Free (Save The Kids Book 4)

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Free (Save The Kids Book 4) Page 20

by E. M. Leya

  D nodded. "You'll want it tight enough to be uncomfortable."

  Another rush of air came from the man.

  Jessica ignored it this time as she tied the string around the man's cock and balls. Once that was done, she pulled out her knife. She glanced at D for a second, then pulled the string tight with one and cut with the other. It must have been harder than she'd expected, as she didn't get clean through the first time, but by the second attempt the man's cock and balls came away from his body.

  "Okay, there will be a lot of blood, but you've got to get that tube in first." D watched as she worked, proud of how in control she was.

  She struggled a little with the placement of the tubing, but that was normal. It took time to learn where it went, and depending on the person and the cut, it wasn't always obvious. She finally got it in and reached for the torch. Within seconds, she was cauterizing the area, keeping the man from bleeding to death.

  "Perfect," D said proudly.

  "Now to tie him up." She glanced up to look at the man. "Is he crying?"

  D shrugged. "Normal reaction from the pain and trauma. Some do, some don't."

  "Interesting." Jessica smiled as she used the zip ties to secure him to the bedframe. "Okay, clean up the mess." She followed the steps he'd taught her before glancing at him. "You have the evidence?"

  "Yep, right here." He set it on the dresser away from where the man could possibly reach.

  Jessica stood and smiled down at the man. "You know, we should kill you for what you put those girls through. I hope you suffer the rest of your life in pain, because I know they will." She turned away, nodding to D. "I'm ready."

  D turned off the lamp and followed her out of the room. Once at the door, he paused. "Again, check for people and lights before stepping out of the shadows." He made his way outside, watching everything around him, listening to every sound. Memories of being arrested flowed through his mind, but he forced those away. It wouldn't happen again. He wouldn't let it.

  Jessica stood by him and nodded, implying she thought it was safe to go.

  D agreed, nodding back, stepping out of the shadows, and walking casually to the sidewalk as he slowly lifted his mask up from his face, tucking it under the hoodie.

  Jessica did the same, staying by his side until they got to the back of the car and both got inside.

  "Fuck that was crazy." She smiled at him.

  He saw the signs of her being high on adrenaline. "You did great. Now you can either sit here and text them that we're out, and call the police or you can pull away and pull over in a few blocks. The choice is yours."

  Without a word, she started the car and pulled away.

  D relaxed, his heart racing just like it always did as he left a sting. He loved this work, and no matter the risks, he would continue to do it as long as he was able.

  Jessica blew out a loud breath. "That was amazing. I can see what you mean when you talk about needing a way to decompress after. I feel high."

  D smiled. "It eases a bit, but the rush is always there. You did great. I'm proud of you."

  "I was honestly worried I couldn't do it, but it was so simple. I just thought of those girls and had no problem cutting his cock off. Tell me you follow up on all this after."

  "We follow the court case and conviction. We also pay attention to when they are paroled back into the community." D glanced out the window. "We're far enough. You need to call the police. You can't leave him too long or the medicine wears off and there's a risk they could escape."

  Jessica pulled over and made the call. "Yes, there is a man at 4893 Dudley Way who is on the floor of his bedroom and can't get up." She ended the call there. "Okay?" She glanced at D.

  "Perfect. You don't want to answer any questions or stay on the line too long. Now text Jeremy and let him know we're done."

  She did that, then set the phone in the bag with the other things she had from the sting. "Now to the lake?"

  "Yep, then home."

  "So you can get laid." She smirked.

  "That's exactly what I plan on." He grinned. "Best way to decompress that I know of. You got someone to work the stress off with?"

  She frowned and pursed her lips.

  "Okay, I take that as it's none of my business."

  Jessica glanced at him. "It's complicated."

  "Relationships always are." But as he said the words, he realized that wasn't true. They weren't always complicated. Things were easy with Jeremy. Could they really work out long-term? He had no idea, but as long as things were going smoothly and of course the sex was good, he would hang out and see where things went. Because Jeremy wasn't the only one who was starting to feel things. His own emotions were all over the place, but one thing was for sure, when he was with Jeremy, he was calmer than he'd ever been, and that was a big deal, because he couldn't remember the last time he'd been able to just let everything go.


  Waiting was the hardest part. Even after getting the text that they'd left the site of the sting, and hearing the police find no suspects on the scene when they arrived, Jeremy still couldn't relax. He needed to see D and Jessica in person. He needed them here at the house where he was sure they were safe.

  "They're very careful what they say on the police radio." Rani poured a cup of coffee as they waited in the kitchen.

  "They are. Which is good, I think. Jessica mentioned she had a source in the police department and said they were happy we'd come to town. Doesn't mean we're safe, or that all the police feel that way, but at least we know some are on our side. I think people really have to just decide when is it too much. Does what we do take things too far or not. It's a personal judgment call. Probably a lot of it is based on how much abuse has touched your life personally. I really don't know." Jeremy stared out the window, waiting for headlights to turn in the driveway.

  "Are you and Jeremy staying here tonight?" Rani asked.

  "Not sure yet. You hoping we leave so you don't have to listen to us?" Jeremy grinned.

  Rani laughed. "I've added a few new words to my vocabulary, listening to you two at night. Seriously, it doesn't bother me either way. I can barely hear you, and I usually just put my headphones on and fall asleep. If I complain about you guys, you might complain about me someday. Figure it's best to just keep my mouth shut and let you guys have your fun."

  "You thinking about starting to date?" Jeremy asked.

  Rani shook his head. "No. I've got too much going on right now to worry about dating. Besides, it's not as if I could bring anyone back here. Once I get my own place, then maybe I'll think about it. For now, I'm happy just trying to get my life in order. I talked to my brother in Oman today and he says things have calmed down since I left. My family isn't being ridiculed or attacked anymore because of me. That's good."

  "Will you go back to visit sometime?"

  "I don't know if it would be safe. People there don't forget. It might be better to fly my family here when I want to see them." Rani turned to the window as headlights hit the window. "They're home."

  "Thank God." Jeremy sighed. "I hate waiting for them."

  "Me too, but I'm glad I'm just here to welcome them home. My job is one that I hope I don't have to do often."

  Jeremy nodded. "I agree."

  The door opened and D and Jessica walked in, both smiling.

  "Well?" Rani asked.

  Jessica grinned. "It was fucking amazing. Knowing he can't hurt anyone again makes it all worthwhile. I thought it would be harder, but all I had to do was think of those girls and I had no problem doing it. What are the police saying?" She pulled her hoodie over her head.

  Jeremy watched as D started pulling unused items from his pockets. "They aren't saying much. They rushed the perpetrator to the hospital and are investigating. They didn't announce his injuries over the radio. I can dig into the police reports tomorrow, but as far as radio communication goes, we don't have a lot of information."

  D walked over and kissed
Jeremy softly before opening the fridge and pulling out a beer. He offered it to Jessica, who refused, before taking it to the table and sitting down beside Jeremy. "The less they say, the better for us. I'm sure the pedo will mention there was a female there tonight, and that might throw the police off a bit. There's never been a female on a sting before, even in California, so this will be new for them. I'm guessing they'll assume it's a couple working together now. Probably me and some new girlfriend I picked up."

  "You better not be picking up girls." Jeremy laughed.

  "The last girl I picked up was Becky Jenson in third grade after a bully knocked her off the swing. No girls catching my eye. You're stuck with me." D reached over and took his hand.

  Jeremy laughed. "And I bet she still remembers you today. I'm glad no girls are catching your eye, but you're right, they will think Jessica is your new partner and probably girlfriend. I'm not sure if that will work well for us or not."

  "I don't think it will matter. Once we get a full team, there will be several of us going out. It won't be a matter of just one couple doing the work anymore." D took a long drink of his beer. "You okay if we stay here tonight?"

  Jeremy glanced at Rani and laughed. "I'm fine with us staying here, but we might end up owing Rani new headphones eventually." He glanced at Jessica. "You going to stay?"

  She shook her head. "Nah, I'm going home for a hot shower and a long run on my treadmill. I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on things." She leaned over and gave D a half hug. "Thanks for going with me. I would have been too nervous to do that alone the first time."

  D hugged her back. "We'll do the next few together. I won't leave you alone until you're completely comfortable. Tonight was easy. Wait until there's a dog in the house or more than one adult. You did great. My biggest worry is you wouldn't stomach the cutting, but you didn't even flinch."

  "The smell nearly got me." She grimaced.

  "Yeah, it takes getting used to. You can always rub Vicks in your nose before you go in. That can help," D told her.

  "I might try that." She gave Jeremy a quick hug before turning to Rani and doing the same. "You three have a good night. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She winked as she walked out the door.

  "Well, since you're home safe and sound, it's time for me to head to bed and leave you two to whatever it is you get up to. See you in the morning." Rani stood and left before either of them could respond.

  D grinned at Jeremy. "We know how to clear a room."

  "I think they were all expecting you to walk in the door and take me up against the wall." Jeremy smiled.

  "Not a bad idea." D finished off his beer. "But tonight, I want you in bed. This isn't going to be quick."

  Jeremy was surprised by that. He figured D would want rough and fast after a sting. He was happy to give him whatever he needed, but the thought of slow had his cock already hardening. That meant a lot of making out, teasing, and playfulness before getting to the main act. "Any way you want it."

  "You ready for bed?" D asked.

  "Yeah, just need to shut down the computer and put the scanner away. You okay shutting it off before the cops leave the scene?"

  "Yeah, there isn't anything going on we won't be able to find out about in the morning." D stood. "I'm going to grab a quick shower, but I'll meet you in the room." He leaned down, kissing Jeremy softly, teasing his lips with his teeth before pulling back.

  "I'll be ready." Jeremy smiled as he watched D walk off.

  It was almost as if he was experiencing his own come down from the sting. The stress of setting everything up, then praying it all went right, took a toll on him. He stretched as he stood, shutting off lights and making sure the doors were locked before heading to the computer room. He quickly shut everything down, then made his way to the bedroom he shared with D when they stayed at the house.

  He could hear D in the shower and was almost tempted to join him, but he figured it was best not to. D would be washing off the stress of the sting, and whatever else might have gotten on him. It was best to do like he said and wait for him in bed. He quickly undressed, tossing everything aside as he pulled back the covers and climbed on the bed.

  He didn't pull the blankets up. He wanted D to get a good look at him when he walked into the room. Stroking his cock so it would be hard, he thought about the things they would do together over the next hour. Sex was never the same between them. Sometimes it lasted five minutes, other times it went on for hours. He never knew what to expect, but he was always happy letting D take the lead. He didn't mind if they traded blowjobs or fucked each other until they couldn't move, he loved it all.

  For a second, he debated taking his piercing out so he could feel himself deep in D's throat, but decided not to. He would rather let D decide, and from the past, he was sure that D would rather have the piercing in than out.

  He closed his eyes as he stroked his cock, imagining D sliding down on him, taking him deep into his ass. He loved it when D was on top, working his body over him, taking it just as hard or as easy as he wanted. He could tell when his piercing would hit just the right spot because D's eyes would roll back, his mouth would open, and the sexiest moan would come out. It wasn't his normal moan, but a soft rumble.

  "You starting without me?"

  Jeremy's eyes flashed open. "I was just thinking about you riding me."

  "Were you?" D dropped the towel he had around his waist as he shut the door. "I was thinking about being on my knees while you fucked me until I couldn't see straight. We might have to do both." D crawled over the bed, resting between Jeremy's legs. "Walking in and seeing you like this has me so fucking hard."

  D's cock was thick and firm, the tip already glistening with precum as Jeremy reached down and ran his fingers over it. "You going to let me taste that first?"

  "In a minute." D positioned himself so he could settle down between Jeremy's legs with his mouth an inch from his cock. "Me first."

  Jeremy groaned. "You want the ring out?"

  "Nope, I like it. I might not be able to take you deep, but I like the way your balls react when I tug on it with my teeth."

  "They do?" Jeremy had never realized it.

  "Watch." D circled his cock with his lips, teasing him for a moment by sucking, but then he gripped the metal ring with his teeth and tugged.

  It was enough pressure to move his cock up and down, and sure enough, his balls seemed to swell and draw up, then relax as D released him.

  "Fuck, the things you notice."

  "I've noticed this too." D bent lower, sucking on a spot just at the base of Jeremy's cock.

  Jeremy fisted the bedding, arching his back off the bed in pleasure. "Fuck!"

  "Bet I could almost make you come just by sucking on that one spot." D did it again.

  Jeremy closed his eyes, swarmed with pleasure. He always knew the spot was sensitive, but he never realized how sensitive because most of the time, no one focused just on that spot. "Don't make me come. Not yet."

  "Oh no. I want you inside me when you come." D went back to lavishing his cock with his tongue, teasing him, and giving him a halfway decent blowjob considering he had to work around the thick piercing.

  Jeremy relaxed, watching as D licked over him, cupping his balls, teasing his ass, and the whole-time holding eye contact with him. It was so perfect, he never wanted it to end. As good as it was though, it wasn't enough. His cock ached, swollen and red from D's attention. "Let me have your ass."

  "My ass is yours." D grinned.

  "You know what I mean."

  "You can have my ass if you really want it." D raised up, going up on his knees, and leaning in to kiss him. He stayed there, his hands pressed to Jeremy's chest as he moved closer so their cocks could touch. "I was thinking we need another date. It was nice getting away for that picnic when we went out and looked at dump sites, but this time, I was thinking something completely unrelated to anything work."

  "You got an idea of something?" Jeremy lifted his hips so the
ir cocks rubbed against each other.

  D matched his movements, the two of them gyrating together just enough to keep the friction where they wanted it. "I thought we could rent a couple jet skis and hit the lake before the weather gets too cold. You a good swimmer?"

  "I can swim, but are you sure you're not doing this just to see me in my swim trunks?" Jeremy teased.

  "Why would I do that when I'd rather have you naked here?" D slid his cock hard against Jeremy's causing them both to gasp in pleasure.

  "How about if I promise we can get naked after?" Jeremy's hips lifted faster as the stimulation between them intensified.

  "Not willing to get naked on the lake?" D grinned.

  "I'm not saying no, but we really don't need to draw attention or risk the police showing up."

  "Always thinking of our safety."

  "Do you blame me? If we get caught, this stops."

  "We could share a cell."

  "Don't even joke that way." Jeremy gripped D's arms and turned them so that D was suddenly on his back and Jeremy straddled him.

  "I like this." D stared up at him.

  "Me too." Jeremy reached beside the bed where a bottle of lube sat. "When do you want to go?" He snapped the cap open and dripped the clear liquid over D's cock, then down his ass, using his fist to smear it over his cock, then his finger to play with his ass.

  D lifted his legs, resting his heels on Jeremy's shoulder, opening himself up for him to be able to reach his ass easier. "I was thinking the day after tomorrow. I know we have two more stings to do, but Jessica is busy Saturday, so we won't do it that day. We can go play at the lake, then go back to your place and spend the night watching movies or something." D's eyes closed as Jeremy's finger slid into him.

  "It's a date." Jeremy worked his finger in and out of D's ass. They'd been having so much sex, there wasn't a lot of prep needed. He slid a second finger in, smiling as D pressed back against him. "I love how needy you get."

  "You feed my addiction."


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