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Wynter Reign

Page 9

by Emmy R Bennett

  The wizard narrows his eyes at Cory. “You will lead this team. You know these grounds better than anyone here.”

  Cory nods.

  “With everyone working together hopefully you can bring back Cole and as many Storms as possible, home,” Aoes adds.

  “We will definitely try, Grand Master.” Cory looks perplexed. “One thing, if I may ask?”

  “Go on,” Aoes says.

  “How will we get to them if we are surrounded by the Shadow Walkers? There are so many. The more essence Moyer steals from her victims, the stronger she becomes. Each day, she adds at least ten to twenty more Shadow Walkers to her coven. They will surely see us.”

  “Take this with you. Guard it with your life. You do not want it falling into the wrong hands.” Aoes holds up a key and hands it to Cory.

  “Is that what I think it is?”

  “The key to releasing valiancium cuffs of every Storm family member? Indeed, it is my boy.”

  “H-how did you—” Cory stutters.

  “Acquire it? I’ve had it stashed in my office, hidden away for years. We wizards have a way of knowing certain outcomes.”

  I see Cory’s brow furrow, and I can tell he grows angry, so I grab his hand and squeeze it. Thankfully, it pulls him out of his bloody tirade I know he was about to unleash. I know full well the key could have saved a lot of pain.

  “Are you saying you can see the future? You didn’t know Eve existed, until moments ago,” I blurt.

  Before Aoes can answer, Eve says, “No one can find me, as long as I have my shields up.”

  “Yet,” I retort, “the Trek can.” I begin to think dubious thoughts, but I sense she tells the truth. There is something missing, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I watch her shrink back in her chair. There is, indeed, something she isn’t telling.

  “Perhaps, she has an item on her person that is tracking her?” Aoes peers to Eve's neck. “What about that jewel you wear, My Lady?”

  She touches the gem. “I suppose you could be right. I never thought about that. I feel a little ashamed, now. Looking back, it makes sense. But I can’t destroy this. My mother gave it to me. It’s been in the family’s lineage for centuries.”

  “There may be no need to destroy it. I know someone who might be able to help. But they reside on Dragonscale Island.”

  He smiles, showing his magical staff with the clear crystal sphere setting atop. It glints. “We can fix this,” he says. He turns his attention to Cory. “I realize you’re upset. You must be wondering why Queen Sara didn’t divulge to you we had a spare key. Am I right?”

  “Among other things, yes,” Cory confirms.

  He walks over to Cory and places the key on the table in front of him. “Simple, really. Had it not been for the unlucky detour, Lira, the dark witch had pulled off, you would have been freed of your binding sooner, when coming to the castle. Wynter needs to take this path destiny has chosen for her—to go to Dragonscale. We knew she would be released from her chained cuffs there on the Island. She was still dealing with uncontrollable emotions, so Sara felt the need to leave them on Wynter to subdue her anger. As you may recall, when she was a child, she fell from a rock and screamed in pain from her injury, sending shockwaves through the land, allowing the enemy to know where she was.”

  “Yes, I remember it well,” Cory concurs.

  “Then you should also know the power of her emotions would do the same, providing a beacon to lead the enemy right to us. Besides, you were already free. There was no need at that time to say a word. Now, onto the task at hand. Clasp this key to something safe, put it somewhere where no one will find it but you.”

  “My kangaroo pouch in the palm of my hand, is a good spot.” I nudge Cory, knowing he can read my thoughts.

  I watch him tuck it into his pocket. “That’s definitely not a safe place for that.”

  Cory smirks at me.

  My thoughts are interrupted by Aoes, continuing his spiel. “Zak, here, is an Iknes Shaw, as most of you might have guessed. He will help you with poisons and sniffing out the enemy.” Aoes turns to both Cory and me. “He’s also your tracker.” The wizard smiles. “Thom and Dom are your muscle. They will help you defeat some of the strongest of foes.” Both the dwarves take their hats off and give a small nod.

  “Arryn over there,” he says, and he nods in her direction. “She and Akira will help you hunt the Shadow Walkers down. Akira will be able to sniff out all the invisible dogs, commonly known as the Sabretail Prowlers, as well as the dire wolves. Arryn, can track well, too.”

  “You, my dear,” Aoes says, looking directly at me, “are the port out of there.”

  “But Master Aoes, I-I…”

  “You can and you will. It will come to you. Trust me.” He looks at Cory. “The faster you get to the other Storms, the faster you will have more power on your team. Might I suggest you find your mother, Blair, first? She is the only one in your group that can heal.”

  “That was Wynter who could do that. Not my mother,” Cory points out.

  Aoes smiles. “That’s because Blair still wears the valiancium cuff about her ankle. How is she to heal others if her power has been stripped?”

  Aoes turns to the doors behind him and paces to the pedestal containing a book that stands in the middle of the portal room, and we all watch the pages flip on their own, until they stop turning. A portal door opens to his left. “You will have three days on earth to find everyone and bring them home.

  “Now, I have frozen time,” Aoes goes on, “and turned the clock back to when Wynter, Cory, and the others passed through just days ago. This is where the feeling of déjà vu comes in to play for many people on Earth. Like I said before, you have but a few days’ time in that world. The faster you return, the quicker we can finish this war. Might I remind you, Wynter starts her second trial tomorrow evening on Ladorielle’s timeline.”

  We get up and move towards the open gate. I can see on the other side a balcony with a chair and table off to the side. One wall houses some books from floor to ceiling. “Is this the cottage you spoke about earlier?” I ask.

  “Yes. It’s the loft. Isalora keeps her books there,” Cory says.

  “Perhaps, you all should go through one at a time? Since Isalora knows you, Cory, you should go first. We don’t want anyone suddenly turned to a toad.” Aoes laughs.

  The rest of my party doesn’t seem to find the wizard’s remarks amusing.

  Cory smiles. “Home sweet home, here I come,” he retorts and proceeds through the portal.

  I watch as he passes to the other side. His form looks as though I’m seeing him at the bottom of a pool. Slowly, he vanishes out of sight, and we follow after him.

  Chapter 10

  Wynter Storm

  Morning of the Present Day:

  Ashengale Castle on Dragonscale Island

  A loud grumble from the side of my bed distracts me, and I see Namari open one eye.

  I must have fallen asleep. The sunlight shows through the window, and what I imagine flying outside is not birds but dragons.

  Namari stands and yawns. Thankfully, my room is big enough, because my dragongryph begins to stretch his wings.

  A knock sounds at the door, and I jerk at the noise, forgetting that was what woke me up in the first place, and answer it.

  “There you are,” she says, stepping into my old room. It’s my aunt. “I waited for you in the hall last night, but after an hour passed, I decided to check on you. Found you fast asleep on the bed, so I thought I would return this morning. You must have needed some sleep.”

  “What do you mean? You just left.”

  “No, dear. That was yesterday.”

  “Wow, I must have dozed off. I don’t even remember falling asleep. Give me thirty minutes.”

  “Sure.” She smiles. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.” She shuts the door behind her, leaving Namari and I alone.

  I look at my dragon hybrid who has since laid his head down upon the fl
oor. “Well, Namari, it appears I’m late for a tour of the city.”

  His breathing is loud, and I feel like he’s not at all pleased.

  “What is it boy?”

  He grunts.

  Not able to understand him, I climb upon his back.

  “You best get a move on, little lady, and not keep her Lady waiting.”

  “No, Namari, it can wait. What’s wrong? Why do you look so sad?”

  “Because this morning is your first trial. You will no longer need me after today.”

  “Namari, I will always need you. You’re my friend. My dragon brother. I will never leave you. I don’t know what to expect after the trials, but I will always call upon you. No matter what happens, we will always be friends. Why do you worry so much?”

  “You will understand, once you have completed your first trial.”

  “Don’t be sad, Namari. No matter what happens, I won’t leave you.” I could swear his eyes glisten, but I see no tears. I know in my heart, though, he is worried I will forget him.

  “I love you, Namari,” I say and hug his large neck.

  “Go on, My Princess get ready. We haven’t much time before your transition.”

  I slide down off him and begin to clean up as best I can to meet my aunt out in the hall. Namari warned me to wear something comfortable. That my trial will be unexpected.

  A knock sounds on my door, making me jump. “Wynter, we haven’t all day, child.”

  I look back at my familiar. “Well, here we go?”

  He gives a loud huff, and steam emits through his nostrils.

  “I’ll be back, Namari. I promise.”

  He stretches his wings and lowers his head, as though he’s bowing, then takes off through the large window of my room, fit for a dragon, letting out a loud roar.

  A second knock sounds, prompting me to answer.

  “Are you ready?” my aunt says.

  “Yes,” I say, turning my head back around to see my room.

  “Wynter, is everything all right?”

  “Yes, fine.” I look at her and smile. “Lead the way.”

  Chapter 11

  Rory Fernshadow

  The Past:

  The Cottage at Storm River Manor

  I pass through the gate and immediately hear the howling of wind outside. Daylight shows through the windows, as snowflakes fall to the ground. A fire is lit down below in the hearth, and it appears that the little cottage is empty.

  Cory is already downstairs checking out the home. A few seconds later, Thom and Dom follow through the portal.

  I move down below with Cory and stand next to him by the fireplace. We both look up towards the loft watching the others pass through the teleporter. Arryn comes through next, followed by her tiger, Akira, and then Zak.

  One big happy family.

  “Where is she?” I hear Dom say from the balcony.

  Cory shakes his head. “Nobody’s here.”

  “Has something happened to her?” I ask.

  As though the front door has ears, it swings open, and there, appearing at the threshold, is a young girl looking no older than thirteen. She freezes when she sees us and runs back outside screaming for Isalora.

  “I gather she thinks we’re intruders,” Zak says.

  “Aoes said she was expecting us. Relax,” Cory assures him.

  Seconds later, a glowing sphere swooshes in like a lightning bolt. It is so bright we all shield our eyes. It zooms back and forth, up to the loft and then back down, going so fast it’s hard to keep up. The fire in the hearth explodes with flames, startling us, and we jump. This is followed by a roar from Akira, making us jump again. The glowing wisp travels to the tiger, circling the animal, then zooms to the center of the living room.

  An image forms gradually until we see a woman with dark hair and emerald eyes appear. She wears a white chiffon dress under her hooded cloak. On her arm is a basket filled with what looks like herbs.

  “You must be the crew Aoes warned me about,” she says. She looks over at Cory. “Good to see you again, my boy. Who are these people you have brought?” She looks to me. “Why do you look so familiar? It’s like I’ve seen you before.”

  I take a bow. “I’m Rory, My Lady.”

  “It appears you know who I am, as well?” She smiles. “You have red hair like Geneviève. You must be her other daughter?”

  “Indeed, I am.” I nod at her again.

  “Thom and Dom, is that really you up there standing upon my balcony?”

  The two of them smile like I have never seen them smile before. “Lady Isalora,” they say at the same time.

  “It is good to see you two,” she says. “Arryn,” Isalora begins, “How is my grandmother?”

  “She’s good, My Lady. Still stubborn as ever, though.” Arryn laughs. “Aoes was worried you may not recognize us.”

  “How could I ever forget my loyal friends? Never my dear friend, never.” Isalora scratches the chin of Akira. “And you my furry pal… how is my favorite familiar?”

  Akira purrs loudly. Isalora creates a large T-bone steak in the palm of her hand, dropping it to the floor, and the cat attacks the meat. “He still loves his drake meals, doesn’t he?” she asks.

  Zak clears his throat, drawing her attention. She comes to him, saying, “And who might you be? I could smell you all the way down the river, where Stella informed me of your arrival. If I can sense you, you can be sure Moyer isn’t going to be far behind.”

  “This is Zak,” I cut in.

  “I see.” She turns to me and firms a smile. “And an Iknes Shaw.” She circles him, like he’s a dubious intruder. “An Iknes Shaw keeping in the company of the Storm Royal Court? How is it you became part of an elite team such as this?”

  It’s the first time I’ve seen an Iknes Shaw associating with the elves and sorceresses, so I can understand her suspicions.

  Isalora says, “You mingle with the Trek and the Orcs. Your kind is in cahoots with the giants. Giants that killed my sister, no doubt, and you dare cross this dimension to here? Granted, you obviously have good intentions, else the portal would have ripped you to pieces before you could pass through.”

  I hear a loud gulp come from Zak. “I-I’m Nora’s older brother.”

  “I see. Have you come for her? To save her from the evil that has possessed her soul? I dare say, if you think to come here to bring her back from the depths of hell she has entered, then you’re clearly mistaken. Moyer has destroyed her very existence. When she found out that Nora was playing both sides of the coin, Moyer drained Nora of all her poison and burned her at the stake.”

  Anger causes Zak’s eyes to morph to yellow, and his skin turns to scales, transforming him into an Iknes Shaw when they are about to hunt.

  “Yes,” Isalora coos, “allow that anger to fester inside you. It will definitely help us in the battle we face ahead. Being the entity, I am, I’m able to see that Grand Master Aoes has set back time to a few weeks before what has already transpired. Perhaps you will have a chance to save your sister, Nora, after all. I was beginning to wonder if Wynter would pull this off.”

  My head spins, trying to keep up with the logic. “What do you mean?”

  “The first full moon has already come and gone here on Earth, but time has been reset, thanks to Aoes. When you and your group came through the portal a moment ago, it set off a new series of events. As you might be aware, magic has its restrictions, and altering a timeline cannot be done more than once, it too, has its limitations.

  “Yes, I do seem to remember something was mentioned in The Hall of Secrets,” I say.

  Isalora looks to Zak. “Know that if you and your team do not pull this off, Nora will die again, and the cycle will repeat itself, but this time, for good.”

  The door thrusts open, startling us, and breaks the tension. The same girl we surprised a moment ago stands there, asking, “Lady Isalora?”

  “Yes, child. Don’t worry. It’s safe.” Her lips curve, taking her focu
s off Zak, and turns to the girl. “Stella, I want you to meet my friends.” She goes to the teen standing by the door. Isalora flicks her wrist and shuts the entrance. “Boys and girls, I would like you to meet Stella.”

  The girl, Stella, nods.

  “I’ve been teaching her recipes and things that will pose fruitful to us in the near future. Please, everyone take a seat. There’s also a boiling pot of stew on the stove. Is anyone hungry?”

  “Pardon my rudeness,” Cory begins, “stew isn’t going to satisfy my appetite. I need something more…tangible. Besides, we came to free Redmae and the others, not lounge around and eat.”

  Isalora comes face to face with Cory, looking into his eyes. “Is that so? Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?” She pauses, pacing back to the kitchen. “How long has it been since you’ve had a human?”

  I hear Cory gulp air, as though Isalora reminded him of the need to quench his thirst he didn’t know he had. “A long time. I’ve been fasting. I don’t want to kill an innocent.”

  “An innocent, I can understand, yes, but you need blood. Looks as though you will need essence to curve that necromancer side of you, as well. You’re looking a little thin. This poses a problem, I’m afraid. We can’t have you eating the orphans of Storm River Manor, like you did in the past. That would definitely trigger Moyer’s attention.”

  “What?” I’m astounded. “You can’t be serious? Is this the secret you have kept so close to your un-beating heart? Cory Storm, you disgust me.”

  “What do you expect from a nytemire, Rory?” Isalora cuts in. “They are predators, born carnivorous beings that hunt for food, and nothing is exempt from the fangs that sink into the flesh of their victims.” She pauses for a second and looks around at each of us, asking, “Did Wynter have her share of blood, by chance?”

  “Yes,” I snarl. “She ate my mother.”


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