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The Soul of Archer

Page 7

by Michelle Kee

  "It's so beautiful here."

  "Yep. Before we moved here to open Blackout, I had never been to Texas. Ethan grew up in Austin, so he was always telling us stories of how pretty it was. I never took him seriously till we got here. Of course, I still think North Carolina is prettier, but I'm biased there."

  Alora giggled. She had to admit, North Carolina was beautiful, but she was a Texas girl through and through. She could never imagine living anywhere else. She licked her lips when Lance took her wrists and pulled her to him, lacing his fingers at the base of her spine. She laid her hands against his chest beneath his worn leather jacket.



  "What does the tattoo of "Boston" mean on your left arm? You said you were from North Carolina."

  Lance chuckled. "I am. I got that after my first deployment. See, my mom's family was from Boston. My grandparents moved to Jacksonville when my mom was only one. My Uncle Lucas moved back after high school and became a cop. He died just before I came home so I got the tattoo for him. He had one just like it on his arm."

  "I'm sorry about your uncle and I think that's a nice way to not only remember him but remember where your family came from." Alora smiled, reaching cup to cup his cheek.

  Standing on her tiptoes, she leaned in and kissed him. His arms banded tighter around her, trapping her between his legs, letting her feel what her kiss was doing to him. Alora slid one hand south and began stroking him. The sound that escaped him left her knees weak and panties wet. It wasn't a moan, it wasn't a growl, it was something more. Animalistic and raw. Just like he was when he had fucked her. Feeling bolder, she deftly opened his jeans and slipped her hand inside.

  "Fuck yeah, Alora."

  "Your cock is so hard Lance. Hard and hot in my hand."

  "If we weren't in public..."

  "There's no one around for miles, Archer."

  Lance's eyes flashed at her challenge. That smirk and that quirked brow. They were in the middle of nowhere about two hours north of the city. The fact that someone could come driving by and catch them only heightened his excitement. In a blink he reversed their positions so now she was the one leaning against the bike.

  "You're tempting me woman."


  To prove her point, her hand squeezed his dick making him hiss and his hips thrust into her. Lance kissed her again. Alora moaned, stroking him harder, twisting her wrist on the downstroke. Her free arm snaked around his neck bringing them even closer. Her body quickly burning with need for him. Lance pulled away, gripped her shoulders and spun her so she was now bent over his bike. Reaching around her, he had her jeans undone in seconds and pushed down to mid-thigh. Without a single word, he removed a condom, sheathed himself and thrust into her.


  "That's it baby, take me."

  Take him she did. Alora continued to surprise him as she eagerly met his thrusts, pushing back into him. Leaning over her, his teeth nipped at her neck making her buck wildly and her pussy clamp tighter around him. He started pounding into her, wanting them both to explode.

  "Fuck me Lance. Harder. So close," she gasped.

  "God, you're ready Alora. I'm there. Come. Now." He ordered thrusting hard and deep one last time.

  On a scream she came. Her body seizing beautifully in his arms taking all the pleasure he gave her. Trembling behind her, buried deep within her, Lance struggled to catch his breath. Peppering her neck with kisses, holding her tightly to him as they slowly came back to earth.


  The sun was just beginning to set when Lance and Alora hit the Austin city limits. She hugged him as he expertly navigated the evening traffic on I-35. The day had been amazing. After their roadside interlude, they stopped for lunch in Waco. After lunch, they checked out the Dr. Pepper museum, took a walk in Cameron Park before climbing back on the bike and heading back. She couldn't have asked for a better day.

  They had just pulled up at a stop light when a feeling shot up Alora's spine. The feeling of being watched. Turning her head to her left, her body locked up. In the BMW next to them was Sam. Lance must have felt her tense because his head whipped toward the car. Sam revved his engine, trying to intimidate them. Alora's fear turned to anger. She was done letting Sam scare her.

  Lance tapped her thigh, indicating her to hang on tight. He felt her tighten her grip on him and the second the light turned green, he shot off. A glance in his side mirror showed that Sam was right behind them. He shifted gears and picked up speed. Lance knew after what Sam had done so far, that it made no difference that they were on public streets. If the bastard could get Alora he was going to try. Lance wasn't going to let that happen.

  At the last moment, Lance whipped the bike around a corner. In his mirror he saw Sam fly past the turn. He only had maybe a minute before Sam caught back up. Spotting a parking garage, he sped inside driving up the winding turns to the fourth floor. Pulling into a dark corner near a pillar, he killed the engine. Alora hopped off, allowing him to climb off and put the bike on its double kick.

  "Think we lost him?" Alora asked, taking off her helmet.

  "I think so." Lance answered, removing his own. He took their helmets, locked them onto the bike. "We'll take the elevator down then I'll call one of the guys to come get us."

  "Okay. There's a bar just down the block we could wait for them. It's pretty crowded on Saturday's so we can hide better."

  Taking her hand, Lance lead them toward the elevator. After the doors closed, he moved behind her, slipping his arms around her. Alora sighed, leaning her head back against his chest. When they reached ground level, Lance carefully checked out the area around the elevator before taking her hand again and leading them from the garage.


  Gage shut down his laptop and stretched. He was glad it was Saturday and it wasn't his turn on call. Course, he really wished that Stacey was there. He had met Stacey Carlin the previous fall at Krista's reveal event. Since then they had stayed in touch and he had even gone to visit her in New York a time or two. Sighing, he rose from the chair and reached for his cell, but it rang before he touched it.


  "Gage, it's Hawk. Look, I need you to come get us."

  Gage didn't like the sound of that. He pivoted and strode from his office. "Where?"

  "We'll be at Q-Ball. It's a bar at..."

  "I know where it is. You and Alora wait at the bar and keep the front and back exit in sight. I'll be there in ten." Gage hung up as he swiped his keys from the kitchen counter. He was in his truck and backing out of the driveway in seconds and quickly called up Ethan. "Hey Ethan, we got a problem."


  Alora nursed her beer watched the front while beside her, Lance watched the rear. Unlike that first week after getting back to Austin where she jumped at every sound, right now she felt strangely calm. She let out breath and cupped her chin in her hand.

  "What's wrong Alora?" Lance asked.

  "Nothing's wrong exactly, it's just..."

  "Just what?”

  “Well, I know that I have Sam and his family after me and I should be scared but, I’m not. At least not anymore. What does that mean?”

  Lance smiled a little, “It means my Tigress, that you’re a lot stronger than you thought when this all started.”

  Alora smirked, peeling at the label of her beer. “Have you ever been married?”

  Lance was floored at the question. Of all the things she could have asked, he had never considered her asking that. Let alone in the middle of crowded bar. “No.”

  Alora turned to face him. Silently she just stared at him. He wasn’t sure he liked how she was looking at him, but what the hell could he do? Look away? Fuck that. He wasn’t a coward, so he let her look. After nearly a minute, she finally spoke.

  “You came close, though didn't you? She hurt you. Whoever the bitch was, I can see the pain of heartbreak in your eyes. Hell, I know the look because I see it every morning when I look in t
he damn mirror.”

  Before he could respond, he spotted Ethan slipping in the back. He turned to tell Alora and saw Gage walking in the front. He polished off his beer as his friends reached them. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised Gage called you.”

  “Nope, you shouldn’t be. You two okay.” Ethan said.

  “Yeah, we’re fine. Lance hid his bike in the parking garage around the corner on the fourth floor. I suggested coming here to wait because it’s crowded. Well, that and they have good beer and I needed one.” Alora replied.

  The men laughed. “Well, I’ll get the bike and Gage can take you guys to the house.” Ethan suggested.

  Alora tossed back the rest of her beer and was following Gage with Lance behind her. She noticed the two men were in complete sync with each other. Knowing how the other would move and where without words. She found it fascinating and kind of a turn on. Though she doubted if she suggested that Lance share her with another man, especially one of his teammates he’d shit a brick. Oh well, can’t blame a girl for fantasizing, right? She must have been smiling, because when Lance helped her into Gage’s truck he lifted a brow.

  “What’s got you smiling?”

  Alora giggled, “Maybe I’ll tell you when we get to the house.”

  Lance leaned close to her ear, “I’ll hold you to that.” Lance shot Gage a look when he heard his teammate chuckle. “What?”

  “Nothing Hawkeye, nothing at all.” Gage grinned.

  Chapter 12

  Alora poured herself a cup of coffee, then faced the three men at the kitchen island. “Anyone else want a cup?”

  “I’ll take one.” Lance answered, while Ethan and Gage shook their heads no.

  Alora fixed Lance his and then joined them. “So, what do we do?”

  “Well, I’m just guessing here, but I don’t think that Malconi is aware that you are staying here with Lance. You’ve been keeping your car in his garage, right?” Alora nodded. “Then we can assume he thinks you’re still staying at your house.”

  “I’ll talk to Danny and see if he has a man or two that can do surveillance on your house. If he’s been watching you at your shop, there’s a good chance he or one of his men have been watching your house too.” Gage spoke up.

  “What if when I go to the shop in the mornings I go to my house first? You know, leave here early, and then leave my house for the bakery. At the end of the day, go back to my house then Lance can pick me up from the park where I sometimes jog. It could also tell us if he’s watching the house. I know all my neighbor’s cars. So, if I see a car that’s out of place, I can tell you guys and Danny.” Alora suggested.

  Gage, Lance and Ethan looked at her with a bit of surprise on their faces. Suddenly, feeling shy, Alora cast her eyes downward and sipped her coffee, a blush creeping up her neck and burning her cheeks. She nearly jumped when Lance took her chin and lifted it, so their eyes met. He wore a slight smile and what looked like pride flashed in his eyes. Licking her lips, she waited for him or one of the others to speak.

  “That’s a hell of a plan Alora and I think it could actually work.” Ethan said. “I’ll call Danny and run it by him.”

  “Monday I’ll go over our other team’s rosters and see if we have one or two bodies that we could add in with Danny’s guys.” Gage added.

  Lance released her chin, but when he spoke he was still looking at Alora. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Feeling both flustered by Lance’s intense stare and being the center of attention, Alora cleared her throat and slipped from the room. Oh, sure she was used to being the star when it came to baking stuff but having three sets of eyes from three extremely attractive men on her was a completely different feeling. Plus, adding in the thoughts still tickling the edge of her mind when she was leaving the bar between Lance and Gage didn’t help. She heard the back door close as she sank into the sofa in the living room. Alora looked up when she sensed Lance. How was it possible that she could do that? They had only known each other a week and a half and while yes, he was an amazing lover, was that enough for her to sense him coming into a room?

  “What’s on that beautiful mind of yours Tigress?” he asked, sitting beside her.

  “What makes you think I’m thinking about anything?”

  “You get this look in your eyes when you’re thinking. I saw it that day we installed your security at the shop. You were deep in thought as you worked. You have that same look now. Does it have anything to do with that smile you had when we left the bar?”

  She sat her mug on the coffee table and took a slow breath. “Kind of. When I suggested my plan, it was kind of intimidating being the center of attention like that. But…”

  “But what?”

  “Well, when we left that bar and I was between you and Gage, well, oh fuck.” Frustrated, she got to her feet and began pacing. “My mind started wondering what it would feel like. You know, me with two men.”

  What happened next shocked her. Lance’s face got this strange expression and it looked like he was shaking. He was on his feet and stormed from the room in the blink of an eyes. Alora jumped when the back door leading to his deck slammed hard enough that the windows rattled. What had she said?


  Lance clutched the rail, eyes squeezed closed, trying his damnedest to keep the memories at bay. Memories of the second worst memory of his life. The day he came back from a training opt and caught his then fiancée. His eyes snapped open and he whirled around when the back door opened. Alora stood before him. She looked like a deer in headlights as the fading light of the day cast long shadows over the deck and the backyard. He watched her open and close her mouth a few times before she finally spoke.

  “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad. I think I’ll call Krista and have her come get me. It’s probably best if I leave.” She stuttered.

  When she turned to go back inside, Lance moved. He grabbed her arm. Her body tensed, shit he had scared her. Gently he turned her to face him. She wouldn’t look up at him. Christ, seeing her scared of him hurt. Like a sucker punch to his gut and his heart. Slowly, almost reverently, he pulled her into his arms and held her. It was several moments before she started to relax, and her arms came around him.

  “Alora, I’m not mad. Not at you anyway. Look…” he paused. Lance scooped her into his arms and walked off to one of his deck chairs. He sat and adjusted her on his lap. “You were right. In the bar. I came close to getting married once. Her name was Tegan. We had gone to school together and when I joined the Marines, we were still dating. I had been in for about four years when I was recruited by MARSOC. After I got in, I proposed, and she said yes. Six months later I came home from a week-long field op and swung by her apartment in town. When I walked in she…”

  Alora cupped his face. “Hey, hey it’s okay Lance. You don’t have to tell me.”

  Lance covered her hands with his. “I want to. You need to understand why I acted like I did.” He took a slow breath, then continued. “When I walked into that apartment, I didn’t see anything out of place. I thought maybe she had stepped out for a walk, but a sound caught my attention. I headed for the bedroom and opened the door. There was Tegan. She was being fucked by two men. Two Marines.”

  “Oh my god!” Alora gasped.

  “I was furious. I started yelling. The two guys were off that bed and running for the door in seconds. But Tegan…she just laid there. No shame at being caught, nothing. When I demanded why, she just shrugged and said she was lonely. That I was gone so much. She had needs, blah, blah. I got what few things of mine I kept there and left. I didn’t even bother asking for the ring back. I went back to base and told Ethan and the others. Course, that Monday I also discovered that she had been stealing money from my account. I filed charges. The only thing that kept her from going to jail was the fact that she returned every penny she had stolen from me. Last I heard she was living in Fayetteville.” Lance concluded.

  Alora hugged him tightly, her fingers stroking thr
ough his hair. “God Lance, I can’t believe someone would even THINK of doing that to you.”

  “Oh, that’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.” He said, hugging her back. “My biological father used to beat up on my mom. One night, I tried to stop him, and he started on me. My mom, she shot him. Didn’t kill the bastard, but he was arrested and sent to prison. He was killed by another inmate a year later.”

  “And your mom remarried?”

  “Yep. Alex, my stepfather, he adopted me a month before they married. He said he wanted me to have his name before then. He’s my dad in every way but blood. He helped me deal with…well, let’s just say I got into fights when I was in middle school. I was always defending the kids who were bullied. I stopped bullies but was constantly in the principal’s office. Dad helped me find a better way to help and to channel my aggression. I taught other kids how to box, took up boating and shooting with dad.”

  Alora lifted his head from her shoulder. “He sounds like a good man. I also think he and your mom did a great job raising you. You are a rare breed Lance Archer, you and your teammates.”

  Lance placed a soft kiss against her lips as he rested his forehead against hers. “Please, don’t leave Alora.”

  “I’m not going anywhere Lance. I promise.”


  Lance glanced down at the woman currently laying in his arms. After their talk on the deck, he had brought her back inside and proceeded to make love to her. He had been so gentle with her. He couldn’t remember if he had ever really made love to a woman. He took his time with Alora. Traced all her curves, tasted every inch of her. When he found a spot that made her breathless and her body tremble, he paid extra attention. When they finally reached their joined climax, both had laid there, gasping and trembling. Now, she lay content in his arms, her head resting over his chest, one of her hands tracing lazy patterns on his stomach.


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