Dark Warrior: Gay Romance
Page 16
He decided to up his game and pulled Malik’s left testicle into his mouth, sucking gently on it, feeling it drag a little and elongate.
“Ah, fucking hell,” Malik said, releasing Leo and bowing his spine. “That’s incredible.”
Leo switched to the other ball, drawing that into his mouth in a long, hot suction.
Malik moaned in a sublime and guttural way.
Leo leaked pre-cum. He loved that he could get Malik so excited, so on the edge. He released his balls, knowing how tender they could be from suction and set to work on his cock.
Malik recommenced his oral attention on Leo.
Leo realized he’d been glad of the moment’s break, to harness his impending orgasm. With a flick of his tongue, he swiped at Malik’s tip then he opened his mouth, raised his head and took him swiftly to the back of his throat.
Malik groaned and the sound vibrated through Leo. He trembled with the delight of it and picked up a steady, pace, in and out, sucking and licking.
The same dance was happening to his cock. His balls were tight and his arse clenching.
Again he swept his fingers over Malik’s buttocks. Damn, he wanted his arse. He wanted to see it, touch it, fuck it.
“Open up,” Malik said, taking his mouth from Leo.
Leo felt pressure on the insides of his thighs. He spread his legs and immediately felt cool, lubed fingers prodding at his already delicate arsehole.
Oh, God, there’s more.
He popped Malik’s dick from his mouth. “Ah, yes, touch me inside.”
Malik did just that but not before he sent the lube skittering up the reed bed toward Leo. It banged against his side and he reached for it. His mind an erotic blur of sensations, his body trembling for it all.
Heated sucking on his dick dragged a gasp from Leo. A thick entry into his arse made him moan long and low.
What could be more perfect than to have Malik’s mouth and hands on his cock and in his arse?
He scrabbled for the lube. There was one thing that would make it more perfect and that was if he did the same to Malik.
Quickly he lubed up his middle three fingers on his right hand. He then took Malik back into his mouth and gobbled up as much of his shaft as he could manage. He was grateful that Malik wasn’t dropping down onto him, and that he was letting Leo set the depth.
His prostate gland hummed as Malik rubbed over it. It was still delicate from earlier and took only a moment to awaken.
Through his haze of desire, Leo looked upward. The dark arse crack above him needed separating so he tugged the left buttock to expose Malik’s hole. He stared at the tight pucker of black skin, so sweet and perfect and waiting for his touch.
Leo rubbed his fingers together to spread the lube then circled the taut wrinkles. Again Malik moaned around Leo’s shaft, nearly sending Leo over the edge. He dragged in a breath and concentrated on what he was doing to Malik—it was dangerous to only think of what he was experiencing because it was too damn good. Carefully and gently, he inserted just one finger into Malik’s anus. The sight of it stretching, becoming a small hole and admitting him had a surge of pre-cum weeping from Leo’s cock.
Pre-cum also washed over his tongue. Malik was enjoying the entry—Leo’s first entry into his body.
Leo added another finger. He didn’t think either of them would last long in this finger-fucking sixty-nine. Malik admitted him readily and he slid his slippery fingers higher, searching for the nub that would make Malik hit the ceiling.
It took a moment to locate. Leo wasn’t sure if it was because he wasn’t concentrating properly or if it was because Malik’s prostate was positioned higher than normal. But when he did find it, and give it a good massage, he was rewarded with a surge of rigidity in the shaft in his mouth and a dollop of salty pre-cum.
He shunted his fingers in and out of Malik’s arse, being sure to apply pressure to the prostate with each knuckle-deep journey. He sucked, writhed and laved with his tongue.
Malik was doing the same to him. The intensity was building, boiling, becoming almost too much to cope with.
Malik’s teeth dragged on his shaft and it was Leo’s undoing. In a wild surge, cum shot from his cock and into Malik’s throat.
Leo paused briefly, overtaken by climax, then continued to work Malik, moaning and groaning and shifting his hips. His body barely felt like his but he wanted to wring an orgasm from Malik.
He didn’t have to wait long. Malik also froze for a moment then his pleasure bolted up through his shaft and spilt into Leo’s mouth.
He swallowed it all down and continued to massage his prostate, milking it until Malik raised his head from Leo’s groin and howled like an animal. The sound rattled around the cave and out into the canyon. It was such a raw, primitive sound, like nothing Leo had ever heard, and he almost came again. It was so sexy.
Malik shunted above him, pushing back for more stimulation up his arse.
Leo gave it, sucking him dry as he tapped his fingertips against Malik’s pulpy prostate.
“Ah, yeah, fuck that was amazing,” Malik said, tugging his fingers from Leo.
Malik flopped to his side, forcing Leo to release his cock and disengage from his arse as his hip hit the bed.
Leo dragged in oxygen and stared at Malik’s groin. His dick was still hard, the blood hammering a steady tempo through his veins. He leaned forward and kissed the tip. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, never…better. I think you might have finished me off, though.”
Leo laughed. “I found your hot spot just right, didn’t I?”
“Not many people have,” Leo said. He was panting and his skin was laced with sweat. “It’s high up, higher than most.”
Leo swept his palms over Malik’s thighs and enjoyed the slight quiver beneath his touch. He moved so that he was also lying on his side, on his hip, and could feel Malik’s breath on his dick.
Malik reached around him and grasped his arse cheeks. He hung on tight and Leo closed his eyes, happy to be anchored to the man he was falling for with the same speed those zebras had been running earlier.
When Leo came out of his doze, his face was pressed up against Malik’s soft shaft. He was surrounded by the scent and the taste of him—it was where he wanted to stay.
But of course he couldn’t. Nature called then so would real life.
He untangled himself from Malik and stood. He stepped into the dark evening and headed to the hippo-rock. He relieved himself, rinsed in the stream then walked back to the canopy .
Malik was at the entrance, standing with his fingers wrapped around the bar that held the stretch of material.
“I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” Leo asked.
“I don’t know.” He grinned, his teeth extra white in the darkness. “But I needed to stoke the fires anyway.” He released the bar and strode off.
Leo watched him for a moment then grabbed a drink.
He dragged one of the small stools out into the open air and sat on it, content to watch the river’s never-ending progress and sip on his water.
Malik attended the fires then did the same as Leo—relieved himself, rinsed then came back to the camp. He sat on the floor, between Leo’s legs and hugged his knees, also facing the stream.
Leo wrapped his arms around his shoulders, so that he rubbed his hands over Malik’s chest, and nestled his face in the crook of his neck.
“The stars are bright tonight,” Malik said.
“Yes. I thought that. Much brighter than in London.”
“Do you miss home?”
“No, not really. I like it here.”
“Here in the canyon or here in Kenya?”
“Both, I think, though being here with you is obviously tops.”
“That’s nice, that you like being in my homeland.”
“I do, very much.” Leo kissed Malik’s neck. “It was intense for you earlier.”
Malik didn’t answer.
“When we were
in there,” Leo said, jerking his head a little.
“It was off the scale intense. It was all I could do not to ram my cock into your throat, Leo.” He gripped Leo’s forearms where they crossed his chest. “And if I had, I would have hurt you.”
“But you didn’t and I’m fine.” Leo traced the shape of Malik’s ear with his tongue. “And please, don’t think that I can’t handle you. I can.”
“Yes, you seem to be proving that.”
“You say it like that’s a problem.”
Malik huffed. “No, not a problem. It’s just going to be complicated, isn’t it?”
“What do you mean?” Leo could barely contain a bubble of hope. Was Malik talking about the future—their future?
God, he was. Butterflies fluttered in Leo’s belly but he had to play it cool. “Of course, not only are we gay, we’re also a mixed-race couple.” He paused. “Not a problem in London, though.”
“I do not think I could go to London,” Malik said quickly. “It is too far from the village of my people.”
“That’s okay. I’m not asking you to.” And he hadn’t disagreed when Leo had described them as a couple.
Malik rested his head back onto Leo’s shoulder and sighed.
For the first time Leo felt as if he were the strong one, as if he had something to offer Malik when he was feeling vulnerable.
It would be okay, though. He was sure of it. If they were together, they could take on the universe.
But what did together mean for Malik? Did his idea of being a couple equate the same thing as it did for Leo? Or was it something totally different to what Leo dreamed of for the future? A home, commitment, a lifetime of companionship and great, great sex?
He kissed Malik’s temple and gave him a small squeeze. He didn’t want to push anything. What would be would be. He could only hope the future meant them being together, for more than just this time at the canyon.
Chapter Twenty
Leo took a last look around the place he’d called home for nearly twenty-four hours. He would never forget the canyon and he’d always yearn to come back to it, even before he’d officially stepped out of its embrace.
“You ready?” Malik asked, stamping out the ashes around the fire at the entrance. The soot bounced around his feet and settled over his sandals.
“Yes, but it would be good to have another night here.”
Malik smiled. “I agree, though we would be missed at the village and at the hospital.”
Leo shrugged a little sadly. Back to the real world, even if now the real world was just a mud hut village in the middle of Africa. “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s get going.”
He turned and Malik fell in stride beside him, carrying his spear with the point facing the way they were headed. It was still early, Malik preferring to get the bulk of the journey over and done by the time the sun reached the highest point.
Leo’s boots crunched into the dry earth as he navigated the rocky foothills, all the time he was keeping an eye out for snakes. He hoped they wouldn’t meet any herds of stampeding creatures on their way back to Cagaha Buurta and prayed even more that nothing deadly would cross their path.
He’d packed the gun in the front pocket of his rucksack to make it easily accessible. Though he hoped he wouldn’t have to use it.
Five hours later, the village came into sight. Malik had been less and less talkative on the last part of their walk and Leo couldn’t help but feel distanced from him.
He’d enjoyed seeing Malik let his barriers down and take off his mask. Malik, the bare bones of him, was fun and tender, passionate and kind. Leo wanted more, like a highly addictive drug, one night with Malik had only hooked him further and added to his obsession.
Malik swung the fish he’d caught overnight by a hook in their tails. He’d also gathered a small maca from one of his traps. It was like a baby antelope with black lines in an M-shape on its behind.
“Burta will be pleased,” he said. “She will make many meals from this.”
“That’s good.”
“Yes. Maybe you will dine with us one night?”
“I’d love to.”
A small flurry of dust told Leo that a group of village children were rushing to meet them. He hoped they wouldn’t be too disappointed that he hadn’t returned with sugary treats.
But as they approached, he realized that it was Malik they were pleased to see—their teacher.
“Malik, Malik,” they called. “When is school?”
Malik laughed as several tugged on his arms. “I have just returned from hunting. I am tired.”
“When? When?”
“Tomorrow. School tomorrow.”
They whooped and clapped and ran in circles around Malik and Leo. Leo grinned. It was nice to be back at the village, even if it meant he couldn’t just grab Malik and kiss him till they both could hardly breathe.
“Who is the woman that helps you in the school?” Leo asked.
Malik glanced at him. “You saw?”
“Well, er yes, once. I came to see you but you were busy, singing the alphabet so I stayed back. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Malik nodded. “The woman, that is Felia. She is very good, educated in Nairobi too. Her family is here and she does not want to leave them. I teach her to teach and she likes it. It is also good for the children.”
Leo thought about that. An idea had formed in his mind. It had grown like a seed, germinating as he and Malik had walked over the plains. And, like any seed, once given nourishment, his idea had started to grow and a plan was hatching. But would all the components fall into place? Did Malik want him—a future with him?
If he closed his eyes, Leo could almost see them in their own home. Not here in the village, but in a city, modern bustling and bright. Living their lives together, domesticated yet still hot for each other.
They entered the village and Malik veered off.
“I will see you at the hospital later,” Malik called over his shoulder without a backward glance.
Leo kept on walking. A nauseous feeling welled in his stomach. It was hateful having to keep their affection secret. Why couldn’t they have a kiss and a cuddle goodbye? Hold each other and say what an amazing time they’d had?
Because they’d be outcasts at best, stoned at worst.
Leo sucked in a deep breath and headed to his room behind the hospital. He dumped his bag in the corner then lay on his bed with his boots still on. Later he’d find Sister Afua and see how everyone was.
But for now, he’d sleep. Sleep and dream of Malik and all they could have together.
“Ah, Doctor Leo, you are back.” Sister Afua smiled as Leo stood before her.
“Yes, and I’m here to do your bidding,” Leo said with a mock salute. “What have we got?”
“Three members of the same family all with eye complaints.” She gestured to a mother with two small children sitting on her lap.
“Shall I take a look?” Leo asked, washing his hands at the sink.
“I think you should. I had four people yesterday evening with the same thing.” She clicked her tongue against the top of her mouth.
“Really? That’s not good.”
He checked out the mother’s eyes, being careful not to touch them. Her conjunctiva were red and inflamed and when he examined the children, theirs were the same. But unlike the mother, the children were both rubbing and agitating their eyes.
He nibbled on his bottom lip. “We have to assume it’s trachoma,” he said. “I’ll get some antibiotics.”
“I thought it was,” Sister Afua agreed, “but I didn’t dare prescribe without you here.”
“I’m sure you could have, Sister. You’re very experienced and perfectly capable.”
She smiled and dipped her head as though a little embarrassed by the compliment.
“We need to get them to improve their hygiene,” Leo said. “No touching their eyes, c
areful hand washing and using clean water and towels et cetera.”
“I will tell them.”
“And the family you had in yesterday, can you get word to them to come to the hospital and be treated? We need to nip this in the bud. It can spread like wildfire.”
“Yes, of course.”
Leo went into the clinical room and gathered the single dose antibiotics that were required to treat the eye complaint. As he stepped out, he bumped into a solid chest. “Malik.”
Malik pressed his lips together, clearly surprised to have Leo run into him with such force. He averted his attention, glancing at the ward with a nervous shift of his head.
“Sorry,” Leo said, placing his palm flat over Malik’s sternum. “I didn’t mean to… I mean, I didn’t see you there. I—”
“It is okay,” Malik spoke in a gruff, no-nonsense voice then dodged around Leo, forcing him to drop his hand. He then rushed into the operating room.
Leo stared after him with his palm tingling from the contact. He admired the shape of his buttocks in cream combats and the way his black T-shirt stretched across his shoulder blades, creasing in three neat lines. But he only regarded the excellent view for a moment because then he saw Sister Afua looking his way.
She stood with her arms crossed and her head tilted slightly. Her lips were parted as though she was about to speak.
Leo raised his chin and stepped back to the ward. He had nothing to be ashamed of. He was a single man who was free to pursue his pleasures the way he always had.
His heart sank. The trouble was, Malik wasn’t. He lived in a very different world to Leo. In London, gays were ten a penny and hardly anyone took a blind bit of notice of other people’s sexual orientation. Here, being outed as homosexual would be the end of Malik’s life as he knew it.
But maybe Leo could save him, be his knight in shining armor? An image of him riding in, scooping Malik up and disappearing into the sunset took over Leo’s mind.
“Is everything all right, Doctor?” Sister Afua asked as he handed over the medication.