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Free (Save The Kids Book 4)

Page 6

by E. M. Leya

  "It's not like you'll lose contact. They'll still call, even visit you. The change won't be easy, but maybe it will be a good thing in the end. This could be what you needed to force you to explore other areas in your life."

  "I can't imagine doing anything else. I wouldn't even know how to report to a normal job anymore. What the hell am I trained for?"

  "What did you want to do before you joined the team?"

  "I had no idea back then either. I'd just gotten out of the Army and was working random construction jobs. I was never great in school or had any special talents until I became part of the team. I guess I could always become a locksmith. I'm great at picking locks." Dyson laughed. "Seriously, how do I go from castrating people to working in some office or warehouse? Is that even possible?"

  Rob smiled. "Wait and see what Bryon has planned for you. He's not going to set you up in a new place without a way to make a living."

  Dyson rolled his eyes. "He's probably got me working somewhere like Victoria's Secrets."

  "Now, that I'd pay to see." Rob laughed. "Seriously, don't get ahead of yourself. Wait and see where you go and what the options are. Bryon knows people all over the world, the opportunities are endless."

  "If those he knows are willing to hire a wanted felon," Dyson pointed out. "No matter who I work for, I put them at risk if they know who I am. I'm better to accept being William and getting a job at a local convenience store." He made a disgusted face. "Fuck, I hate that name."

  "Probably why they gave you Dallas as a middle name. I'd use that."

  "Oh, no one had told me what the D stood for. I guess that isn't horrible, but still, I think I'll stick to D. It feels less like I'm giving up that part of me."

  "D works. Just make sure you use it. Don't slip up. Dyson isn't a common name, it will be a huge target on your back. Trust me, the sooner you start adapting, the easier it will be."

  "I know." Dyson sighed. "So what are you doing all day now that you've got me here?"

  "Not much. I'm going to tinker on my bike in the garage, maybe run to the store. If you need anything, let me know. What about you? You going to catch up on sleep or what?"

  "Fuck yeah. I'm exhausted, and the thought of a real bed for a change is too much to pass up, but if you need help with anything, I can stay awake."

  "Nah, go rest. Seriously, this is like a vacation for both of us. Bryon's got the best security. If a dog pees on the corner of the grass, I'll know about it. Bryon should be here tomorrow afternoon, unless things get too tense. I got a text while you were in the shower, they finally realized you'd been released by mistake. So far, they think it was a jail computer error, but they are looking for you now."

  "So much for hoping it would be days before they noticed. If I didn't want to see the team one last time, I wouldn't even consider going back." Dyson didn't like the idea of being in the area again. The farther away he was, the better it would be.

  "I know, and Bryon actually mentioned that last time we talked. He was going to see if he could get the team down here, but he hadn't talked to everyone yet. Could go either way. He told me to hold off telling you about it, but since you brought it up, and I see no harm in telling you." Rob shrugged.

  "Thanks, it helps to know what is going on. I've been locked up so long it's like I don't know anything anymore. I appreciate you being honest and open about things." Dyson scraped the last of the food onto his fork and took a bite. Once done, he took his plate over to the sink and rinsed it. "You sure you're okay if I head to bed for a bit?"

  "Yep, sleep all day if you need to. I'll be around, but help yourself to whatever is here. There's stuff for sandwiches if you wake up for lunch, and I'll have dinner ready later. Seriously, just relax and take it easy." Rob took a sip of his coffee as he watched Dyson.

  "Okay, but wake me if anything changes." He wiped his hands on the dishrag. "Thanks for breakfast. It was great." He gave a half wave as he headed down to his room.

  Not even bothering to strip out of his clothes, he kicked off his shoes and climbed into bed. He pulled the covers up over him, enjoying the feel of a real bed for a change. It took only minutes before his thoughts faded and he started to drift off to sleep.


  Four days of hiding out was making Dyson restless. It was still better than spending all his time in a small cell, but he hated that he couldn't go out and do anything. There was only so much TV he could watch before it didn't interest him anymore.

  What started out as a two-day hideaway had quickly increased when the police search for him grew bigger than expected. It was as if they were hunting down some major serial killer, not a man who saved kids and brought justice to sexual predators.

  It pissed him off how they were trying to make him seem so dangerous. He wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it, and the people he went after more than deserved what they got. He wanted to get out there and tell his side of the story, but that was impossible.

  He was impressed how many others were coming forward in his defense, talking about how they might not be alive if it wasn't for him saving them, or how they would still be being abused if he hadn't stopped the predators.

  One group of women who were most vocal were from a sting they'd done in Nevada a few years back. It had been a huge sex trafficking ring they'd shut down. Eight women they'd saved were speaking out, telling their stories, and trying to change the way the media was viewing him. He wanted to thank each one personally because it couldn't be easy talking about what had happened to them.

  Sitting quiet and having no control was killing him.

  He still hadn't talked to Bryon or anyone from the team, but they were all supposed to be arriving within an hour or two so they could see him before he left for wherever Bryon was sending him.

  He was relieved they were making the trip and he didn't have to travel back there where the search was even more intense.

  "You want a sandwich?" Rob asked.

  Dyson turned away from the balcony railing where he'd been leaning and nodded. "Yeah, sounds good." He followed Rob into the kitchen. "Any news?"

  Rob reached for the loaf of bread. "Bryon is about thirty minutes out and said the rest of the team isn't far behind him. They're going to spend the night and head back tomorrow after we leave."

  "Still won't tell me anything about where we're going?" Dyson asked.

  "Nope. Bryon will fill you in as soon as he gets here. It's better coming from him. I can't answer all your questions, and he can. If I tell you anything, it's just going to get you thinking too much and assuming things, and you don't need that."

  That much was true, but it was killing him not knowing where his new life was going to be. All he was sure of was he was staying in the United States. That was a huge area of possibilities. He just prayed it wasn't some small town. He needed the city. He never did well in rural areas. "So what will you do once you're done babysitting me?"

  Rob shrugged. "I have nothing planned, but that doesn't mean something won't pop up. I usually don't go too long without work. There's always someone that needs rescuing. Once I drop you off, I'll head to New Orleans. I have a house there I'm remodeling. I'll work on it until the next call comes in."

  "So you remodel homes when you're not helping break felons out of jail?" Dyson took the sandwich that Rob pushed toward him.

  "I enjoy it. Gives me something to focus on. Once I get it fixed up, then I'll sell it and move on to another somewhere else. Gives me the chance to see the country. I never know where my next home will be. I keep pretty busy, so it takes time to finish each project. I'm usually in one location for a year or more."

  "How long have you been doing this?"

  "Since I left the military about fifteen years ago. Helps keep my skills sharp without all the authority breathing down my neck all the time. I can do my own thing, be my own boss." Rob took his own sandwich to the table. "I'm associated with a group who specializes in this stuff, but we're all independent. We work together
at times, but not always."

  Dyson wanted to ask questions, but knew better. Groups like this didn't share many details. He was lucky to get the information he had. "Well, I owe you my life. I won't forget everything you've done for me."

  "You didn't deserve to be stuck in prison the rest of your life. What you did wasn't a crime in my opinion. I think most people would let you walk free if given the choice. Many would probably be happy to let you continue doing what you do. If you have any more issues, tell Bryon to contact me and I'll help you out, but hopefully, after this blows over and you settle into your new life, you won't have any problems."

  "All depends on what that new life is." Dyson sighed.

  Rob's phone beeped with a message. He read it, then glanced up at Dyson. "Well, you'll know soon enough. Bryon's about to pull onto the property."

  Dyson quickly swallowed his bite and stood, taking the rest of his sandwich with him, and headed toward the garage.

  "He's parking out front. Use the front door, but make sure it's him before you open it." Rob shoved the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth as he got up and followed Dyson to the front of the house.

  Dyson stood back from the window, but was able to see a blue sedan pull up the driveway. He could make out a person in the passenger seat, but couldn't tell who. "He's not alone."

  "Probably that girl of his that he keeps swearing isn't serious." Rob smirked.

  "Becca. Yeah, that would make sense. Those two are something. They act married, but still swear it's casual. When he got shot a while back, she wouldn't leave his side. I don't know why he doesn't make an honest woman out of her. She's completely devoted to him." Dyson finished off his sandwich before wiping his hands down his pants.

  "Yeah, we don't talk often, but when we do, he talks an awful lot about her. Not sure why he won't admit anything. It's not like they have any reason to hide what's going on." Rob opened the door as Bryon and Becca climbed out of the car.

  Becca raced to the house, leaving Bryon to grab their bags. "Dys?" She ran through the door, not stopping until she spotted him and flung herself into his arms. "Thank God, you're okay."

  He hugged her tightly, inhaling the fresh scent of lavender from her hair. "Becca." He closed his eyes. "I was so scared I'd never see you again."

  She pulled back and smiled. "We wouldn't have let you stay in jail. Xander was ready to storm the place with guns blazing to get you out."

  "Glad he didn't. He would have just ended up in the cell beside mine." Dyson touched her cheek. "You look good."

  "So do you. You had us so worried."

  "Yeah, I admit I was a bit worried myself, but you guys pulled it off. I don't know how, but thank you."

  "You know we've always got each other's back." She turned to glance at the door as Bryon walked in.

  Dyson smiled as he made eye contact with Bryon. He took four strides and pulled Bryon into a tight hug. "Thank you."

  Bryon hugged him back. "You're going to put me in an early grave."

  "Tell me about it. That shit wasn't fun." Dyson pulled back. "I owe you everything."

  "Yeah, well, just don't go getting caught again and we're good. Next time, I might just let you sit there." Bryon grinned.

  Dyson was sure that would never happen. Any member of the team would do whatever they could to keep the others free. "I don't plan on it ever happening again."

  "Let me get my bags to our room and then we'll talk. The rest of the team will be here shortly. I haven't told them anything. I wanted you to hear it all first. Once you say hi to them, we'll head into my office and I'll fill you in on everything, but I'm not going to start until they get here or we'll just have them interrupting us. Xander's about lost his mind worrying about you." Bryon picked up the bags off the floor where he'd dropped them when they'd hugged.

  "Yeah, as badly as I want to know, I want to see them first. Fuck, I've missed you guys." Dyson smiled at Becca. "I can only imagine what this did to the team."

  "Yeah, we're on a hiatus for a month or two. Things are too crazy to risk going out so soon, but we'll get things back to normal soon enough. Taking care of you has been priority." She gave him a soft smile. "So good to see you're okay. I'll be right back." She turned and followed Bryon.

  Dyson smiled at Rob. "There was a point where I didn't think I'd ever see any of them again."

  "It's hard when you're locked up. They wouldn't have left you there. They would have found a way." Rob nodded to the driveway. "Two more cars. Stay back until we're sure it's the team."

  Dyson stepped back so he couldn't be seen, but could still watch out the window. He smiled when he saw Matt, and Xander in the first car, then wasn't shocked at all to see Faith in the next car with Lisa, Jeff, Beau, and Parson, and the baby. "I know them all." He forced himself not to rush outside. "Just missing Kacey, Noam, and their son Eric."

  "They got a late start. They'll be here in an hour or so." Bryon walked back out.

  "Dyson?" Faith ran through the door. She paused as she looked around, but when her gaze hit Dyson, tears filled her eyes as she rushed to him. "You're okay?"

  He wrapped his arms around her. "I'm just fine." He ran his hand down the back of her hair. "Love you. Missed you so much." He spoke against her ear.

  "Love you too." She sniffed. "I wanted to come visit, but they wouldn't let me."

  "I'm glad. It was no place you needed to be. Your letters helped so much. I looked forward to them more than you know." He pulled away, still holding her hands in his. "You're good? Everything okay with you?"

  "I'm good. I have a lot to tell you, but I know you and Dad are going to want to talk first, so we can catch up tonight." She tugged her hands from his as Xander and Matt walked through the door, followed by Beau and his family.

  "Fucker." Xander wrapped Dyson in a tight hug. "I should kick your ass for this."

  "I might let you just because you can. There were times I thought I'd never see you again." Dyson fought back the emotion that swelled inside him. Out of everyone, he was closest to Xander. They'd served in the Army together, and from that time on, had been a huge part of each other's lives. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for Xander. He was like a brother, maybe even more.

  "Took too long to get you out." Xander stared at him. "You're good?"

  "I'm good. I swear it. It's been fucked up, but I'm out, I'm good," Dyson assured him.

  Xander stared at him, a silent conversation taking place between them. Dyson understood the unspoken words. Xander was pissed at the whole situation, pissed Dyson was going to have to leave, and heartbroken they were going to have to go separate ways.

  "We'll figure it out," Dyson promised.

  "Ignore him and give me a hug." Matt stepped between Xander and him.

  "Hey." Dyson smiled as he hugged Matt. "Thanks for everything, especially for letting Faith write me. Those letters were everything to me."

  "They were for her too. I'm glad she could do it. We hated having no way to contact you." Matt pulled back and wrapped his arm around Faith. "Just don't do it again. Xan is hell to live with when he's worried about his best friend."

  Dyson laughed. "Xan's hell to live with period."

  "You've lost weight." Beau moved in for his turn at a hug.

  "They refused to feed me." Dyson hugged Beau.

  Beau pulled back and narrowed his eyes at Dyson. "Are you really okay?"

  Dyson smiled. Beau was always in doctor mode. "I'm fine, I promise. No injuries, no issues. Stressed, but otherwise healthy." He nodded across the room to where Parson stood with Beau's kids and grandchild. He waved. "Hey guys, thanks for coming to visit me." He moved to where Lisa stood, holding her son. He was growing so fast. "Hey, Charles." He grinned as the baby wrapped his hand around Dyson's finger. "You guys all doing good?"

  Jeff, Beau's adopted son nodded. "Is this your new house?"

  Dyson shook his head. "No, I'm just staying here for a few days. I haven't seen my new place yet." He glanced at Bryon, hoping f
or a hint where he was going.

  "We'll go visit him once he gets settled in his new place," Beau promised his kids. "Do we know where that is yet?"

  "We do, but I need to talk to Dyson alone before I let everyone know. If you want to even know. I won't blame any of you if you don't want knowledge of where he is, and if he doesn't want you to know, I'll respect that as well," Bryon told them all.

  "I'd really like to get this conversation over with." Dyson glanced at the group standing around him. "You guys okay to get settled in, so Bry and I can talk? Then we can catch up the rest of the night?"

  Xander stepped toward Dyson.

  "No, Xan, just Dys. I know he's your best friend, and up until now you've done everything together, but this needs to be just him. He'll let you know what he wants you to know as soon as he can." Bryon nodded to Dyson. "Let's get this over with."

  Dyson slapped Xander on the shoulder to show him he understood, then turned and followed Bryon down the hallway to the office. It was time to learn his fate.


  Bryon shut the door behind Dyson and nodded to the chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat."

  Dyson tried to remain calm as he sat down, but he was nervous as hell. His entire life was about to be uprooted. He had no idea what to expect. He figured he'd be moved as far from California as he could and forced to blend into a new community, working some construction job. After all, that was the only thing he knew how to do other than hunt people down.

  Bryon sat on the corner of the desk. "Are you honestly holding up okay? This has been a lot of stress on you."

  "Yeah, there were times I worried I'd be stuck in jail or prison for the rest of my life, but deep down I was sure you'd come through for me. I'll never be able to pay you back for taking the risks you did getting me out of jail." Dyson sighed. "I'm sorry I got caught. I don't know how it happened. I got too comfortable, too lazy, too something."


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