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The Soul of Archer

Page 13

by Michelle Kee

  “Did you enjoy that?”

  “God, I did. It was…so hot and sensual. Feeling you both against me. Touching me, teasing me...”

  Lance smiled, reaching down for the small bag he had tucked in the empty space at the bottom of the nightstand. “Well the night is still young, and your fantasy isn’t over.”

  Alora licked her lips watching Lance shove his jeans down and off. Joining her on the bed, kneeling between her legs, spreading her thighs wider. He smiled down at her and leaned over her, blanketing her body with his. His mouth devouring hers, taking her, wanting her to submit to him. He reached into the bag pulling out the vibrator and turning it on, he slipped it between them. Alora bowed under him when the tip touched her clit.

  “I told you I would never share you with another man, so I found another way to give you what you wanted.” He said.

  Alora tried to speak but all that came out was a strangled cry. Lance moved the toy against her, teasing her opening. His own erection growing harder as he watched how she reacted to his ministrations. Shifting, he gripped his cock and added it to the movements of the toy. Alora cried his name, clawing at the bed sheets her legs opening more for him as she gave into him. He could feel just how wet she was and couldn’t wait to be inside her. Slowly, he eased both himself and the vibrator into her, her slick walls clamping down making him grit his teeth.

  “Easy Alora. Nice and slow.”

  “Lance, oh it feels…”

  “Take us baby. Nice and slow, let us fill you.”

  Inch by inch she took them. Her body moving under him, showing him she wanted it, showing him she craved the fullness that was to come. Lance moaned low and deep as he finally sank fully into her, the vibrator adding a new sensation to being fully seated in her. The toy’s vibrations shot through him and into her making her wetter and her walls clutched tighter around his cock. Alora’s arms came around his broad shoulders, her legs locking at the ankles at his waist. Lance rested his weight on one arm while his other held the vibrator. Looking down at her, he drank in the vision she made. Her eyes clouded with lust, licking her bottom lips, her body shimmering in a light sheen of sweat. He started moving, his hand moving the vibrator in tune with his own thrusts. She was so tight around him he had to fight to hold himself back even though all he wanted was to pin her to the bed and drive into her hard and deep till they both came.

  “Christ woman, you’re amazing.”

  “More. Take me Lance. I need it.” She begged, bucking under him trying to move faster.

  Gritting his teeth Lance held himself back. “Alora, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Fuck me Lance. Please. You can’t hurt me.”

  Growling, he gave in to her demands. He whipped out the vibrator, dropping it to the bed. Cuffing her wrists above her head and elevating her hips so they were on his thighs, Lance withdrew and plowed deep. Alora screamed her pleasure, digging her fingers into the hand that held her. Their bodies moved faster, she under him, bucking and taking everything, he gave. His other hand took hold of her hip as he pounded over and over. He was on the edge, he needed release. He never imagined when he planned this just how revved up she would make him by her reactions. Their movements were nearly violent. He plunged, she arched up to meet him. When he kissed her, it was hard and brutal, but his woman took it matching it with her own kiss. He saw white when on a deep thrust he exploded, emptying himself into her, Alora’s own cried of release echoing in his ears.

  Gasping for every breath he eased them onto their sides. Slowly, he withdrew from her enjoying the moan followed by the sigh when he left her. Alora rolled onto her back limply. Lance kissed the tip of her nose then climbed out of the bed. He returned a few moments later with a warm washcloth and gently cleaned her. When he rejoined her and pulled the sheets up over them, Alora moved into his arms and kissed him.

  “Thank you, Lance, for giving me this.”

  “You’re very welcome. I think I enjoyed it just as much as you did, which I didn’t expect.”

  “I have to say, I was shocked when I saw Carter, I mean you told me as much that you wouldn’t share me after what that bitch did to you.”

  He stroked her cheek. “That’s true, but I saw how turned on it made you when you told me about imaging me and another man having you, so I figured out how to give you what you wanted.”

  Alora sighed, laying her head over his heart, “And it was amazing. Of course, you’re all I need, but maybe we could play with that vibrator again sometime.”

  Lance chuckled, pulling her closer, “Anytime Tigress, anytime.”

  Chapter 18

  Ethan stood at the table with Danny, his team, Jimmy and Cain. They arrived in Houston on Wednesday evening and immediately began prepping. Tony hooked up with the surveillance team and by Thursday afternoon the whole area around Dock 16 was set. Ethan, Danny, Jimmy and Cain met up with the other agencies that would be involved in tonight’s raid and had gone over every step of the plan. So far, things were progressing right on cue. Earlier that day, Ethan had checked in with Lance over in Jacksonville and told him they were good to go. He could tell Lance was still a little unhappy with not being there, but Ethan knew from personal experience that Lance needed to be with his woman.

  “Ethan, you got a sec?” Danny asked.

  “Sure.” Ethan nodded, holstering his Colt. The two slipped out the back door of the building and into the muggy Houston evening air. Ethan studied his brother-in-law and waited for the other man to speak first.

  “Is it just me or…”

  “Something feels weird.” Ethan sighed.

  Danny nodded, “I can’t explain it Ethan, but my gut’s telling me that something’s going to happen tonight.”

  Ethan had kept his own feelings to himself, but apparently, he wasn’t the only one feeling this way. “I hear you brother. I want you and I tattooed to each other’s ass. And not just because Krista wants it. Since yesterday after I got that call from Annabelle, my Spidey sense has been going off. Like a foreshadowing of something bad coming.”

  “Me too. Okay, you and I are one fucking person tonight Ethan. Tell your guys to be extra alert.”

  Ethan frowned as a nagging thought entered his head, “You think the Malconi’s are tipped off about this.”

  The look in Danny’s eyes was all the confirmation Ethan need. Without another word, the two turned and headed back inside. When Ethan pulled his guys off to the side, he saw Danny do the same with Jimmy and Cain. It relieved Ethan to see that Danny still trusted the two F.B.I. agents. Back in the day Danny, Jimmy, Cain and Parker Thorton had been thick as thieves. Now with Parker gone, it was just them. Ever since Ethan and Krista reunited and Danny came home, he had been making up for lost time with Danny. When they were kids he and Krista’s brothers had been close but after he joined the Marines he lost touch with all three and now he was fixing it. They were his family first and friends second.


  Ethan and Danny stood shoulder to shoulder as they got ready for the signal from Danny's man inside the warehouse. Ten minutes ago, Ian and Sam had pulled in and then headed inside the building with four bodyguards, one of which was Danny's man. So far, things were following script, but Ethan’s hairs on his neck were standing on end. Ethan listened through the wireless ear bud as Ian began speaking.

  "Well, everything seems to be in order. Well done Saul."

  "Gracias, Jefe Malconi. El Demonio Lobos are looking forward to a profitable partnership between us."

  Ethan glanced at Danny with a smirk, "Not if we have anything to say about that."

  Through the ear buds, Ethan continued listening. "As do I Saul. Now, you and your men will accompany mine out to the vehicles where they will help my men transfer the merchandise. Correct?"

  "Si, Jefe. And while our men conclude their business we shall have a drink and conclude ours. I own a Cantina not far from here and have a special bottle of tequila just waiting for us."

  Danny glanced down as his
phone buzzed. He withdrew it and saw the text from his guy. He shared a glance with Ethan and the two signaled to the others. Taking a slow breath and releasing it just as slow, Ethan and Danny charged through the doors, guns raised, "D.E.A.! Freeze!"

  Ethan locked eyes with Ian Malconi for only a microsecond before all hell broke loose. Ethan hissed as he watched Ian grab Sam and bolt for the back of the building as gunfire erupted. Ethan gave chase with Danny right beside him. They needed to catch the Malconi's or else Alora and Lance could pay the price. Ian was dragging his son behind him as he plowed through the expansive warehouse. Behind them Ethan could hear the firefight between the Lobos, Malconi’s men and law enforcement. He and Danny couldn’t afford to worry about that, they had to focus on Ian and Sam Malconi ahead of them.

  "Freeze Malconi!" Danny ordered when the four reached a set of double doors.

  “It’s over Malconi, you have nowhere to go!” Ethan yelled, aiming his 1911 at the older man.

  Ian shoved Sam behind him and down the hall as he spun to face them, "Well, well. The famous Ethan Blackstone. I thought perhaps my sources were exaggerating when they told me how good you and your men were."

  "It's over Ian. Give it up." Danny said.

  "Ah, now that's where you're wrong Agent Jameson. It's not over." Ian smiled.

  Danny tightened his grip on his .40, his eyes trained firmly on Ian. What was going down that he had no idea, but the immediate threat was Ian. Almost in slow motion, Danny watched Ian remove what looked like a .357, raise it, and aim. Without even thinking, Danny sprang into action. Danny heard the report of the pistol, then felt the burning, white hot flame of pain shoot through him as he crashed into Ethan and sent both crashing to the concrete floor.

  "Danny! Danny, talk to me!" Ethan demanded, rolling Danny onto his back.

  "Fuck!" Danny snarled. "Ethan, go after them."

  "I'm not leaving you..."

  "Dammit, I'm fine. Go get the fuckers."

  Ethan nodded, squeezed his hand and took off after the Malconi's. Ethan barreled down the corridor after Ian, anger surging through him giving him a burst of speed. He was mere feet from the bastard when Ian shoved through a set of double doors and before Ethan could reach them, the doors slammed closed. Ethan managed to slow down before he plowed into them, then put his full strength against them only to find them locked.

  "FUCK!" Ethan screamed.

  Slipping his gun back into its holster, Ethan turned and hurried back to where he had left his brother-in-law. When he got back to Danny, he found the man sitting up and Gage was kneeling beside him examining Danny's arm.

  "How is he, Gage?" Ethan asked, kneeling on Danny's other side.

  "He'll be fine boss. The bullet was a through and through. I think he may need a few stitches though." Gage answered, wrapping gauze around the wound.

  Danny looked over at Ethan, "The Malconi’s?"

  Ethan ran a hand through his hair, "The bastards got away. I almost had him, but he made it through a set of double doors and either locked them or blocked them."

  "Shit." Danny hissed. "Well, we got his men and members of the Lobos as well as the shipment. Let's get started on..."

  "You're not doing anything buddy except going to the nearest hospital and getting checked out." Tony interrupted.

  "Tony's right Danny. We'll handle things here. You go and get that arm checked out. Personally, I don't want to have your sister kick my head in because you didn't get checked out right away." Grant added.

  "My arm can wait." Danny argued.

  Ethan laid a hand on the younger man's shoulder, "Danny, I'm with Tony and Grant here. Look, I'll take you myself and once the docs take care of you, I'll bring you right back here. Deal?"

  "Fine. But I'm doing this under protest." Danny grumbled.


  Lance was pulled from sleep by his cell vibrating on the nightstand. He grabbed it and was instantly awake at seeing Ethan's name. He carefully slipped from the bed so as not to awaken Alora and left the room. "Is it done?"

  "Both Malconi's got away."

  Lance walked into the living room and dropped onto the sofa. "Damn. Was anyone hurt?"

  Ethan was silent for a few moments, which worried Lance, "Danny was hit. Ian Malconi drew a gun and fired at me, but Danny shoved me out of the way. He's okay, luckily it was a through and through. I took him to the hospital, he got a few stitches, but he's fine."

  "Have you told Krista yet?"

  "No. We'll tell her once we get back. We did however get Malconi's men, members of the Lobos and the shipment. Jimmy and Cain are going to be escorting the prisoners back to Austin in a few hours with a few of Danny's guys. Me and the others are helping to get the rest of the evidence ready to take back. We'll be back in Austin sometime tomorrow evening."

  "Alright. Alora and I will be back Monday around noon. We can be back sooner if you need..."

  "No, Monday afternoon is soon enough. As soon as you two get back, I want you both at Blackout. We need to figure out what to do about your woman's safety."

  Lance ran a hand through his hair. “We’ll head there as soon as we land then.”

  “Sounds good. Well, I got to go. They’re done stitching Danny up so we’re heading back to the dock. You and Alora try and enjoy the rest of the weekend and I’ll see you on Monday. Tell your folks hi for me.”

  “Will do and we’ll see you Monday.” Lance sighed and ended the call. He turned and found his dad standing in the doorway. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Alex smiled softly and moved to sit next to Lance, "You didn't. I got thirsty and came down for a drink and I heard you talking. I'm guessing that was Ethan?"

  Lance nodded, "Yeah. He says to tell you and mom hi." Lance shoved out of the chair and started pacing, "Ethan says that both Malconi's got away. He wants me and Alora at Blackout on Monday after we get back."

  Alex studied his son, "Lance, I know you're pissed and worried, but you need to stay calm. If you let your fear and anger take over, you'll make mistakes and those mistakes are when people get hurt."

  Lance took a deep breath in, held it for a three count, then slowly released it, "You're right. God, what am I going to do? How can I protect my woman?"

  "You do what you and the other guys of Blackout do best. You men will do your jobs and come up with a contingency plan for this. You said Ethan wants you AND Alora there right?" Alex asked. Lance nodded. "Good, that's good that she's not being kept out of this. She needs to be included."

  "I’ve made sure she’s been kept in the loop since the first day." Lance replied with a slight smile. “Hell, the first day I met her I just knew she wouldn’t let us keep her out and I didn’t feel right about not telling her. Especially after we found all those cameras and listening devices at her house. From then on, I’ve told her what she needed to know. I haven’t told her what Blackout was doing if it didn’t concern her directly.”

  “Good, that’s good. She’s a strong woman, a lot like your mom.” Alex smiled slightly.

  "Yes, she is.” Lance agreed with a smile of his own.

  “Well, let's both get back to bed. Are you going to tell her in the morning?" Alex inquired, rising to his feet.

  "Yeah. After breakfast I think I'll take her for a walk on the beach or something and tell her then." Lance replied.


  Lance finished his coffee as he watched Alora talking with his mother. After he returned to bed last night it had been nearly an hour before he had fallen back asleep, even when Alora wound herself around him as she slept. She was so happy right now and he didn't want to put fear or worry back into her eyes, but he was smart enough to know if he put this off any longer, she would be pissed.

  "You ready Alora?" Lance asked.

  "Yep." Alora nodded, polishing off her own coffee.

  They said bye to his parents then headed outside to the SUV. Lance was going to take her to his favorite spot and tell her. After helping her into the vehicle, he rounded
the hood, climbed in, and they took off. They remained silent on the ten-minute drive and Lance sensed that Alora knew something was up. In fact, Alora didn't wait for him after he parked and killed the engine. She had quickly hopped out and met him on the driver's side.

  "Lance, what's wrong?"

  "Let's take a walk. I'll tell you, I promise."

  He extended his hand to her and she immediately took it. Hand-in-hand, they headed for the beach. It was a beautiful morning and normally Lance would be thrilled to be walking with his woman, but not at this moment. Letting out a long breath, he stopped them and faced her. "Baby, last night Ethan called me..."

  "Those bastards got away didn't they?" She interrupted.

  "Yeah. Well, only the Malconi's did. Their men and the Lobos were caught and rounded up. Ethan wants you and me at Blackout once we get back Monday." He explained.

  "Was anyone hurt?" Alora inquired.

  "Danny. It's not serious though. Got a few stitches but he's good." Lance answered quickly reassuring her.

  Alora moved into him, her arms slipping around him. Lance wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and just held her. "What happens now Lance? When we get home, I mean?"

  Lance rested his head atop hers, "I don't know Alora, but we'll handle it. You and me."


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