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Comfort Side Of Heaven

Page 5

by Vera Quinn

  “I’ll stick to the single women.” Trask doesn’t say anything to that. “There is the chance that woman just wouldn’t find you attractive. Maybe you won’t be her type.” That makes Trask laugh.

  “I’m everyone’s type. Haven’t you heard the gossip? If a female has an itch that needs scratched, then I am her scratcher.” I don’t know who laughs the loudest at that one. We are still laughing when we make it to the house where Nick is pointing something out to Haddie and the mystery woman. Trask and I step up on the porch and three pairs of eyes are on us.

  “What has gotten into you two? We heard that cackling before you got here. What’s so funny?” Nick asks us. Trask and I look at each other and bust out laughing.

  “Nothing at all Nick. Just trying to make this day go by a little faster by poking fun at each other,” Trask says and then he turns towards the woman beside Haddie. Trask takes his hat off. “Hello beautiful. My name is Trask and,” Trask points his hat at me, “this here is my buddy Botie.” Trask is trying to blatantly flirt with the woman. Her cheeks turn a little pink, but I can see her trying to size Trask up. I take my cap off. The woman looks at me.

  “Nice to meet you ma’am,” I say politely. I look the woman over and I can see that this woman is younger than I thought. I’m guessing early twenties which is much younger than Trask and myself since both of us are thirty. The youth doesn’t take away from her beauty and I must admit my jeans became a little tighter in some places looking at her tight slim body. She’s a little too thin but her ample breasts make up for that. Her ass is round and firm. I shouldn’t be noticing her assets—it’s rude to ogle—but I am a man who hasn’t been laid lately. Her hair is a dark blonde bordering on very light brown with natural red highlights and she has the biggest blue eyes I would love to get lost in. The thoughts running through my head are not ones that I have had in a long time, and I don’t know this woman or anything about her. The best thing for me to do is ignore the attraction I have for her and put distance between us.

  “That’s enough Romeo,” Haddie says stepping between Trask and the woman. “Sage this is the local Romeo, in other words he’s a shameless flirt. Don’t you pay him any attention. He’s a good boy but he has broken more hearts in Kendall County than all the others combined, and he isn’t the sticking around kind.” Nick and I both laugh at that. Haddie is right, Trask has a reputation of loving and leaving. That’s putting it kindly because what Trask does has nothing to do with love and his brother, Branton, is the same way. “Boys, this is Sage and she has been staying with me at the bed-and-breakfast. She’s wanting to set down some roots and she thinks Comfort is the place to do just that.” Haddie doesn’t notice the uncomfortable look on Sage’s face. Sage is hiding something, and she doesn’t want people knowing her business. Just what I thought, another woman with secrets.

  “It’s nice to meet you Sage and welcome to Comfort.” I turn towards Nick. “Nick, we just came to find out if there is anything else you need us to do before we leave. I have things to do at home, so I won’t be able to stick around all afternoon.” I can see Trask frowning at me.

  “Let’s go in the house for a minute. I need to let you and Trask in on a few things that may happen if today goes like I think it will.” I can’t argue with that. Nick opens the door and walks in. Nick never locks his house unless he is going out of town for some reason. Haddie and Sage walk in behind Nick and Trask and I follow. Trask is giving me a questioning look. I guess I just sidetracked his plans. He wants the challenge of a new conquest and that conquest is Sage. I don’t need to be around to witness it. Sage hasn’t said anything, but her eyes are taking everything in and she has a look of wonderment in her eyes as if she is in awe of the place.

  “Trask will you go out and get the bag behind the seat of the truck. I stuck it back there and then forgot it. It’s a light lunch for us,” Haddie asks Trask because she knows Trask would never say no to her. I think Haddie is trying to get him out of the room.

  “It’ll only take a minute. I’ll be right back.” Trask goes out the door and it no sooner closes that Haddie turns to Nick.

  “Are you sure you want to discuss this before it’s a done deal, Nick? You know Trask is going to go straight to Donald with anything you say in front of him and you don’t even know if you are selling to Sage yet.” What? Surely not. This wisp of a woman can’t seriously be considering buying this place.

  “Do you have a husband to work this farm with you, a boyfriend, or any male help at all?” I hear the words but didn’t realize I was going to say them out loud. Think them, yes, say them no. I almost want to take them back. I know they sound condescending but there is no way Sage can be out here by herself. I see Sage straighten her back and I see the flash of anger in her eyes. Sage is beautiful but with that fiery look in her eyes she is stunning.

  “It doesn’t take a man to be able to work a farm. I am very capable of learning how to do the work myself or I can hire a hand or two if I need them—either way I am sure I’ll survive.” Sage is full of sass, but sass will not run a farm on a daily basis.

  “That’s true but are you ready to have farmhands bunk in your house? Because that bunk house needs a lot of work. I’m sure there are plenty of men around here that will sign up for that job, but it’s springtime and most people in these parts have more work than they can handle on their own property so even though this has been entertaining I need to get back to my own place and get my work done there.” I look at Nick and nod at him and he nods back letting me know he knows I need to leave, or am I running? Sage has this pull on me and I hate it, no, I damn well won’t let that woman pull me into her clutches. “Nick just let me know if you need me for anything else.”

  “That goes for me too,” Trask says with a sappy grin on his face. He is waiting for Sage to catch his flirty smile, but she is too busy shooting daggers at me with her eyes. “I wouldn’t mind helping out if it includes a few free meals.” Now Trask is waiting for an invitation but Sage turns and grabs Haddie’s hand and they walk back toward the kitchen.

  “Never known you to be a rude man towards anyone Botie. Do you have a problem with Sage because I can tell you now that I have set my mind on selling this place to her if we can come to terms. I like what I know of Sage and from what she has told Haddie and me this farm is her future. I like that idea, but I thought your family would take a liking to her. I thought Donald would be the thorn in her side just like he has been to me.” Nick looks at Trask. “No offense Trask, but your dad can be a cantankerous old cuss.”

  “None taken. No one understands the pain in the ass my dad can be better than me,” Trask says with no sign of being the least bit offended by what Nick stated. I turn and face Nick head on.

  “That woman has dreams in her eyes and farm living is no picnic. You are doing her a disservice by letting her think this is easy-living. I’m sure Mom will love having another female so close, but Sage needs to know that we will only be neighbors. Don’t think that I don’t know that you and Haddie were trying to match either Trask or me up with Sage this morning or you wouldn’t have us doing bullshit work. You know as well as I do that as soon as the men around here find out Sage is staying; they will be lined up for her attention. Nothing wrong with that, but I won’t be one of them, and you know how Trask is with women.” Nick has a guilty look on his face.

  “Message received. Haddie just thought that you might take a liking to Sage and could give her some advice on the farm when she needs it and if one thing led to another then so be it, but I will nip the idea in the bud with Haddie. You know women, always wanting to match make but if I do sell to her, I would appreciate it if you could look in on her occasionally and give me a call if she needs anything. That girl is independent and proud; I don’t think she will be asking for help.” Nick is sincere with his request. I guess Sage has gotten to the old coot.

  “I can do that, but I’m serious about getting back to work at our place.” Nick steps over to me and we shak
e hands and then he turns and shakes Trask’s hand and I think we’re going to get out of here without any further discussions.

  “Trask, I am not a man to get in anyone’s business, but I am asking if you have an interest in Sage to proceed with care. I can’t disclose any information, but that girl has had a rough few years and she needs to be handled gently.” Trask and I look at each other and then to Nick but Nick has already turned and is walking into the kitchen. I want to go after him and ask questions, but I know if I do that then I’m asking for trouble. Trouble I don’t want or need. I think Trask is thinking the same thing.

  “Let’s go see what your mom has left to eat.” Trask is always ready for a plate of my mom’s food.

  “Sounds good to me.” We turn and leave the house, but Sage is still in my head.

  Chapter Six


  “I have never seen that boy act that way towards anyone. His mom taught him better,” Haddie tells me. She is pulling me through the house and I am taking it all in, but I keep wondering why Botie took such a disliking to me. I know if I’m going to set down roots here like I want to I need to get along with my neighbors. I won’t try to explain myself to Botie Hillhouse. He is condescending and small-minded. Sure, he’s gorgeous with deep chocolate-brown eyes that makes me lose my train of thought and I was tempted to see if his hair would curl around the tip of my finger the way it curls around the collar of his shirt. His jeans fit him like a tight glove showcasing his muscular backside and any woman would have to be an idiot not to at least think about touching that broad chest. He has a deep tan from working in the sun. Even with his panty-melting good looks the thing that attracted me the most to him was the confident way he carries himself and the sadness in his eyes. I trust him without a reason to and I feel a kinship to the sadness in his eyes. I don’t like his point of view on a woman working on a farm, but I won’t argue with him about it again. I also won’t ask him for help, but I will respect his wishes of keeping my distance. I’m not interested in any kind of relationship with Botie or any man. When you put your faith in anyone enough to build more than a friendly relationship, they always let you down either by using you or leaving you. I understand that more than I want to.

  “It’s perfectly fine Haddie, at least Botie is honest on his opinion of what he thinks about a woman working on a farm. He’s not a sugarcoater when it comes to his opinion and I like that. Now I know where I stand with him.” I think about it for a minute. “If Nick sells me this place, I am going to work my hardest to make sure it works. I’m not blind to the little nudge that you and Nick were trying to pull today. Trask was friendly enough, but I don’t think Botie likes me much and that is alright. I want to make a home here if it becomes mine and I hope to add more friends here but Haddie, please, don’t do anymore nudging. I am too jaded to be anything more than a friend to any man.” My eyes have filled with tears. I don’t know if I will ever trust anyone enough to let them close to me again.

  “I don’t know what crazy thoughts are going through your head, but we all need someone. I know you’re new here and have dreams you want to make happen but don’t miss out on the many possibilities of tomorrow by keeping your blinders on and concentrating on only today. You can miss out on a life you never knew was possible that way. Sometimes we are blessed with things we never even knew we wanted when we least expect them.” Haddie just doesn’t know my life. I change the subject.

  “Show me the rest of the house and help me come up with a new plan of attack to convince Nick to sell me this place. I am loving it so far. Show me upstairs before Nick comes back.” Haddie grabs my arm and we walk up the stairs to the second floor. I feel at home here and just looking at the different rooms in the house has calmed an uneasiness I have had for four years.

  Chapter Seven


  I have showed Sage every part of the farm and explained to her which crops need to be planted now to make money this year. I don’t believe she can have this farm in working order to make much money this year, but I am hoping with my help that she won’t lose much of her savings. It may be early spring, but it’s time to have seedlings growing now.

  Haddie and Sage have been getting things set up in the kitchen so Sage and I can start our dickering on the price as well as going over my special stipulations before I will sell. I also need to go over the equipment repairs she needs and the repairs on the barns and the hothouse out back that Christine was always tinkering around in. It started out as a small place for her to just grow herbs, but it grew and the last years Christine worked in there she had fresh tomatoes all year long along with strawberries and her beloved herbs. My woman knew all the secrets of stretching a dollar, but we never went without. Christine was one of a kind. I loved her more every day and giving up our home is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I’m still not sure I can sign those papers; I guess only time will tell. The memories of this place always take their toll so I sit my tired body down. This house was built with love and it has burst at the seams with it but without my family here with me it has become a sad reminder of everything I have loved and lost. It’s time to let someone else fill this house with love again. I think Sage is the perfect fit or I hope she is.

  “Nick.” I hear from the kitchen. That Haddie is something else. She’s already found her next child in Sage. I told her to not get attached and that Sage may end up taking the next bus out of town but Haddie has a heart big enough to love all lost souls of this world. I can’t say I haven’t grown attached to Sage. She has something broken in her and that brings out the protective dad side of me. I hope I’m not a blind old fool just seeing what I want to see. “Nick, it’s time to eat. Come on in here, I need to get back to town, so Rita can go home, and Sage is growing crazy with worry waiting on your answer. Put the girl out of her misery already and make your decision.” That’s Haddie—straight to the point. I don’t think that Haddie has ever been indecisive about anything. She’s always followed her heart and her heart always knows the right decisions to make. I admire that and I more than admire Haddie. She has become my best friend over the last few years and if I wasn’t so set in my ways and still devoted to Christine’s memory then I would take it further but we both have ghosts that holds us back—things will stay the way they are. I get up from the chair and make my way to Haddie.

  “Alright woman let’s eat.” Haddie turns and leads the way to the kitchen where Sage is sitting and waiting. I see the table is set so we can eat our lunch. Her face looks a little pale and I know I have put this off as long as I can.

  “Relax Sage, I’ve decided to start negotiating.” I wait for Haddie to sit down and then I do the same. I look at the sandwich in front of me, but I know no eating will be done until this conversation is over. “I told you before that the price is not the only terms that we need to go over, so I’m going to go over that part first.” I see Sage has sat up in her chair and she is waiting for me to proceed. “I showed you all the major areas of this farm today, the ones I want to discuss with you right now are the hothouse, the orchard, and the family cemetery. I know you said that you are laying down roots here and that you’re not going to resell this property. Since you told me of your dream with your dad; I believe you. The thing is, the terms I am thinking on has more to do with respect of my family that have passed.”

  “I understand the aspect of family respect and it’s something that I hold close to my heart. That’s the importance of this farm to me. I want to not only fulfill my dreams but to see through what Dad always said he wanted us to do together.” I see the sincerity in Sage’s eyes and the conviction in her voice.

  “Let me tell you what will get my John Henry on the deal then.” Sage goes quiet again. “I want to be buried in that cemetery with my family and since my family is mostly gone now, I need the cemetery to be kept up. This would need to be put into a contract along with my other conditions. That means if you decide to sell later—you will need to make the terms know
n to the buyer and the terms be agreed upon with the new buyer—no matter how many times the land is sold. I know the land will be yours but for me to sell to you then I also want access to the grave sites and access for any remaining relatives in my family. We have generations of family out there. I agreed upon this when I bought the property out right from my family and this is non-negotiable. I will reduce my original price that I had in my head for any inconvenience this may cause you.”

  “Nick it would be an honor to take care of your family’s resting place. I know the importance of people that love you and I know the love doesn’t end just because they die. I love my dad as much today as I did when he was alive. I don’t want you to reduce your price. I have a request of my own on this subject.” Sage is wise beyond her years and I think she will keep her word to me on this.

  “Tell me what it is girl.” Sage looks at me and I can see she’s afraid I will deny what she’s going to ask.

  “I would like to pay you the entire price or the price we agree upon but that part of the land where the cemetery is located—with an easement to go through the other property to get there—stays in your name until your death and then it’s deeded to me. I promise I will not let you down.” I see the tears in Sage’s eyes. “I would also like to put a family cemetery of my own adjacent to your family’s, so I can have my dad’s body put there. I want to carry on your family’s tradition of family being together even in death.” I don’t know what to say to that. It’s the most heartwarming thing I have heard since my Christine left this earth. I look at Sage closely and I know this is the right thing to do.


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