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Comfort Side Of Heaven

Page 8

by Vera Quinn

  “We will be here to help Sage every step of the way. I’ll run that hussy right out of town and that gigolo with her. He won’t get near Sage.” Haddie is spitting fire from her eyes. I’ve never seen her so mad.

  “What she said.” Nick has me smiling. “They’ll meet the business end of my shotgun if they try.” My heart melts at Nick’s words. I know I have found home and I also know I can’t run any longer and I can’t back down.

  “No, Roger, I won’t be making any kind of settlement with my mom. That makes it look like I think she deserves more of my dad’s money or that I owe her something. I don’t. I want you to cut her a check for six months of whatever she was getting from my dad’s estate with the contingency that she doesn’t ever contact me again. I want it in a contract and signed before she gets a dime and I want her out of the house immediately with only what Dad stipulated in his will. After she is out, I want all the furnishings in the recording studio sent to the studio that Adam Lynch is using now. He will expect it. I have already spoken to him and I have come to a contingent agreement with the entire band on the music part of things. I emailed you all the details a few days ago.” I know this has nothing to do with Nick and Haddie, but Roger is here, and these are some of the things that I had wanted to speak with him about. I trust my friends to keep everything private.

  “I received the details and I’m still working on it, but it will be ready next week.” Roger is always on top of anything I send him. “I didn’t see any problems with it; paperwork always takes a little while.”

  “Once Mom is out of the house, then I’m making a trip out to get some of my dad’s things. I have them hidden in the basement, so I am hoping they’re still there. I am also taking what furniture my dad liked and the rest I will put in storage until Mom gets a place to live and then have it delivered to her. I want the beach house signed over to Zane.” Zane loves the beach house and it will give him space from his family when he needs it. He and I spent many hours playing on the beach when we were growing up. “I am keeping the cabin but the rest I want sold. I will visit each one to get any keepsakes that may have been left but the rest can be sold with it. Anything else can wait. I am going to have my mind on making the farm my home and the upkeep on places that I have no desire to visit anymore is too much to handle. Zane will always let me visit the beach house and the cabin is the only other place I visited regularly with Dad. The rest are just excess for me. I think the only other thing I will need to deal with is the vehicles in different garages. Roger, you are welcome to one if you want it and I am going to let Zane choose one. All the ones he shared with the band are to revert to the band. I know Mom was making a fuss over them, but fair is fair, and I have no use for them. I need trucks for farm work, so I will auction off any others or sell them. Whatever money I get will go into the farm. All the other assets are taken care of by you, the accountant, and the business manager so I am not worried if I am kept updated regularly and you always handle that. I think we have covered everything I had to talk about except when Nick will get his money and the paperwork completed.” I feel like a burden has been lifted from me. My secrets are no longer secrets, but I want to keep my peace if I can. I look at Nick and Haddie and both have a weird look on their faces. It’s something between surprise and astonishment. Did I miss something? I am watching for some sort of hint. “What?”

  “Honey, it’s nothing bad, it’s just we didn’t know you were…” Haddie seems at a loss for words.

  “So darn rich. Shut your mouth Haddie before you catch a fly.” Nick looks to Haddie and then me. “Why are you here in our small community? Sure, we think this place is great, we’ve lived here all our life, but you could live anywhere or go anywhere. Why here and why did you choose my farm?” I think about the question for a short minute.

  “When I first arrived here, I asked myself the same question. I have visited many places since I left home from small and quaint to large and bustling but none of them felt like home or what I thought home should feel like. The first people I met were you and Haddie and though you may have been a little gruff at first, you still welcomed me. I fell in love with not only the two of you but the farm as well. That farmhouse has had so much love in it and it’s where I want to make not only my dreams but my dad’s dreams come true too. It has a family vibe and I don’t know how to explain except by telling you that it has all the little quirks a family leave in a home. I know it will be a lot of work but anything worth having comes from hard work or that’s what Dad taught me. If it was just handed over to me, then I may be thankful but not appreciative of what it took to get it that way. I may fail but it’s not because I didn’t give it my all. I may need to put up with one grumpy neighbor but maybe we can learn to exist together.” I didn’t know it until right now that Botie’s reactions to me bothered me so much. I will need to extend an olive branch to him. Nick laughs at that one.

  “At least you’re not some spoiled-rich brat. All this talking has me starving. I haven’t listened to so much talking in a month of Sundays.” I know my story was long and complicated, but I’m just glad my new friends didn’t run from the room screaming.

  “You said you wanted to know about me and now you know all about me.” Some of the things I wished they didn’t know.

  “That we did. Lordy girl, you are a strong one and when you start on your new farm it will come in handy. Do not worry about your mom and that friend of hers. we’ll deal with them together.” Haddie is always the one to give me something positive to hang onto.

  “I have the cashier’s check to hand over to Nick as soon as we can sign the papers and then I will take them over to the title company and clerk’s office. I have taken care of the taxes as agreed upon and the new insurance is instated. The one thing that still bothers me and we can go into later is Katrina still has a large insurance policy on you, but I have moved to have it null and void because of your age and it was taken out without your consent. The insurance company assured me it was canceled but I will follow up when I return to the office. If that is all settled why don’t we go and check that diner out and then meet up again in the morning. I have a room here so Lyric if you think about anything else, we can discuss it later this afternoon.” Roger and Nick stand at the same time and then Haddie and I stand too.

  “It’s meatloaf day at the diner so I suggest a burger. Dara can’t make a meatloaf to save her life. I should have whipped up something.” Haddie is too sweet for her own good.

  “Everyone deserves a day off Haddie. Enjoy it while you can.” I try to relax her. The lady works too hard. We can all relax for the afternoon.

  Chapter Nine


  I don’t know how I let Trask talk me into having lunch with his arrogant brother, Branton. I can’t stomach him on a good day and today has been nothing but pure hell. Anything and everything that could break down has. It’s been a frustrating day and when Trask asked me to grab a burger with him and Branton, I figured why not. This way I have a good hour away from my headache but now the annoyance is coming from Branton.

  Branton was parked right outside the diner in his shiny new sports car with some bleach blonde sitting beside him and a big smile on his face. Every word out of his mouth is either putting Trask down for staying here with their parents or talking down to his companion like she isn’t worth his time. I don’t know how this man hasn’t had someone break his straight nose or scarred up that pretty face of his—his own opinion—not mine. I don’t know how Trask and Branton came out of the same parents. They are as different as night and day except when it comes to arrogance about women. I don’t see how either of them get a woman in their beds. Which is another reason I am so damn on edge. I can’t remember the last time I had the company of a woman for a night.

  This Cassia woman with Branton is about as shallow as he is. She came right out and said she’s with Branton to piss her rich dad off. I was relieved to have Branton go outside and Cassia left to freshen up—either way th
ey are gone for a little while.

  “I bet those problems you were having this morning aren’t looking so bad now.” Trask knows me better than anyone. I look around the diner and see that it’s fuller today than usual. It’s been a good twenty minutes since our order was taken. This day is going to drag on forever. I hear the bell go off over the door and see Branton walk back in.

  “When our food gets here, I’m eating and getting out of here as soon as possible before I go off on Branton. He’s too much to add to my crappy day,” I say quickly so I get it all out before Branton gets back to the table. I know by the grin on his face that he has plenty to say.

  “Look at you two sitting here with your heads together. Nothing ever changes in this hick town. What do you two think of Cassia? She is one class act with plenty of assets. She keeps my pockets lined with plenty of money and pays for everything to get back at Daddy Dearest and Daddy pays me to keep an eye on his precious little girl. He’s the one that paid for my new ride. I take that as a win-win situation. When I get tired of her, I send her home to Daddy for a few days and find me a sweet little honey to keep me occupied. It’s the life boys. You should try it sometime and get out of this hick town and not work so hard.” Like I said the man is an arrogant ass.

  “I’ll keep my day job and let you take care of all the lonely women,” I say in a sarcastic tone.

  “Botie, are you still hung up on that little filly your brother ran off with? Isn’t it time to let that drama die? It seems a bit petty of you to hold a grudge for so long. Talia couldn’t have been that good between the sheets.” I stand from my chair and Trask is up at the same time. I want to take Branton’s head off, but I have too much work to be spending the afternoon in jail.

  “That is low for even you Branton. What the hell is wrong with you? Botie has been a family friend since we were in diapers. Just stay away from both of us while you’re in town. The sooner you head back to wherever you came from the better. Have Dad write you a check for the money you came after and hit the road.” I motion to our waitress as I spot an empty table. Jane walks up to me.

  “Trask and I will be moving over by the window so just bring our orders over there.” Jane looks between Branton and Trask. She knows who the troublemaker is here. Jane dated Branton back in high school and he wasn’t any different then.

  “Sure thing, Botie. I’ll bring your silverware over and refill your teas.” Jane glares at Branton. There’s no love lost there.

  “Thanks a lot sweetheart.” Trask is still staring his brother down, but Cassia walks back to the table and Trask would never be rude to a woman— he picks up his tea glass and backs away from the table. I get my drink and we walk to the other table and sit down.

  “I’m sorry for the asshole. I always think the next time I see him that he will grow up, but he just can’t help being down right mean to people. That was uncalled for and I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had decked him. He deserves it.” Trask is the brother that always tries to keep the peace, so I know what Branton said pissed him off.

  “I could have done that but then I would be paying bail and doing paperwork all afternoon instead of working on that tractor or repairing the fence that bull went through this morning. On second thought, I should have knocked some sense into his thick-head, that way I could have the afternoon off.” Trask and I both look at each other and we both smile.

  “When the hell did we grow up and become responsible? I’m not old enough for this and I am too good looking to be so serious. Being a grown-up is something old men do, not us. Besides you know damn good and well that your old man would have had you out within the hour and then you would have to listen to him all afternoon.” Trask is half laughing saying it, but he is right. We’ve both become responsible and I’m not sure I like it.

  “Let’s go fishing this weekend with a case of beer. We’ll tear shit up and act stupid and all thoughts of being responsible will go right out of our heads.” I am only half serious but it’s what Trask and I always do when we have things weighing on our minds.

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll bring some sandwiches so the hangover isn’t so bad,” Trask adds, and I agree with that plan. The bell over the front door rings and both Trask and I see Haddie and Nick walk in with Sage and some man in a suit. That man looks as out of place here as I would in a big-city restaurant. Everyone here is in jeans and t-shirts or work shirts. The sheriff is here, and he’s in his uniform, but he’s here most days at lunch making sure none of these country boys get a wild hair and decide to start a ruckus. I don’t know why, most everyone here is afraid of his wife, Dara, more than him—even if he does have a gun. That woman will grab you by the ear faster than you can duck your head and then she’ll call your mom. I don’t know a country boy anywhere that wants their mom called. I look closer at the man and he looks like a lawyer. It makes me wonder if Nick has finally sold his farm. I hate to see it, but life never stands still for anyone. It surprises me to see Haddie here. She’s normally at the bed-and-breakfast working. I watch the man and he seems very familiar with Sage. A little too familiar, maybe the innocent acting woman isn’t as innocent as she wants everyone to believe. This must be her money man. Nick and Haddie sit on the far side of the table so Nick has a clear view of Trask and me. He gives us a little head nod and Haddie gives us the little finger wiggle thing women do. Trask and I both give a head nod back.

  “How long do you think it will be before Sage gets on my brother’s radar?” We both look at Branton and he is already scoping out the table that Sage is sitting at and he is sizing her up. I look at Sage’s back and I would need to be blind not to see her beauty. I remember the deep blue eyes from the other day. They were beautiful to look at but when she got miffed at me it was as if they sparkled. She is a little on the thin side, but she does have some curves. She doesn’t have an overabundance in her bust area, they are more than a handful—but her ass and legs would stop traffic. I noticed a little scar on her chin, but she doesn’t wear a ton of makeup to cover it, so I don’t think she is self-conscious about it. I think the thing that brought my attention to her the most is the way she carries herself. She has a self-confidence about her that most women her age don’t have yet and the way she acts as if she couldn’t care less about what anyone thinks about her. Both may be an act, but it doesn’t show. Sage comes off as being a genuine person but what do I know—I only just met her. If I was looking for someone to date, I might consider Sage, but I’m not and Sage doesn’t seem like the type of girl for a one-night stand. I haven’t been around Sage enough to know that for a fact—it’s a gut reaction. Trask brings me out of my thoughts and just in time, my jeans are getting a bit snug. “He’s making his move. I am betting Sage shoots him down.” I turn my head, so I have a clear view of what is going to happen. Cassia doesn’t look happy about being left at the table alone. It’s quieted down a little in the diner, so everyone will be hearing what is said and all the busy bodies will be paying attention. I guess today that includes me.

  “Hello Nick. It has been too long since I’ve visited with you, neighbor. Who is your beautiful new friend? Is this the young lady interested in buying that farm of yours? You know my dad would meet her bid and give you more to boot.” Branton has his hand in front of Nick to shake and Nick gives it a reluctant shake.


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