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Wynter Reign

Page 16

by Emmy R Bennett

  “Stay focused,” Cory says. “Don’t look back. If they recognized us, they would have engaged. I’m guessing they think we’re sabretail prowlers.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I say. “Red knows something is off. I can feel it.”

  We speed across the clearing from the woods to the manor. I see wolves in the distance come up over a hill, with one wolf that sticks out more than the others. Its coat is white, and it’s much larger than the rest of the pack. Immediately, I notice this beast is my sister. With her eyes glowing crimson, she howls, and more wolves begin to appear adjacent to her.

  “Cory, we’re surrounded.”

  “Keep moving. We’re almost there. Don’t stop running.”

  Across the field, Redmae howls again, as though she’s giving the signal to attack, and the pack begins to descend the hill, racing toward us. The howls from the wolves bring attention to the sabretail prowlers, and they, too, come running.

  “So much for your brilliant plan, Cory,” I remark.

  “We need to get to that door fast,” he says. Stella rides on Cory’s back, and he charges as fast as he can to the back porch of the library. His vampire skills do not disappoint. “Quick, get inside.”

  We manage to squeeze through the entrance in the nick of time. The invisible sabretail prowlers are ruthless and paw at the exit way. To anyone else, it would seem as though high winds were pounding away at the doors.

  A head maid appears to be tidying up the chairs and tables in the library when she looks in our direction, saying, “Miss Blair, do you suppose we’re in for another storm?”

  Blair stands by the card catalog, filing. “Perhaps,” she says, not looking up. “Rosie, would you check to see that the back entrance to the library is locked?”

  I look back at the glass French doors and see the wolves growl and pace the porch, showing their fierce canines. Drool drips from their jaws, and their eyes glow a bright scarlet. Our illusion allows us to see the sabretail prowlers are ramming at the doors.

  The maid backs away. “Oh my.”

  “Rosie, what is it?” Blair joins her.

  “They can’t see us, remember?” Cory reminds. “Stay close. Now is our chance to get to the locked portal while they’re distracted by the wolves.”

  “They see something–us,” I protest.

  “No, they don’t. They see Redmae and her pack. Come on, let’s get to the Hall of History where we’re all protected before Blair or Rosie figure out they’re not alone,” Cory urges.

  Stella comes off Cory’s back and walks next to him. We follow. He guides her behind the counter of the library desk, where he shows Stella the key.

  Stella figures it out and pulls a skeleton key out from underneath, inserting it into the locked gate, and draws the attention of the two others in the library.

  “What was that?” the maid asks.

  “I don’t know,” Blair answers.

  We hear footsteps. “Hurry up,” Cory says. But Stella can’t understand him, so he nudges her forward.

  Stella opens the door, and we all slip inside, but not before a hand catches the ridge of the doorframe. Blair and the maid slip inside, as well.

  “They can’t see us,” Cory assures.

  “No,” Arryn adds, “but she can sense us. She knows someone is here.”

  The closet is confining, making it hard for us to move. We’re packed in like sardines.

  “Who are you?” Blair asks. “I see the key floating in the air, so obviously you’re not evil, else you would have burned coming through the door. Reveal yourself now please and give me the key.” She puts out her hand.

  Cory nudges Stella some more, pushing her farther down the hall closet. “Stella doesn’t understand us. Keep Blair away until Stella unlocks the second door. She mustn’t be seen until she’s protected behind The Iron Door of Secrets.”

  The dwarves, Arryn, her cat, Zak, and I form a barrier to prevent Blair and the maid from following Cory and Stella. I push forward, using my body as best I can to block Blair and the maid from passing. “Cory, hurry up. We can’t hold these two for long. They’re both strong.” I glance briefly to see Cory pull at Stella to keep moving. Stella is horrified. It’s written on her face. She turns, following Cory to the green door that’s around the corner.

  Stella slips the key into the second door and it opens. The name “Iron Door of Secrets” lights above the doorframe. We all race inside, but before the entrance shuts, Blair and the maid, come through, as well.

  “I’ll ask again. Who are you?” Blair demands. The maid stands beside her, as though she, too, demands that same answer.

  Stella reveals herself first. The look on the women’s faces is priceless. “Stella, is that really you? What’s going on? How do you know about this place? You shouldn’t be here.”

  The girl smiles. “On the contrary, it’s the safest place for me.” She moves one of her hands, revealing the rest of the party. We stand next to Stella as wolves.

  “Miss Blair, Rosie…these wolves have helped me escape. You may know one of them as Cory.” She removes his illusion first.

  The look in Blair’s eyes tells me she’s stunned. “How is this possible?” she asks, glancing to the maid, and then each of us. “Cory? Moyer said you were dead.”

  “I’m sure she wishes that were true. As you can see, I’m alive and well.”

  She hesitates a moment, as though it’s all a dream, and then moves to hug him.

  Stella removes the rest of our party’s illusions. After a moment, I clear my throat, breaking their embrace. “So, who’s going to begin introductions?” I ask.

  “Right,” Cory says. “For those that don’t know, this is my mother, Blair, and over there is Rosie, the head maid.”

  “Please to meet everyone,” Rosie says.

  “Shall we sit and talk? Do you have time?” He looks at Blair and Rosie.

  “Do we have time? You spring this little surprise, and then say such a silly question, Cory Storm?” Blair takes in a deep breath. “I’m guessing you’re here to grab the rest of the family and take us back?” She pulls a chair, sits, and we follow suit.

  The oval table distracts me a minute. “Am I looking at the same furniture we sat at, at Storm Castle? Come to think of it, it looks to be the same room, too.”

  “Yes, remember we talked about this earlier? And beyond there”—Cory points to a door— “is Ladorielle.”

  “Why hasn’t Moyer discovered this room yet?” I ask.

  “She can’t find the key,” Cory presses. “Besides, the Iron Door to the Hall of Secrets wasn’t accessible before Wynter began to acquire her gifts. Sooner rather than later, I might add. This hub will also drop us off at the cottage. It’s one-way, though. The cottage doesn’t have access back to here.”

  Irritated, I say, “How convenient.”

  “Hang on a minute,” Blair butts in. “Can we back up, please? What’s going on?”

  We fill them in on the plan.

  “So, what’s the strategy now?” Blair asks.

  “We tell Queen Sara of Stella’s arrival,” Cory says. “But she must stay here in this hub until she can be safely ported to Dragonscale Island.”

  “Akira and I will inform the queen,” Arryn volunteers. “If the guards see any of you unescorted and scouting the castle quarters, they will become suspicious. I’m her huntress. They dare not question my business.”

  “I don’t understand. Why can’t I pass through, straight to Dragonscale Island?” Stella asks.

  “Because you will burn to ash,” Cory answers. “It’s how the kingdom of Ashengale is kept safe from those who wish the city harm. The island is like a moat, except where there would be water, there is molten lava. Anyone who crosses through those doors will be burned to a crisp if they do not have dragon blood running through their veins.”

  “Thanks for the visual,” Stella says. “Then how am I to get to that Kingdom?”

  “With a druid,” I say, “and I’m guess
ing since I’m the only one here, it will be me?”

  “That will pose as a problem,” Rosie begins. “Not everyone may enter the Iron Door of Secrets. Your brother, Cole, being one of them, Cory.” She looks at Zak, as though she knows who he is. “And my daughter, Nora.”

  “You must be Nora’s mother?” Zak presses. “I never thought I would come face to face with you.”

  “Yes, and who might you be?”

  “Her brother.”

  She takes a moment to respond. “So, it appears your father had many mistresses.”

  “I never met my father. I was raised by my human mother.”

  “Human? How on earth did your father acquire a human?” Rosie demands.

  “My mother was kidnapped as a little girl while camping with her father and brother. When I found out I had another sibling that was like me...your daughter, Nora, I knew I needed to find her.”

  I grow irritated. “Perhaps if we live through this, we can all hear our war stories. For now, let’s cut the chit chat and figure out a plan. We don’t have time for this.”

  “She’s right,” Cory agrees. “Arryn, go inform the queen of our arrival to the Hall of Secrets.”

  Arryn and her cat get up, take a bow, and vanish through the passageway to Ladorielle.

  “Stella,” Cory adds, “you’re much safer here in the Hall of Secrets than anywhere else on Ladorielle, except maybe Ashengale. Remember, no one but us know you’re a Light Witch. We need to keep it that way…for now.”

  “Wait, what?” Blair asks. “A Light Witch? I get it now. Why didn’t you say that in the beginning? I would have understood.”

  “Sorry, with so much going on, I forgot to mention it.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “You forgot? Cory Storm, your memory is slipping.”

  The rest of the group laughs.

  Cory smiles. “Anyway, Stella, this will be your home away from home for a while. At least until we can get you a safe passage to Ashengale.”

  Stella appears annoyed. “And in the meantime?”

  “We plan carefully to acquire as many Storms as we can,” he says.

  “I see one flaw in this,” Rosie exclaims. “Moyer will notice Blair and I are missing.”

  Blair nods. “Yes, she’s right.” She begins to pace the floor.

  “Well, I’m sure Moyer will know soon, if she hasn’t caught on already. The wolves spotted us along with the sabretail prowlers when we crossed the field and approached the library doors.” My mind is reeling with frustration. “Besides, Isalora already said the scent of an Iknes Shaw, let her know Zak was present when we first arrived.”

  “Anyone else have an idea as to what to do?” Zak asks.

  “Yeah, find my sister. We know she’s out on the compound pacing the manor parameter waiting for her chance to pounce.”

  Cory glares at me. “All well and good, Rory. But one wrong move and our surprise rescue mission will be foiled.”

  “I hate to break it to you Cory, but if what you say is true—about Moyer having a keen sense of awareness—then she already knows we’re in the castle,” I say.

  “Rory's right," Cory says. "How are we to get everyone together at the same time? One member of the compound goes missing, and Moyer will be put on higher alert than she already is.”

  Cory paces toward the Iron Door of Secrets, leading back to the Hall of History.

  “Where are you going?” I ask

  Cory glares at me. “I’m going back to observe who comes and goes in the Library. I want to know if she has any Shadow Walkers lurking around.”

  “You can’t possibly think I’m going to allow you to go alone, do you?” Blair presses.

  He stops, staring at Blair, then to the rest of us in the room. “They can’t see us from the other side, remember? The door is a one-way looking glass.”

  “I would like to observe with you,” Zak says.

  An untrusting expression flashes across Cory’s face. He straightens his posture. “No, you must stay here. It was one thing when you were disguised as a sabretail prowler, but now that you’re no longer shielded by magic, she will smell your presence. At least this chamber protects all of you, from just about everything.”

  I hear Zak gulp, as though he wasn’t prepared to hear that.

  “I’m coming with you,” Blair says. She turns to look at Rosie. “Moyer will be expecting you in the dining hall very soon. She will notice you’re missing and be tipped off that you’re included in our little scheme. What you know, she will sense it, too. We must protect you and the others.”

  “Yes, Miss, I understand. Does anyone have a pen and paper?” she asks, looking around the room.

  Dom points to a wooden buffet with a chest of drawers. A mirror hangs above it. “You might find something in there.”

  “Ah, yes, thank you,” she says and proceeds to take a pen and paper out to write a note.

  Curious, I ask, “What are you doing?” She doesn’t take but a few seconds, and tears the paper, folds it, and tucks it into her pocket.

  “Oh, it’s just a little scribble, dear. This is my way of reminding myself when my mind has been erased.”

  “Excuse me? Erased?” I look at Cory, and immediately I know I’m not going to like what is about to happen. “You wouldn’t.”

  “It has to be done,” Rosie cuts in. “We have to protect Stella and the others. Like I told Wynter a few days ago before the ball, I have no jewelry to protect me from Moyer’s invasion. At least if my mind is erased from what has occurred today, your cover will not be blown.”

  “Then how will you know when to come back here?”

  “By tucking this in my pocket as a reminder.” She reveals what it says.

  Meet in the library tomorrow after it closes.

  “Now then,” she goes on, “Blair, I’m ready.” She slips off her ring and tucks it, too, in the same pocket.

  “We will go to the Hall of History to do this. I don’t want you to see Cory and the others,” Blair says.

  I glare at Blair. “Am I to assume you’re protected from Moyer’s mind and don’t need compelling like Rosie?”

  She holds up her necklace and smiles. “Yes. Wait here. I’ll let you know when it’s clear.” Blair walks with Rosie out the door they entered earlier.

  I’m fuming mad knowing this family thinks all they need to do is compel an innocent and call it good.

  “It has to be done, Rory.”

  “Will you get out of my head, Cory,” I yell.

  “I’ll be amazed if any of us pull this off at all with the way you two fight,” Zak cuts in.

  I stiffen at Zak’s remark but keep my mouth shut. He’s right, bigger fish to fry at the moment. I turn to Stella, Thom, and Dom. “Will our plan work?”

  “It has to,” Cory says. “Getting the Storms out is our only chance.”

  The Hall of History door opens, and I watch Blair walk back through. “Cory, might I have a word with you?”

  The look on Blair’s face is a mix of irritation, worry, and anger.

  “Sure.” Cory nods and follows her back through the secret doors.

  Chapter 22

  Cory Storm

  The Past:

  Hall of History inside Storm River Manor

  “What is it that you’re thinking?” I ask my mother, Blair, as the Iron Door of Secrets closes.

  She points to the opposite entrance leading into the library. “We can see out, but they cannot see in.”

  “I know. What are you getting at?”

  “We need to try picking off a Storm one by one, sending them through this gate, until they are all safely through,” Blair says.

  “She will catch on.”

  “Yes, but we have to try.”

  “Okay, I can hide out in this hall closet.”

  “She’s got the compound on high alert. I didn’t want to alarm the others, but I’m not sure what to do. She has her suspicions.”

  “Isalora warned us that the smell of an Iknes S
haw can be sensed miles away,” I say. “Do you think that’s what tipped her off?”

  “Possibly. To be honest, I sensed Zak, myself. Nora has been around for a long time and her sent has become familiar unlike her brother.”

  “What do you propose?”

  “I’m hoping we can spy on the library a bit, to see if a Storm might cross our path. Moyer doesn’t know you’re here, but I’m not going to sugar coat this. She already has all the children compelled, not just for the dining room meal, but throughout the entire day.”

  “What are you saying?” I demand. “That she has these orphans doing her bidding, like a Shadow Walker?”

  “Something like that, yes. There's no longer a single innocent child left in this manor compound, except the ones caged below. The human children are gone, and all that is left are the supernatural ones, and she’s managed to turn them wicked. She’s either turned the children into little monsters of her creation or sold them to other covens or clans. The ones that were left sit in the cells below waiting to be devoured for essence, so she can keep her youthful appearance.”

  “What do you suggest we do? Kidnap as many Storms as possible tonight?” I feel a sense of panic.

  “Precisely.” She grins. “I’ll give an excuse, luring them here.”

  “How will I know when you have reached them all and communicated to them the plan?”

  “Nobody knows that the protection shield was broken from Wynter and think this gate is still locked. I didn’t want that knowledge to get into the wrong hands, so I never told Chad or Derek. You go back in there,” she says, pointing to the Iron Door of Secrets, “and tell them the plan.”

  “What about Cole?”

  “I haven’t seen him for days. Nora, either, for that matter.”

  “How do you expect us to get past the sabretail prowlers?” I try to think of an alternative option.

  “You let me handle that. I’m the one in charge of releasing them every morning and bringing them in, in the evening. We must strike at night to get to Red, as well as finding Cole and Nora.”

  “And Chad, Derek, what about them?”

  “I’ll bring them here. Meet me at the tunnel entrance under the bridge tomorrow.”


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