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The Soul of Archer

Page 16

by Michelle Kee

  Shauna scooted closer and draped her arm around Alora’s shoulders, “Honey, men can be a pain in the ass, especially when they’re mad.”

  “Ain’t that the damned truth. I swear Tommy is the best but oh he can be a handful at time. But that’s most men in general.” Jenna added.

  The other ladies nodded in agreement. “I get that, but you would think after all the things he and I have shared with each other and after the amazing week we had in Jacksonville he would have known better than to say what he said.” Alora sighed.

  “Alora, men like Lance don’t think too much when they’re mad.” Connie spoke up. “They tend to just open their mouths first and think after the fact.”

  “Ethan’s the same way. I went through something similar last year. He was pissed and scared and rather than talking to me about those fears, he blew up. Well, I blew up right back and put him in his place about that. I told him we were in it together and we had to work together.” Krista explained.

  Alora listened and decided when she went home the next morning she would tell Lance that. Oh, she knew the things he said he didn’t mean but that didn’t make them hurt any less. She had to believe that everything would be fine with her and Lance. She just had to.


  “Damn, you ACTUALLY said that to her?” Tony asked in surprise.

  “Yeah. Talk about a dick move huh? Course right after I said it she slapped the hell out of me.” Lance sighed, rubbing his cheek where her hand had connected.

  “Buddy, you’re going to have some serious groveling to do to her when she comes back.” Gage said.

  “You mean if she comes back.” Lance replied somberly.

  Grant laid a hand on Lance’s shoulder, “She’ll come back Hawk. She loves you and you love her. You two will figure this out.”

  Lance wanted to believe his friends but that dark place in the back of his mind kept saying he had blown it. He had done the same thing he had with Teagan and that there was something about HIM that kept him alone. Lance lifted his beer to his lips. Was he really meant to be alone like he had believed after Teagan had hurt him? He sighed and leaned back in the chair. He looked over when Danny began talking.

  “Lance, I know you and I haven’t known each other long and I don’t know your past like these guys, but I have come to get to know you in my own way. I’ve seen you and Alora. You two are two halves of a whole. Like my parents, like my brothers and their wives, like Ethan and Kris. You and Alora will get this patched up and come out stronger for it. I can also promise you, I won’t stop till I have the Malconi’s locked up in a cage.”

  “Thanks Danny. Thanks to all you guys.” Lance smiled slightly. “So, should I go over and grab my woman from your place Ethan?”

  Ethan laughed, as did the others. “Nah. Wait till the morning. If you want, while they take over my place we can stay here.”

  “I think I saw a card table down in her basement.” Lance suggested.

  “Beer and poker. Sounds like a plan to me,” Tony grinned. “Hope you ass-hat’s brought money. And no, I don’t take checks, IOU’s or credit cards.”

  Chapter 21

  Alora sighed blissfully as she sat on the back deck of the Blackstone house with a fresh cup of coffee. It was a little after eight and she was the only one still awake. Last night had been just what she needed. Strong liquor and understanding ears. While she may have been the only woman in the house not married, all of Krista’s friends and Krista herself had gone through something like what she and Lance had. True, Lance was just upset, but that didn’t excuse him for saying what he had said. Oh, Alora didn’t believe he meant it, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to forgive his stubborn ass that easily. Nope, she wasn’t that nice. Sensing she was no long alone, she turned her head just as Ethan stepped out onto the deck.

  “Morning.” She greeted.

  “Morning. I figured you’d still be passed out.” Ethan said, sitting in the deck chair beside her.

  Alora snickered, “The only one of those ladies who even came close to matching me was your wife. I adore her friends, but when it comes to Jack they’re light-weights.”

  Ethan’s eyes bugged out, “Wait, you all drank Jack? Not wine?”

  “When I’m mad like I was last night I turn to Jack, Jim Bean, and Southern Comfort. When I want to relax then I go to wine.” Alora shrugged.

  “Lord help Hawk.” Ethan laughed.

  She smirked and sipped her coffee. The sliding glass door opened again, and Krista practically stumbled outside. “Alora, I love you but you’re such a bitch.”

  Ethan wisely kept his mouth shut and handed his coffee to his wife while Alora barely contained her laugh. “Hey, I warned you and your girls last night that I could drink. What can I say? It’s the Scots-Irish in my blood. After all, I’m only the third generation St. James to be born here. My grandfathers, both, were born and bred in Dublin and Edinburgh. I’ve been drinking pretty much since I was sixteen.” Alora stated with a grin.

  Krista threw her a glare over the rim of her coffee cup. “You better get your ass back to your house before my girls wake up.”

  Alora sighed, “I was debating whether I should go home and call in at the bakery, or just go there first and deal with Lance after.”

  “I’d suggest you deal with him later. Let him squirm a few more hours.” Krista grumbled.

  Alora nodded. She polished off her coffee, bid the Blackstone’s a good day and headed back inside for her wallet and car keys. Due to her often-long hours this time of year, she always kept a spare chef’s coat and change of clothes at the bakery in her office. She realized she had left her cell at her house, but she wasn’t quite ready to risk facing Lance to go get it. She used the fifteen-minute drive to her shop to clear her mind and get her head into decorating mode. Her argument with Lance was pushed to the back of her mind. For now.


  Lance supervised the yearly weapons qualifications at Blackout’s range. Ethan had called him about eight fifteen and told him that Alora was fine and going to the bakery. His friend and boss also suggested that Lance be waiting at Alora’s house when she got home. Lance had spoken to Frank about an hour ago and Frank said it was a light day and baring no last-minute orders, she should be heading home by about five. That meant she would be home by five thirty. Already Lance had a game plan. He was leaving Blackout by three, no ifs, ands or buts. He had to make up for being an asshole and damnit he was going to do just that.

  Lance brought his mind back to the firing line as Delta team finished firing. “Clear and check your weapons!”

  He watched the seven-man team expertly clear and check their weapons and only when all seven pistols were on the firing stands in front of the men did Lance move out onto the range to examine their targets. He was impressed that Delta had vastly improved from their score the previous year. Granted, Delta was the newest addition to Blackout. When they had first opened for business there had only been Alpha team. Six months later they had Bravo and half of Charlie. Now, nearly five years later they had the Delta team, bringing them up to four. Ethan and Gage were debating on whether to add a fifth team. Only time would tell.

  “Well done. You men have improved over the last year and from the notes that Gage and Tony made from last year’s qual, you guys paid attention. Good work.” Lance praised.

  As Delta team cleared off the range, Lance spotted Tony pulling up. Lance finished his notes on the team as Tony climbed out of his truck and walked over. “So, how’d they do Hawk?”

  “Much better than last year. See for yourself.” Lance replied, handing over the scores.

  Tony let out an appreciative whistle, “That’s a big improvement. I like Delta, but sometimes it feels like training fresh boots you know?”

  “Don’t I know it. Course, they are fresh out of military and we must reprogram a few. Why is it Delta had to be all Army?”

  “Hey, not everyone can join the best.” Tony joked with a wink.

  Lance s
norted. All the ribbing that Alpha gave Delta was in good fun. The friendly rivalry between the Army and Marines was an old habit. But at the end of the day, it didn’t matter what uniform you wore, all service men and women fought and served on the same team. Team U.S.A. “Well, I’m going to head back, file these quals then head out. I have two and half hours to get things ready for Alora and I’m going to need every fucking minute.”

  “Tell you what Hawk, I’ll handle this. You go on and get the hell out of here. You make up with your girl.” Tony offered.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah buddy. Go home and take care of things for your woman.”

  Lance clapped Tony on the back in thanks and hurried to his truck. He had the best teammates, friends and brothers and man, that anyone could ask for. Last night they had all given him ideas for making up with Alora, even Danny. When they left that morning, he sat at the kitchen table and over breakfast made his plan of attack. He just hoped it was the right course and would prove to Alora that he loved her, and he was genuinely sorry for what he had said the night before.


  Alora sighed as she climbed out of her car. The day had been busy and productive. She had got her inventory orders done and sent, three birthday and two wedding cakes finished and took a consult for a retirement cake due in two weeks. All in all, it was a typical day. Just before she had left the shop, she had received a call from the organizers of the South by Southwest Music Festival. Even though their event wasn’t until March, they wanted to place a themed cake order, and were ordering four cakes, enough to feed nearly a thousand people. She was meeting with them tomorrow to discuss details. She pulled out her house keys and before she could unlock the front door, it was pulled open and Lance stood in front of her.

  “Oh. You’re home.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been home a few hours.” Lance replied. He reached out and took the messenger bag she carried. “Why don’t you head up and grab a shower. Dinner will be ready in about half an hour.”

  Alora licked her lips and nodded. There was so much she wanted to say, but the words seemed to die on her lips. She walked into the house and went straight upstairs like he said. When she entered her bedroom, she gasped. The room was bathed in soft candle light. Her bed was made with white and yellow rose petals scattered across the turned down sheets. There was also a beautiful midnight blue dress draped over the foot of the bed with matching sandals on the floor. She approached the bed and found the note beside the dress.

  I hope you like the dress. I would love to see you in it at dinner.


  Her heart melted. Alora smiled as she turned and entered her bathroom. Stripping, she dropped her clothes in the hamper before starting the shower. She meticulously washed and conditioned her hair and decided she would wear it down. While in North Carolina, Lance had commented he liked it when she let her hair down. She shaved and lathered her body with her wildflower scented shower gel. Ten minutes later, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in one of her fluffy towels.


  Lance had just placed the last of dinner on the table when he sensed her. He straightened up and turned toward the kitchen doorway and his breath died in his lungs at the vision in midnight blue before him. Alora’s luxurious mahogany hair fell straight around her shoulders and down to just above her elbows. God, he loved her hair down. The dress that Krista had picked up for him that morning hugged every curve. Alora was how he thought a woman should look like. Curvy where a man liked it. Full hips he could hold when he drove into her, or when he pulled her to him for a kiss. Her breasts were high and filled his hands to perfection. She wasn’t one of those damned stick figures, that for some asinine reason, women thought they had to be. Nope, she was perfect. He walked toward her and when he reached her, took hold of her hips, pulled her into him and kissed her. He kept the kiss slow and gentle.

  “You look beautiful. I knew that color would suit you.” He said.

  “Thank you for the dress. Did you really pick it?” She smiled.

  He nodded. “Yeah, I did. I spotted it right before we went to Jacksonville. I called Krista this morning to go pick it up for me though. She seemed surprised at my taste.”

  Alora giggled, “I can imagine. Most men aren’t very good at choosing women’s clothes. Of course, you’re not most men.”

  Lance smiled and with his arm around her, led her to the table. He had found a white lacy table cloth in the hall closet and had laid it over the table. There were two long candles, a vase of wildflowers as well as an open bottle of sweet red. He had chosen his mom’s chicken tetrazzini, fresh honey yeast rolls from his favorite bakery, and roasted asparagus. He pulled out her chair and helped her sit. He poured her a glass of the wine before he took his own seat across from her.

  “This smells delicious Lance. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ve only ever cooked for my mom and sister, well I did cook for Krista last year, but that’s because I stayed the night at Ethan’s place after that fucker Ingram had killed her agent, Jerry.”

  Alora frowned slightly, “My heart broke for her when I heard about that. I was at the book reveal last year. I was surprised when she told everyone about what had been happening to her.”

  Lance fixed her plate, “You were there?”

  “Yes. That’s why when Ryan said he had called you guys I knew I would be safe from Sam and his family.”

  Lance handed her the plate and started on his own. As they began eating, Lance tried to find the right way to segue into what he needed to say but decided to hell with it and just went with his gut. “Alora, look, I’m not great at the whole apologizing thing. I’m sorry. About the stupid shit I said last night. I didn’t mean it. I know you’re not her and you could never do what she did. It’s not in your character. I hurt you and I can’t think of anything I can say or do to make it up to you. I can’t lose you Alora.”

  Alora started to speak but he stopped her. “No, let me finish. I know it makes no sense, seeing as how we’ve only known each other a couple of weeks, but I need you. I need you in my life Alora St. James, anyway I can fuckin’ have you. I want to go to bed with you in my arms, wake up with you still there. Please tell me I haven’t completely pushed you away. Have I lost you?”

  Tearfully, Alora pushed away from the table and moved to him. She sat in his lap and cupped his bearded face. “No. No Lance Archer you haven’t lost me. I know that bitch hurt you and hurt you deep. I swear, I will do everything I can to heal that. For as long as you’ll have me Lance Archer I’m yours. I love you and I need you too. Every bit as bad as you need me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Lance’s arms encaged her, pinning her against him as he returned her kiss. His fingers sliding through her unbound hair, sending wonderful shivers through her. Shifting a little, Alora was now straddling him, the kiss turning hotter and wetter. Mewing sounds escaped her when his fist gripped her hair and his other hand possessively planted on her ass. God, she loved when he got all alpha like this. His strength was such a turn on to her she wanted more. Her hips started undulating, pressing herself against his erection over and over, making him growl in hunger.

  “Fuck yeah baby. Rock against my cock.”

  “Lance. God you’re getting so hard.”

  “You make me hard. Hard as fuckin’ steel.”

  His southern accent became thicker she noticed when he was getting turned on. Another thing she loved about him. “Lance?”

  “Yeah baby?”

  “Take me to bed. I want you to fuck me. Right. Now.” She demanded, nipping his ear with her teeth.

  Lance was out of his chair, cradling her, and striding for the stairs in less than a heartbeat.


  Lance lay on his back, his heart still thundering against his ribs when Alora flopped down beside him. “Holy fuck,”

  “God, that was… what the hell did we just do?” Alora giggled, pushing her hair from her face.r />
  “I think that was sex, but whatever it was, it was hot as hell. I think you almost broke my dick in half just now.”

  Alora burst into pelts of laughter, Lance soon joining her. When he brought her to the bedroom they had stripped each other, and a small tussle began over who was in charge. Lance won the first round, pinning her under him on the flower covered bed, but round two and three had gone to her when she managed to flip their positions. Round four was once more Lance’s but that final round… hell she’d have to say it was a tie there.

  “I love you Alora.”

  “And I love you Lance.”

  He leaned over and kissed her softly before slipping from the bed. He returned with a washcloth and gently cleaned her then himself. After tossing the cloth in the hamper, he moved to the bed. “Um, should we change the sheets?”

  Alora lifted a brow then noticed where he was looking. Looking down she giggled. A yellow rose petal was stuck to her right boob. In fact, both her and Lance were covered in the white and yellow petals. “I guess we should. Then maybe a shower.”

  Both laughing, they stripped the bed. Alora changed the sheets while Lance grabbed his shower first. While she took her turn, Lance headed downstairs for a cup of coffee. Suddenly an idea hit him. He grabbed his cell and quickly called his mom.


  “You’re absolutely sure?”

  “Yes sir. The one they call Hawk is definitely staying with the St. James woman. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were in love.”

  “You’ve done very well. If you hadn’t warned us about the raid beforehand we wouldn’t have escaped.” Ian paused a moment. “I want you to watch them both a few more days. On Friday we will make our move. Say nothing to Sam. He’s botched things up enough. You’ve proven your loyalty to this family over the years and we don’t forget those who are loyal.”


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