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Claiming Her Mates: Book One

Page 7

by Dia Cole

  There was no option of refusing the position. Gabriel had made it clear Tasha would torture me if I refused her request, and if I tried to run… Well the grim look on his face told me how that would turn out. By pledging myself to Tasha I’d lost my freedom and my family forever.

  Even worse, just a few days into my new job, I was contacted by a private investigator. He’d told me my parents were searching for me. I had him relay the message that I’d located my biological family and no longer wished contact with my adoptive family. Telling those lies killed me, but it was the only way to keep them safe.

  I hoped they were able to get to safety after the anonymous warning message I’d dared to send them about the coming epidemic. But I couldn’t let myself be optimistic about their chances for survival. England was no better equipped to handle the masses of infected than this country. Unfortunately, most humans didn’t have the foresight to build places like Winterhaven, or Sanctuary for that matter.

  Outside the car window, the formidable eighteen-foot stone walls surrounding Sanctuary came into view. Ever suspicious of humans and paranoid of attacks by rival Lykos factions, Tasha had ensured that her vacation home, like Winterhaven, was one of the most secure locations in the region.

  Liam stopped the car at the wrought-iron front gate, rolled down his window, and punched in a code on a keypad.

  Immediately, the gate swung open revealing the driveway up to the massive timber-framed lodge. The eastern portion of the sprawling building looked to be under construction with tools, lumber, and heavy equipment lying under blankets of snow.

  “The construction crews were recalled to Winterhaven yesterday,” Liam said answering my unspoken question. “They’ve been working night and day to finish the pool by the January deadline Tasha gave them.”


  “Yeah,” Liam said dryly. “Tasha wants an in-ground lap pool and sauna. And what Tasha wants—”

  “She gets,” Gabriel finished for him.

  I shook my head. Pool. Seriously? As if the ten-bedroom luxurious mountain lodge equipped with a hidden lower level capable of withstanding a direct nuclear attack and outfitted with enough supplies to keep Tasha and her entourage going for years wasn’t enough.

  Liam parked the SUV by the front steps, and he and Gabriel got out of the vehicle.

  With a sigh, I slid out of my seat and followed the two males up the impressive stone staircase.

  As Liam tapped a code into another keypad by the door, he explained that a mixture of solar panels and wind turbines powered this property. Sanctuary would not be affected if and when the power grids went down.

  The door clicked and Gabriel turned the handle and strode inside.

  “What’s the code?” I asked Liam as we stepped across the landing.

  He ignored me.

  I took a deep breath inhaling the scent of pine and lemon-scented wood polish. “Fine. I’ll remember that if you ever need emergency medical care.”

  The giant grinned. “I like your grit, Doc. Few males have the balls to talk to me that way.”

  Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t either, but these were far from normal circumstances and I was tired of being ignored and pushed around.

  “Since I sometimes work with the construction crew, I’ve been entrusted with the codes,” Liam explained, shutting the door behind us. “If I were to give them to you and Tasha were to find out…”

  He didn’t need to finish the sentence. “Right.” I made the mistake of glancing up at the massive antler chandelier hanging from the lofty wood beam ceiling. Ugh! This place reeked of Tasha’s singular taste from the various bear pelts scattered over the gleaming wood floors to the countless animal trophies mounted over the stone fireplace in the foyer. My eyes bugged out at the sight of a taxidermied wolf captured mid-growl at the foot of the massive wood staircase. Surely, it couldn't be… “Is that one of ours?”

  Liam glanced over at the wolf and gritted his teeth. “An unfortunate Lykos male from the Moon Valley faction. Tasha loves to display her kills. Fair warning you’ll find them all over the lodge.”

  I shuddered. Great. “And why are we breaking into the psychopath’s vacation home again?”

  “We’ll be fine as long as she doesn’t find out.” Gabriel said, staring into the wolf’s glassy black eyes. “I’ll touch base with Nathan and contact Winterhaven. Everyone working here should’ve been evacuated, but there could be stragglers. Liam, I want you to check out the property and make sure it’s clear. The last thing we need is one of the cleaning staff or a construction worker discovering us here.”

  Liam grunted. “Tasha will expect us by nightfall. What are you going to tell her?”

  “That Nathan and the coming storm delayed us. She'll buy it. She has to expect that the Alpha male will resist her orders.” Gabriel looked over at me. “There’s supposed to be an infirmary on the lower level.”

  “There is,” Liam said, nodding.

  “Good. Mason, go down there and do an inventory. Make sure you have everything you’ll need.”

  “Need for what?” I asked puzzled.

  “To continue your research on a cure for the Z-virus and save the world,” Gabriel said, stalking off down the hall.

  No pressure there. I turned to Liam. “Where is it?” Although I’d initially been consulted when Tasha wanted to add an infirmary to her fallout shelter, I’d never been on-site.

  Liam motioned me to follow him down the hallway until we came to a library.

  A low whistle escaped my lips as I glanced up at the massive collection of books. The pine bookcases stretched two stories tall and covered the length of the basketball court-sized room. Cathedral windows bathed the gleaming tomes in morning light. Despite my hatred for the female, I couldn’t help being impressed. “I never figured Tasha for a reader.”

  Liam snorted. “She’s not. She had this built for her son.”

  “Oh,” I said softly thinking of the mysterious Alpha male. I hadn’t had too many run-ins with Tyberius, but knowing he was also a book lover increased my regard for him.

  Keeping my gaze locked on the books, I stepped around another taxidermied wolf. “This looks like a first edition,” I murmured, reaching for a gold embossed volume of Oliver Twist.

  Liam stopped at the next bookcase. He tugged on the spine of Heart of Darkness and the wall of books swung open revealing an elevator inside.

  I laughed. “A hidden elevator behind a bookcase? It’s a bit clichéd don’t you think?”

  Liam shrugged. “They don’t ask me. Take the elevator down a floor. The infirmary is the second door on the right. You can’t miss it. It’s right next to the storage room.”

  I stepped into the elevator, but stopped the door before it closed. “You agree with me about Havana, right? There's plenty of space for her here.” Hell, there was space enough for a quarter of our faction here.

  Liam grimaced. “Yeah, but there is no budging Gabriel. When he’s set his mind to something he can be one stubborn ass.”

  “Then you—”

  Liam cut me off. “Don’t worry about the female, Doc. I plan on paying her a visit real soon.” With a smirk the red-haired giant walked away.

  “Asshole,” I murmured from inside the steel box. As the elevator descended, I quickly stomped down my jealous reaction. Havana wouldn’t be interested in a brute like that. She needed a male that would see to her care and happiness. But how can I care for her when she’s miles away? Lost in thought, I stepped off the elevator and sucked in a lungful of stale recirculated air.

  Recessed lights on motion sensors turned on as I navigated past what looked like a sleeping area. Across the underground passageway was a warehouse-sized space filled with aisles of canned and packaged food. Not a bad place to ride out the apocalypse, I thought as I strode through the next door.

  The infirmary was just as I’d specified in the plans, with an exam table and two hospital beds in the middle of the room. Across from the counter was a
wall of glass cabinets. Upon closer inspection, I found them filled with every kind of medication and medical equipment imaginable. If there was a life-threatening emergency, this room had nearly everything I needed to save lives. However, it also had virtually none of the specialized equipment and supplies I needed to continue my research on the Z-virus.

  A soft electric hum led me to the back of the room where an upright medical refrigerator stood. I peered through the glass door and started at the sight of dozens of bags of blood stacked on the shelves. “Oh, yeah,” I muttered remembering that Tasha had required her entourage donate blood in case they needed it in a medical emergency. The bitch thought of everything. I glowered, looking at the bags of blood printed with her name on them. She’d even donated several pints herself. As if the she-wolf would ever need a blood transfusion. Between her ability to regenerate any but the most severe injuries and the dozens of Enforcers who’d die before letting harm come to her, she was the last person who’d ever need medical attention.

  Not like Havana. The cut on the beautiful female’s hand could get infected and there was the issue with her lower back. I hadn’t missed how she’d winced every time something jolted her. Since I couldn’t continue my research, at least I could use my medical training to help her. I walked back over to the glass cabinets and rummaged through them until I found the supplies I needed. After a quick pit stop at the storage room, I marched back to the elevator. Gabriel and his orders could go to hell. I was a doctor and my job was to help those in need. Right now Havana needs me.



  It took thirty minutes for my heart rate to return to normal. Then it took another thirty minutes of me kneeling on the table to rethink my choices from the night before. I should’ve just gone to Max. He and Justin would’ve thrown Mason and Gabriel out of the club, walked me to my car, and I’d be cozy in my rat-free apartment right now.

  And zombies would be breaking down the door. I shook my head to dismiss that thought. The authorities will get the vaccine reactions under control. Running for the mountains was a complete overreaction and now I was stuck up here in this horrible place that didn’t even have a bathroom. Ugh. What kind of people choose to live like this? I’ll bet the guys are staying somewhere with running water and electricity. Screw them!

  Would you? my subconscious asked.

  Maybe, I answered honestly.

  I flushed thinking of how amazing Mason’s arms had felt around me. The gorgeous doctor was the whole package. Smart, handsome, and yet still considerate and tender. I could totally see myself falling for him. And Liam was tempting too.

  The giant’s ability to switch between fierce alpha male protector and romantic flirt was so freaking hot. The skank in me was dying to see him without his clothes. I’ll bet he’s freaking huge. My stomach tightened at the thought. Damn. Despite what I did for a living, I didn’t normally lust after strange men. In fact, I hadn’t gone near another guy since my breakup with Nathan.

  Get a grip, Vana. They were Nathan’s friends, and that made them off-limits. At least according to Gabriel. My mood darkened at the thought of the condescending one-eyed asshole. What the hell is wrong with that guy? It was clear he hated my guts and it couldn’t just be because I tried to give him and Mason the slip at the club. No. There was something more to his coldness. Some woman had hurt him. Badly. I mentally gave that mystery woman a high five. He probably deserved it. I can’t believe he expects me to stay in this rat-infested shithole.

  I shuddered. How ironic to flee the zombie virus only to contract rabies and die.

  The door behind me creaked open. Shrieking in surprise, I nearly toppled to the floor.

  “Havana?” came a sexy accented voice. “Why are you crouched on the table?”

  I spun around to see Mason standing in the doorway with a large box in his hands.

  “There are rats everywhere!” I cried.

  “Well, we can’t have that, can we?” He dropped the box he was carrying and came over to the table. “Let me help you down.”

  Clutching his hand, I stepped down and stumbled on my stupid broken heel.

  Mason caught me before I fell. “As amazing as you look in these boots, we have to get you better footwear.”

  “Yeah,” I gasped through the flare of back pain.

  He gave me a concerned look, his golden brows drawing together. “It’s your back again, isn’t it?”

  “It’s fine,” I assured him as I stared into his hypnotizing blue eyes. Have I ever seen another pair of blue eyes quite this sexy?

  “It’s clearly not fine.” His expression turned clinical. “Were you injured?”

  After I told him about my initial fall and where the pain was on my lower back, he gently probed the area. “Hmm. It’s challenging to diagnose conclusively without imaging, but I’d wager you herniated a disc.”

  I sucked in a breath. “That sounds serious. Do I need surgery?”

  “Generally, no. In most cases, they heal on their own. What you need is rest and some pain relief.” He pulled a bottle of pills from his pocket and handed them to me.

  “Oxy?” I said a little too hopefully.

  “No. Ibuprofen.”

  “Oh, well better than nothing.” I opened the bottle and popped two pills in my mouth.

  He held up his hand as if to stop me. “You should take those with—”

  I dry swallowed the pills and set the bottle on the table.

  He sighed and shook his head. “There’s something else that might help.” He walked over to the box he’d left by the door and retrieved a black, corset-looking thing.

  “If you wanted me in lingerie all you had to do was ask.” I winked.

  His tanned face reddened. “It’s a back brace that’ll provide lumbar support and hopefully relieve some of your pain.” He held it up as he walked back to my side. “It’s Velcro and easy to put on. You’ll want to wear it under your dress.” He coughed. “I can wait outside while you change.” He turned toward the door.

  “No, wait,” I said, stopping him. I didn’t want to be alone in this place even for a minute. Besides, the naughty stripper in me wanted to push this primal attraction to the doctor a little further. “Could you help me put it on?” I asked a little too breathlessly.

  He grinned. “Well, I am good with my hands.”

  “Good.” I reached behind me and unzipped the back of my dress.

  I probably imagined the catch in his breath as the gown slid to the ground leaving me in just a tiny thong and the thin strip of fabric covering my breasts.

  His eyes widened as they followed the curves of my body. “You’re stunning,” he murmured before clearing his throat.

  The notion that he was as attracted to me as I was to him heated my blood “Should I take this off too?” I asked, pointing to my top.

  “N-no. That’s not necessary.” His voice sounded hoarse. “Can you hold out your arms?”

  I raised my arms.

  He knelt down behind me and wrapped the fabric brace around the small of my back.

  An electric current seemed to hit me each time his hands brushed my skin. I bit back a moan when his fingers grazed my hip.

  “Does that hurt?” he asked.

  I shook my head. God, no. Quite the opposite. I didn’t know why I was getting so turned on, but just then I didn’t care.

  He grabbed my hips with his hands and gently turned me so I faced him. Then he adjusted the Velcro front of the brace. “That should work.”

  There was something undeniably erotic about having a gorgeous man on his knees in front of me. I whispered his name.

  He looked up and moistened his lips. Lips that were inches away from my—

  My stomach let out a growl so loud it disturbed the rats.

  Mason jolted, looking between my stomach and the skittering noises in the wall. “Sounds like you’re hungry.”

  Embarrassed, I nodded.

  “Then let’s get you something to eat.” Mason h
elped pull up my dress and then all but carried me to the SUV parked out front.

  I shivered as a cold gust of wind pelted us.

  “Here’s your jacket,” he said after getting me settled in the back seat. “I’ll get some heat going.” He opened the driver’s door and turned on the ignition.

  I relaxed as warm air surrounded me.

  He went back into the cabin and returned with a granola bar, dried fruit, and a box of cheese crackers. “Here’s some food. It’s not much. Sorry. I was trying to get back here as soon as I could.”

  “Looks great.” My stomach rumbled in appreciation. It’d been nearly twelve hours since I’d eaten. I inhaled the granola bar and fruit, then tore into the box of crackers. Mason scooted in next to me and closed the car door. He smiled as he watched me eat. “I love a female with a good appetite.”

  My face warmed as I realized that I’d nearly finished half the box of crackers. Really sexy, eating like a lumberjack, Vana. I wiped crumbs off my chin with my hand. “You know I’m good here if you wanted to go battle the rodents of unusual size.” I waved at the shack.

  He chuckled. “As tempting as that sounds, would you mind if I sat with you a bit? I’m a little famished myself.”

  “Of course.” I offered him the box of crackers and for the next hour we ate and talked. Mason was easy to chat with and I soon learned he’d spent his entire childhood and young adulthood at a private English boarding school.

  “You must’ve been lonely,” I said, wondering why his parents had gone to the trouble of adopting him only to send him away.

  He shrugged. “It wasn’t so bad. At least I got to go home for the holidays.”

  “Yeah, the holidays.” I winced at the memories of spending Christmases alone waiting for my mom to stumble home from the arms of whatever guy she’d been hooking up with at the time.

  Mistaking the reason for my reaction, Mason looked at my hand. “Is the cut hurting?”


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