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Consequence: A Dark High School Romance (Holly Oak Academy Book 1)

Page 12

by G. Bailey

  “His heart condition was treated in surgery when he was nine and the whole family was tested for the condition. My dad and I were clear, but my mum wasn’t. It was like Hunter got saved and my mum got the price. She had a stroke two years later and we had to watch her slowly die.”

  I pause, thinking on it. “I guess that would make anyone angry.”

  “That was never what made Hunter and I angry. Our dad was a piece of work. I swear he slept with the housekeeper from the second Mum had the stroke,” he bitterly snaps. “He couldn’t care less about her.”

  “Your dad is dead?”

  “Murdered by the housekeeper in a jealous rage,” he carefully tells me, too carefully as his green eyes meet mine for the first time since I sat down. It’s a practised lie, one he needs to see my eyes to make sure I believe him, and we both know that I don’t.

  “You know it’s bad to tell lies, Nathan,” I murmur, and he grins in an almost sadistic way as he grabs my arm into a painful grip. He lifts me up onto the table in front of him and leans into me, all in one impossibly swift movement. I’m impressed by the display of strength and how he managed to do that without knocking anything over. I keep my eyes locked on his, noticing his heavy breathing and the pure undiluted anger burning his eyes.

  Anger and desire. It’s a lethal mix.

  “Lies? You can talk, Miss Regan Hall. You fucking hated Hunter like the rest of the school, so why are you trying to comfort his grieving brother? Why the fuck are you here?”

  “I’m just surprised you’re grieving at all. He was an ass and you hated him. He’s better off dead.”

  Nathan almost steps back in shock, clearly not expecting me to say that. “You’re a total bitch.”

  “But I’m honest and no one else has been that way with you, have they?” I move my hands to his chest. He grips my hips tighter, his entire body practically shaking with anger now. “They’re all telling you how wonderful Hunter was and how sorry they are that he’s gone. Total bullshit and you’re smart enough to know it.”

  “The trouble with being honest is that people tend to hate the one who was brave enough to speak it,” Nathan spits back at me.

  He has a point but I don’t regret my words.

  “Do you hate me, Nathan?” I whisper, sliding my hands down his body.

  “I fucking wish I did.”

  I shouldn’t be surprised when he kisses me, but I am.

  His kiss is brutal and demanding as he pushes me further onto the table and yanks my legs around his waist. His lips are soft but they’re punishing me with every kiss, and I want more. I’m craving it like a drug that only he can give and it intoxicates my senses.

  In this moment, I hate myself almost as much as he hates me.

  Nathan wants everything.

  I gave him nothing.

  And somehow we both ended up with this—this fucked up version of a love story that no one wanted to hear.

  Not even me.

  Yet we still kiss like two innocent people discovering how utterly addicted we are to each other in spite of the web of lies spinning around our bodies and dragging us deeper into darkness, a darkness that right here, right now, I no longer need to run from. It’s been so long…too long…since anyone has kissed me like this that I find myself wishing Nathan’s name wasn’t on my list and things could be different between us.

  “Miss Hall, you will be late to class. The same applies to you, Mr Cross.” Rory’s stern voice cuts through my senses and I push Nathan away as realisation kicks in. He looks as dazed as I feel as I hurry out of the cafeteria, not even bothering to check if Rory is following.

  This game is going too far.

  I killed Nathan’s brother. I can’t kiss him and start to feel anything for him.

  Maybe just once I need to listen to my mother’s advice.

  Emotions get assassins killed, so don’t feel, just kill.

  But therein lies the problem.

  I already feel something for someone I must kill, and I don’t know how to suppress it.


  Fixing the black, sequin-covered mask over my eyes, I tie the string tightly under my hair before letting it fall down over my shoulders in tight curls. The black feathers stretching out the side of my mask match the ruffled tiers of my darker than a night sky dress that falls to the floor. From the waist up, a dark violet silk bodice pushes my chest up and it’s so tight I can just about breathe. My Gucci high heels fit my feet perfectly, which they should for the price they cost my parents. Just as I go to walk away, my own eyes catch my attention in the mirror. They look as empty as Imogen did the day I first saw her with Hunter.

  Broken and tired, my eyes are reflecting what I feel it so deeply within my soul.

  The pits of blue swirl around in the emptiness of my heart, begging me not to make the choice I know I must tonight.

  I’m going to kill Nathan Cross.

  I have too. I might not know his sin for sure, but I suspect it has something to do with his father’s death. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him or Hunter that killed their old man. Maybe his sin is helping Hunter hide the truth for all these years.

  Or maybe he’s a murderer just like me.

  I wish thinking that made it easier to kill him, but it really, really doesn’t. I still have the feel of his lips on mine like they never left. He will be another ghost for me to never forget it seems. I harden my gaze, lifting my head high at the same time and telling myself I need to do this. I promised myself to protect my secret at any cost and that’s not something I’m going to go back on now. Not for a guy, no matter how I might feel about him.

  Feeling’s get assassin’s killed and their secrets revealed.

  I’ve got to do this.

  Walking out of my room, Rory is waiting for me. He might not be my technical date to the Halloween ball, but at least I won’t be going alone. His eyes widen ever so slightly, the only indication he likes what he sees until he clears his throat.

  “Black is your colour, Miss Hall,” he gruffly tells me.

  “It’s Regan, Rory,” I remind him, casting a glance over his padded uniform. “Black is your colour too.”

  “I’m well aware of your name. Is your boyfriend on his way to take you to the Halloween Ball?”

  I clock my head to the side, wondering what gave him that impression. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “Then do you have a date?” he enquires, seeming somewhat angry. Or impatient. What the fuck does it have to do with him, anyway?

  “Nope. I like flying solo. Come on, Rory.”

  I don’t give him a second to answer before I walk away, hearing him following close behind until he catches up and jogs ahead to open the door. The academy is near silent, only the sound of faraway music and footsteps fill the dark corridors. The closer we get to the auditorium, the more I see the candles in lines down the side of the pathways, and the hanging black webs falling from the ceiling. I slip my ticket out of the side of the pocket of my dress as we get closer to the double doors. Two guys in black suits and white lace masks flank the entrance.

  “Wait.” Rory demands and I stop, turning back to him as he moves closer. He lifts my hand and surprises me by very gently kissing the back. “A girl like you shouldn’t go to a ball alone and definitely shouldn’t be used by fuck boys like Nathan Cross. You look beautiful and I hope you have a good night.”

  “You’re the good guy, aren’t you, Rory?”

  “Always for you. If you need me, I’m here.”

  Strangely, his statement brings a smile to my face and makes me feel…safe. That isn’t something I’ve felt since I came to this God awful academy.

  I keep my eyes locked on Rory’s until I turn around and hand one of the guys my invitation. They both open the doors to the ball at the same time, and I can’t help but stare around as I walk inside, admittedly taken aback. The floor has projection lights in the shape of spider webs that float around. There must be ten arches framing the dancers in t
he middle of the room, each of the pillars painted black with white spider webs wrapped around them like ivy. Hanging above the dancers are rows of orange lanterns hanging off the string, and at the back of the room, a band plays modern Halloween songs with a twist. The band are all dressed in dark orange with pumpkin face paint, with large black mouths painted on. It’s creepy and cool at the same time.

  The left side of the ball has ten massive pumpkin-shaped domes, with some doors open showing sofas and a table inside each one. Most are filled with students, some of them making out and not giving a shit that everyone can see them. Purple and pink projector lights flash around the room in time with the music, casting an eerie glow around the whole room. It’s impressive, tasteful, and screams money. It sure as hell must have cost a lot just for the decorations.

  “Oh. Em. Gee. You look fantastic, Regan!” Charlie shouts over the music and I nearly jump out of my skin as she runs over to me in a sleek burnt orange dress and a black mask that glitters in the lights. She hugs me tightly and I try not to tense up, knowing hugs are no big deal. I guess I’m more tense than I thought. Over her shoulder, I see Tilda and Ethan talking, and Tilda is laughing her head off. Imogen is nowhere to be seen, but I wouldn’t have expected her to come here after everything that’s been going on. My victim is also nowhere to be seen.

  “You look—”

  “Bloody hot, I know,” she cuts me off, and I grin at her. I love Charlie’s self-confidence. Every girl in the world could do with a big dose of it. “Have you seen Anne and Lucas? They look like the dream couple. Come and see.”

  Before I can tell her I’d rather not see them as it hurts me in a way I don’t want to confess, she hooks her arm in mine and drags me over to the dancers. We stop right on the edge by one of the pillars and I see them.

  Charlie was right. They look like a pair of angels, with fake white wings on their backs that sweep the floor. The rest of their outfits are also white, including their masks, and when Lucas spins Anne around in time to the music, they dance almost as one. The song playing is Halo by Beyonce and it suits them, and the way they move together is like they’ve been with each other for years. For once, Anne looks healthy and in love and I could watch her smile like this forever. Lucas beams down at her, and I try to look away, finding that I can’t, my eyes fixed on his beautiful face. The seconds seem to stretch on as I stare at him, his white tuxedo clearly custom made, fitting him perfectly and making me ache to touch any part I can get my hands on.

  God, I’ve got to stop this.

  I’m the devil compared to them, and they’re the angels who deserve each other.

  Neither of them deserve me in their lives. If they knew who I really am, they wouldn’t want me in their lives.

  “You alright?” Joshua interrupts my inner thoughts and I blink, finding him right in front of me. I was so lost in my own head that I didn’t even notice his arrival. But now I’m noticing, and damn, just when I thought this handsome fucker couldn’t get any hotter. He’s wearing a navy tuxedo, a short ebony mask, with a light blue bowtie that reminds me of Doctor Who. He’s the perfect mix of dorky and fit.

  I chuckle, nodding to his necktie. “Yep. You look good, Doctor Who. Nice Dickie bow.”

  “Why thank you. Will you be my Rose and dance with me?” he charmingly asks, offering a hand.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” I laugh softly, accepting his proffered hand.

  Charlie looks between us like we are totally crazy. I guess if you don’t watch Doctor Who and know Rose was literally the best doctor’s companion, you wouldn’t get it. I’m so happy Joshua has the same interests as me though. I mean, I shouldn’t really be happy since I’ve got to kill him, but still. It’s refreshing to meet a fellow dork.

  “I’m going to find my date.” Charlie wags her eyebrows at me before she walks away.

  Joshua grins and tugs me into the middle of dancers, right next to Anne and Lucas as the song changes to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Joshua effortlessly twirls me around as I try not to look at Lucas and Anne while I rest my head on Joshua’s shoulder.

  “You seem sad tonight,” Joshua whispers to me. “What is it?”

  “It’s a sad night. I have to wear a dress, you see,” I lie and I’m beginning to not know the difference between my lies and the truth anymore. I can hardly tell Joshua I’m sad because a guy I like is on a date with my best friend. I can’t tell him I need to kill another guy I’m starting to like because I’m being blackmailed.

  I especially can’t tell Joshua that I’m going to kill him next.

  A lie is sometimes the nicest thing in the world to say. It protects everyone.

  “May I cut in and steal your girl?” Nathan asks, stopping beside us.

  We come to a halt and I run my eyes over Nathan’s dark green tux. He’s not wearing a jacket and his sleeves are rolled up. His mask is dark green as well, and it certainly suits him.

  It’s a nice tux to die in.

  “No,” is Joshua’s cut answer and I smile, tugging my hands out of Joshua’s.

  “Sharing is caring, boys,” I tell them both, moving to Nathan, who wraps his arms around me as Joshua frowns and storms off.

  Nathan is silent as we dance. It should make me feel uncomfortable but it surprisingly doesn’t. We twirl around each other almost fluidly for a few songs before we both decide we want a drink. I’m a little glad for the distraction. Nathan’s eyes and the memory of his lips pressed against my own were beginning to ensnare me.

  “Want a real drink? Nathan asks, wiggling his eyebrows. ”There’s a real party going on back there.” I follow Nathan’s gaze to the doors at the back of the room as two students sneak inside. “You wanna go?”

  “Sure,” I answer, smiling widely, but not for the reason Nathan probably thinks. I need somewhere less busy than here to do my work. I need to get my prey alone.

  Nathan wraps his arms around my waist as we approach the door and head instead. The smell of weed fills my senses as we climb a small staircase into a corridor full of open doors.

  “Let’s find an empty one,” Nathan suggests as we pass two doors where there’s nothing short of orgies going on in there. We find a small room with only a desk and two chairs inside, and we head in. Nathan pulls out a bottle of vodka and two joints.

  “You smoke?”

  “When I wanna,” I reply, and he grins, handing me a joint.

  “Fuck, I don’t have a lighter. Give me a sec. I’ll find something. The science storage room is next door, I bet they have matches in there,” Nathan suggests and I shrug, taking the bottle of vodka from his hands.

  “I’ll wait for you and keep myself busy. Don’t be long,” I all but purr, before taking a long sip of vodka.

  “You’re still a bitch, Regan, but fuck knows why I like it,” he tells me before he walks out of the room and I place my things down. I undo my mask, holding it in my hand as I follow Nathan out, making sure he doesn’t notice me. He heads into the room, switching on the light. I rest myself against the wall outside the door, looking around to make sure it’s empty as I slip my shoes off and take a long, deep breath.

  The clicks of my heels would reveal who I am and I can’t take that chance. But they’re also a good weapon. Moving quickly, I switch off the light and at the same time I whack Nathan in the head with my shoe. He falls to the floor face-first with a smack, and I jump on top of him, wrapping my mask around his neck and I start to pull with every ounce of strength in my being. He barely fights back as I suffocate him while tears fall rapidly down my cheeks, and I pray for someone to stop me, to save his life, to lock me away for good. Just as Nathan loses consciousness, a voice echoes down the corridor outside.

  “I saw them head down here, sir,” I hear them say, way too close for comfort, as if someone actually heard my prayer.

  “Thank you. I will search the rooms,” Rory replies.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  As I hear his footsteps getting closer, I know I have to leave it. Rory
is a fucking nightmare and I’d have to kill him too if he sees this. I peel my mask off and quickly tie it on before doing the next best thing I can. I slide my shoes on and I scream.

  “That must have been so scary. I can’t believe you found Nathan like that! You must have scared off the killer!” Tilda goes on and on over breakfast as I stare down at my cereal, twirling the milk and Coco Pops around with my spoon.

  “Right? I’m properly scared now. Hunter must have been killed, and now Nathan?” Charlie states, shaking dramatically. “I never would’ve thought it.”

  “At least they’ve doubled security around the school. Did you hear how so many students have been taken home?” Imogen adds in as she finishes her toast. “I’m not surprised.”

  “Yeah, my mum wants me to go home for a bit,” Anne says and I look up at her as she stares at me. “You could come with us, if you want, Regan?”

  “Nah, I’m good,” I hurriedly reply, because the truth is, I’m not going back to London anytime soon. London is full of both dead and living memories I need to forget for my own sake. My hand shakes under the table as I remember last night, and the look of suspicion on Rory’s face. Mrs Beach, of course, believed me when I told her a lie and said I went looking for Nathan when he didn’t come back.

  Rory…I’m not so sure. It only means I need to be more careful.

  “Any plans for today, babe?” Joshua asks, resting his hands on my shoulders as he stops behind me. I lean my head back, resting it on his stomach as I look up at him. His eyes sparkle with humour as I frown at him.

  “Other than napping? Nope. No plans at all.”

  “It’s Sunday, which means you’re mine for the day. Come on, the car is waiting,”

  He leads me out of the academy where Rory and three other guards stand by two SUVs. Rory opens the door for me and smiles, watching me climb inside. As Joshua slides onto the seat next to me, I watch Rory slip into the driver’s seat and start the car. His ice-blue eyes catch me staring at him in the rear-view mirror, but he just grins before turning his attention back to the road.

  “Are we going to see Bibi?” I ask Joshua, peeling my gaze off Rory’s sexy face.


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