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It's All About Trust

Page 8

by A R Dent

  ‘Look Oscar, I have to go inside and study for an exam but if you stay on the lead and behave yourself it should work out all right.’ Jack said as he stood up and left.

  I am alone again but what a warning... Jack studying - exams so soon - oh - maybe Entrance Exams for the Scholarships - perhaps I just focus on my writings because they have given me what I want - peace and quiet so that I am not disturbed by anyone except Escere... that pest interferes anytime - no one can stop Cat from being a pest.

  Good morning puter. Now to exercise my creativity - Calliope said to write about a fictional dog and use my experiences. Ok – five hundred words is the goal -

  'The dog bit the hand that fed him. The story of the dog that fed himself and never relied on humans again’ - nah – rubbish – try again.

  ‘I have never lied to you and you know it’ Peter declared to his former boss.

  ‘So how do you account for the loss of profits when the buyer asked for’ – nah.

  'A man is a dog's best friend. Take Rex the Alsatian dog that was expected to be a guard dog. He grew up with a family who laughed and played and said their daily mantras of eastern philosophy until one day a man with a bowler hat arrived.

  ‘Do you have any spare food for my pet canary?’ he asked

  ‘No, we do not and we do not give food to someone dressed so immaculately.

  The next day a different man arrived and dressed ready to go swimming. ‘Do you have any spare food for my pet dolphin?

  ‘No, we do not have any fish here to give away.’

  The next day another man arrived dressed in very casual slacks, a nice shirt with a cravat. ‘Do you have any food for my pet dog?’

  ‘What sort of dog is it?’ the family asked.

  ‘It is a vicious guard dog.’

  ‘No, we do not feed vicious dogs.’

  ‘The next day I arrived and asked if I could get a meal for my owner and the family asked, ‘Who is your owner, and what work does he do, and what is his income?’

  To all this I replied, ‘It doesn’t matter who he is or how much he earns or what work he does. He is my best friend.’

  And the family fed him until he vomited it all up on the kitchen floor and then ate it in front of them.’

  The End

  Two hundred and forty five words - wooooooohooooooo I did it - I have gotta make it longer.

  Oh a rest for my brain. It might rain again with a storm. Storms have an energy about them and they make me tired...

  ‘Oscar, time to wake up.’ Fromoth is coo cooing.

  My eyes roll around in their sockets. The day is finishing and night is almost here. I slept all afternoon through the rain. I can see puddles of water on the ground.

  ‘Oscar, food time, down the back, quick Oscar.’ I follow Jack to my plate of food with a big bone to chew on as well.

  ‘Oscar, the selectors came to the oval today and I was picked for the team. I am a reserve batsman-bowler. Not a full all-rounder but as a batsman. Do you realise Oscar what this means? It means I might get a Sports Scholarship for a private school. If I do Oscar, I will be home every three months and we can go camping together. And if I am not given the scholarship we might get to go camping with dad and his friends up at dad's friend's weekender. Dad said they are concerned about snakes up there. Not good for dogs: snakes can be deadly with dogs. Now Oscar, all I ask is you keep in the backyard and do not ever go over the gate at night. I know you don't know what I am saying but it makes me feel better saying it.’

  Jack is giving me a special cuddle now. He is still giving me the cuddle. His hugging is going on forever because of what I just explained. I know I have Jack on my side. What if he leaves and lives in Brisbane. What do I do with Slim Lips? Do I live in fear of her for the rest of my life or what?


  The rain has stopped now. Clouds have cleared and the moon is bright and my tummy is full as a butcher's dog. Jack is going away. His father's work is increasing and the bills might be paid soon. All this I am told by my very best friend Jack. The Day of the Drongo is the title of my story and I have to research the story.

  ‘Do you understand 'storyline' Oscar?’ Fromoth asked.

  ‘How long have you been awake Fromoth? No, I don’t know anything about storyline.’

  ‘Well I suggest you learn very quickly if you are to write a short story. You might say - there is a start - a middle - and an end.’


  ‘And if you write a long story then there are other middle parts.’


  ‘And what about you write as though one person shows the story. Ah, that might be best left for now. What about practice thinking of the start of the story and then think how you want the story to end?’

  ‘Like - 'I am hungry at the start and then I get fed and then at the end I am not hungry?’

  ‘Yes, Oscar. Exactly but with a nice story that people want to read. Calliope gave you all the clues needed now and it is three days before the full moon. Get cracking Oscar.’ Fromoth said and then left me to feed.

  In the house, the family are shouting at each other. I can hear them and so can the whole street of houses hear them too. Slim Lips is the loudest followed by Skinny Man. What it is about I don't know, but I can hear the word Oscar a lot. Something about Jack too. Something about Penny too and she’s screaming louder than her mother now.

  I lay down with my paws over my ears to muffle their voices. I feel their energy and the hate in the air. Slim Lips is crying hysterically now. Wait... the car is going out of the garage.... I will sneak up to the gate. Eileen is in the back seat with Slim Lips. Ron is driving and they go slowly out to the street. Woo, he took off fast.

  ‘Oscar, it concerns you not the happenings in the house. Nothing is permanent in life Oscar. Clio said she can erase that part of your memory as history but you need to know it happened. That is all,’ Calliope said.

  Three days to go before full moon: I have two days to get it perfect. A piece of cake. No probs at all.


  Slim Lips has gone off somewhere in a car. Why did Eileen have to hold Slim Lip's hands and hold her down to stop her getting out of the car? What have I done since I came here to cause it? I sleep and dream of peace. I think of what is needed, to have a peaceful family. Do I need someone with a bowler hat to live with? Do I need anything? Yes I do. I need a new self that does not cause offence to people like Slim Lips. What is wrong with me? Am I doing anything wrong or is it society not fitting in with me? I have never - ah - ah - never - ah dunno .

  I see the shadowy image of a cat sleeking around.

  ‘Hello Oscar, did you get an earful of that?’

  ‘Betty has been taken to the hospital. Her doctor was rung and they were told to take her to the hospital.’ Escere spoke well to me this time - almost as though we are friends.

  ‘I did hear it. Was it all about me?’

  ‘Not really. You were spoken about and so was I – so was Nanna Sue about getting us for their birthday without asking Betty before she paid the money for us. It was all about money and how Betty was being ignored in her desires of her perfect world.’

  ‘Perfect world - what do you mean by that?’

  ‘Betty has a perfect world where everything has a place and a use. It appears animals in the house are not part of her perfect world. Do you have a perfect world Oscar?'

  ‘Huh, I dunno, I am a drongo, is that the same?’

  ‘Nope, do you want your world to be perfect, and you want it so strong that everything has to be as you planned before you are happy. I think you want a perfect world too Oscar. 'Plan nothing and accept everything' - that is what I was told. Bye Oscar,’ Escere said and slithered her way around the corner as usual.

  'Perfect world', that is a new one on me. Maybe I do have a perfect world. That might be what Calliope was hinting at. Do I plan everything for a perfect world?

  Now I lay my head to rest, to think of writing at my best.
br />   As I sit here and think about planning and the perfect world, I wonder, the thunder, and effects, of a perfect fart. Have I tried too hard to fit into society? It is hard enough trying to figure out what society is, let alone fitting in to it. What is it that causes people to react? Maybe I am a little brash? Let us go through this. The alphabet - A = aggressive – nah, not me. B = brash - nah, never. C = cunning - ah, now Ulysses was cunning and that was supposed to be a good thing. Ah - forget the alphabet system.

  ‘Try - have a look in your past and see if you ever considered the other person Oscar,’ Fromoth offered her opinion yet again.


  ‘I said - quote - have a look in your past and see if you ever considered the other person Oscar - unquote.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Oscar, think about Betty and her perfect world. There is an implication in the implied Oscar. When people are so focussed on themself, they are not considerate. I am not giving you the answers Oscar. More like pointing you in a direction.’

  ‘So, I assume you think I think only of myself. What is wrong with that if it does not hurt anyone?’

  ‘Oscar, thickhead, you can see outwardly but not inwardly.’ Fromoth said as she flew away.

  I can see outwardly but not inwardly. Does that mean - I am like the dogs arguing and not seeing the other dog's point of view? No, never, I would never do that. Or I might - have to think about this one. Oh - maybe I have just a little bit. Well I did get upset in the van when I was waiting - I did get upset when Jack did not move - and I did get upset - oh so many times - oh I hate you Fromoth - and you are not perfect either. Oh, am I really like that? - a perfect world - I wonder if the thunder of a good Galactic Flatulation is like that? - No - right - got that sorted - well maybe every dog has a perfect world? If I am like Slim Lips in any way, I want to know. If Slim Lips loves me, she shows hate instead. But that would mean she only hates how I do not fit into her perfect world. Ooohhhhhh - I am starting to do - no, get - no understand - oh my words are twisting around again. How can I change this if it is in my Fixed Action Patterns that all dogs have? But, who says Fixed Action Patterns have anything to do with it? Now, Escere said she was told - 'Plan nothing and accept everything' - that is different to what I was told but they do not cancel each other out. Now for to write: I have to accept if Jack leaves, he leaves and something as good or better enters my life. If I live like that then I will not have a perfect world. Simple.

  I have killed a cat and defended a bird. I cost the family money when I broke the fence and ran around. Is that what happens with a perfect world. I did that because it was what I demanded. I could have just bitten hard on the cat's leg and made it limp away injured. I could have sat and waited until Jack was free. In other words - I don't give a rat's bum about anyone. Oh, I hate that in other dogs and humans - and now I hate myself - I need to see in other people their problems of the day and let them sort themself out. What problems do I have to write about? What story can I write? How I can help Jack? Jack is doing his homework. Penny I hardly see, but I do hear her call out “Bye Oscar, have a nice day,” as she gets on her bike to go to school. Oh, and to think I hated Slim Lips all this time. I cannot remember her real name unless someone else says it. Oh, and Skinny Man - what is his name? I forget their names. Perhaps if I spend more time considering the other-person's needs and wants and how they react to a giant Galactic Flatulation. Oh, I think rest, but my other part of me says write - write more of the revelation of Selfishness versus Selflessness. Ooohhh where do words come from? - I am learning - those words were said to me once - oh - but somehow with this fault or faults - I am not that bad - I am a non-perfect dog - a dichotomy within a duality - faults in a vault that mature over time. Given time, I think we can work something out regarding acceptance of the day. I will just focus on writing.

  I will take the pressure off myself and trust..... now - first more water, I am thirsty - and where is the sun - and still the chooks are in their home and life is returning to normal - if they bring Slim Lips back tonight... and thinking about Slim Lips - I hear the car in the driveway - I might be psychic thinking of her as the car drove into the driveway. Put that on the Clipboard for data entry later. The car is parked. Doors open: no sound. The front door is opened - it squeaks - no sounds - lights on in other end of house - light gone off in Slim Lips bedroom. One by one each light is turned off - house is in total darkness. Nothing but quiet.

  The storm with wind has died down and the rain has gone. A whisper of moon is peeking out behind clouds and I think about my writings. It must be written or else. I wonder if they meant it. I would or could be terminated. That would mean - no more Ocker Oscar - dead - I think I had better take this serious - I could end up like big white feral cat. Oh - ah - now - I am going into 'Privacy Mode' with my report on this tablet - dot dot dash - hold down Ctrl and Shift and think ‘Privacy......... ‘

  Oh, sorry about that but I had some very personal things to jot down onto my computer and it is for - MEO - for -'my eyes only' - and now I am having troubles focussing. I have a plan - ‘FROMOTH - are you near me?’

  ‘Yes Oscar I am.’

  ‘Fromoth, can I ask you are personal question. Sorry - May I ask you?’

  ‘Ocker Oscar my friend and saviour from the wicked cat - yes you may.’

  ‘Fromoth - have you ever, for whatever reason, just gone ahead and did something and let whatever happens, happen?’

  ‘Yes, Oscar I have and sometimes one has to just let it all hang out and go for broke with your paw on the pedal all the way to the metal - if you know what I mean Oscar. Does that answer your question Oscar?’

  ‘Yes Fromoth YES.’


  Chapter Seven The plot changes.

  Now I know what it is to know. I have a feeling in my gut. An excitement , a feeling of joy in my heart and my song in my paws. I see a vision, a sort of 'what you see in your eyes when you are in darkness and you close your eyes and yet there seems to be a TV in front of your closed eyes. A vision of... oh... it is fading and I am trying to get the big picture but it fades before my eyes. Rotten thing - I wanted to record what I saw but it gave me goose bumps all over my tummy - speaking of tummy - it has not had a decent tickle for ages - put that down on the Wish List for after I write my story - and what a story it will be - with goblins and fairies and elves. Well, it could have been if I get this storyline thing worked out.

  A beginning and an end - two days and it will be finished except - oh dear - the wind is increasing and the roof is shaking. Oh-oh, I had better write it quicker if there is a storm coming to town.

  Five hundred word story.......Max The Sailor Dog

  ‘On the fair seas of oceans afar rests a dog upon the deck forward of the mast. He spots the dolphins and barks to them a welcome to their part of the world. He is alone, save for the company of his Master, who steers the yacht with what winds he selects. The Master is going to sleep soon so Max has to take over the helm.

  ‘First Mate, are you ready to take over this ship? My eyes are tired and need rest for tonight. Come and take over and I will rest until it is dark. The sails are set steady and your water bowl is full. Keep it on due North and steady as she goes.’

  And with that The Master handed over the helm to Max after he went aft to take over the helm. The hour was Sixteen (Four pm to landlubbers) and Max was alert. He had a quick drink from his water bowl before taking the helm and saw the winds stirring the surface of the ocean abeam of the yacht. On the hour of Seventeen, Max noticed a flare as it smoked and fire came out of the air. He barked to The Master who quick as a flash ran up on the deck and asked ‘what the heck?’

  Max barked once again and with his tail pointing straight, Max held his head in line with where the flare was. But the flare had gone out and The Master knew not where to look.

  ‘I cannot see anything,’ said The Master.

  Max held himself straight and did not take his eyes off the place
where he saw the flare lit up so bright.

  ‘I trust you my matie, my second in command, hold tight whilst I reset the sails and go straight to where you point.’

  The Master then changed the course of the yacht and sailed as straight as Max could point. When the winds got stronger and hope was being lost for the flare, it was only the one of the sight. Suddenly The Master who was up the mast, yelled out for Max to take a steering about five degrees to Port... then alongside a stricken yacht Max brought his boat and The Master reached down and saved the crew of the yacht which was sinking.

  And that is the day Max was given the job of licking the feet of The Master.’

  The End

  Wooo hooo ... four hundred words - getting better - getting better - and goose bumps all over my tummy again....

  ‘Oscar, do not claim victory because you strung four hundred words together. A vast improvement Oscar but I have to tell you - it is still not good enough yet. Don't forget the yet Oscar - you will get it - keep going Oscar - keep going - if only to save your life from being terminated.’ Fromoth spoke without me asking - oh well, I know she means well.

  I have now written four more stories - all the same - all not good enough yet - I am pushing on but they are getting better and easier to read. I do understand I have to get the emotions into the story but I have not experienced some of the emotions. The night is still producing winds that is shaking the shed I am in and the tension is being felt. I had a copy of The Storm Chasers downloaded into my software for the single purpose of me understanding the grit needed to pursue my passion. There is a feeling when things are not right, when the anticipation of a storm that blows the roof off and trees are uprooted and fall down creating chaos. As a dog I am wondering now how Slim Lips is. She has made me the most beautiful soup type food with chicken necks and all sorts of things like rice with tasty flavours. It would be terrible to go back to tinned food again. Is it the food or the special effort she put into the cooking of it that I love? Perhaps as the wind is howling, it makes me think of the devotion and care I received from her and if a tree fell on her and killed her - what would I miss most - her or the food?

  The days are numbered - two days to the full moon and I have to write the story but I cannot help but think - I think I love the person causing me discomfort. Have I ever considered her needs? Have I ever worried about her wants? Yes, I have in a minimal way. What would life be like if the house was free to do as each person wanted? Would Jack be able to get to the oval? Perhaps Slim Lips was free when she was young because no one cared what she did. It will never be known. Perhaps there is a happy medium of freedom and fitting into society? Perhaps, I am learning to consider the needs of other dogs, and humans. How we all have issues in life. It takes a strong wind and developing storm to realise these things. When life is easy and going out in the darkness of night is to find scary craziness all around. It is fun to laugh and flatulate at will and create a mini tsunami of change. Now, that is something - I have been changing since I was a pup suckling milk from my mother - maybe other people are in constant change? Let's try another go at the story for H-o-G.


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