MANifesting: Older Man, Younger Woman Short Romance
Page 8
“It is now.”
We rushed to the bedroom, where I’d already added a nicer bedspread and a new lamp that gave a soft amber glow to the entire room.
No matter how many times I watched Kellan peel off his shirt, my breath would always catch. He slipped off my dress, then I threw off my bra while he yanked his pants and shorts off all at once.
Dropping to his knees, Kellan slipped my panties down slowly as he always loved to do, kissing around my hips and pubic bone as he slid the fabric to my ankles. “So gorgeous,” he murmured, picking me up and laying me across the bed.
He stared down at me with a strange expression as he slid his thumb through my slit, gathering my juices and massaging them against my clit.
“Mine,” he stated with a strange smile. “All mine. Forever.”
Nodding, I reached for him, pulling our mouths together as his thumb alone nearly brought me to climax.
Tipping my face up, his groan as our lips crushed together made my entire body quiver. He always kissed me so gently at first, as if I were a delicate little doll. Then the heat took over as it always did, until he was exploring every crevice of my mouth with his tongue, rubbing his chest against my breasts. His shaft felt like steel, lifting between us, thrilling me completely.
Now that I’d been on the pill for several months, there was no messing around with condoms, so that Kellan could take me anywhere and everywhere he liked. The basement storeroom at the Duke Lounge now held a hidden stash of facial wipes and extra panties for our occasional ‘emergencies’.
Kellan’s breathing picked up, rumbling in his throat as he nudged his cock inside me. I loved it when he teased me, taking tiny strokes, barely entering my wet tunnel while I squirmed beneath him.
My pulse quickened, my flesh feeling like I was melting under him. “Please, more,” I moaned.
I kissed him slowly, letting the feelings build inside both of us as my hips tipped up to meet him. His hot, hard length sank deeper, opening me completely, my fingers clenched at the back of his neck.
It really did feel different, somehow. Now that we were engaged, going to be married, going to be absolutely permanent beyond all doubt…I screamed into his lips as the sudden climax ravished my entire body.
“Mmm, that’s it, sweetheart,” he groaned. “Have I not been taking care of you enough?”
His strokes deepened, as he tensed his hips, driving into me until I squealed with every thrust. “Is that what you needed, gorgeous?”
“Yes,” I choked, kissing along his neck.
“Always so tight for me,” he murmured, gripping my ass with both hands as he steadily increased his pace.
I loved it when he took control of me, desperate and dirty as his huge frame rocked over mine. Kellan always made me feel so sexy and wild, even wicked.
Reaching under his arm with one hand, I slid my nails gently down his back until I could grip his tight ass firmly. “Harder,” I rasped.
“Yes, my love.” His teeth grazed along my throat, as his thickness sank deep, over and over.
It was absolutely perfect, every single time. Sometimes three times a day. I could never get enough of this incredible man. I could sense that he needed it rougher today. Perhaps to claim me, with more than just the new ring on my finger.
“More,” I gasped, feeling the pressure building again already. He began impaling me almost brutally as I moaned louder. “Yes, more.”
“Gorgeous, you feel so incredible,” he gasped, tilting his hips to bring my clit tight against him. Clinging to him desperately, I ground my hips up and back, hitting the perfect spot.
There was so much perfection between us, but this moment was yet another highlight as my new fiancé lost himself completely.
“Allie, oh my God, Allie,” he growled, panting raggedly as he held me tight, driving me into a spiral of lust until my pussy began to tighten around him.
My entire body began to seize up, as my desperate shriek filled the room. “Yes, Kellan – please.”
His rock hard cock drove deep, grinding us together as he looked straight into my eyes as I came, sputtering his name over and over.
“Allie, baby,” he groaned, jerking and twitching inside my channel as his thickness swelled, his wet heat bursting inside me. His mouth captured mine, as the world melted away with our passionate kiss.
Finally, he pulled back just enough to stare into my eyes, blinking rapidly.
“ That’s the only time I love it when you call me baby, ” I grinned, giggling as he peppered my face with kisses.
“Baby, my baby, my sweet Allie,” he murmured. Then he paused. “My gorgeous fiancée. Soon to be my gorgeous wife. Soon to be the gorgeous mother of our children.”
I laughed, giving his ass a little spank. “No babies until we’ve been married at least a year.”
“And when are we getting married?” Kellan smiled, kissing the tip of my nose.
“I don’t know that part yet.”
“Do you have to consult your magical notebook?” he laughed. “Write down all of your intentions and stuff?”
“No, we just have to check a calendar,” I giggled.
“The old fashioned way. I like it.”
As we snuggled into each other’s arms, I smiled against his chest. Everything had happened more or less according to plan, and I had to mentally high-five the version of myself from eight months ago who was brave enough to think up the plan, and write it down.
Make a list. Manifest.
It all came true.
* Kellan *
*** Six Years Later ***
My three bars were reasonably wholesome. But with flowered sheets draped over the liquor bottles and several bunches of balloons tied to chairs, it completely changed the Duke Lounge atmosphere. The lights were up a bit higher, but the sunlight was also streaming in the windows since it was two in the afternoon.
Instead of sports, the big screen was tuned to a DVD of the latest children’s band, Thirty Thousand Monkeys, as six four- and five-year-olds twirled around the middle of the dance floor.
It was a strange point of pride for me that our son’s birthday party had the best lighting system of all the parties we’d been to in the past year. Plus, there was ample room for the parents’ area. As I brought over another bottle of wine to the eight adults who were making short work of the hors d’ oeuvres, I was also glad that this party could be stress-free for the grownups as well.
I poured Allie a glass of wine, but Christine waved me off, pouring herself another lime water from the pitcher in front of her.
“Sorry, I forgot,” I said, handing the bottle to Tony across the table so he could pour for his wife, Kim. It was interesting having a collection of new friends simply because our kids got along in preschool.
It was also nice to see Cheryl and Dale rocking their eight-month-old in a stroller while their five-year-old led the other kids in a new dance. The more I got to know Cheryl, she really did have an excellent eye for decorating. She even took care of the balloons and streamers for this party.
Allie reached out to pat Christine’s stomach. “We keep forgetting because you’re not even showing yet,” she laughed.
“With Timothy, I didn’t start showing until I was four months along, so who knows,” she shrugged.
Watching Allie so excited for her friend’s second child was clearly making us realize that it was time for us to have another one as well.
“This party is genius,” Christine said to me. “Give them each a cupcake, then have them dance off the sugar immediately.”
Allie grinned. “Maybe we can throw Ryan his own high school dance when he’s sixteen.”
I couldn’t help laughing. “I think the other parents might have a problem if it’s in a bar,” I said.
“But since we’ll be here, the only drinking will be by the other parents,” she said. “It’s perfect.”
I didn’t bother explaining to her that kids might be uncom
fortable asking each other to dance when their parents were in the room. No sixteen-year-olds were quite that brave.
“So Allie, when are you having another kid?” Christine asked.
Allie lifted her glass, swirling the wine slowly. “I was sort of thinking that this might be my last one of these for a while,” she said, looking to me and fluttering her eyelashes. “What do you think?”
“You want to start on munchkin number two?” I grinned. “Sure! Just give me two minutes to kick everyone out first.”
Her hand reached out to give me a playful smack on the bicep, her rings flashing in the light. Every year for our anniversary, I’d been giving her another ring, with various colored stones that she helped pick out.
I also couldn’t stop buying her earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Maybe there really was something to that feeling about claiming a woman by having her wear your jewelry.
A tug at my pant leg made me look down into warm brown eyes that matched the warm brown chocolate smudge on Ryan’s round face. Scooping him up, I held him on my hip. “Hey, buddy. Havin’ fun?”
He nodded eagerly, his dark curls flopping. “Yeah. I like the big TV.”
I turned him to face Allie. “Do you think Mommy should have another baby so that you have a brother or sister?”
His hands clapped frantically against my chest and shoulder. “Yes! Yes, please!”
I stared as Allie’s eyes became a bit glassy from Ryan’s excitement. Kissing the top of his head, I set him down. “Keep the other kids dancing a bit more, okay?”
“Okay.” He scampered off to grab a few hands and jump like a monkey with the rest of the preschoolers.
Christine handed Allie a tissue so that she could dab her eyes. “Hey, try to have a girl. Then I can just pass on all of the outfits I’m going to spoil this one with.” Christine’s hand circled her relatively flat belly as she grinned.
“Be right back,” I said, grabbing Allie’s hand and pulling her around the corner and down the hall a few steps. With so many parents in the room, I knew the kids were fine for a few minutes.
My arms slipped around her as I nuzzled her ear. “My gorgeous, incredible wife. Are you ready for another one?”
“Should we be hoping for a girl?”
She smiled, looking up at me with a wink. “We’re supposed to just say that we’re hoping for happy and healthy, no matter what we get.”
“Yeah, but we could always start one of your magic notebooks and fill it with girl names and pink stickers and those flowery glitter strips.”
“ Washi tape . And you know it doesn’t work like that.”
“We worked like that,” I murmured, kissing down her throat, then slowly back up. “We needed each other, and we just happened, exactly the way you wrote it down.”
Her soft sigh as I found her lips still made my pulse race. “I wanted you, and when I was ready, you appeared,” she whispered.
I rudely cut off the conversation by kissing her so deeply that it swept away all intentions, plans, and ideas from our minds, leaving us breathless. Allie was my entire world, and I would never stop being grateful that she wished me into her life.
*** The End ***
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About the Author: Romance author Haley Travis lives in a charming (old and rundown) little house with an old fashioned (overgrown and crazy) garden and just the right amount of books (six giant overstuffed shelves, the floor is starting to creak). She enjoys writing quirky, sexy modern romance, and loves creating interesting female characters who are at a turning point in their lives.