To Love a Spy

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To Love a Spy Page 35

by Aileen Fish

  “No,” she said in a small voice. “But I was able to remove the bullet by myself.”

  “Where are your bandages and medicines located? I’ll have to bandage you up before you bleed to death.”

  Weakly, Angela gave Nicole directions. She hurried in the hallway and found the linen presses the agent had indicated. As she filled her arms with the necessary items, her heart ached with sadness. What could Angela have been doing yesterday? Why was she robbing the train…and dressed like Mr. Nickerson? There had to be a good explanation. Angela was a trusted agent. She must have a good reason.

  When Nicole returned, she met Angela’s sad eyes. Quickly, Nicole looked away and focused on her bleeding arm.

  “Don’t judge me,” Angela snapped.

  Nicole ripped the sleeve of the nightgown to get to the injury. The wound looked awful. Infection was starting to set and a horrid stench hung thick in the air. Her stomach lurched. “How can I not judge you, Angela? You stole the money and then set it up to look like Glynn Nickerson was the thief.”

  “He is the thief!” Angela’s voice grew louder.

  “Yes, I know. So why didn’t you just let things fall into place? Eventually we would have discovered this. Mrs. Larson is our key witness. Mr. Nickerson had been blackmailing her.”

  “This, I know.”

  Nicole scrunched her forehead. “You knew? Then why didn’t you say anything?”

  She dabbed alcohol on the wound and Angela winced. Tears collected in the woman’s eyes.

  “Because the way the investigation was going, all evidence was pointing toward Ashton. I couldn’t let that happen. I needed everyone to know Glynn was the thief. I thought it was high time he started paying for his bad deeds.”

  “What are you talking about, Angela? Do you know Mr. Nickerson personally?”

  “No, not personally, but…” Her bottom lip quivered as more tears filled her eyes. “Ten years ago, he was courting my sister. He had convinced my sister he loved her and wanted to marry her. He seduced her and took her innocence before they were wed. Two days before the wedding, he left town and was seen with another woman. He never returned for my sister.”

  Nicole frowned as she applied the medicine to the wound. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  Angela shook her head. “He left my sister scarred and pregnant. She was the topic of gossip, and no other man wanted to touch her or even talk to her after that. Women turned away from her as they walked down the street in town. Everyone shunned her, yet it was Glynn Nickerson who should have paid. Instead, he started up a railroad with another man and became rich. Eventually, my sister died—as did the child.”

  “Oh, how awful.” Nicole’s heart grew heavy. “I’m so sorry this happened to your family, but you really should have said something to me or at least to my father.”

  “I couldn’t. Your father wouldn’t have let me on the case if he knew I harbored vengeful feelings toward Glynn.” She took a deep breath. “And I wasn’t about to let him off without a fight. I was determined to find out what really happened.”

  “Did you?” Nicole asked as she carefully wrapped Angela’s arm.

  “Yes.” She took a laborious breath. “After I discovered Glynn had been blackmailing Mrs. Larson, I followed him closely. I saw him meet with someone I hadn’t seen for a few years. In fact, Glynn had given this man money…but it wasn’t for Opium.”

  “What?” Nicole stopped her hands. “Are you talking about Joseph Donnelly?”

  Angela nodded. “The very man who you caught selling to Mrs. Larson.”

  “Was Glynn buying from Joseph as well?”

  “No. Glynn had hired Joseph to steal the money off the train.”

  “How…when…” Nicole shook her head. “How did you find this out?”

  “I caught Joseph after he had taken some Opium and was very relaxed.” She grinned. “He jabbered like a magpie. He explained in detail how he’d robbed the train several times. He used Opium in the guard’s drinks, and then took the money when they drifted off to sleep. He used a rope to tie at the top of the train for his getaway.”

  “That’s how you did it.”

  “Yes, that’s how I did it. I wanted everything to look exactly like it did when Joseph had planned it, except this time, I wanted people to think Glynn did it himself.”

  Once Nicole had Angela’s arm wrapped, she leaned against the edge of the table nearby and sighed. “You really gave a convincing performance, you know. Ashton and I actually thought you were Glynn.”

  “That was my goal.” She smiled.

  “But the agents and police still need to know this. You’re aware of that, right?”

  “Yes, I know, and I also know, I won’t go to jail for it…only because I gave the money back.” She shrugged. “I’m really getting too old to play Secret Agent, anyway. Perhaps it’s time I find a more relaxing career.”

  “I know what you mean.” Nicole nodded. “I’ve grown close to Ashton, and well…I’ve had thoughts about marriage and starting a family. I don’t want to be an agent any longer.”

  “Are you and Ashton in love?”

  “Well, I thought so.” Nicole’s eyes watered. “But after I told him about my true identity, he thinks he can’t trust me now. Because of that, he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

  “Oh, my dear Nicole. Give him time. Give his heart time to heal, as well as yours.”

  “I’m afraid his heart will never heal.”

  “You must have faith, my dear. A man in love will eventually allow his heart to lead the way.”

  Suddenly, from the hallway, an eerie laugh bounced off the walls as the creek of footsteps came closer. Nicole jumped up and faced the doorway. Joseph Donnelly sauntered in holding a pistol and pointed it right at Nicole.

  “That’s a bunch of rubbish, ye ‘no,” he snickered. “Men will never let their hearts lead the way. But really, it doesna matter if Mr. Lee loves ye or not. Neither of ye will be alive much longer anyway.”

  His evil grin sent chills of dread up Nicole’s spine. How could she escape this? For the first time in her life, she was all out of ideas.

  Chapter 21

  Being a Secret Agent for many years had taught Nicole a lot of things, and not to panic was one of them. Unfortunately, because the situation looked bleak, she couldn’t stop the rise of fear building inside of her right now.

  This wasn’t the first time she’d faced a criminal as he held a pistol or knife to her, and thankfully, she’d lived to tell about it. However, seeing the murderous intent in Joseph Donnelly’s eyes let her know that she might not live to tell about this particular tale. His determined expression let her know he was going to get his way and there was nothing she could do to talk him out of it.

  She still didn’t know where the other agents were, but she figured they had probably gone to Staten Island to talk with Glynn Nickerson, so naturally, nobody would be coming to her rescue this time. After all, Joseph Donnelly hadn’t even been a suspect, so why would her comrades think he was dangerous now? And with Angela injured, the lady wouldn’t be any help at all.

  “Mr. Donnelly, what are you doing in my house uninvited?” Angela snapped.

  He sauntered into the room and took a chair as if he owned the place. Keeping his eyes—and weapon—on Angela and Nicole, he casually stretched out his legs, crossing one booted-ankle over the other.

  “I was followin’ Miss Bastian in hopes of havin’ her lead me tae the other agents,” he answered.

  “Why?” Nicole asked warily.

  “So that I kin get rid of ye all. I dinna exactly like it when ye shut down me business in San Francisco, and so I decided tae stop ye from interferin’ now as I’m startin’ to expand.”

  Nicole huffed. “Didn’t I tell you the other day that we were working on a different case? We don’t care what you’re doing now, Mr. Donnelly.”

  He stayed quiet for a few moments, cocking his head as he stared at her through a narrowed gaze. She di
dn’t think she’d be able to convince him. He’d been quite an intelligent man when she’d watched him before. In fact, he was almost too smart for his own good sometimes.

  “Aye, but I think ye do care, Miss Bastian. Ye might not be workin’ on puttin’ me outta business now, but ye soon will.” He shook his head. “And I canna be havin’ that.”

  “Mr. Donnelly,” Angela said with a stronger voice. “There is no reason to kill us. We are not your enemy.”

  “But ye are, Mrs. Phelps. The two of ye ‘no’s I’m here, and once yer dead, the other agents won’t ‘no why. They’ll figure the two of ye are dead because of the case yer workin’ on.”

  Silently, Nicole groaned. He was right, of course. Her father and brother certainly wouldn’t think Joseph Donnelly was involved. Her mind quickly thought of an argument. “Oh, but you’re wrong. I’m quite sure someone saw you enter Mrs. Phelps’ house earlier. She has very nosey neighbors, you know. Many people on this street look out for each other. I’m certain once the police start asking questions, they will remember a strange man entering the premises, and eventually the other agents will suspect you.”

  It only took Joseph Donnelly a moment before he nodded. “I think yer right, Miss Bastian.” He jumped to his feet. Waving the pistol in the air, he motioned toward the front door. “We need tae leave. I’ll kill ye in some other place.” He cocked his head. “In fact, I ‘no the perfect spot.”

  Fright consumed Nicole harder this time. She had to convince him otherwise—and quickly.

  He threw both Angela and Nicole a glare. “Let’s get goin’.”

  “You must be joking.” Angela gasped. “I’m injured and in my night clothes, for Heaven’s sake. I’m not going outside dressed like this. If people saw me leaving the house adorned in such a fashion, they would certainly think something was amiss.”

  Nicole held her breath, watching Joseph’s reaction carefully. She knew what Angela was doing—biding her time. After all, it was getting darker by the minute, so wearing a cloak over her nightclothes really would not be noticed. Perhaps there was a chance someone would come save them after all.

  Joseph grumbled. “Then I suggest you go to your room and change.”

  Angela’s gaze jumped to Nicole as the older woman silently communicated that everything would be all right. Nicole was glad Angela felt this way because she felt differently. Still, she must go along with Angela’s plan in hopes of getting them free from this madman.

  When Angela made the move to get up, Nicole slid her arm around the woman’s waist in an attempt to help.

  “Whoa! Whot do ye think yer doin’ Miss Bastian?”

  She arched an eyebrow. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m helping Mrs. Phelps up to her room.”

  “No, yer goin’ to stay down here with me.”

  Nicole opened her mouth to argue, but Angela cut her off. “Now what good will that do, Mr. Donnelly? I’m injured and weak. How do you expect me to dress myself when I’m in this condition?”

  Joseph’s jaw tightened and his free hand bunched into a fist at his side. “Fine,” he growled. “But I’m comin’ with ye.”

  Nicole helped Angela up the stairs and to the bedroom. Thankfully, Angela had a dressing screen in the corner so at least Joseph wouldn’t watch. Angela picked out a dress and the two women moved behind the screen.

  “I have a plan,” Angela said as quietly as she could. Thankfully, the rustling of the skirts and dress made more noise.

  “You do?” Nicole whispered.

  “Once he takes us to where he’s going to shoot us, I’ll swoon, which will draw his attention to me. You can then attack him from behind.”

  Taking a deep breath, she nodded. It sounded so easy, but Nicole knew from past experience that nothing ever turned out how she wanted. “All right.”

  When they were finished dressing Angela, they walked out from around the screen. Angela took her cloak and bonnet and they led the way downstairs at a slow pace with Joseph following. After reaching the bottom floor, Nicole draped her cloak around her shoulders as well.

  “Now we are goin’ to walk out this door and act like nothin’ is happenin’,” Joseph said roughly. “Believe me, I won’t have any second thoughts about killin’ ye right here.”

  “Mr. Donnelly,” Nicole spoke in a steady voice, “tell me what I can do that will convince you we are not a threat to you. I’ve already mentioned that we are not going to pursue your Opium business. There are other things the government is having us do.”

  “Ye just don’t understand, do ye?” He shook his head. “I don’t believe a word that comes from yer mouth, Miss Bastian. When I first met ye in San Francisco, ye were such a sweet-talker, and ye acted so innocent. It was easy tae believe ye then. But now I ‘no ye better. I ‘no ye lie to everyone.”

  Tears spiked her eyes and she blinked rapidly. The truth hurt, and because of what had happened between her and Ashton, it made reality that much harder to handle. How many people had she lied to in her life? Yet after meeting Ashton, she realized she never wanted to lie again. And if she dared admit, she was sick to death of getting in these situations where her life was threatened. Like now.

  The night air was cool, and she bundled the collar of her cloak against her throat with one hand, while holding onto Angela’s arm with the other. They walked slowly down the road toward the end of town. Nicole figured he wanted to take them near the docks. That would be the perfect place to kill them. Joseph could push their bodies in the water when he was finished. They wouldn’t be discovered for quite a while. Nicole knew enough men like Donnelly to know how they thought.

  “Can’t ye ladies walk faster?” Joseph snapped.

  Nicole threw him a glare. “I don’t know why it keeps slipping your mind, but Mrs. Phelps is injured. She’s extremely weak, you imbecile!”

  He grumbled something incoherent and shook his head. Thankfully, he didn’t say anymore because Nicole just might attack him now. She was already tired of his attitude.

  “Are you all right?” she whispered to Angela.

  The sluggish way the other woman turned her head toward Nicole gave her the answer she sought without any words needed. The other agent’s face was pale, and Nicole worried that Angela might swoon sooner than planned. All of this walking wasn’t good for a woman who had lost a lot of blood. Nicole knew that feeling well.

  Frowning, Angela shook her head. “I don’t feel well at all.”

  I know, Nicole mouthed. I’m so sorry.

  Water splashing against rocks became louder the closer they dragged their weary steps toward the docks. Angela stumbled a few times, and Nicole wrapped an arm around the older woman’s waist, but it wasn’t helping. Angela just didn’t have the strength. Silently, Nicole prayed that a miracle would happen—anything that would help out their dire situation.

  Each step toward what would be their final resting place, Nicole couldn’t help but think that she was the one to blame for all of this. She’d known Joseph Donnelly was in New York, and yet she didn’t say anything to her father or brother. She was focused on Ashton and the false accusations being made against him. Yet, if she had been a good agent, she would have mentioned something to her father and he could have sent other agents to check out Mr. Donnelly’s whereabouts. She knew he was selling Opium because Mrs. Larson had purchased some, but still Nicole did nothing. Indeed, this was her fault, and now it was too late to do anything about it. Because of her mistake, she’s put not only her life in danger, but a fellow agent. That’s a mistake no agent should make.

  Soon, the sun disappeared in the horizon, and the moon climbing in the night sky didn’t give off very much light. The scent of salt—and fish—hung in the air, letting Nicole know they were very close to the shore now. In the distance she could hear the splashing of water hitting against the rocks.

  “Over there,” Joseph snipped, “by the water.”

  Suddenly, Angela released a weak sob and crumbled to the ground. Gasping, Nicole
tried to reach for her, but Joseph pushed her away.

  “Leave her,” he commanded. “That’s where I’d planned for her tae be, anyway.”

  Nicole gnashed her teeth, wanting to shout obscenities at him whether it was lady-like or not. But before she could do anything, he lifted his foot and kicked Angela’s limp body, pushing her down the slope toward the water.

  Screaming, Nicole pounded on his back with her fists, and kicked him in the legs, which brought him to his knees. She tried to keep an eye on Angela to see if she had stopped herself before reaching the water, but her friend had rolled into the shadows. It was impossible to see her now.

  Joseph muttered a few choice words and aimed the pistol at Nicole. Fear had left her and was replaced with raging anger. The emotion filled her and she balled her hands into fists. She was frustrated at him, at her life, and definitely irritated at what fate had handed her. She lifted the skirt of her dress a little higher to give her legs better access and more room to kick him again. This time, she let the fury flowing through her guide her limb. Her foot connected with his jaw and he fell back, dropping the weapon in the process.

  She reached for the pistol, but Joseph regained his bearings and lunged for it as well. Nicole wrapped her fingers around it just as he jumped on her, knocking her down on her back. The man was strong, but that didn’t stop her from fighting as hard as she could. If she were going to die tonight, she would do her best and fight to the end.

  “Give me the pistol!” he shouted, trying to pry her fingers off the steel.

  “Go to the devil, Mr. Donnelly. I will not relent!”

  Using her legs, she kicked as much as she could with him on top of her. She rolled one way and then the other, doing her best to keep him from winning.

  Cussing loudly, Joseph drew back his fist before slamming it into Nicole’s face. The right side of her jaw exploded with pain, and for a brief second, blackness filled her head. All sounds around her disappeared for a moment before slowly returning and sounding as if she were in a tunnel.


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