Book Read Free

The Toybox

Page 33

by Charly Cox

  ‘She told her mom there was something she needed to do, and she thought it would be easier with us.’

  ‘Did she say what?’

  ‘Said she’d tell us when we got there.’ The fingernail on Sophie’s index finger went into her mouth, muffling her words as she spoke around it. ‘Do you think that’s because she knows we’re not going to want her to do whatever it is either, and she doesn’t want to give us time to think of a way to talk her out of it?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ But Holly had wondered the exact same thing. ‘Let’s go, so we can find out.’

  * * *

  Nearly three hours later, the nurse finally delivered Jersey’s care instructions, a list of names and numbers for counselors to assist her in dealing with her ordeal, and instructions on how to keep her wounds clean and safe from infection.

  Before they left, Jersey excused herself to go to the restroom, and Aunt Natalia took the opportunity to speak to Holly and Sophie. Her knees bounced, and her eyes darted to the closed door as she lowered her voice. ‘I’m not sure where Jersey wants you girls to take her, but please use common sense. And watch out for her.’

  Sophie squeezed her aunt’s hand. ‘We promise. And we’ll send a message when we’re on our way to your house.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  When Jersey reappeared a moment later, her watery eyes caught her mother’s and then her friends’ worried gazes. ‘I think I’m as ready as I can be.’ Tremulous words gave evidence of her fear of what was beyond her hospital room door.

  Holly and Sophie each linked an arm with Jersey as Aunt Natalia walked behind her.

  ‘Are you sure you won’t let them get you a wheelchair, sweetheart?’

  Jersey kept her focus straight ahead as she answered. ‘I’m okay, Mom. I’m just a little weak, still. Walking will do me good.’

  Outside, Holly heard someone call her name. Ten feet away stood Nick. He waved his hand for her to hold up, then said something to his sister. When she turned, her eyes widened, and then she nodded, and Nick tenderly led his sister over to their group.

  ‘Hi. This is…’ but before he could make the introductions, Jersey and Rachel stepped into each other, wrapping their arms gently around the other, careful not to hurt the wounds on their backs, and sobbed together.

  Helpless to do more than watch, that’s what they all did, allowing the two girls to embrace and bond over their shared horrifying experience. When they stepped back, they didn’t release each other; they simply moved so they gripped each other’s hands.

  ‘I’m so sorry. I heard about your—’ Rachel began.

  ‘I’m so sorry. I heard about your—’ Jersey said at the same time.

  Neither finished their thought, but once again, they clung to each other, their words and shared nightmare connecting them.

  ‘Can we keep in touch?’ Jersey whispered. ‘If you’d rather not, if it’s too much of a reminder, it’s okay.’

  Her eyes still full of tears, Rachel said, ‘Everything will be a reminder, at least for the time being. And yes, I think we can help each other. Did Becca and Faye stop by to see you before they left?’

  Jersey shook her head, then looked over Rachel’s shoulder toward the parking garage. ‘No. But they had to sedate me a few times, so maybe they tried.’

  ‘I’m sure they did. They said they would. They gave me their numbers and made me promise I’d call whenever I… if I ever felt like giving up.’ Rachel turned to her brother. ‘Will you hand me my phone so I can type Jersey’s digits in?’ As Nick did as he was told, Rachel continued. ‘I wish we could’ve gotten Katelyn and Cheyenne’s information, too, but I guess their parents had them transferred to a different hospital.’

  They talked for another minute, then Nick officially introduced Holly to his sister and Sophie. ‘And these are the gals I told you about, the ones who helped me change my tire.’

  Rachel tilted her head to the side, her eyes appraising what she saw. ‘Thank you for helping my brother. And for being there for him lately. He needs someone, too.’

  ‘Anytime. I hope he knows that.’

  Jersey waited until they were in Holly’s car before she spoke again. ‘So, you and Rachel’s brother, huh?’

  Holly blushed. ‘That obvious, huh?’

  ‘Girl, it’s written all over both your faces.’

  Holly chewed her cheek before angling her body toward Jersey. ‘It was only one date…’

  ‘Technically, it was one and a half,’ Sophie chimed in from the backseat.

  ‘One and a half. Does that bother you?’

  ‘Why would it bother me?’

  ‘Because I met him when… when…’

  Jersey’s smile was soft but sad. ‘You met because of the circumstances. I’m not upset. I promise.’

  Holly searched her friend’s eyes for any hint of dishonesty, but saw none, and a sigh of relief escaped her. She turned the key in the ignition and shifted into reverse as she backed out of her space. At the light, she asked, ‘Where to?’

  A knot formed in Holly’s stomach at Jersey’s answer, but her friend stared straight ahead, refusing to look at her. ‘Jersey, are you sure?’


  Hands unsteady on the wheel, Holly headed east.

  Half an hour later, she and Sophie stood silently back but close enough for Jersey to know they were there to support her as their friend and cousin explained to Beau Cambridge that under no circumstances should he ever contact her again; that he should lose her phone number altogether.

  Then, her posture almost regal, she turned and walked away without a backward glance. It was only once they were back in Holly’s car and around the block that she asked Holly to pull over somewhere. As soon as she could safely do so, Holly obeyed. Then Jersey unbuckled herself and after shoving the door open, she practically fell outside into the parking lot. Doubling over, she fell to the ground, her body vibrating as she howled, releasing more of the hurt and pain inside her.

  Mindless of rubberneckers, Holly and Sophie dropped to the ground on either side of Jersey and wrapped their arms around her, holding her tightly, holding her together, promising they’d always be there for her, every step of the way.

  Holly wasn’t sure how much time passed before Jersey’s tears were depleted, but the sun had definitely changed positions in the sky. When she was able to stand, they helped her back into the car, and as promised, Sophie sent a message to Aunt Natalia letting her know they were bringing Jersey home.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Wednesday, May 29

  Wednesday morning, Alyssa met Cord in the parking lot outside the precinct when they both pulled in at the same time. She rounded the hood of her car, staring when he stayed by his driver’s door. ‘Morning. You okay?’

  A smile broke out on her partner’s face. ‘Morning.’ He tipped his head toward the precinct. ‘Got a sec before we head in? I have some news.’

  She ignored the nerves in her stomach. ‘Oh-kay.’

  ‘Sara’s pregnant. We’re going to be parents! Me, a daddy!’

  Alyssa couldn’t stop the silly grin that spread from ear to ear, and she reached in and hugged her partner. ‘That is great news, Cord!’ She pushed away from him. ‘Wait, is that why you went to the doctor with Sara?’

  Cord’s head looked like it might topple from his neck as it nodded up and down. ‘Yep.’

  ‘Well, congratulations. I have some news myself. Want to hear it?’

  Cord’s elbow jostled her in the side. ‘You pregnant, too?’

  Her own elbow hit him back. Hard. In the stomach. ‘God, no. Bite your tongue.’

  ‘Then what?’

  ‘Holly’s not going to Cornell after all.’

  Cord stopped moving, and when she turned to look back at him, his mouth hung open. ‘What? And why are you smiling about it? What did Brock say?’

  Even if she had wanted to rein in her pride, she couldn’t. ‘Brock is disappointed but also excited. And I’m smiling bec
ause Holly will be staying home to study criminology so she can follow in her mama’s footsteps.’

  ‘What did Mabel say?’ This time Alyssa threw her head back and laughed at the way her partner checked all around him as if he was afraid Mabel was eavesdropping.

  ‘Surprisingly, after she grilled Holly for several hours over two days, she came around, and is in fact, quite excited that she’ll still get to see Holly on more than just long weekends and holidays.’

  ‘Well, then, I’m happy for her.’

  Two officers walked out, and since one of them stopped to hold the door, Alyssa and Cord jogged up the steps and inside where they bumped into Lynn Sharp.

  ‘Oh, just who I was coming to see. Detectives, do you have a minute?’

  ‘Of course. What can we do for you?’ Alyssa’s feet moved automatically in the direction of the conference room, but she stopped at Lynn’s next words.

  ‘It’s more what I can do for you.’ The medical examiner inhaled through her nose and released her breath slowly through her mouth. ‘We received some of the results already from the DNA swabs taken from the men you arrested in Placitas. As you’re fully aware, the hospital performed rape kits on all the girls, and the DNA discovered in Rachel Otis’s kit match both Daryl Wainwright and Martin Mendez. As soon as the rest of the results come in, I’ll let you know, but I wanted to come tell you that first, and since I was going to be here anyway…’

  ‘Thanks, Lynn. We appreciate it.’

  Instead of leaving to attend to her other business, Lynn’s head swiveled, her gaze landing on a dirt-streaked man cursing at an officer. And then softly, she said, ‘You know I’m an agnostic, but it’s moments like this that I really hope there’s a fiery hell where men like them will go straight to, do not pass go.’

  Alyssa understood and agreed with the sentiment. ‘Me, too, Lynn. Me, too.’

  Ten minutes later, she sat around the table in the conference room with her team, which included Liz Waterson who’d returned yesterday from visiting her parents in North Carolina.

  ‘Before we get started, Lynn Sharp stopped Cord and me a few minutes ago to inform us that the DNA samples taken from two of the men match the DNA taken from the rape kits performed on the girls. Wainwright and Mendez.’

  ‘Well,’ Tony said, ‘this is good news. It’s sick and sad, but it’s just one more nail in their proverbial coffin.’

  A kerosene-soaked wooden coffin that’s headed straight to the hottest flames of Hades. The vehemence of the thought was so forceful and startling that Alyssa was almost afraid she’d uttered it aloud.

  Liz twirled a red pen around on the table. There was a hard edge to her voice when she finally spoke. ‘It is insane what people will do for the almighty buck. I mean, good heavens, even without the bundle of money Salazar would’ve had if her husband hadn’t swiped her father’s money, she was still an extremely wealthy woman in her own right.’

  ‘You’re not wrong,’ Alyssa agreed. ‘But I think it was more than that. Her husband’s affairs and the financial aspect were just her excuses to release the evil person she already was inside. And since everyone’s here, I thought I’d let you all know that the DA called this morning. The judge refused bail for Tatiana and Leigh Ann, claiming they were flight risks, and agreeing that a monitoring bracelet wouldn’t be much of a deterrent.’ A chorus of relieved sighs floated around the room. ‘As for Wainwright, Morton, Harper, and Mendez, bail was set at ten million each, cash only.’

  ‘What about Steve Yarmini?’ Joe asked, but before Alyssa could answer, Hammond appeared in the doorway and stepped inside, closing it behind him as he did.

  That was never a good sign.

  ‘Guards found Yarmini in his cell around six this morning. He hanged himself with his bedsheet.’

  Alyssa and Cord shared a look, but it was Cord who asked, ‘How did he manage that when he’d been removed from the general population over death threats and was on suicide watch?’

  Hammond shrugged and glanced around the room at the others. ‘We’ll be launching an investigation into that matter.’

  Ruby poked her head in. ‘Alyssa, there’s a Spencer McKay on line one for you. He said it’s urgent and that he tried your cell, but it went to voicemail.’

  Alyssa glanced down at her phone. A blinking red light in the corner showed she’d missed a call. Huh. She wondered why she hadn’t heard it. ‘Thanks, Ruby.’

  She felt everyone’s eyes on her as she picked up the extension. ‘Mr. McKay, I heard about your client.’

  ‘Yes, well, heads should roll. But that’s not why I’m calling you. Last night, Yarmini left a message on my phone. I got it this morning. He gave me a list of names you’re going to want to take down. Tell me when you’re ready.’

  ‘Hold on. I’m going to put you on speaker. My captain and team are with me.’

  Hammond’s eyebrows arched high, but he remained where he was.

  ‘Okay, go ahead.’

  ‘As I was saying, my client left a message on my phone giving me a list of players you might be interested in and asked if I’d pass the information on to you. Taylor Adamson is a manager at the Builder’s Depot near the canyon. He was one of Salazar’s first clients. Yarmini met him because Salazar asked if Yarmini would show the man how to get to the house in Placitas. He didn’t indicate how Salazar knew Adamson.’

  Alyssa’s team began to shift in their seats as tensions grew.

  ‘Aaron Anderson is the president of Wellington Power Company near Lovington and was what Yarmini referred to as a “frequent flyer.” You may have heard of Harold Devigne. He’s a United States health official who lives near Show Low, Arizona. The final name he gave me is Doctor Darren Coen from Tucson.’

  Joe and Tony exchanged swift glances with each other before shifting their eyes to Alyssa and Cord as they all wondered if Coen was the reason Tatiana had purchased a bus ticket to Southern Arizona.

  McKay cleared his throat. ‘There’s more. Two of the men, Daryl Wainwright and Martin Mendez, you already have in custody, but Yarmini mentioned that the two men generally operated together. According to my client, during one of Tatiana’s drunken tirades, she let loose that Wainwright and Mendez met through the dark web when they were part of a snuff film. He didn’t mention how she came across them.’

  Blood rushed from Alyssa’s face, making the room spin. Had that been their plan all along? Had their evil rampage been stopped before they could complete that final act? Her stomach roiled as the image of Rachel suspended from the contraption and Katelyn curled into herself on the mattress flashed into her memory and stayed there.

  ‘Detective, I’ll need to go through the proper channels, but I’ll have a copy of this recording to you by day’s end. Good luck and goodbye.’

  Silence filled the room for several seconds after Alyssa settled the receiver back in its cradle. Liz was the first to break it.

  ‘Why do you think he did it? Yarmini, I mean? Give up the names and take his own life?’

  Cord’s voice was gruff, and his face flushed with anger. ‘Maybe he was afraid, or maybe he did it because he really felt crushing guilt for what he did. Maybe he felt like death is what he deserved – and it is. But one thing remains clear: he robbed Meghan Jessup’s family of justice, of seeing him in a courtroom answering for his crimes, of the opportunity to confront him, to show him their faces and to demand he tell them why.’

  Alyssa watched the way her partner’s jaw tightened, how the muscle ticced above his left eye, how every word was punctuated with both grief and rage, and she knew he was thinking about Shelley as much as Meghan Jessup and the others.

  She pushed herself to her feet. ‘Cord’s right. However’ – she tipped her head to the list of names in front of her – ‘while we can’t undo Yarmini’s choice, what we can do is find these guys and round them up before they can hurt anyone else or before they get a chance to skip town.’

  Hammond jerked his head forward in a brief nod. ‘Keep me appris
ed; let me know if you need me to intervene with anything.’ He left the door ajar behind him. ‘I’ll contact the local and state police in Arizona and make them aware of the situation.’

  ‘I’ll notify Lovington police,’ Joe offered.

  ‘And Cord and I will head out to Builder’s Depot. Liz, can you round up Adamson’s residential address for us? Tony, I need you to contact Judge Rosario and get telephonic arrest and search warrants secured.’

  They were already moving. ‘On it.’

  * * *

  Ten o’clock that night, Alyssa sat in her living room with Brock, Holly, Isaac, and Mabel watching the news.

  Channel 7 was there when police moved in and arrested Taylor Adamson in connection with the sex trafficking ring organized and run by Tatiana Salazar, previously employed by land mogul multi-billionaire Bartholomew Rosenfelt. Another employee of Mr. Rosenfelt’s, Steve Yarmini, committed suicide in the county jail sometime between the hours of midnight last night and six this morning. We tried to reach Mr. Rosenfelt for comment, but he has yet to return our call.

  The cameraman panned over to Alyssa and Cord ignoring shouted questions from reporters as they escorted Adamson, his head down, face shielded by his shirt, into the detention center before moving over to footage from the search warrant served upon his home. Just out of camera range, in the shadow of a window, Alyssa knew, stood a teenager watching police raiding her family’s home and taking her father’s belongings. Alyssa didn’t think she’d ever forget the look of horror on the girl’s face at what her father was being accused of. Beside her daughter was Adamson’s wife. A film of moisture covered her eyes, but no tears fell. Instead, she blinked repeatedly, as if she could stop her life from unraveling by doing so.

  Police aren’t speaking, but as this horrifying story unfolds, we caught footage of officers removing Adamson’s vehicle along with several computers and discs from his home. What appears to be a bag of clothing was also taken.


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