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Free (Save The Kids Book 4)

Page 12

by E. M. Leya

  "I'm close," Jeremy warned.

  D didn't respond as his body tightened around Jeremy's cock, his muscles tensed in his shoulders and neck, his head arched back, and a loud cry filled the room as cum shot from D's cock, covering his hand and the couch beneath him.

  The way D's ass clamped down around him, Jeremy didn't have a chance of holding back his orgasm. It pushed through, causing his body to tighten, his breath to catch, and as he gave one final thrust deep into D, he let loose, crying out D's name as he fell forward against his back.

  D started laughing.

  That pulled Jeremy from his post-orgasmic bliss quickly. "Something funny?" He hissed as he pulled his cock free from D's ass.

  D turned and gestured to the couch. "First cum stains."

  Jeremy grinned, a small laugh escaping as he remembered that D had said he'd kill whoever left cum stains on it. "Hope you know how to clean a couch."

  D grabbed his shirt from the floor and wiped the cum off the couch, still leaving a small wet mark. "I'll figure it out tomorrow." He fell onto the couch with a content sigh. "That was so fucking exactly what I needed."

  Jeremy used his own shirt to wipe off his cock before sitting down beside D. "Me too. Thanks."

  D nodded. "Anytime, though you did all the work. I was just there for the ride, but it was one hell of a ride." His spent cock lay against his leg. "Fuck, I forgot how good those piercings are. I remember I had one hell of an orgasm last time I was with a man with one, but I don't remember it being that good."

  Jeremy had to admit that he didn't recall sex ever being that intense. Not with his ex or any man he'd been with before him. It had nothing to do with his piercing either. It was the fact he could let go, take D hard, and not have to hold back or be careful. He wasn't guarded. It was pure need and pleasure. He closed his eyes as he laid his head back against the couch. "You're right, it does help you forget."

  "You see something you want to forget already?" D sounded concerned. "Worse than what I know you've already seen?"

  Jeremy sighed as he opened his eyes, turning his head so he could see D. "I found a video today. I'm working on more information, but I've tracked the location. He's holding two young girls. Had them tied up in his bed while he raped them. They were so fucking young." He sighed. "Not great post-sex conversation, is it?"

  "No, but it's what we do." D sat up straighter. "You say you know the location?"

  "Yeah, but I need to dig deeper. Try and get into his network, grab more information and evidence. I need to make sure this video is current. It was uploaded yesterday, but that doesn't mean it was made then. I needed a break before I dug deeper. That's why I came down here."

  "Some break, huh?" D grinned.

  "Better than the beer that I was going to ask if you wanted to get." Jeremy ran his hand down his chest, still high from the sex.

  "Beer sounds good though." D sighed. "How about we grab that beer from the fridge and you show me what you've found? If there are kids on site, we need to think about acting fast."

  The last thing Jeremy wanted was to face that video again, but if they could help those girls, he'd sit through it a million times. "Sounds good. Just don't get mad if I need another break later." He smiled as he got up and reached for his pants.

  "With this job, we might need all the breaks we can get." D started to get dressed.

  As they headed upstairs, Jeremy hoped they'd have sex again, but he refused to think too much into it. Carter had warned him D was a sex addict, and he knew better than to think that tonight was anything more than them getting each other off.

  With work to focus on, Jeremy pushed all other thoughts aside and made his way back to the computer.


  There were piles of papers with information along with stacks of images, and that was only half of what Jeremy had found once he'd managed to find a way into the man's computer and dig through his files.

  D wasn't used to being on this end of things. He'd always taken the information Trenton, Carter, and Matt found and just did the job. Piecing together the evidence was a whole new situation for him. One he didn't like a single bit.

  Neither one of them had been home in over two days, both catching naps in the guest rooms of the new team house instead of taking the time to go home. There was too much work to do, and once Jeremy had started getting information, it was impossible to stop him. He was determined to find a way to take this man down.

  They still hadn't verified if the girls were still in the home, but D's gut told him they were. Most pedophiles kept the children as long as they could. Most of the time only getting rid of them once they got too old for their liking or it got too dangerous to keep them.

  He hated that it was just the two of them. If they had a full team, the research would go faster and they could be out hunting. It wasn't Jeremy's fault. He was working his ass off trying to find out all he could. He was great at what he did. The fact was, they needed more manpower. He just didn't know where to find it.

  The doctor they'd been looking at wasn't going to work. He didn't have the demeanor to do what they needed, and from everything that D could tell, he was one hundred percent by the book. As for the man who'd stabbed the coach, Jeremy had been digging, but put off his search to dig deeper into the fucker holding the children.

  "D, can you come in here for a second?" Jeremy called from down the hallway.

  Leaving the pile of papers he had laid out across the coffee table, D made his way to the computer room. "What's up?" He went to sit beside Jeremy as he continued to type.

  "He uploaded two more videos this afternoon. Check this out." Jeremy paused the video. "See that mail truck outside the window. In about fifty seconds the doorbell rings. The man ignores it, but watches the truck closely from where he is. Then you see the truck pull away. I cross-referenced the company that delivered the package with the address where the man is living. He received a package at about ten this morning. So, that leaves me to think that the girls are still at this location with him."

  D stood. "That's great."

  "How so? We can't go in. I guess we could call the police and leave an anonymous tip." Jeremy swiveled his chair to face D.

  "Fuck that. We can still do this. It's not ideal, but I know we can pull this off. How long will it take you to check the neighborhood for cameras?" D wanted this guy. He didn't want to hand him over to the police for a slap on the wrist. He needed to get in there first, then let the cops have him.

  "Um, Carter showed me how, but being my first time, maybe a day."

  "Do it. Get me all the info you can. Hack into any cameras in the area so you can shut them down at the right time. I'll go see what supplies Bryon set us up with, and if I don't have all the things I need, I'll go shopping."

  "D, think about what you are saying. We don't have a doctor or anything. If you get hurt…" Jeremy didn't need to continue, they both knew what he was saying.

  "It's not like it's never been done before." He recalled the time Beau had gone on a solo sting when the rest of the team had been out of town. He'd been fine. D had a lot more experience and training that Beau had. This pervert needed to suffer. "I won't go unless we are sure it will be an easy in and out. You've already pulled up the layout of the house. It sucks there are no cameras inside, and we can't tell for sure where he's holding the kids—'

  "Um, I can try. Remember, I used to work for the CIA. Carter has been hacking into satellite systems for years, using NSA equipment and such to figure all this shit out. If I can get into the system and satellites are in the right positions, I can try and pull information from them."

  "It sounds complicated." D wrinkled his brow.

  "It's not. It's actually very easy. Let me see what I can find, then we can go from there. But if it doesn't look safe, promise me you'll wait until we have more help." Jeremy stared at him.

  D nodded. "I won't risk the new team or my freedom. We'll make sure we've got all the bases covered. The only thin
g I can't account for is what happens once I'm on the scene and most of that stuff I've dealt with before." Of course, he had Beau there to deal with any injuries. He rubbed the scar along his side where Beau had stitched him up after he'd been stabbed with a letter opener. "I promise," he said, seeing the worry in Jeremy's eyes.

  "Then get out of here and let me work. I'll yell when I have something more to share." Jeremy turned back to the computer and started typing.

  D did just as he was told and quietly left the room. He had his own preparations to worry about. He'd worried that Jeremy would try to stop him, but instead, he'd seen the determination in his eyes to figure out everything he could. They'd work well together once they found a rhythm. They hadn't talked about the sex they'd had a few nights ago, but D couldn't forget it. It had been so fucking good that he still felt it when he sat. He wanted more, but he refused to get caught up in sex when they had children they needed to help. Right now, their entire focus needed to be on the job.

  Before he'd gotten to the house, Beau had sent a bunch of supplies to them, and D started to tear the boxes open, seeing what was there. He was relieved to see catheter tubing. That was the one thing that he couldn't buy easily. It was easy to find tubing that worked, but the catheter tubing was easier to work with and he didn't have to worry about precutting it into lengths. He could also keep it sterile until he needed it. Another box was filled with syringes, the ones that the team would use to temporarily paralyze the pedophile while they cut off his balls and cock. The person would still feel all the pain, but be unable to move to do anything about it. It was an amazing mixture of drugs that Beau had put together for them. He didn't have a clue what exactly was in it, but there was something they used during surgeries mixed with a cocktail of other medications. Now, he hoped he could find a box with the meds in it so he wouldn't have to wait on those.

  He found a ton of medical supplies, from plastic gloves, suture kits, bandages, tape, and even a few surgical kits that D hoped he never had to figure out how to use. Seeing all this made him determined even more to find a doctor. That could easily be the most important job on the team even though they were seldom needed. When they were, it was almost always serious.

  He couldn't think about that now. Not when he was planning to do a solo sting without anyone but Jeremy as his backup. Of course, he was sure if Jeremy called Bryon or Carter, they would fly in as soon as they could, but he didn't want that. He wanted to show that he could handle running a team on his own. It was just a matter of finding people to make a team.

  He sighed as he stacked boxes of latex gloves on a shelf in the medical room. He didn't want to unpack too much as whoever they got as a doctor would want to set up the room, but gloves were something they always needed. He carried several pairs with him on every sting he did.

  The thought made him realize he hadn't seen any of their kits to clean up blood or other evidence they might leave at the scene. They always had kits in their cars, just in case. He'd had to use them several times. He couldn't remember the chemicals that they used, but Beau and Carter had assured them that it would kill any DNA evidence left behind. The key was not to leave any and not to have to use the kit. Still, he wanted to make sure he had them just in case he had to use them.

  Leaving the gloves aside, he started looking through the boxes again. Finally, at the bottom of a large stack, he found boxes of spray bottles. They were made to look like they were just simple carpet cleaner, but he knew better. These things were lifesavers if he had to use them.

  One thought led to another, and he realized he needed to check on vehicles. He needed a small car for stings. People noticed big trucks and SUVs. He also needed to make sure the plates were not traceable. He was a fool not to have thought about it all before. He'd been so caught up in everything else it hadn't even crossed his mind.

  He was going to need Jeremy's help for this. He needed to purchase the cars so they couldn't be traced back to his name. "This is better than prison," he mumbled to himself, overwhelmed with everything he had yet to do.

  He knocked on the computer room door, not wanting to surprise Jeremy. "Hey, you got a second?"

  "Give me two minutes." Jeremy didn't even look over at him. "Just got to make sure no one can trace that I was in this system."

  D watched as Jeremy typed what looked like gibberish across the screen. He'd seen Carter and Trenton do the same thing, but never asked. He was sure he wouldn't understand if he did.

  It took only a few minutes before Jeremy quit typing and turned around. "What's up?"

  "I'm an idiot. I wasn't even thinking, but we need cars for the stings. Back with the old team, we all had a car that wasn't traceable back to us. If the plates were run by the police, it came back as a state motor pool vehicle. We'd have license plates to change for when we were on a sting. I don't have a clue how Carter and Bryon set all that up. Do you?"

  "Yeah, actually. Carter walked me through it. I forgot to mention it with everything else going on. He told me so much. I'm supposed to call a guy Carter knows and let him know what we want. I have a fake identity to use. Carter said this guy won't ask questions. Might take three days to get the car at most since the guy is out of town, but it will be delivered to a lot near here. We just have to pick it up. Licensing it will be easy once I have the information. DMV records are some of the easiest to hack into."

  D blew out a long breath.

  "Don't worry, I know what we need to do. I will need to open a post office box also in a fake name so we can have documents sent there. One of those that is a street address, not a box number kinda place. We'll rotate addresses often so they aren't as trackable." Jeremy turned and reached for a binder that sat beside his desk. "Carter gave me this. It's filled with information. I was working my way down the lists, but then got distracted with this case we've been watching. Sorry, I should have told you about this earlier and kept my focus on it."

  D flipped through pages of information. It covered everything. Many things he hadn't even thought about. "No, it's okay. I asked you to follow this case. I really want to take this asshole down. I just wasn't thinking about everything we'd need. I'm so used to just having it there already. This will get so much easier once we have everything in place." He handed the binder back to Jeremy. "Let's get the cars ordered. We'll need at least two, maybe three. Go with a dark color Toyota Camry or similar. Something that is common and won't draw much attention. Tinted windows are a must, but besides that, I don't care. I feel like you're doing all the work. What can I help with?"

  "Nothing, honestly, I've got this. It won't take long to do. You focus on what you need to do," Jeremy insisted.

  "Which is find us a team." D sighed. "Okay, I need to run out to a hardware store and get string. I haven't found any in the boxes, and we'll need that for the stings. I also need to check out in the garage and see what is out in those boxes. I'm hoping the torches are out there, or I'll have to buy them as well."

  "Do you want me to go? You might be recognized," Jeremy offered.

  "I think I'm okay. I saw a small hardware store, not too far from here. As long as I make it quick and stay out of well-populated areas, I feel safe. I'll grab some burgers while I'm out. Anything you need?"

  "Nope, I think I'm good." Jeremy nodded to the computer. "I'll get working on this stuff. Hopefully, we can get everything situated. I think we need to take a step back and organize before we think about going in for those kids."

  D shrugged. He refused to give up hope that he could get in there soon. "We'll see. The longer we leave them there, the bigger the chance he moves them or worse. I can do this without everything in place, but we need to be careful, and I do need another vehicle or I need to park a few blocks away and walk in, which is risky. We'll figure it out. It's not like I can go in tonight. We have time."

  Jeremy nodded.

  "Hey, I swear I won't take any unnecessary risks, okay?" He didn't blame Jeremy for being nervous. This was all new to him. D had been doing
stings for years, and while he had been arrested on his last one, there was no hesitation in going in again. He was confident in what he did. Chances of getting caught were slim if he stuck to the rules that Bryon had put in place. "I'll be back later and we can walk through the whole process then. We'll go through every step and make sure we have everything covered."

  "I'll get used to this, I promise." Jeremy sighed.

  "I know you will. It's a lot to take in. You do your job, I'll do mine and we'll make it work. See you in about an hour." D stood and headed out the door.

  Agreeing with Jeremy that they needed to slow down was hard. He wanted to get out there, get back to work, but he wouldn't rush. Wouldn't put the whole thing in jeopardy before they really even got a new team off the ground. He'd do a little shopping, then do some more research. There were team members out there. He just needed to find them.


  Jeremy handed the flash drive to D. "Everything is on there. Links to the videos, photos, and a timeline of events as best I can piece together. I wasn't able to identify the girls, but the police can deal with that."

  "They will. Once they are saved, our job is done. We'll move on to the next." D took the flash drive in his gloved hand and wiped it down with a towel dipped in vinegar and water. He then placed it in the front pocket of his hoodie. "You're comfortable with the cameras?"

  "Yeah, there weren't many in the neighborhood. I'll have them down before you arrive and back up once you call me when you're done. You're coming straight back here after?"

  "Once I dispose of the knife and stuff. There are several smaller lakes in the area. I'll try one tonight and can always change if it's not private enough. I'll always come straight back here after a sting unless I think I'm being followed. Either way, I'll be in touch. Don't panic if I take a few minutes longer than we planned, things can go slower depending on what I find in the house. I've got everything memorized. I should be in and out without a problem." He gripped Jeremy's shoulder. "Try not to worry, okay?" Where he was excited and anxious to get going, he saw Jeremy's hesitation and worry.


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