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The Kindred Warrior's Captive Bride: A Kindred Tales PLUS Length Novel

Page 16

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Thirsty, are you?”

  He looked at her, clearly perplexed, and then Lan’ara swirled her tongue around the broad head of his shaft and he groaned.

  “Gods, girl—you don’t really mean you want to drink my seed?”

  That was exactly what she meant—exactly what she needed.

  “Please,” she whispered again, looking up at him pleadingly. “Please, my Lord.” And then she ran her tongue around the broad head once more, lapping hungrily at the pearl of salty precum that had formed there.

  “Gods…” He shook his head. “You really want me to come in your mouth? Want me to spurt my seed down your throat as you swallow my load?”

  “Gods and Goddesses, yes,” Lan’ara whispered, unable to help herself. “That’s exactly what I want, my Lord! What I need.”

  “Shouldn’t do this,” he muttered. “Getting in deeper and deeper.”

  But he didn’t try stop her when Lan’ara sucked the head of his shaft into her mouth. She could taste her own honey on him, mixed with his salty precum, and it was delicious. Thirsty for more, she began to pump him, stroking his thick shaft with her hand to make him come.

  Once Need believed that she really wanted this, it didn’t take long. With a long, low groan, he at last allowed himself to reach the peak.

  Lan’ara felt his entire body tense and his rigid shaft grew even bigger and harder for a moment until it felt like she was stroking a bar of heated iron. Then, he pressed up between her lips and she felt the first hot spurt of his seed hitting the back of her throat.

  Just as she had thought, it seemed to be exactly what she was craving. As she eagerly swallowed spurt after spurt of the big Kindred’s seed, the awful Thirst was at last satiated and finally she felt better.

  But she wasn’t the only one getting relief.

  “Ah, Gods, girl,” Need groaned hoarsely, his hands gentle in her hair even as he pumped his seed down her throat. “So good. So Goddess-damned good.”

  He came for a long time, and Lan’ara swallowed every drop. When he was done, she sucked the broad head to be certain she’d gotten it all and then curled with a contented sigh against his broad chest.

  “Better now, girl?” he asked, his voice hoarse with the aftermath of passion.

  “Yes, my Lord,” Lan’ara whispered. “The Thirst is satiated. Thank you.”

  “Just wish I could return the favor.” He yawned deeply. “Gods, I should be more upset about this but I’m so damn tired now…”

  Lan’ara knew she ought to be more upset too. She had just acted like a common hoyden, rubbing against him and sucking him off like that! But she, too, was suddenly inexpressibly weary. She could barely keep her eyes open.

  “Let’s go to sleep,” she suggested and yawned as well. “We can be…be upset about it tomorrow.”

  “Suppose we can.” He sighed and gathered her closer to him. “To keep you warm,” he said.

  Lan’ara sighed happily and snuggled against his side, pressing her face to his chest and breathing in his addictive, masculine scent. Goddess, he smelled so good! And his big, hard body against hers made her feel safe and loved—even though she knew it was only an illusion.

  But still, might he not decide to keep her, after all? Though she knew she shouldn’t, she couldn’t help thinking that life with Need—if he could learn to love her—would be much nicer than life with the elderly Senator.

  No, don’t think like that, she told herself. He doesn’t really want you—he’s just helping you get through this strange “Ripening” whatever it is.

  But still, it felt wonderful to be so safe and secure in his muscular arms. And could it really hurt just to fantasize that the big Kindred might decide to keep her?

  Before she could answer that question, Lan’ara had drifted off to sleep with her head pillowed on his broad chest and his arms wrapped firmly around her.

  For the first time in days she felt safe. Safe and secure and cared for and she wished it would never end.


  Need woke with a female in his arms for the first time in over ten cycles.

  But he didn’t think about that at first. He only thought about how good she felt against him—how her full breasts rubbed against his side when she breathed and how she had thrown one leg over his thighs in an act of unconscious possession that felt somehow right—as though she was claiming him as her own.

  A wave of tenderness washed over him. Gods, it felt good to hold her! Still half-asleep, he cradled the curvy form against his own, loving the feel of her softness again his own muscular body and inhaling her warm, feminine scent.

  He hadn’t felt this good since waking up with Cleah, he thought sleepily. Holding her in his arms as the two of them met the morning light together…

  But the memory of his long-dead mate seemed to jog something inside him.

  Cleah! This girl isn’t Cleah—she’s a slave girl you bought yesterday, his waking mind informed him. A girl you’re getting too damn close to, Need!

  Abruptly, he sat up, untangling his limbs from hers, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Shame washed over him. He had defiled his mate’s memory and had broken his vow never to be close to a female again.

  You didn’t just break it once, either, whispered an accusing little voice in his head. You broke it multiple times, Need. First you healed her with your essence, then you touched her in the sonic shower, then you rubbed against her until she came all over your shaft and then, to top it all off, you let her suck you and drink your seed. What in the Seven Hells were you thinking?

  Need had no idea, but he did know he had to get his mind right immediately. If he didn’t, he was in real danger of falling for the curvy little slave girl he’d bought so unwillingly. He had to take steps to get rid of her—now.

  He got up abruptly and headed for the door—only to be stopped by the sound of her voice.

  “My Lord Need?” She sounded sleepy but also worried. When he turned his head to look at her, he saw that her gold-flecked eyes were wide and uncertain. “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  “Fine, girl.” Need found he couldn’t look at her. She was too tempting, still tangled in the covers. The undershirt he had given her to sleep in had pulled down, showing the creamy curves of her breasts. The memory of sucking her nipples the day before made his shaft ache.

  “Are you well?” she asked softly. “Are you…are you angry with me?”

  More like angry with myself for my weakness, Need thought.

  “Of course not, girl,” he said roughly. “Why would I be angry?”

  “I just thought…”

  She trailed off and he looked at her again, to see her biting her lush lower lip. Gods, she was lovely! And her scent was so sweet and enticing—calling him to her, begging for his touch even when she didn’t say anything aloud.

  In that moment he wanted nothing more than to go and take her in his arms. To touch her and taste her again. To reassure her that nothing was wrong.

  Except everything was wrong.

  Have to get out of here, Need told himself. Have to go now, before I lose my self control and go to her.

  “I must check our course headings,” he said abruptly. “You can go back to sleep if you want. Or if you’re hungry, you know the way to the food prep area. The supplies in the cold storage unit are all communal unless they have someone’s name on them. Same for the pantry.”

  “But when will I see you again?” she asked softly.

  “I don’t know.” Need shrugged. “It’s my turn to cook Last Meal tonight. I suppose we’ll see each other then—if you want to help.”

  “It would be my pleasure, my Lord,” she said eagerly and he detected true interest in her voice. She really must like to cook, he thought.

  Cleah had enjoyed cooking and baking too. She had always said it was an act of pure creation and a joy to watch other people eat what she’d cooked.

  The thought of his dead mate filled him with shame again.
  “Fine,” he said shortly. “I’ll see you then. Just stay out of the back part of the ship where you might run into Drung. He usually stays in his own room for First and Mid Meal—he has his own store of Trollox food in there and Gods does it stink! But be sure you avoid him just the same.”

  “Of course, my Lord. I’ll be very careful,” she promised. She shivered, a look of fearful disgust coming over her face. “I have no wish to be anywhere near the Trollox.”

  “Good.” Need didn’t want her anywhere near Drung either. Just the thought of the big bastard trying to touch her threatened to raise the protective Rage in him—a feeling he pushed back down with difficulty.

  “You don’t…don’t think he’ll try anything, do you?” She sounded so worried that his heart twisted in his chest. He had a sudden urge to go back to the bed and take her in his arms—to shelter and protect her and assure her that he would fight to the death to keep her safe.

  But he knew he couldn’t do that.

  “Not if he knows what’s good for him,” he said shortly. “If he tries to bother you, come find me. I’ll be in the front of the ship at the Nav-com with Captain Glo’ll.”

  “Am I allowed up there?” she asked.

  Need barked a laugh.

  “For most people, the answer to that would be hell no. But the Captain seems to have taken a real liking to you. So I don’t think he’ll mind if you come to the forward deck.”

  “All right. Thank you, my Lord. I will endeavor to keep myself busy until we see each other to prepare Last Meal,” she said. She bit her lip and added in a low voice, “I…I will miss you.”

  Again the urge to take her in his arms came over Need. It was so strong this time he could barely fight it off. What was wrong with him? How had he become so deeply attached to the girl so quickly?

  I must go,” he said abruptly. “I have duties to attend to.”

  And he left the sleeping chamber without looking back.


  Lan’ara sat for a moment, huddled in the covers, wishing she hadn’t told Need she would miss him. What was wrong with her, acting so clingy like that? Clearly her neediness had driven the big Kindred away.

  But the fact was, she did need him. Already her nipples and pussy felt achy and hot—clearly she was still in the Ripening process, whatever that was. Despite all their activity of the night before, she wanted more. More of Need’s hands and mouth on her—more of his big body pressed close to hers.

  Well you’re not going to get it, Lan’ara lectured herself sternly. So just get over it and get on with your day.

  She was glad she’d had a shower the night before, since she couldn’t really take a bath without the wash blossoms coming after her. Getting up, she put on the second bronze shirtdress Need had given her and cinched the black neck-cloth around her waist. She stepped into the fresher briefly to check her appearance—making sure to stay away from the wash blossoms, which were apparently sleeping around the edge of the tub.

  Once she was satisfied that her hair was in order, Lan’ara decided to see what she could find to eat in the Food Prep area. She had been hoping to find it deserted, but when she got to the communal living space, she saw that Psoas and Laxah were both there.

  The engineer’s lanky long-bean body was draped over one of the couches in the vid viewing area. He was sipping something that steamed from a cup and watching some kind of sports program which involved others like him—all with elongated, stretchy bodies. They were bounding over the field, passing a large bright purple ball around between them. Lan’ara couldn’t figure out the rules of the game but every once in a while, one of the teams seemed to score because they got very excited and twisted their bodies together into a writhing mass that looked almost like a bunch of snakes.

  Laxah was pouring something hot into a mug and she nodded at Lan’ara as she came into the food prep area.

  “Fine morning,” she said. She was dressed in another immaculate white jumpsuit which was perfectly fitted to her petite form.

  “Fine morning,” Lan’ara echoed, smiling politely.

  “Would you like some caffeine brew?” Laxah asked, pointing to the steaming pink liquid in her own mug. “I’m not really awake in the morning before I have my first cup.”

  “Oh, thank you, but we weren’t allowed to have stimulants at the Academy so I really don’t have a taste for them,” Lan’ara said. “Um, but I would love some teeka milk, if you have any?”

  “Not sure about that,” Laxah said. “But if there is some, it would be in the cold storage unit.” She pointed to a tall silver box in the corner of the food prep area. “I was about to make some goo. Would you like some? I can make a double portion.”

  “Um…goo? I’ve never heard of that,” Lan’ara said apologetically. “What is it?”

  “It’s a kind of porridge made from the finely ground grains of the bursa wheat-flower,” Laxah explained. “It’s very nutritious—and bright blue. My mothers used to make it for me when I was a little girl on Zeta Prime.”

  “Your mothers?” Lan’ara asked as the other woman took a sip from her steaming mug and then began assembling ingredients for her morning “goo.” “As in more than one mother?” she asked, wondering if she had misheard.

  “Oh, yes. Where I come from, almost everyone has two mothers,” Laxah said casually. “We don’t believe in having males around, you see—most of them are a complete waste of space. Zeta Prime is a planet devoted entirely to females.”

  “But then…how do you make babies?” Lan’ara asked, mystified.

  “Artificial insemination, of course,” Laxah said. “So much neater and easier than actually allowing yourself to be penetrated by a male. Ugh!” She made a face as she dumped some pale blue powder into a pot of boiling water she had on the cooking-wave.

  “Now you sound like Captain Glo’ll at Last Meal,” Lan’ara pointed out. “When he was asking if you had tried budding.”

  Laxah let out a shout of laughter.

  “So I do,” she said, grinning. The expression lightened up her gray eyes and made her look much less forbidding than she had the night before. “I just have no use for males,” she went on. “Well, except for the Kindred—I do have some grudging respect for them. Though I almost lost it last night when I thought that Needrix had bought you to use as a sex slave.”

  “He isn’t…isn’t doing that to me,” Lan’ara said, feeling her cheeks get hot.

  Not that she hadn’t wanted him to last night! She’d been longing for Need to penetrate her, even though she knew it would probably imperil her future. She tried to push these thoughts out of her mind, though—she was afraid they would show on her face and Laxah was much too sharp to miss her confusion and guilt.

  “He’s not?” The Med Tech was eyeing her skeptically, as though she didn’t quite believe Lan’ara. “You can tell me if you’re being abused in anyway, my dear,” she said. “I can help you if you’ll let me.”

  “I don’t need any help—really I don’t,” Lan’ara protested. “Though it’s very kind of you to offer. My Lord Need has been nothing but kind to me ever since he bought me at the auction. He paid forty thousand credits for me,” she added, hoping to impress on Laxah how kind the big Kindred was.

  “And he’s planning to make it all back and then some, I’ll bet,” was Laxah’s skeptical reply. “Has he really already got a buyer lined up for you on Genu Six?”

  “Senator Pouncenblast had already paid the first half of my contract,” Lan’ara protested. “I was always meant to go and be his Primary Bride. If the pirates hadn’t come…” She faltered, the memory of being woken in the middle of the night to screams and laser blasts and blood and smoke and fire overcoming her for a moment.

  “Hey—are you all right?” Laxah stopped stirring the pot and put a hand on Lan’ara’s arm.

  “I…I’m fine.” Lan’ara lifted her chin. “It’s just…a lot has happened to me in the past solar week. The pirates raiding the Academy,
being crowded into the slave ship with so many others, being sold at the auction…and now I’m just trying to fit in here, on The Dark Star, until my Lord Need can deliver me to Genu Six.”

  She did not mention the fact that her body seemed to be undergoing some kind of strange cycle of lust and desire because that was frankly too embarrassing to talk about.

  “You poor girl!” Laxah looked genuinely distressed. “You must be so traumatized right now! How are you even walking around and talking instead of curled into a corner somewhere?”

  “I don’t know,” Lan’ara answered honestly. She thought she might have gone to pieces the night before—if it hadn’t been for Need’s strong arms around her. Being close to the big Kindred—breathing in his scent—had somehow calmed her down.

  She felt protected when he held her, felt like everything would be all right. It was obviously an illusion, but such a sweet one she couldn’t bear to give it up. She thought longingly of his warm scent and the way he had stroked her back and shoulders to keep her warm and wondered if he would hold her again tonight…

  “…to you.”

  Laxah’s voice in her ear drew Lan’ara out of her daydreams.

  “I’m sorry?” she asked politely. “I think I missed part of what you were saying.”

  “I said, maybe that’s what drew Needrix to you. The fact that you were in trouble, I mean,” Laxah had gotten two bowls from the cupboard and was filling both of them with a bright blue, gooey-looking mixture. She handed Lan’ara one of them as well as a spoon and they sat down at the table.

  “Why would that draw him to me?” Lan’ara asked. She took a bite of the still steaming goo and smiled appreciatively. “Mmm, good! So sweet and nutty.”

  “Thank you.” Laxah smiled and stirred her own goo. “Well, Kindred are often known to be protective and helpful of females in trouble. It’s one of the reasons I don’t lump them in with all the other useless males in the universe.”

  “They are?” Lan’ara asked. “He did say something to me about how Kindred don’t hurt females.”


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