Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 7

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Seven

  “I got tied up…wait, where are the rest of us?” I asked.

  Ember, Willow, Reid and Fallon were nowhere to be found.

  “You just missed them…” R-daddy told me.

  “How long do you have?” Momma-C quickly inquired before my disappointment could set in.

  “Me, I’m free until 7:25. I have breakfast plans at 7:30. Sorry, I’m late. It couldn’t be helped. Oh, and I know I smell like a walking tobacco advertisement. My study group is very liberal, but I’m not smoking anything,” I explained.

  I made the rounds, giving hugs, kisses and greetings to my parents, g-mom, Grandma Edie and my two brothers. Then, I took a seat.

  “Ember still expects that phone call from you during the first break or at the conclusion,” Jaysen reminded me and I nodded.

  “Thanks for coming, Krista. Let me get you up to speed. I called this meeting to ask for some help. Your Momma-G and I are asking everyone to attend several events in the next few weeks.

  “You see, my youngest sister, Scarlett wants to marry a gypsy boy, named Dylan Rhinehart. But, he doesn’t share our traditional Ay’sha bloodline. He is a royal blue-blood gypsy like Gayle.

  “Scarlett is getting flak from all sides and she thinks I might be able to at least, smooth a few things over with our father. She wasn’t even thought of when I left home and married Rave. But, she knows he doesn’t have any Ay’sha heritage and my father accepted him into our family.

  “Traditional gypsies steer clear of royal Ay’sha bloodlines for a number of reasons. Royals, for lack of a better explanation – and again, forgive me for saying this, Gayle – look down on more common gypsies…”

  “That places a light spin on their childish arrogance. Feel no need to further apologize, as I have long since left my royal gypsy ways behind. I am content to live as an Ava’shay…” Momma-G replied.

  “Anyhow…I was so desperately in love with Rave that I was more than willing to run away, choose the severed path and never look back, again. Scarlett would never choose to do any of that. But, if she’s not willing to sever her family ties, she will need our father’s blessing and permission to marry a royal Ay’sha. I don’t see that happening unless something changes. Scarlett is torn between the love of her life and her keeping our father’s love and approval. She is a daddy’s girl. She would never consider defying his authority.

  “Here’s a quick traditional, gypsy lesson…marriage changes the dynamics in a family. My father dictates Scarlett’s entire life while she remains single…” Momma-C revealed and I accidentally gasped.

  “Excuse me, Celeste. Please allow me to forward an explanation. Krista, I assure you, Scarlett Reigns is perfectly content with this arrangement. She has no desire to exert her independence and has no plans to rebel against her father’s authority. This is her will and her choice.

  “Scarlett understands she has the right to seek freedom from, what we perceive as, her father’s unjustified bondage. However, in her estimation, to live without the support of her large, powerful traditional gypsy family would feel like existing in an isolated purgatory.

  “And, before you feel a need to apologize for what you were thinking, please know this. I offered this same explanation a few minutes before your arrival. Your sister, Ember has little ability to hold her tongue. She was quite vocal about rescuing Scarlett from her…I believe she termed it as, “her evil paternal dictator’s clutches”. Ember continued her protest until she was satisfied that Bradwell Reign’s was not holding his daughter captive.

  “While I am on this topic, allow me to speak on Dylan’s behalf. Although the Rhinehart’s are not rightly situated to ascend to the throne, they are still positioned directly below my family, the current Ay’sha monarchy. Dylan, like all single gypsy males, has been permitted to freely live his life, run about without many imposed limits and make his own choices. His interest in Scarlett would have remained acceptable to his family, if he had not chosen to declare his love for her and seek a permanent attachment. Dating a traditional gypsy female is commonplace among royals; however, we are raised to marry within the ranks of our stations.

  “I fully realize how offensive that sounds and do apologize. Yet, an uncolored representation of Ay’sha life is necessary because we need to pool our family resources to find a potential solution.

  “Dylan is the oldest son and sole heir to his father’s fortunes and auspicious title. His father, Taft Rhinehart, undoubtedly had a bride in mind for him when he was born. Taft invited this girl, and her family, to Dylan’s 15th birthday party. The two fathers offered a toast and Taft made the formal engagement announcement without consulting Dylan. Engagements for royals typically, do not occur until at least, sixteen.

  “Dylan’s response was just as astonishing to Taft. He declared his love for Scarlett – a non-royal and revealed that he wanted to be with her. Taft was incensed by this public announcement. For our purposes, we can assume father and son reached a tenuous compromise. The engagement to the other girl was temporarily called off. Dylan stopped talking about Scarlett in public, while Taft considers his oldest son’s future.

  “Taft is thinking over his options without seeking input from anyone. He can renounce Dylan, if he decides to defy his authority and marry Scarlett against his wishes. Or, he can permit the marriage and lower his oldest son’s station…meaning, he will select another one of his sons to be his heir. This is considered a disgrace for any boy. Or, Taft could provide his blessing. Then, Scarlett becomes royal order through marriage. Well, I am guessing she ascends to Ay’sha royal order because she will bear the Rhinehart family name. However, I base that on supposition only because a royal male has never married a gypsy girl of traditional ancestry and remained a crested member of the blue-blooded order.

  “To the naïve ear, Dylan and Scarlett’s romance sounds like an adaptation of Romeo the Royal loves Juliette the Commoner. I assure you, that it is not. Romeo was willing to leave everything for love. Dylan has no desire to turn his back on his heritage, father or lose his position as his primary heir. He has been taught no marketable employment skills to financially support Scarlett as of yet. And, he was definitely not exposed to any exploitive means to secure money like running a con job for profit. Financial support of his wife is not the only challenge Dylan has to consider.

  “Gypsy royals live under the same roof with their entire extended family members throughout their lives. Therefore, Dylan was raised with complete access to his aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. They offer him a wealth of things that money cannot replace. He wants this lifestyle for his children. He cannot envision his children having no extended family members to love or learn from.

  “Notice Krista, how you automatically reached out for your g-mom and grandma when I mentioned the topic. You are clinging to their arms, as though your life depends on their presence. Imagine falling in love, then being forced to choose between them and the person who holds your heart. That is precisely how Dylan feels and currently, has no remedy. If he cannot secure Taft’s authorization, there is a sizeable chance that he will be ejected from his household should he choose to stay with Scarlett. He will have no access to his parents, siblings or any family member through royal decree. And, none that live under Taft’s authority will defy him and help Dylan, regardless of the love they feel.

  “Unfortunately, I have just scratched the surface of the hurdles Dylan must overcome. He loves Scarlett with all his heart and is willing to sacrifice for her. He revealed this to me. However, he could not honestly affirm that he would sacrifice everything to be with her…” Momma-G offered and looked at Momma-C with concern.

  “The same can be said for Scarlett. She was sobbing when we discussed this, but I definitely understood her words. She’s not willing to sacrifice all of her family ties to be with Dylan either. And, she faces just as many obstacles as her fiancée.

; “Royals believe in offering a dowry to prospective in-laws. This is an honorary code of conduct and shows respect for the family, in their perception. To a traditional gypsy like my father, Taft’s financial offer will come across as the Rhinehart’s trying to buy his daughter. Offended doesn’t even come close to describing my father’s reaction.

  “Oh, and while we’re on this dowry issue, Scarlett is clueless about all royal gypsy customs. She was home-schooled by our mom, to avoid being influenced by outsiders. She wasn’t even allowed to speak to a non-related boy until she turned fifteen. Dylan crashed her Coming Out party, wearing normal traveler clothes to blend in. It’s not unusual for a young royal to check out our celebrations, although traditional gypsies would never consider going anywhere near a royal gathering. By the time Scarlett discovered Dylan’s background she was already head-over-heels in love and caught in the middle.

  “They were secretly seeing each other for three months before Dylan made his surprise announcement that he wanted to marry her. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot of time to us. For a gypsy, three months of dating is considered a long, long time. And, their extended dating will have a big impact on Scarlett’s reputation. Now that everyone knows, my sister is almost obligated to marry Dylan or she risks being labelled as ‘easy’. Virtue is the Holy Grail for gypsy girls. Without it, they can expect to live a lonely life without a gypsy husband or look for love outside the culture. It’s widely assumed that traditional gypsy girls, who are caught dating royals, are promiscuous.

  “So, Scarlett is already risking the community’s shame by just dating Dylan. But, when Taft offers our dad money, it will confirm Scarlett’s status as a royal prostitute unless Dylan actually marries her and makes her an honest gypsy girl.

  “I know it’s a tremendous amount to absorb. And, like Gayle, I haven’t even scratched the surface of Scarlett’s challenges. My sister believes in me and feels like I’m her only hope. When I agreed to help her, I felt ready to tackle this. But after revealing just those problems, I’m starting to think her faith in me is misplaced…” Momma-C offered, fighting back tears.

  “I don’t know how you can think that! You’re married to a full-blooded Vaydem…” I stated.

  “My little girl, I can honestly think that because I had a few things going for me that Scarlett doesn’t. I was sixteen, for one thing. My mom liked Rave from the get-go. He knew about our customs through your Grandma Edie. So, he knew to approach my mom before speaking with my dad. This step can only be skipped if I had been eighteen or older.

  “Rave wooed my mom with a ‘traveler’ appropriate gift and asked her permission to request a date with me from my dad. This move distinguished him as a man who respected her authority over her children and acknowledged her mothering skills. The move literally demonstrated that he felt compelled to respect me because she raised a virtuous daughter.

  “My mom holds some serious influence with my dad. So, her vote of confidence in Rave helped to smooth the treacherous path.

  “Rave also dated me according to traditional Ay’sha standards. We didn’t sneak off, in order to get around traveler customs. He dated me, twice with an approved chaperone of my dad’s choosing. Then, he privately asked my parent’s for permission to marry me and requested to become in-blood with my family.

  “Becoming ‘in-blood’ among traditional gypsies is a commonplace event. The custom is relatively straightforward. The family Dom – “Dom” is the gypsy term for the head of the family or rather, the dominant male figurehead if that’s easier to remember – assigns a task to the prospective family member. Task is synonymous with con job.

  “The prospective member performs the con, alone – accepting all the risks. He or she must successfully fulfill the assignment and return the proceeds to the Dom without getting caught by the authorities. A trusted, in-blood member of the family must witness the con and authenticate the presented money was a direct result of the con job.

  “If the prospective member happens to get caught, they must shoulder all the blame. Fingering any other person leads to severe and deadly repercussions. Once the prospective family member gets out of jail, the Dom will assign them a new task. It continues this way until they are either, in-blood or incarcerated for life.

  “My father assigned Rave an incredible and nearly unachievable task. He fully expected him to get caught and squeal. Much to my father’s surprise, Rave completed the task in front of three witnesses. One of those witnesses was Willow’s father, Marten. So, Rave earned my dad’s respect and was accepted into our family before our one year wedding anniversary.

  “Scarlett and Dylan dated in secret. Dating, in this sense, consists of the two love-birds texting and emailing each other, on a daily basis. Scarlett is never out of my mother’s sight. My parents have complete access to every exchange they had. They read each one too and, as expected, nothing illicit happened. I believe the term is ‘sexting’ and that did not occur. But, because Dylan didn’t ask my parents’ permission to date Scarlett, their innocent digital romance is considered inappropriate.

  “My mom isn’t going to sign off on this marriage either – not without some fence mending, at least. She feels betrayed because Scarlett is fifteen. A traditional gypsy boy would know to seek his mother-in-law’s favor through gifts, paying respect and announcing his intention before doing anything else. I suppose it would’ve been okay for Dylan to go to my dad first. But, traveler boys know the right way to go about it.

  “In Dylan’s defense, Gayle tells me, royals seek dating approval from their own father. After his father gives the okay, then the bride and groom fathers’ meet and come to an arrangement. The mothers are handled in a similar fashion, once the fathers’ have approved the couple dating. The engagement proposal and announcement are handled the same way.

  “So, in Dylan’s estimation, my mom’s approval comes to him through his mother. He’s been taught to respect females from a distance. If he were to show up at our house, unannounced and strike up a conversation with our mom, he would be disrespecting his own family values and betraying his mother. And Dylan does, personally, select a gift for his mother-in-law. But, he gives it and pays his respects to her parenting skills through his mother.

  “Scarlett, according to our customs, should meet with Natrice Rhinehart one week before the wedding. She gives her a speech and presents her with at least, two gifts to show her appreciation for raising such a fine son. Scarlett has practiced this, “you’re going to be my wonderful mother-in-law speech”, repeatedly and she’s proud of it. But, Natrice will be offended that those words and gifts are being disrespectfully offered by the wrong party in the family.

  “This is a no-win situation for Scarlett and Dylan. Now Krista, can you understand why I feel helpless and inferior?” Momma-C questioned.

  “…and why I feel the same way?” Momma-G asked me.

  My moms’ were battling tears and so was I. This isn’t fair to anyone.

  My Grandma Edie had remained silent until my moms’ became emotional. She had evidently heard enough and was prepared to give her input. Attempting to vent some of her anger, she slammed her fist against the table. Her normally soft and jovial nature was about to be overshadowed by the powerful Ay’sha matriarch that lives inside her.

  “These snobby gypsy pretenses, on both sides, need to be eradicated. Who’s giving what, and doing all the yacking, shouldn’t matter for squat, as long as the gifts are sincerely given and the heartfelt respects are actually spoken. Royal and traditional gypsies should just be proud to be part of the Ay’sha lineage. I’ve had enough of their petty games. They are all gonna get “matriarch educated” on how we play nicely with others.

  “Lizzy, I’m gonna need you to get me a massive stack of those tolerance bumper stickers, with the daisies, we saw on that Volkswagen Beetle. I’ll have a few thousand backsides to affix and stick, before this is over! They can read while th
ey’re all kissin’…

  “Now, listen up my clan. We go into this…no tears, regrets or fears. We’re gonna do, what we do and show them how a real traditional-royal gypsy family acts and operates. They can hopefully learn from watching our example. Or, they can choose the more painful path of education. All I ask is that you each move out of the way, if they get all gypsy-stubborn…

  “My daughters, Celeste and Gayle, you don’t have a single thing to fret over. Your family will do whatever you need us to do. We don’t have anything to vote on because you already have our answers. I surely hope you don’t need some formality to assure yourselves that we’ve always got you covered. Just give us the particulars and we’ll make it work. What do you need each of us to do?” my Grandma Edie emphatically stated and effectively, lifted the weight of the world from both of my mommas’ shoulders.

  “Grandma, I am certainly happy my beloved was not present to hear your declaration. Ember has a tendency to run ahead of you and clear cut a path with her frustration,” Jaysen revealed.

  “Oh yeah, Hurricane-Ember would storm through the gypsy ranks and there’d be no bumper left for you to sticker or kick…” Tray added and everyone laughed.

  We took a thirty minute break because Jaysen and Tray had to leave. I used that chance to call Ember. After highlighting the points of the meeting she missed, we gossiped just like old times. Her made-up stories, aptly named Ember-intrigues, are always entertaining. But, tonight they probably saved my life. Between Audrey’s scuffle with her cousins and then, witnessing my mommas’ fall to emotional ruins because of their respective biological families, I was questioning how any child ever survives.

  Throughout the conversation I was intermittently yawning. But, it had nothing to do with being sleepy or disinterested. Anytime I get stressed, I yawn. And, I am tense just thinking about the enormous amount of stress all moms’ are faced with.

  Ember hasn’t been able to spend much time with her twins, lately. She misses Haven and Luke so much that she spontaneously started crying when she mentioned their names. I had to vow not to breathe a word about her reaction to anyone in the room.

  Momma-G had been discreetly holding Jaysen’s hand under the table. My Momma-G is a stickler for maintaining standard Ava’shay royal, social protocols. So, witnessing her in a public display of affection is very uncommon. There’s no telling how long it’s been since she’s sat down beside her son or even seen him.

  Momma-C had her arm around Tray the entire time she was talking. She also reached across the table to stroke my hand and Jaysen’s forearm anytime we gave her the chance. My g-mom and grandma are flanking me on either side and had touched me, in some way, during the whole meeting.

  While I listened and laughed with Ember, I watched my g-mom, closely. She was animatedly talking to Momma-C, Momma-G and Grandma Edie. Their eyes were lit up as they interacted. She is making them feel better, just like my sister is doing for me.

  My g-mom is an amazing parent. I know I’ve disappointed her plenty of times, but she has never once made me feel bad. She is my biggest fan, my therapist and my coach. She’s whatever I need her to be, at any given moment.

  Before the meeting reconvened, I pulled her aside and hugged her for a long time. She stroked my hair and perceptively, remained quiet.

  “You’re my world…thank you for…well, everything…” I whispered.

  “That goes double for me…” she replied.

  We were all surprised when Jaysen and Tray returned.

  “Ember was distraught because she is unable to reschedule anything on her agenda to come back to this meeting…” Jaysen revealed.

  “And, Willow’s in the same boat…she can’t get out of her stuff either. But, this is important to our moms’. So, it’s a priority. Jaysen and I managed to juggle and we’ll fill them both in, tomorrow…” Tray told everyone.

  “We will be at your disposal until sunrise,” Jaysen added.

  Momma-C and Momma-G were tearful when they all embraced.

  “Alrighty, let’s get this show back on the road,” Grandma Edie said and Momma-C took the floor.

  “I have been testing the waters with my parents. And, Gayle has been doing the same with her family and the Rhineharts’. Gayle’s family has tentatively agreed to attend and chaperone the initial event, called the Warming Feast. This virtually obligates the Rhineharts’ to attend.

  “The bride’s family presents her and allows her to dance with the groom. This is normally the only chance they have to intimately interact before the ceremony. After their dance, the celebration turns into a party where singles socialize and search for potential spouses. Scarlett hangs out with the Rhinehart family and Dylan stays with our family.

  “The parents keep a close watch over the festivities and their children, but they also spend time circulating and getting better acquainted with their new, future in-laws. The Warming is typically held in a large hotel banquet room because all travelers are invited. But, with the record turnout we’re expecting, one hotel won’t accommodate our guests. My family hosts this party. Rave has generously offered to finance the entire shebang as a wedding gift for Scarlett and as a token of honor for my parents. My dad has to approve the venue. The Vaydem Preserve and the Ava’shay Houses are off-limits. But otherwise, I’m open to suggestions…” Momma-C stated.

  “I understand not having it on the Preserve. But, what’s wrong with using the Ava’shay Houses?” Grandma Edie questioned.

  “My mom tactfully pointed out that some travelers might assume the Reigns’ have already turned our backs on our people if it appears that we’re holding “our” celebration in “their” territory. The Ava’shay Houses might come across as a little too…um…showy,” Momma-C replied, uncomfortably.

  “So, your mom’s worried that others will think the Reign’s folks are getting too big for their britches…” my g-mom offered, casually and my jaw dropped.

  That’s the second time I’ve heard that phrase tonight. The Creator must need me to hear something…

  “That’s precisely what she’s worried about. My dad, Bradwell, is extremely influential among traditional gypsies. He knows how to throw a memorable party, but he never puts-on-airs. The other travelers know what to expect and need to see that we are still the same traditional Reigns’ clan. As long as they believe that, the other travelers will follow my father’s lead.

  “But, that victory will pose, yet another danger. My dad will have access to thousands of sympathetic traditional gypsies. They will back him up if he feels violated. If my dad believes the Rhineharts’ are attempting to “steal” his daughter, he could easily decide to put them in their place and retaliate. Then, a blood feud that has been dormant for a long time would resume, full-force and no-holds-barred.

  “There have been whispers that some gypsies, both traditional and royal, are itching to wage another war. The last feud ended in a shaky compromise. Both sides sort of walked away with the understanding that each should stick with their own kind. But, it’s a new day and many of the younger males feel they have something to prove. It’s an issue of honor. Traditionals’ and royals’ secretly believe their brand of gypsy life is better.

  “Gayle and I have been so far removed from our former gypsy lives that to us, their desire to fight for an imaginary top-ranking position sounds infantile. But, after a serious discussion, she and I reached the same conclusion. They will declare war if things go wrong. A gypsy feud is extremely violent and will cost many lives.

  “Scarlett and Dylan need their fathers’ approval and mothers’ blessing to get married. If either side rejects the marriage, the other family will feel dishonored. And, that most likely would result in a clandestine and deadly war. It will be waged under the noses of the authorities, but no murder will ever get solved. Gypsies don’t bother with legal justice. They believe in revenge and family retribution. Talking to the authorities is actually a death
sentence on our side of the fence…” Momma-C revealed and then, turned to Momma-G for her input.

  “Royals feel the same way, only they refuse to get their hands dirty with the blood of their brothers. They hire assassins and give them formal titles like Knights and Nobles. They justify their actions through crafting fabulous tales of treason and treachery committed by the traditional gypsies. These tales have not a shred of truth to them, but other blue-bloods either cannot or will not see the deception. The royal mission is to incite the others to action, in hopes they will dub more Knights and Nobles to help their kin stamp out the uprising. Each royal family is permitted only so many assassins to protect their crested area.

  “I have maintained only casual contact with my family members throughout the years. My parents gave me their blessing to marry, Jaxon. However, they knew he was of Ava’shay royal lineage. This is the sole reason they granted their approval. Similar to Rave, he shares no gypsy heritage. Therefore, my relatives have been content to remain in the background of my life, because I chose to marry outside of my gypsy lineage.

  “My extended family maintains a closer relationship with Jaysen. This is due largely to his selection of a gypsy bride that happens to have a matriarch for a mother. Per Ay’sha custom, Grandma Edie is considered Ember’s “original” mother. Matriarchs are always traditional bloodline gypsies. However, they have the respect of the royals, too.

  “Celeste and I are spiritually sealed as sisters. This provides both sides with common ground and demonstrates that the two cultures can be blended into one…without dispute or bloodshed,” Momma-G told us.

  “But, realistically our visibly close family ties will be, at best, a starting point. Travelers and royals will be suspicious and looking for trouble. The only shot we have at getting their blessing for Scarlett and Dylan to get married is to observe every gypsy wedding custom on both sides. Nothing can be altered in the slightest. We can’t deviate to accommodate Scarlett’s or Dylan’s personal preferences.

  “The two cultures have never associated. That means, without Gayle, I would be floundering around without a clue about royal gypsy wedding traditions,” Momma-C said.

  “Need I remind you, Celeste that traditional gypsies are more secretive than any we have. You knew about the dowry and I knew nothing about any custom you outlined,” Momma-G told her and Momma-C had to agree.

  “So, we all understand what we’re up against. We might have left our gypsy lives behind, but many of our loved ones are still living the Ay’sha life and observing the traditions. They are deeply entrenched in the sacred bonds of their families. And, they will fight and die for their honor. If a gypsy feud breaks out, they all become vulnerable to execution.

  “We have a lot riding on the outcome. We’ve been standing at this type of crossroads before as a family. The only difference is, this go-round, we have two additional, valuable assets, Elizabeth and Krista to help us. So, by Monday, we need to have plans in action. Scarlett hasn’t firmed up her date yet, but rest assured it will be soon. I’m guessing the wedding will be within the next three weeks…four, if we’re lucky. Gypsies are notoriously impatient. But, that leaves us with planning, venue selections, propriety training with props, suitable clothing and all the pre-wedding events over and done with in twenty one days. This will be a huge undertaking for all of us…” Momma-C stated.

  “What’s ‘propriety training with props’?” I inquired.

  “It’s a fancy term for teaching each of you how to act, dress and behave in both venues. And, the stuff you’ll need for the next few weeks to pull it all off. Propriety was the best word we could come up with and not giggle when we said it…” Momma-C replied and crossed a comical look with Momma-G.

  They must have an inside joke because they were both struggling to contain their laughter.

  “Some of the customs will seem archaic and others will seem outlandish. You must maintain a polite, but detached decorum in all royal venues. Your behavior, mannerisms and dress will be acclimated to the environment…” Momma-G offered after clearing her throat.

  “So Krista…we’ll use you for an example. As our youngest and only unattached daughter, the way you dress will be especially critical. We, meaning your four mothers’ collectively, present you to the crowd in both venues…” Momma-C told me.

  “Royal Ay’sha expect to see you decked out in lavish jewels, pristine heels and wearing a custom-made gown that is both elegant and somewhat, revealing…” Momma-G stated.

  “Traditional gypsies like to see their girls wearing jewelry and heels, too – and overstated dresses that sparkle with crystals. Think – poofy-blinged-out Cinderella…” Momma-C spontaneously announced.

  My moms’ lost their struggle and started laughing. Everyone joined in and my brothers fell over in hysterics.

  “We agreed to keep our personal observations among us, sister of mine. Royal venues require young gentlemen to maintain the utmost in solemn respectability. Now Jaysen and Tray must wrestle to refrain from bursting into laughter every time a new debutant is presented in grand fashion…” Momma-G offered with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “It’s good for them…to refrain…from displaying their natural…reaction…it builds character,” Daddy-Jax stated.

  “Not to mention…that it’ll keep the rest of us…entertained,” R-daddy added.

  Momma-C ordered him to cool it, but everyone knew it was true. The royal event will be like a tennis match. Our attention will swing from the girl being presented, to watching our boys struggle to keep from laughing. By the time it occurs, Reid will be enlightened and then, all three of them will be in trouble.

  “Now, where were we? Oh yes, travelers…traditional gypsies like the flamboyant and they love to dance. Anytime a single traveler girl is seen in public, they are dressed to impress because they are always looking to attract a suitable gypsy husband,” Momma-C explained before g-mom interrupted her.

  “Oh, while we’re on this subject, be forewarned, Bunny Baby, that you will get a marriage proposal or twenty. I attended an engagement party with your Grandma Edie and I witnessed two little boys ask for the same girl’s hand in marriage. She accepted one and she couldn’t have been old enough to drive a car…” my g-mom announced, worriedly.

  “Calm down, Lizzy. I’m sure Krista’s not going to trade her higher education plans to live as a traveler. But, I will add this, in case you find yourself being swept off your feet by a traditional gypsy boy. They believe that the female should stay at home, do all the domestic work. They also expect you to be family-minded, immediately and repeatedly. They don’t typically believe in using birth control. They are proud of their sons and daughters, numbering in the double digits. The mother takes full responsibility for all the child-rearing.

  “Don’t take me wrong. There’s nothing bad with living that life. It’s a unique, fun, and safe existence. The family members, and especially the females, are always sheltered by a protector or, in most cases, protectors. Doms will zealously and maliciously shield their loved ones from harm.

  “Doms also provide complete financial support for their families. They have no problem financing multiple spa weekends and shopping sprees for their wives. They take their families on lavish vacations and throw spectacular parties.

  “Consider this, the earth is mainly a cold cruel world. People sometimes feel lost, hopeless, depressed and abandoned by everyone. Gypsies never feel those things – never. They are always surrounded by loved ones. They attend plenty of parties, have very delineated family duties and are proud to live up to those obligations. It defines them.

  “But Krista, you were raised by your mommy, Lizzy. She’s more of a free spirit than I am and I didn’t think that was even possible. She feels she has a reason to be concerned because gypsy life can be appealing. Just stay mindful when you’re partying, Ay’sha-style…

  “Speaking of gypsy boys and engagements�
�you should all know that I am the only female, in my whole biological family that bucked tradition and married a non-gypsy. My parents didn’t technically disown me. But, they strongly disapproved of my choice. They refused to attend my wedding to demonstrate their displeasure. I am their only flesh-and-blood daughter.

  “Now, before anyone gets their nose out of joint over my parents’ rejection, I need you to understand something. Ay’sha matriarchs are becoming extinct. We can count them on less than one hand and three of us are members of this family.

  “My parents realized there was a better than average chance that my female offspring wouldn’t receive that rare gifting because she wouldn’t have an Ay’sha Dom for a father. Case in point, Lukas and I had Journey, knowing full-well that she would not become a gypsy matriarch. And, we couldn’t give my parents any guarantees about our future daughters. Hopefully, you can all understand now, why my dad had other plans in mind for me and what heritage my spouse should have been.

  “My Lukas…well, he just had a way about him. He managed to repair most of the damage with my parents after the commitment…” Grandma Edie revealed and my g-mom interrupted her.

  “Did he atone through this “in-blood” custom?” my g-mom asked, unable to contain the burning question.

  “No, Lizzy…he didn’t observe any gypsy custom. Our plate was full at the time. I’ll tell you all about it, later. Frankly, I don’t know if he would’ve been willing to make amends through running a massive con. I never asked him. Lukas just fixed the problem because we needed to travel around with them, gypsy-style. Hmmm…oh, well…that’s a puzzle for solving, another time.

  “I lost touch with most of my gypsy family. My cousin, Tabby is like a sister to me. She’s about the only one I keep in close contact with. I highly suspect my parents will attend the celebrations, wedding, receptions and what-have-you.

  “Judging by the perplexed and embarrassed looks, it appears I need to clear up some confusion. My parents, like most gypsies, make powerful contacts. They use those contacts to spiritually jet around realms and live beyond earth’s borders, frequently. Ever notice the fact that most Ay’sha folks don’t appear to age? In layman’s terms, gypsies see a wrinkle and they abandon this planet for another, more forgiving environment…enough said.

  “What Celeste and Gayle are planning is unprecedented in history. The “who’s-who” of both Ay’sha worlds’ will be under the same roof – wary and celebrating. It should be interesting.

  “I provided that little history lesson because I don’t know how my bio-family will react or what they might say. I assume they will question you, Tray about your gypsy giftings. And, they will be thrilled to discover my daughter, Ember, and her little girl, Haven, are both powerful matriarchs. I won’t venture to speculate about the rest of you. Just keep in mind that they will view each of you as being “mine”. And, they are 100% correct in that assumption. I am proud to call all of you, my sons’ and daughters’ and my sister, Liz.

  “Short of the Creator inviting me elsewhere, nothing can stop me from being there. And I believe that’s enough of a sentimental sidetrack.

  “Krista, traditional gypsy males typically spend more time on their public appearance than the girls. They are handsome, charming and firmly, set in their ways. If you find yourself drawn to one, keep this in mind. Those hedonistic adventures we’re planning for you when you graduate will get tossed, should you up, and marry a traveler fellow…” Grandma Edie informed me.

  “I don’t suppose Tray or Jaysen had a chance to inform everyone. They’ve managed to finally nix my dating life, indefinitely. Just ask them to fill you in on the details.

  “G-mom, you can stop worrying. I don’t know of any guy – gypsy or otherwise – that can pass your ‘in-depth commitment’ test or survive my brothers’ inquisition. I plan on having a thousand more hedonistic adventures with you, before I even think about settling down. So, you get how far we’re looking into the future, right?

  “Oh, my rare and special present remains in my possession. And, I’m still undecided on having one kid, much less thinking about them “repeatedly”. I’m honestly terrified to think about adding to our family, considering how ultra-close I am to my niece and nephews…” I stated and tried to let the rest go without saying.

  “So, ‘ultra-close’ is our chosen label of the day? Our last meeting, I recall it being labelled as ‘wrapped’. And Tray, you added…complete with…a…bow…on the noggin’…right??” Jaysen declared, coughing to mask his snickering.

  “Yep! Then, Krista comes in here…tonight…beatin’ around the bush…talkin’ about special presents…it’s too ironic!” Tray exclaimed and everyone burst into laughter.

  “Alright…okay…I admit that they have me wrapped six-ways with bows. But, I have loads of company in that particular category…” I offered before I joined my family in hysterics.

  We all spoil the kids, rotten. Not a single one of us can deny them, anything their hearts’ desire. The adults in our family have actually held secret meetings to plot strategies. For our own safety, we have to keep that knowledge buried.

  Although I love the children equally, I have an exceptionally close bond with Zander. I don’t know many details about his biological parents. I know his birth mom, Vixie, was R-daddy and Momma-C’s oldest biological daughter. When she was fifteen, she ran away, became a drug addict and got pregnant. She abandoned Zander when he was an infant. Vixie might have given birth to him, but he is R-daddy and Momma-C’s son. He belongs to them, forever.

  Before I became a sealed member of this family, I spent part of a summer travelling like a gypsy, across the country with Ember, Tray and Willow. They had brought Zander (back then, we called him Boo-bear) along for the ride. Those few weeks I spent with him had drawn us together. During that trip, I felt a special kinship tie to him. It has grown stronger through the years.

  Zander was the most astounding little guy I had ever met…and, I loved him instantly. That sudden and deep attachment to an unknown child, that summer, might have freaked me out. But, I had long since come to terms with the way my unique heart operates.

  I loved Ember from the instant she sat down with me in the cafeteria. I felt the same deep, family attachment to her and I didn’t know her either. Until I encountered Ember, I had never felt close to anyone, besides my g-mom. So, I had spent several days attempting to sort through my new feelings. In the end, I had wasted precious minutes when I could have just been thankfully enjoying the fact that the Creator had delivered my sister to me.

  Once everyone settled down, Momma-C resumed the meeting.

  “Gayle and I will be coordinating the traditional Warming Feast, one formal party called the…what was that name?” she inquired.

  “It is called the Hosting Celebration. Unlike the Warming Feast that offers buffet style food and a family type atmosphere, the Hosting can be thought of more as an early formal dinner party. This event typically begins at 3:30 to accommodate all the festivities. While the meal is being served, the Dom circulates through his revered guests…fancy term for members of his family and his close friends. He welcomes each and they offer a monetary gift to include in the dowry. The family name is announced, along with the amount given.

  “The dowry is presented to Bradwell Reigns before the main course is served. Taft will silently deliver the box, or in this case I assume several boxes to her parents. It is considered disrespectful for the giver to speak during the exchange. However, Bradwell Reigns is expected to personally acknowledge the dowry by way of raising a toast and offering well-wishes to the gift givers.

  “We must discover a couple of solutions for the Hosting Celebration. We need to gain the traditional gypsies acceptance of the dowry practice. We must also convey the anticipated decorum the traditional gypsies must adhere to, without offending anyone in the process.

  “Doms are not typically in need of social instruction
because they are the leaders and not the followers. Their wives will feel slighted if we even hint about appropriate wardrobe choices. However, without some guided instructions, they will dress according to their customs. What is considered appropriate attire for travelers is normally viewed as a spectacle in royal circles. Our choice and manner of dress will be judged as ridiculous in their eyes, too should we come to their Warming Feast in furs and tuxedos. We must avoid any awkward moments, for either side, at all costs. After hours of labored suggestions, Celeste and I have still not arrived at any resolution,” Momma-G revealed.

  “We are at a complete loss. We’ve been affectionately calling the Hosting Celebration the dastardly dinner/dowry disaster…” Momma-C offered and everyone laughed.

  “Although I understand why the Reigns’ might consider the dowry money as a payment to “purchase their little girl” that is not how it is intended. The monetary gift is a sign of acknowledgement for the bride’s family – the greater the amount, the higher the honor.

  “It is a symbolic gesture of respect. The Rhineharts’ will offer it to the Reigns’ to acknowledge their excellent parenting techniques. For lack of a better explanation, the Rhinehart family wants the world to know, through a bold and sometimes obscenely large financial gesture, that the Reigns’ family did an outstanding job raising a fine young gypsy lady. The cash, in this case, symbolizes that Scarlett Reigns is virtuous, beautiful and worthy to take their family name as her own. Raising a royal-quality gypsy daughter takes years of devoted time, mothering, fathering and financial backing. The dowry acknowledges this…nothing more.

  “This will sound arrogant on my behalf, but again, I must be candid if we wish to solve this dilemma. I was schooled privately with some of the most brilliant tutors in their respective fields’. I was educated in standard academics and specialized subjects, such as anthropology and Egyptology – just to name a few. I became fluent in forty different languages.

  “My father screened, hand-selected and hired my academic compliment. He chose what courses of academia I would follow. My father permitted me to have a small say in a few of the areas. Normally, royal children are not given a vote. Education is provided to demonstrate quality breeding to others. Therefore, my education reflects exclusively on my father. He spent countless hours ensuring I was given the proper education, befitting of my station.

  “My mother was responsible for my education in all forms of social etiquette. She screened and hand-selected instructors to provide me with finishing and refinement skills. These included horseback riding, fencing, tennis and dance lessons. My mother taught me strict adherence to social protocols, how to hostess a formal dinner party and the like. She demonstrated the necessary mothering skills I would need to raise my own children. Her influence should be evident in everything I do in my home – from instructing the staff, to pleasing my husband and caring for my children. The way I conduct myself is a reflection of her mothering abilities.

  “The dowry acknowledges their time and effort. Jaxon’s parents presented my parents with a sizeable dowry, although they are not Ay’sha and the Ava’shay have no similar custom,” Momma-G revealed.

  “I’m being nosy here, but Jax, mind if I ask how you got your parents to agree?” my g-mom asked.

  “I requested that they present Gayle’s parents’, his Eminence Ashworth Elingston and his wife, her Grace Laurel-Anne Farham-Elingston with a monetary gift, in lieu of giving us a wedding present. Out of respect for me and my expressed desire, they honored my wishes,” my Daddy-Jax replied.

  “So, King and Queen Ivester viewed the dowry as a wedding gift?” my g-mom inquired.

  “That is correct…”

  “And Rave, you didn’t offer a dowry to Daddy Brad because he would’ve been offended?” my g-mom question with a gleam in her eye.

  She’s up to something…

  “Yep…” my R-daddy affirmed.

  “But, you did give him a great big pile of cash for Celeste. Yikes, Celeste honey, that’s not what I meant. Forgive me…” g-mom stated.

  “That was hilarious…there’s nothing to forgive,” Momma-C responded with a smile.

  “What I meant is, Rave, you handed him a wad of dough that he expected to receive because you married his daughter. You might’ve delivered it in a different way and through another means and at a different time, but Daddy Brad gladly accepted the money when you handed it over, right?” my g-mom inquired.

  “Sure did,” my R-daddy responded.

  “So, I say we just change the label to make it more palatable. The “dowry” can be called the proceeds of Dylan’s royal in-blood custom or his blue-blood/in-blood wedding gift. Celeste, you can tell your parents that those uppity folks have no conning skills to lend because everyone knows only traditional gypsies can pull off elaborate financial schemes with such great success. So, this monetary wedding gift is Dylan’s way of being sorta in-blood by proxy – making it the same old custom your people are used to. But, they can look at it as the royals observing it in a different way and giving a formal sounding name.

  “You might even hint that because those poor uptown chaps lack the ability to complete the traditional in-blood custom, the other daddy Doms feel like it’s their obligation to help out their sons. You can sorta suggest that they shoulder the responsibility collectively as a family – royal or traditional, that’s the gypsy way, right?” my g-mom stated.

  “That’s brilliant!” Momma-C and Momma-G simultaneously declared.

  They embraced my g-mom and thanked her.

  “One problem down…a thousand more to go,” Momma-C stated.

  “Let’s not bother looking at the big picture. We’ll just take one step at a time and eventually, we’ll dead-end…” Grandma Edie said.

  “As long as that dead-end isn’t located at the top of an active volcano, we should be good…” g-mom added, humorously.

  “Thanks for painting the picture, Lizzy. We’ll all feel around for an unusual heating source while we’re trekking through the dark…

  “Alrighty, with that in mind, we continue onward. Let’s take a creative approach. Without thinking it through and considering nothing beyond appropriate dress codes, Gayle and Celeste, which side will be more flexible in adapting, outfit-wise?” Grandma Edie questioned.

  They both agreed the royals would conform more easily.

  “So, we start the celebrations with the Warming Feast. That gives our side a chance to see the royals dressing the traveler part. I can speak for all traditional gypsies when I say this. They will not be outdone when it comes to fashion. Royals showing up at the Warming, decked in traveler-worthy gear should force our people to conform at the Hosting.

  “We’ll help the process along by dropping a few hints, to some key folks, about what we’re going to be wearing to the formal, royal shindig. Celeste, it would probably be helpful if you would give your mom and Scarlett a preview before the Warming, of yours and Krista’s Hosting outfits. Talk it up like you mean it…” Grandma Edie offered.

  “I get what you’re driving at. Travelers aren’t humble about wanting their sons and daughters to be the center of attention. So, if I show mom what I’m dressing Krista in, she will naturally, try to outdo me. She’ll have to get Scarlett an even better dress. But, she won’t show it to anyone until the day of the Hosting. And, she won’t be handing out helpful advice to the other mothers either…” Momma-C stated.

  “That’s true. I didn’t consider that. Traveler moms’ remain in fierce competition with the other mothers. Pricilla Reigns will keep Scarlett’s outfit hidden until the big reveal. She might even intentionally offer some “subtle misdirected gypsy guidance” to the other moms’ about what their girls should wear to throw them off the scent…not good.

  “Liz, you got anything??” Grandma Edie inquired.

  “Well, well…let’s talk this out. It’s Scarlett’s big day, so she should take the headlines. Prici
lla gets to call this big day, hers too, by mommy-proxy. It’s not fair to put Pricilla in a position of having to share her fashion secrets, anyway – no matter how much we need her to spread the word about appropriate royal styles for this Hosting thing.

  “Celeste can’t go around showing off her daughter’s outfit to everyone because that would be inadvertently, betraying her sister and mom. That’s red-flag territory anyway, because she won’t be acting like a true gypsy mom if she shows the dress before she puts it on her daughter…” g-mom stated while pondering.

  “Krista can’t spread the word either…same rules apply. True gypsy girls never show their cards until the dealer has dealt everyone else in…” Grandma Edie interjected.

  “Hold the presses…I think I’ve got a solution in mind. Celeste, instead of personally crafting Krista’s outfits, you can just hire a famous gypsy dress designer. Well, you’ve gotta locate one and then, you can hire her.

  “But, that’ll do the trick…custom-made clothes by exclusive, Madame X! You and Gayle can consult with the designer beforehand. You can tell her which outfits are most appropriate for your respective parties. Tell her about your dilemma, too. Then, let her, a neutral third-party be the one to offer the clothing suggestions. We could pay the designer a retainer fee for handing out her “free” advice. That way if someone can’t afford her services or if she doesn’t have time to make their outfits, she could slip those people some helpful suggestions on the sly and maybe, email them some pictures.

  “No one gets offended…everyone gets accurate information…and, all we have to do is pick a designer and leak the name to the royals before the Warming. Gayle can handle that task, easy-peezy. Then, at the Warming, we’ll circulate and “accidentally” reveal the name of our personal designer to the travelers. We’ll also talk her up…ya’ know, let everyone know she’s the best-of-the-best…the tippy-top gypsy designer…everyone gets what I’m saying, right?

  “We might have to install Madame Designer X a twenty-line phone system, rent her a warehouse and hire her some serious help. But, the rest we can do as a family…” g-mom declared, impishly.

  “That has to be the most inspired solution you’ve ever invented. One of these days and soon Liz, you’re gonna share your secrets with me. And, I mean all of them. Oh, and I refuse to wait until I hit my true golden centurion birthday…you’re revealing those hidden treasures on our upcoming safari. We’re not shooting at a single beast until you’ve given me the skinny,” Grandma Edie told her.

  We took another quick break and I used it to call Ember, again. I told her things are slowly starting to take shape. I also revealed that grandma’s parents are probably coming to the party. She was shocked until I explained how they are still kicking around at, what should be, their very advanced age.

  Ember sounded relieved until I mentioned how proud they are going to be of her and Haven. Her voice started quivering. She misses her twins. So, I quickly switched the subject to my recent “breaking-and-entering” adventure. By the time we hung up, she was laughing and I was fighting back another attack of stress-induced yawns.

  We reconvened in Jaysen and Ember’s living quarters, inside the House of Michael. I wasn’t even close to being sleepy when I sat down on the couch in between my grandma and g-mom. I was riveted by the upcoming events and wanted to offer suggestions to help my mommas’ if I could.

  The topic turned to finding an appropriate venue that would be large enough, but not associated with the Ava’shay. The last suggestions I recall hearing were a conference hall or civic center. Everyone agreed that those are too impersonal.

  My Grandma Edie had been stroking my hair. It was so relaxing. Struggling to stay alert, I kept nodding off and concealing my yawns. Finally, I just surrendered to the urge. I leaned over and put my head on grandma’s lap.

  That did me in…I slept until my alarm sounded.

  At some point during the night, my mommas’ had switched places with Grandma Edie and g-mom. I woke up with Momma-C stroking my hair and my feet draped across Momma-G.

  “What happened?” I questioned, still in a fog.

  “Do you have any free time today?” Momma-C inquired without answering my question.

  I needed to shut off my alarm and check my schedule. Unfortunately, every muscle in my body was still entirely relaxed and refused to obey my order.

  G-mom understood my dilemma. She walked over, pulled my cell out of my pocket and performed the tasks for me.

  “Let’s see…why, yes, she does! Krista will join you for lunch between 3:00 and 4:00 this afternoon because she will not be running a 5K with Torry or anybody. I notice, young lady, that after you eat breakfast with Audrey this morning, you aren’t planning on eating another meal for the next two weeks!” she exclaimed, accidentally discovering my overloaded life.

  I retrieved my technological monster from her and prepared for the sermon of the century. She didn’t disappoint. My ten minute warning sounded. That is the only reason she stopped lecturing me.

  “I swear that I will reprioritize everything in my life around eating breakfast, lunch and dinner…” I vowed.

  I knew with certainty that they all skip meals daily because of their hectic schedules. But, because I am already rebelling by living on my own, I am expected to follow different guidelines without protesting. I can only give them so much to worry about. After giving them my word, I made the rounds saying “goodbye” and offering hugs and kisses. I said farewell to my g-mom last.

  “I love you, little Bunny Baby of mine. And, make no mistake…I will find out if you try to creatively skirt around your promise this time. Food, sleep and fun are not discretionary activities for you – think in terms of ‘more than mandatory’. Notice, I added ‘fun’…and, I mean all three, daily. I will help you remember them, if they slip your mind, again. Understand me??” g-mom whispered.

  “Yes, I get it! No more skirting or I’ll show up with bells on. I love you…” I told her.

  The diner was a five minute trip from the gym. So, when Jaysen trans-versed with me to my car, I cornered him for some answers.

  “Okay, spill…what happened last night? Someone sneaked in a Sleeping Beauty spell on me. Who’s the culprit?” I asked and he shifted his weight, uncomfortably.

  “Tray channeled mind depth and I offered you euphoric hypnosis. But, before you start slinging reprimands, just hear me out. Ember spoke with me through our marital tether after your first phone call. She was concerned because you were yawning and sounded tired. I shared the information with Tray and we kept a close eye out for subtle signs of exhaustion. He and I discovered nothing alarming. So, I assured Ember you appeared alert and healthy.

  “However, after your second call, she contacted my mother for her thoughts on the subject. My mother evidently agreed with Ember’s assessment and she forwarded the information to Momma-C, g-mom and Grandma Edie. They in turn, issued a demand that I channel euphoric hypnosis to you as soon as you were in a comfortable position and ordered Tray to offer you a more restful sleep due to the late hour. Although I waited as long as I dared, I have no successful means to defy them, singly…much less, rebel against their wishes as a collective.

  “My beloved refused to resume her committee chairing duties until I assured her you were sleeping peacefully, safely surrounded by us. So, please my baby sister, do tell…did Tray and I have any choice in the matter?” Jaysen inquired.

  “I’m gonna give you both a pass because even if you’d told me what they were planning, I wouldn’t have been able to defy them either. Being a kid in this family of overachieving daddies and strong-willed mommies has a tendency to make us normally rebellious children, docile and compliant, on occasion…” I observed, comically.

  “Too bad we have no effective way of imparting that wisdom to our little ones. No matter how we choose to label it, they have us completely wrapped…all day, every day,” Jaysen responded in kind. />
  After thanking my brother, I kissed his cheek, hugged him and told him not to work too hard.

  “You should take your own advice or g-mom will appear and help you heed it…” he reminded me and trans-versed before I had a chance to respond.


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