in jeopardy."

  "No, it's not mother. Everything is on schedule despite pushing it back a week and the authorities know nothing. I never said anything about this to Alora, so she would have nothing to give them about this. This deal will go as planned." Sam rushed to assure them.

  "It had better. In three weeks, we go to Houston to oversee the transaction. If there are any further...inconveniences, it will be you who pays for it son." Ian warned.

  "Yes sir." Sam nodded, swallowing harshly.

  When his father waved a dismissive hand, he wasted no time in hightailing it from the office. While
he respected and feared his father, his mother scared him more. He had witnessed first-hand what she was capable of and he never wanted to be on her bad side. Once outside, he let out a breath. He stalked to his beamer pulling out his phone.

  "Yes boss?"

  "Where is she Carmichael?"

  "We're still looking. She hasn't been back to her house since Wednesday. Wherever they hid her, it's well...."

  "Goddamnit Carmichael! What am I paying you for if you can't find her!" Sam roared, peeling out of his father's neighborhood.

  "We do know she's still going to the bakery. Had that man not been there she would no longer be an issue sir. He protected her. We will find her, and we will take care of it." Carmichael said.

  Sam thought a moment, "No. Once you find her I want her brought to me. I will handle Alora St. James personally. She will learn what happens when you cross a Malconi." Sam ended the call, pulling into his own driveway. Yes, he would make sure Alora paid himself. He would show her true fear.


  Alora came awake slowly. It took her a second to remember where she was. The where was in Lance's bed and Lance's arms more specifically. Last night she had indeed slept in his bed just like he said he wanted. Carefully she rolled onto her side and studied him. His handsome face relaxed in sleep, one of his arms draped over her waist keeping her close.

  In his arms she felt safe and had slept like a babe. What was this hardened solider doing to her? She could sense that he had seen a lot in his life and not just the nastiness of war. There was something else. A deep hurt and pain in his eyes. Maybe he would tell her, if not, there was always Krista.

  Alora reached out and stroked her palm against his cheek, kind of liking the slight stubble abrading her hand. Lance sighed and opened his eyes. "Good morning."

  "Mornin' yourself. How did you sleep?" He smirked.


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