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The Kindred Warrior's Captive Bride: A Kindred Tales PLUS Length Novel

Page 14

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Um…my Lord?” she asked, her thoughts fuzzy with lust.

  He looked right at the place where her bare breasts were pressed against him but only shook his head.

  “Nothing,” he growled. “Here—take your shower.”

  He twisted the nozzle and stepped back, leaving her in the shower stall by herself.

  Lan’ara missed his touch at once, but she barely had time to think about it. A blast of vibrations suddenly rippled over her body, bathing her in the strangest sensations she could ever remember feeling.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, uncertain if she liked the feeling or not. It was so odd and tingly—all over her body. But there was no doubt it stimulated her more sensitive areas.

  She parted her legs experimentally and nearly moaned when the invisible force slipped between her thighs and vibrated her pussy. She had an idea the sensation would be even more intense if she parted her outer lips and let the sonic waves “wash” her little pleasure button, but she didn’t know what Need would think about her if she did that. So she just concenrated the best she could on getting clean.

  What else could she do?


  Goddess, the girl looked fucking gorgeous all naked like that with the sonic waves lapping at her, Need couldn’t help thinking. It was clear they were stimulating her too—a side effect of the sonic shower he had completely forgotten to warn her about. Damn it, the whole idea of getting her a shower instead of a bath had been to keep the fucking wash blossoms from molesting her. And now here they were, with the sonic waves doing the exact same thing—maybe even worse!

  Need cursed himself for a fool as he watched her try not to pant with desire while the waves caressed her exposed nipples and pussy. Though she was clearly trying to hide her need, her body betrayed her. Her cheeks were flushed and her breath was coming faster. The tight, berry dark peaks of her nipples were erect and beads of amber liquid were forming on their tips. Not only that, but her pussy honey was flowing—he could see her inner thighs getting shiny with it and smell the warm, fragrant, feminine scent of her desire.

  Ought to stop this now, Need told himself roughly. Ought to turn off the damn shower and get her out of there.

  Instead he asked roughly, “What’s wrong with you girl? You have a pain somewhere?”

  “A…a pain?” Her eyes were cloudy with lust.

  “Yes, a pain,” Need growled, wondering if she remembered their earlier conversation. “Why else would you be panting like that when you’re only taking a damn shower?”

  “Oh.” Comprehension filled her gold-flecked eyes. “Oh, yes, my Lord,” she murmured. “I…I do have a pain, as it happens.”

  “And what pain is that?” Need demanded. “Show me, girl—show me where it hurts.”

  “Here.” Reaching for him, she guided his hands to her body. First he cupped her breasts, squeezing lightly to make the beads of amber nectar swell until they broke and slid down the undersides of her full mounds, making sweet, sticky trails. Then Lan’ara took one of his hands and slid it down, over her trembling belly, to rest between her legs.

  “Here, my Lord,” she whispered again, parting her thighs. “I have a pain here.”

  “Here?” Need repeated, cupping the soft, hot mound of her pussy.

  “Yes, but deeper.” She shifted her hips and suddenly he felt her outer lips part and his fingers were sliding into her slippery inner folds to caress the tender little button of her Goddess Pearl.

  Lan’ara moaned breathlessly and shifted her hips again, rubbing against him like a feline desperate to be stroked.

  Feeling mesmerized, Need bracketed her tight little pearl between his index and middle fingers and let her work herself against him—let her fuck herself on his hand. Gods, she was beautiful when she was in need, he couldn’t help thinking.

  But even this didn’t seem to be enough to satisfy Lan’ara.

  “D-deeper, my Lord,” she pleaded, rubbing against him more desperately. “Please, I…I need you deeper. The pain…it’s so far inside me.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Need frowned. “Sure you want me in you where that damned stick-thing went?”

  For a moment her eyes were shadowed, but then she shook her head, as though pushing away the bad memory.

  “You healed me of that, my Lord,” she said. “Please, inside me.”

  Need could resist her no longer. It wasn’t just that she was beautiful and naked and offering herself to him—it was the fact that she genuinely seemed to need his touch—a need that bordered on pain.

  “All right, girl,” he murmured, looking down into her eyes. “Spread your thighs for me. I’ll go as deep as you want me to.”

  “Thank you, my Lord,” Lan’ara moaned softly. She opened her thighs wide, bracing her hands for balance against the tiled walls on either side of her.

  Need felt her slippery little pussy open for him like a flower and then he was sliding two fingers into her narrow virgin entrance, feeling her slick, inner flesh part just for him as she threw back her head and moaned while he entered her. He kept pressing up and in until he found the end of her channel and filled her completely.

  “Oh,” she gasped, grinding against him. “Oh yes…yes, please, my Lord Need!”

  Gods, he could feel her soft little pussy stretching to accommodate him, throbbing all around his fingers! He didn’t know what she’d been given at that damn Academy of hers, but whatever it was, it was certainly working—the girl was in a bad way.

  “Quiet, girl,” he warned her, his voice hoarse as he felt his cock throbbing in his flight leathers. “We don’t need company just now.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” she whispered, biting her lip. “Only could you…could you move a bit? In…inside me, I mean?” Her cheeks were flushed with shame as she made the request but clearly she couldn’t help herself.

  “Can I fuck you, do you mean?” Need asked roughly. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this—shouldn’t be breaking his vow not to touch her. But he couldn’t seem to help himself—not when the girl so obviously needed him.

  Her blush grew even darker and she lowered her eyes in embarrassment.

  “If my Lord would rather not—”

  “No, I don’t mind, girl,” Need said roughly. “Only tell me what you want.”

  “I…I hardly know myself,” she admitted, looking up at him with those gorgeous, gold-flecked eyes. “I have never…never had these needs before.”

  “Do you need me to thrust inside you?” Need asked, clarifying. “That’s fucking, girl. Finger-fucking, anyway,” he added, wishing it was his shaft inside her instead of his first and middle fingers.

  “I…I think that might help. Help with the…the pain,” she admitted, nodding. “Maybe…if you could just try it?”

  “Here,” Need growled and withdrew his fingers only to thrust them deeply once more into her tight virgin channel. Then he did it again… and again and again.

  It seemed to be exactly what Lan’ara needed. With a low moan, she threw back her head and pumped her hips, catching his rhythm and doing some thrusting of her own. Before long Need could tell she was getting close. Her breathing became deep and ragged and her hands were clenching into fists as she braced herself against the walls on either side of the narrow stall.

  Her breasts were full of the nectar again—it was beading at the tips of her nipples and leaking down the undersides of her creamy brown mounds in shiny trails.

  On impulse, Need leaned over and captured one ripe peak between his lips. He sucked deeply as he continued to pump. At the same time he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her throbbing clit, giving Lan’ara the stimulation she seemed to so desperately need as she worked herself against his invading fingers.

  “Oh!” he heard her moaning as he sucked first one nipple and then the other, tasting her honey-sweet nectar flowing over his tongue as her pussy drenched his hand with her juices. “Oh, my Lord Need—yes…yes!”

  Gods, she was gorgeous when she came, he thoug
ht distractedly. But she was moaning much too loudly. The last thing he wanted was for that bastard of a Trollox to hear them and come out to investigate.

  He let her ripe nipple slip from his lips and captured her mouth with his own instead, eagerly swallowing her cries.

  The kiss seemed to catch Lan’ara off-guard at first, but then she leaned into it, kissing back with inexpert eagerness that betrayed her inexperience as well as her desire.

  Gods, her mouth was sweet! Dimly, Need knew he shouldn’t be doing this. It was one thing to help the girl out with her pain, but quite another to actually kiss her. It was going too far—getting in too deep. And yet he couldn’t seem to stop.

  He kissed her deeply, claiming her mouth even as he stroked in and out of her pussy with his fingers and stroked and tugged her ripe nipples with his other hand. He could feel her honey flowing everywhere—from her tight little tips and between her thighs. It made him yearn to go to his knees before her and lap at her creamy pussy until she called his name again.

  But that would be going too far, Need told himself. Getting in so deep it would be terribly hard to get out again. If he tasted her pussy, he would want to bite her thigh and inject her with his essence. And if he injected his essence, he would want to Claim her and bond her to him. He couldn’t do that—not if he really expected to let her go.

  And he had to let her go.

  That was the thought that made him finally break the kiss and step back from her. She had finished coming, though he could still feel her inner muscles spasming around his invading fingers. Her breasts were heaving with her ragged breaths. They had stopped leaking their nectar, though a shining droplet still gleamed on each nipple. She looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Thank you, my Lord,” she whispered, still panting a little. “For…for helping me with my…my pain.”

  “Is it all gone now? The pain?” Need asked.

  She bit her lip. “For now, I think.”

  “All right.” Need withdrew his fingers from between her legs and she made a little moan, as though she was sorry to have him gone. His hand was shiny with her honey and before he could stop himself, he had slipped his fingers into his mouth to taste her secret flavor.

  It was sweet, Need noticed. A hell of a lot sweeter than it had been when he’d healed her earlier. Gods, had that been only a few hours before? He kept getting in deeper with her—he couldn’t seem to stop.

  She watched, wide-eyed, as he licked his fingers clean.

  “My Lord?” she whispered. “Do…do you really like my taste that much?”

  “More than I damn well ought to,” Need told her, frowning. “And I’ve broken my vow again.”

  “You were only helping me, my Lord,” she protested. “Helping me with my pain.”

  “Well this is the last time,” Need swore. “Come on—we’re going back to my quarters. Here—put this on and cover yourself.”

  He thrust the black undershirt at her and looked away as she slipped it over her head.

  It wasn’t going to happen again, he swore to himself. He was getting in too deep with her—getting too close. If he let her capture his heart, he would be vulnerable, just as he’d been when Cleah died. He never wanted to go through that pain again—never.

  I won’t touch her again, he told himself. Hands off, from now on.

  This time he meant it.


  Lan’ara trailed him down the moss-carpeted hall, staring at his broad back unhappily. Why did it make him so angry every time he touched her? Every time he brought her to the peak? Why did he do it if it made him mad?

  She didn’t have any answers, just like she didn’t have any answers for her own behavior. What in the universe had gotten into her? It was that feeling of a hungry flower inside her unfurling its petals, she thought. The flower had consumed everything—all her shame, all her dignity, all her modesty. It had left nothing but a hunger to be touched…to be taken. A hunger she hadn’t been able to stop or deny. And when the big Kindred offered to touch her—to help her with the painful need inside—she had given into it completely.


  It must have something to do with the shots they gave us the last night at the Academy, she thought. But I’ll never know unless I read my file.

  Which was impossible. The disgusting Trollox had it in his room and there was no way she was going in there. It smelled horrible and it was much too risky.

  No, she would just have to try and deal with this strange hunger on her own, Lan’ara told herself unhappily. At least, until she got to Genu Six and was reunited with Senator Pouncenblast.

  But the idea of the ancient Senator’s liver-spotted hands on her body made her stomach roll. No, she couldn’t possibly let him touch her—not intimately—not the way Need had just touched her.

  Will you listen to yourself? a little voice demanded inside her head. What’s wrong with you, daydreaming about a man who doesn’t want you? Get over the Kindred, Lanni—he can’t wait to get rid of you. And every time he touches you, he swears it’s the last time. Is that the action of a man who wants to keep you around?

  No, unfortunately it wasn’t. With a sigh, she told herself to stop thinking about the present and start concentrating on her future. It was the only way she was ever going to get anywhere.

  In the meantime, all she could do was try to get some sleep.


  “Where should I sleep, my Lord? At the foot of the bed? On the floor?” Lan’ara’s gold-flecked eyes were wide and innocent in a way that troubled Need’s heart as they stood together at the foot of his big bed.

  She’s serious, he thought. She really thinks I’d make her sleep on the floor!

  “The floor?” he said roughly. “What in the Seven Hells makes you think I want you sleeping there, girl?”

  “Because you said…said you didn’t ever want to touch me again,” she whispered, looking almost ready to cry when she spoke the words.

  Against his will, Need felt his heart twist in his chest.

  “Now then, girl,” he growled. “It’s not that I don’t want to touch you—it’s that I don’t need to be breaking my vow again. But the bed is big enough that we can share it and I don’t have to worry about that.”

  “So you want me to sleep at your feet, then?” Lan’ara asked softly.

  “Seven Hells, no!” he exclaimed, feeling exasperated. “You can sleep beside me.

  She brightened at once.

  “Thank you, my Lord,” she murmured. “Are we going to go to bed now?”

  He sighed and nodded.

  “Might as well, I suppose. I have to get up early to check our course heading. Well, go on—get in.”

  “On which side?” she asked hesitantly.

  Need considered for a moment.

  “Either,” he said at last. “I usually sleep in the middle so it doesn’t matter which side you take. Just pick one and I’ll take the other.”

  “Thank you, my Lord,” she murmured and slipped beneath the covers on the right side of the bed.

  Need took the left, more aware than he wanted to be of her curvy form under the covers beside him in the darkened room. Maybe he ought to sleep on top of the covers to avoid temptation? But no—that was ridiculous! He could control himself. He just had to put his mind to it, that was all.

  The thing was, he knew perfectly well that if the girl had shied from his hand or begged him not to touch her, he would have had no problem leaving her alone. Like all Kindred, he had no interest in an unwilling female. It was the fact that she needed him—that she all but begged him to stroke and caress her ripe body—that made her so hard to resist.

  Of course, a case could be made that she was only begging for his touch in order to gain his goodwill. That could certainly be true—she was, after all, technically his property and she would want to remain in his good graces as much as possible.

  The theory might have held water—except for her scent, Need thought, grinding h
is teeth together. Her Goddess-damned, enticing feminine scent.

  He could smell it even now—the delicious fragrance of her desire. It was laced with lust pheromones that a male with a less-discerning sense of smell never would have noticed. But Need’s sensitive Kindred nose told him exactly how much the girl wanted him and let him know that her longing for his touch was no lie.

  When she had spoken of being in pain, back in the sonic shower booth, she had been telling the truth. Her body was in some kind of cycle, he thought—that had to be it. The way she was getting so hot and bothered…and the way her nipples leaked the sweet, sticky nectar when she was aroused and close to coming…not to mention how sweet her pussy honey had become.

  It must be what Drung had called her “Ripening” whatever the hell that meant. Need wished to the Goddess he had stayed long enough for the slaver to give him the file that went with the girl, but he’d been in too much of a hurry to be rid of her.

  Aren’t you still in a hurry to be rid of her? whispered a little voice in his head. And well you should be. Having her close is dangerous—she’s too beautiful, too easy to like, maybe even to love if you let her stay long enough. Be careful, Need—once you let her creep into your heart, there will be no getting her out again.

  Right. Which was why he fully intended to get rid of her as soon as he possibly could.

  He turned over resolutely, putting his back to the girl, determined to put her out of his mind and get some sleep.

  But that was when he felt her shivering.

  Lan’ara was cold…so cold. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She just knew that the minute she slid between the crisp sheets, she felt her body temperature start to drop.

  She clutched her arms around herself and drew her knees up to her breasts, tucking as much of her body as possible into the long black undershirt Need had given her to sleep in. She slipped her fingers—which suddenly felt almost frost-bitten—into her armpits and curled her toes tight to try and conserve body heat.


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