To Love a Spy

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To Love a Spy Page 36

by Aileen Fish

  The agony shooting through her made her limp, and Joseph took the opportunity to snatch the pistol from her. As her vision gradually returned, she could see him struggling with the weapon, getting it ready to fire.

  Suddenly, a large figure ran up behind Joseph wielding a thick board in his hands. The person swung hard and the piece of wood connected with Joseph’s head. The strength of it knocked the weapon from his hands as he rolled to the ground beside her in an unconscious heap.

  Her vision was still a little fuzzy, but she could now tell it was a man. He dropped to his knees beside her.

  “Nicole, speak to me. Are you all right?”

  Ashton? No, it must be a dream…but that was all right. Imagining he was here with her would make her last moments on earth very peaceful. She could now die.

  Gentle fingers breezed across her face. Warmth filled her. Perhaps it wasn’t a dream after all. She blinked and kept her focus on him. Gradually, his face became clearer, and even in the shadows she could tell he was concerned for her welfare. Her heart sang with happiness.

  “Oh, Ashton.” With an unsteady hand, she grasped his. “I’m fine, but Angela isn’t. She rolled down the slope.” Nicole motioned her hand in the general direction. “She’s injured and has lost a lot of blood.”

  Ashton jumped to his feet and ran to check on her. Nicole struggled to sit, but she forced herself even through the pain throbbing in her head. Joseph lay very still on the ground. A long gash lined his forehead as blood poured from the wound. She pushed away from him, not wanting to even touch him.

  “Ashton?” she called out. “Did you find her?”

  “Yes. She’s unconscious, but she’s alive.”

  Nicole sobbed with gratefulness and wobbled toward him as he carried her up the slope. Two more men ran her way and this time she recognized them. Her father and brother were also here to assist. Relief poured through every inch of her body and she cried.

  Her father wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her up. “Oh, Nicole, I was so worried we wouldn’t arrive in time.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “How…how did you know we were in danger?”

  He nodded in Ashton’s direction. “Mr. Lee felt it.”

  “He felt it?”

  “Yes. When Mr. Nickerson and Mr. Larson finally started talking, Mr. Nickerson confessed to blackmailing Mrs. Larson because she was an Opium user. Mr. Lee remembered you telling him about Joseph Donnelly and how aggressive he was toward you at the park. Larson and Nickerson mentioned hiring a foreigner to rob the train.” Her father shrugged. “That’s when Mr. Lee felt you were in trouble. He was hell-bent to get back to New York as soon as possible.” He chuckled lightly. “He’s definitely one determined man.”

  The fluttering in her heart calmed the pain throbbing in her head slightly. Perhaps Ashton really did care about her. What were the chances he would forgive her now?

  When Ashton carried Mrs. Phelps to them, he frowned. “She’s wet. We need to get her to her house.”

  Nicole’s father instructed Gordon to stay with Joseph Donnelly until the police arrived. Her father then hailed a hackney for them to return to Mrs. Phelps’ residence. During the short ride, she explained to her father and Ashton how Mrs. Phelps was involved with the train robbery.

  Her father grumbled and shook his head. “Mrs. Phelps knew better than to do that.”

  “I know, Father.” She patted his arm softly as he sat beside her. “But Mr. Nickerson had wronged her family. Revenge was all she could think about.”

  “It doesn’t make things right.” He folded his arms.

  “It’s remarkable, if you think about it,” Ashton said.

  “What is?” Nicole asked.

  “Mrs. Phelps thought to do something like that. She suspected Mr. Nickerson was the one responsible for the train robberies, yet the man was trying to make me look like the thief. So then what does she do? She makes it look like he was doing it just to get the focus off me.”

  “Mr. Nickerson is definitely one crafty man.” Nicole nodded.

  “Oh, he’s craftier than you think,” her father added. “While we had him and Mr. Larson in a room together—thinking they were the only ones—the truth came out about something else those two fools had done.”

  Sadness etched Ashton’s forehead, which confused Nicole. “What else?”

  “They killed my father,” Ashton answered in a low voice.

  She gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh, no.”

  He nodded. “I knew my father wasn’t a very ethical man. He ruined a lot of people and made many enemies. Apparently, Glynn and Steve were two of them.”

  “What will happen to them now?” she asked her father.

  “They will stand trial of course, but I’m thinking they will be hanged.” He nodded toward Ashton. “And if that’s the case, Mr. Lee will be sole owner of the railroad.”

  She swung her gaze back on Ashton. His expression was unreadable, but then again, he had been through quite a bit these last couple of days. “How would you feel about that?” she asked him.

  He shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet.” He managed a small smile.

  They reached Mrs. Phelps’ home and Ashton carried her inside and up to her bedroom. Nicole led the way, turning on the lights. After he lay the other woman down and turned toward Nicole, his eyes widened and he hitched a breath.

  “Nicole, your face is swollen.” With much tenderness, he ran his fingers over her jaw. “You better take care of that before it bruises.”

  “I will.” She couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. She enjoyed seeing how much he cared.

  “I…I want to thank you for everything you have done to help me.”

  She nodded. “It was my pleasure.”

  “What are you going to do now that the case has been solved?”

  “I don’t know exactly. From past experience, the agents are given a few days—maybe even a few weeks if we’re lucky—to rest up before we’re handed another assignment. I’ll probably visit my relatives in Staten Island during that time.”

  “I’m sure they’ll enjoy seeing you again.”

  Her heart was full of emotion and she wanted so much to fall into his arms and confess her love, but she wanted him to make the first move. He knew she was sorry since she’d repeated it many times already. So now it was up to him to forgive her, and her heart beat faster with every second she waited.

  But he didn’t say it. Instead, the smile slowly left his face and he turned back to Mrs. Phelps lying on her bed.

  “I suppose you should get her out of those wet clothes before she catches a chill.”

  A sob rose in her throat, but she refused to release it. Tears stung her eyes and she blinked quickly in hopes of making them disappear. “Yes, I’ll get to that now.”

  When she turned to the older woman, Ashton walked out of the room. Once he shut the door, her tears fell freely. That proved it right there…Ashton would never forgive her.

  Chapter 22

  “I really think you should come with us tonight, dear.” Aunt Anita gently patted Nicole’s cheek as she walked past her into Emily’s bedroom. “The Langston’s have the best balls, and I’m sure you will enjoy yourself.” The older woman stopped beside her daughter and adjusted the bell-shaped sleeves on Emily’s blue gown.

  Here was finally a gown that didn’t make Emily look like a little girl, and Nicole was going to miss seeing their friends’ eyes widened in shock when they realized it was Emily wearing it. “I thank you, Aunt Anita, but I’m really not in the mood to socialize.”

  Emily looked at Nicole through the mirror, frowning. “But it’s been two weeks since you been here and we haven’t done anything exciting. I want my fun and energetic cousin back again.”

  Nicole’s chest ached with loneliness, once more. She blamed Ashton for her misery. He could have apologized. He could have forgiven her by now, but he hadn’t.

  Slowly, she took in a deep breath, trying to calm her i
re. No, she was to blame, not him. “Soon, Emily. I’ll be back to myself very soon, I assure you. It’s just not going to be tonight. I’m sorry, but it’s still too early. I fear I would be a complete bore at your friend’s ball. Besides,” she shrugged, “I cannot find my dancing shoes.” She offered her best smile under her duress situation. “I can only find one shoe. Obviously, I’m so absent-minded that I’ve lost my shoe, and I fear my mind will get worse at the party and I’ll be an embarrassment to you all.”

  “Oh, dear.” Aunt Anita walked to Nicole and took hold of her hands. “Do you want me to stay and keep you company? I hadn’t realized you were out of sorts this way.”

  “No, I shall be just fine. You all go tonight and enjoy yourself. I’ll curl up on the sofa with a good book.”

  “Well, if you say so.” Emily patted her ringlets into place one last time before turning away from the mirror. “Are we ready now, Mother?”

  “Your father and I were just waiting for you, dear.”

  Nicole followed behind her aunt and cousin until they reached the front door where Uncle Michael waited for them. She waved as they left, and closed the door. Tears formed in her eyes and she swept them away with her fingers. The last time her relatives had attended a ball, it was the one for General Babcock. A miracle had happened that night, and she had met the man of her dreams.

  Memories swarmed all around her, and her tears couldn’t stop falling. She went to the parlor and sat on the sofa, hugging her knees to her chest as she rocked back and forth. Oh why couldn’t Ashton forgive her? It had been so hard not to run back to New York and talk to him. She’d discovered that he’d stayed there instead of returning to his new home in Staten Island. Of course, she figured it was because he knew she was here and that’s why he stayed in New York.

  Taking a deep breath, she struggled to keep herself from crying. It surprised her that she even had tears left since she’d been crying so much for the past few weeks. She wiped the moisture from her eyes one last time and stood from the sofa. Perhaps she should do what she’d told her aunt she was going to do—find a good book and read.

  She left the parlor and headed toward the library. Just as she reached the room, there was a knock on the front door. She hurried to the door and opened it. Surprised at the person standing across from her, she gasped. “Mrs. Phelps. What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you, of course.”

  Nicole chuckled and let her inside. “It’s so good to see you again. How are you faring?”

  “I’m doing much better now. My injury is healing nicely, and thankfully, I didn’t get sick from being in the cold water when Mr. Donnelly had tried to kill us.”

  Nicole grasped her friend’s hands and squeezed. “I’m so relieved to know that.” She smiled. “So what brings you here?”

  “I thought you’d like to know that I’ve turned in my resignation papers to the Agency. I’m no longer an agent.”

  “Oh, dear.” Nicole frowned as sadness encompassed her again. “I’m so sorry, Angela.”

  “No need to be sorry, Nicole. I’ve been an agent for too long, and I’m looking forward to my freedom.”

  Freedom… Nicole certainly knew that was the perfect word for what her friend would have now. “What are your plans?”

  “I don’t have any as of yet, but I’m just going to take each day as it comes and not worry about things. I’m going to finally allow people to get to know the real me. No more lies for this aold woman.”

  Nicole nodded. “I envy you.”

  “Perhaps one of these days you’ll join me?”

  “Perhaps,” Nicole answered sadly, knowing the only way she could leave the agency was if she got married…and of course, she couldn’t get married because in her line of work she had to lie to men. She held her breath, telling herself she wouldn’t cry again.

  “I’m also here because I thought you’d like to know about Joseph Donnelly.”

  Nicole’s interested peaked. “Oh, yes. What has happened to him?”

  “His trial was just last week, and he will be in prison for a long time.”

  “That’s good to know.” Nicole paused briefly before adding, “Father tells me that Glynn and Steve were found guilty and sentenced to hang for their crimes.”

  “Yes, they were. Their hangings were two days ago, and I was right up front to see it happen.” She nodded precisely. “I’m sure my sister—God rest her soul—was rejoicing from Heaven.”

  “I’m sure she was, too.”

  “So tell me, have you heard from Mr. Lee lately?”

  Nicole released a heavy sigh. “No, and I don’t think I ever will. He has not forgiven me.”

  “Perhaps one day he’ll change his mind.”

  “No, Angela. I don’t want to get my hopes up. If he hasn’t forgiven me by now, he never will.”

  The other woman frowned. “I’m sorry. He seemed like such a nice man.”

  “I know.”

  “Well, I had better go. I have other errands to run before it gets too late,” Mrs. Phelps said, turning toward the door.

  “I hope to see you again soon.”

  “You will. I plan on living in Staten Island. The pace here is so much calmer compared to New York.”

  “Indeed, it is.” Nicole walked her friend to the door and gave her a hug. “I shall see you later. Take care.”

  She watched her friend walk to her buggy before Nicole closed the door. She was happy that Angela was at peace with her life. If only Nicole could be. Then again, how could she be when she refused to move on? It was her own fault since she hadn’t forced herself to get Ashton out of her head. But it was time now. She couldn’t mourn forever.

  Determined to finally feel at peace, she hurried upstairs to her room and searched through the wardrobe for a gown she could wear at the ball. She’d arrive late, but at least she would attend, and by the grace of God, she would start her shattered heart on the road to recovery.

  When her hand touched the gown she’d wore at General Babcock’s ball, she paused. It really was a beautiful design, and she hadn’t seen anything like it before—or since. The gown had brought attention to her, not only from Ashton, but other men as well. Although it would be hard for her to wear it again without thinking of him, she would wear it anyway. Unfortunately, she couldn’t find one of the shoes she’d worn with this dress, but at least she still had other pairs that matched.

  Thirty minutes later, she was dressed and ready. She decided not to do anything fancy with her hair, so she pulled back the sides with pearl-encrusted combs and let her loose ringlets fall freely around her shoulders. She wore a pearl necklace with dangling pearl earbobs.

  She grabbed her cloak before hurrying down the steps, anxious and nervous about being herself tonight. She would meet available men even if it were a struggle to do so. And she would put Ashton behind her once and for all.

  Reaching the door, she took a deep breath before yanking it open. Then she froze. The man standing in front of her with his hand raised to knock appeared just as startled as she felt. Then again, it wasn’t every day that Prince Charming came to see her.

  A shaky breath caught in her throat as she ran her gaze over Ashton. Strange that tonight of all nights he would pick to wear the same costume as when she’d first met him—just as she was wearing the same gown.

  Slowly, his mouth stretched into a grin. “Cinderella? Is that really you?”

  Her heartbeat flipped erratically. He hadn’t called her that name for so long. “Uh, yes.”

  “Are you going out tonight?” His gaze ran over her gown.

  “Well, I was, but now…”

  “Were you perhaps going to the Langston’s ball with your aunt and uncle?”

  She smiled; trying not to show too much excitement in her expression, even though she figured it was a lost cause since her nerves were jumping crazily. “Yes. My relatives are already there. I was um, running late.”

  “Would you mind if we talked in private fi

  “No, not at all.” She motioned her hand for him to enter. He did, but his gaze stayed on her. She closed the door, but didn’t move. Her breathing was accelerating the longer she stared at him. It was hard to believe he was really here.

  He stood for a few seconds in awkward silence just shuffling his weight from one foot to the other. She really didn’t know what to say, either.

  “Um…Mrs. Phelps was here earlier, and she told me about Mr. Nickerson and Mr. Larson. I suppose justice was served.”

  “Indeed, it was.”

  “Are you now the sole owner of Conrad Railroad?”

  “Yes Mrs. Larson still had stock in the railroad, but she was more than happy to sell me her shares.”

  Nicole nodded. “That’s good. Congratulations. I know you’ll do a splendid job running the railroad.”

  “Thank you.” He smiled, but then silence grew between them. After another couple of difficult seconds, he cleared his throat. “Nicole, I have to ask something of you.”

  She swallowed hard. “All right.”

  He reached into his Prince-style overcoat and pulled out… My shoe? She gasped. How on earth did he get that?

  “Nicole, I have come looking for the woman who can fit into this remarkable shoe.” He glanced at the object in his hand as his fingers traced the toe and then up the side. “These past few weeks, I’ve come to realize how much I have missed you.” He lifted his attention back to her. “The woman who can fit into this shoe is my match. She is the only woman who can complete me.” He knelt in front of her as he held up the shoe. “Will you allow me to help you try it on?”

  Her whole body shook with excitement. She must be dreaming. Could this truly be happening to her, especially when she’d been in misery for two whole weeks? Yet the way Ashton gazed at her with such tenderness in his expression, made her want to weep with joy.

  Tears collected in her eyes. Happiness burst in her chest and she almost couldn’t control herself. Not only that…she was speechless, and that was something which didn’t happen very often.


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