Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 6

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Six

  Audrey and I arrived at the Java Den. She looked at me in curiosity. I’m sure she is trying to figure out why I brought her to work with me. She must realize that I can’t work in my sweaty clothes. But, she didn’t ask me a single question.

  I had no idea how Tray and Jaysen plan to fix this mess I accidentally created, but I trust my brothers.

  “Hey, comon’…” I invited and she reluctantly, followed me inside.

  Sure enough, everything would work itself out.

  Audrey walked through the door in a state of total confusion. Then, her eyes lit up in understanding. It was almost as if the Creator silently explained what was happening and personally hired her. She waltzed behind the counter, punched in, grabbed an apron and even thanked me for giving her a ride to work.

  Mavis thanked me, too. Evidently, she is grateful that I found a competent replacement and believes Audrey will make a great employee. No application…no interview…no introductions…no calling references. They didn’t even know each other’s names when we walked in, at least to my knowledge.

  My brothers are miracle workers!

  When I left, Mavis was showing Audrey the ropes. They called each other by name. Everything was handled, as promised.

  I was so relieved I started crying. After ducking into Subway’s restroom and washing my face, I went out to my car to meet Tray and Jaysen. I tossed them the keys and jumped into the backseat. It felt wonderful to close my eyes and let someone else do the driving.

  “I’m not even going to bother asking how you two did it. Just know that you both have my eternal gratitude. Now, all I’ve gotta do is figure out how to obtain spiritual abilities of any type, channel a veil and keep Audrey behind it for another twenty days.

  “That would actually be easier than convincing my sorority sisters to let her bunk with me for that long. I’m only allowed three overnight guest passes in all four years of college…” I told them on the way home.

  “Consider it, already handled…” Jaysen stated, casually.

  “No, I’ve caused enough trouble for…” I attempted to say, but Tray interrupted me.

  “I’d suggest you shower before you start sweating the details…”

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you might be hinting around that I smell offensive…” I replied.

  “Hey Tray, did you hear that?? Our little sister just accused you of being subtle. The sky must surely be falling…” Jaysen joked.

  Standing at a muscular and formidable 6’9’’, Tray’s impressive build makes him larger than life. So, Jaysen’s observation was hilarious.

  They continued their humorous exchanges of insults, in true male fashion. Totally content, I silently listened as they continued their bantering during the ride.

  I showered and changed at the speed of light.

  “Night ladies…got things and places…I’ll be back late…” I announced, planning to make a mad dash.

  “Oh Krista, since you’ve got plans would you like for me to pick up Audrey? She gets off work at 10. I’m going to take Sam a late dinner. He’s stocking tonight, so he won’t get off until 2 or 3…” Francie asked me and I didn’t know quite how to respond.

  “Well, that would be great…if it isn’t too much trouble. She’s working at the Den, right? Near Sam’s job…” I tentatively stated.

  “Are you feeling okay?? You know Sam works three doors down from the Java Den. You used to work there before you quit and got Audrey the job,” Francie reminded me, sounding puzzled.

  Holy cow, Tray and Jaysen work fast…

  “Did your Cheer Babies drop you on your head??” Becca shouted from the kitchen.

  “Those crazy stunts you pull are hazardous…to life…limb…and more importantly, manicures,” Neen informed me while examining my still dinged and smudged polish.

  “I’ll have you know, Neen, that my wrecked manicure preceded my practice. And, no one dropped me, Becca…at least, not that I can remember…” I responded.

  Becca came screaming into the entry way to check on me, just as I accidentally snickered – giving away my joke.

  I belatedly realized I should have gotten a few details from my brothers about how they were going to handle this particular problem. I didn’t have enough information to keep answering “Audrey questions”. So, I bolted from the scene, leaving them to guess.

  Tray drove us to a deserted parking lot on campus. Then, Jaysen trans-versed us to a restaurant on the Vaydem Preserve called Heavenly Beginnings. They sell the most exquisite appetizers known to mankind. My mouth was already watering when the hostess greeted us.

  “Master Tray, Lord Master Jaysen and Miss Krista, as always, it’s a delight to share your company in our establishment. Please, have a seat while we prepare the remote dining room. I assume you desire, sincere discretion…” the hostess questioned and we nodded.

  Tray and Jaysen excused themselves to go over and say hello to one of the Vaydem elders while we waited. I accepted the complimentary drink a waiter handed me and walked over to the huge picture window to admire the view.

  The Preserve is located in the Western part of my home state, North Carolina. But, most people don’t realize it even exists because the Vaydem people are exceedingly private. The Preserve is well hidden and protected from outside intrusion through various channeling means.

  Ember created a permanent springtime with a ritual when she spiritually married Jaysen. The forest remains alive and blooming, year-round as a reminder of their love. Jaysen placed some type of eternal veiling around the entire Preserve to protect the privacy of the Vaydem people and their sacred land.

  I grew up in Western North Carolina. The southern border of the Vaydem Preserve is less than four miles from my front porch. But, I never knew they were here until Ember told me about them at our high school graduation. She also told me a little about the Ava’shay and Tarrish. Then, she asked me and g-mom to be spiritually adopted by her and the rest of her entire family…

  The joining ritual Ember wanted to perform with us would forever seal us together. The Creator forges the bonds. I quickly discovered, after the joining ritual was completed, that my idea of what constitutes a family was narrow and extremely limited by my human perception. When the Maker selects your family members and ties you together, he doesn’t limit a person to one set of parents or siblings. And, he certainly does not pay the slightest consideration to bloodlines.

  When Ember extended the initial invitation, it made me anxious. But when she explained that g-mom and I will share a deep spiritual bond with her, and the rest of “our” family, at the conclusion of the ritual ceremony…well, that made me severely nervous. I had no frame of reference to judge her words by.

  “Um Ember, it sounds like you’re asking to indoctrinate me and g-mom into some type of fru-fru multicultural cult…” those words sprang out of my mouth before I could sensor them, that day.

  She laughed until she was breathless. Tray and Willow happened to be standing close enough to hear my comment. He fell over in hysterics and Willow rushed to the closest bathroom to prevent an embarrassing accident.

  Ember eventually regained control of her laughter and would attempt to enlighten me, again.

  “I’m not trying to indoctrinate you or Elizabeth into a cult. You’ll both get what I’m saying the instant you’re sealed to my family. Then, I defy you to keep a straight face and not fall over from that fru-fru cult comment.

  “It’s difficult to explain how a ritual works in just words. But, I’ll let you try and help me. Define the love and connection you feel for your g-mom, right now…” Ember demanded and I rolled my eyes.

  “Okay…this is a no-brainer. I love her from the depths of my heart and we’re closer than close…” I offered, smugly.

  “Be more specific…start with the depths of your heart…define it.”

  “The depths of my heart means…with every
thing in me.”

  “So, you’re saying you love her with your anger, hatred, envy, etcetera…”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. I love g-mom with everything good in me and you’re just splitting hairs…”

  “I already hear the frustration and I haven’t asked for the specifics on the love or connections you feel for her…”

  “Alright, I get what you’re saying. I feel them, but the concepts are hard to explain…”

  “There’s no adequate way to define that connection you share with her because it’s based in the spiritual realm. You feel it, experience it and understand that it’s real. Elizabeth is your g-mom…your family…and that fact is undeniable, right?”


  “Do you consider you and I as being “closer than close”, too?”


  “The’ joining ritual’ increases that bond and will draw us closer. It will forge a bond with each member of your new family. You’ll even be closer to your g-mom, although right now you don’t think it’s possible.

  “But, there’s only one catch. You and Elizabeth have to willingly choose us. You both have to state your voluntary desire and give your verbal consent in order to join our family.

  “I promise, you will feel…experience…and understand the deep connections you share with each member of your whole family, at the conclusion of the ritual. And, we’ll be connected to you both, in the same way. No explanation will be required. Your heart will just know!

  “This ritual will keep you and Elizabeth safe. It’ll give me peace of mind because my life is about to overwhelm me. Jaysen and I are headed off on our ‘spiritual honeymoon’. We’ll have a baby in our arms when we get back to this realm. So, we’ll have another mountain of responsibility on top of the Kilimanjaro we already navigate.

  “I can’t tackle the next mammoth step in my life until we’re sealed as a family. I have to know my little sister and my g-mom are secure…”

  Ember was frantic by that point in the conversation. Determined to persuade me, she would have rambled on for hours without taking a break. I silenced her with a hug and promised to talk to g-mom about it before she left on that journey with Jaysen.

  My g-mom listened to the details, smiled and nodded, intermittently. But, something about her demeanor suggested she was uneasy. She already considered Ember, Tray and Willow part of our family. They were like her other kids. And, she was even reasonably close to Zander and Quinn because they came over often, to visit.

  G-mom wasn’t too familiar with Jaysen, Fallon or Reid because they stayed so busy. And, she had only met Grandma Edie, Celeste, Rave, Jaxon and Gayle a few times, in passing. So, she hardly knew them at all.

  I could not get her to commit to or decline Ember’s offer. She wouldn’t tell me why she was having reservations. But, I had no plans to do anything without my g-mom.

  In an effort to keep the peace, I told Ember that “I” wanted to hold off on the ritual until after she came back from her spiritual honeymoon. My idea was to give my g-mom some space. Then, I could hopefully, get her to open up and share with me. It would also give me time to figure out a tactful way to decline, if necessary.

  All g-mom would tell me, up to that point, was that she “wasn’t ready to jump on a permanent bandwagon of that type on a whim, without having a minute’s worth of prayer”. G-mom is the most spontaneous person I have ever known. She had actually made permanent decisions, about both of our lives, on less than a whim, with a second’s notice. The tattoo on my shoulder proves it. So, I didn’t understand her remark or her hesitation. But, she wasn’t prepared to explain herself any further.

  That was how I got shoved into the middle of an impossible situation. I was stuck between the two people I love more than anything – my g-mom and my sister. Ember flatly refused to leave me here, unsealed and unprotected. But, g-mom wasn’t ready to sign-up for the sealing family plan. Neither one was prepared to budge. They are both stubborn.

  Tray somehow decoded my predicament, even though I didn’t share my dilemma with him. He came up with a novel approach. He agreed to guard me and g-mom until we could be trans-versed into the Hallows. This satisfied Ember. And, g-mom didn’t have to do anything – permanent or otherwise. It was a perfect solution…or so I thought.

  When it came time for us to go to the Hallows though, my g-mom announced she was staying earth-bound and planned to travel. I couldn’t change her mind. And, my pregnant sister was locked in the Hallows and missing me.

  So, I bounced between two worlds and time-zones, trying to get g-mom to at least come visit the Hallows. After all, it was an adventure of a lifetime. Not even that enticement worked.

  Grandma Edie had stayed in the Hallows with Ember and Willow during their pregnancies. She taught me loads of life lessons, along with gypsy dances. I enjoyed those chats, because they were filled with wild adventures. But, they also made me really miss my g-mom.

  One afternoon, I broke down in tears and finally, told Grandma Edie about g-mom’s bizarre and unexpected reaction. I had been keeping it to myself because I assumed Ember and her family would be offended by her rejection.

  It was a juvenile guess on my part and in no way, an accurate assessment. I could have saved myself some massive stress, if I had just shared my feelings and voiced my concern, sooner. Now that we are all sealed, I can see things clearly. But back then, I was stabbing around in the dark and desperate to make both of the people I loved happy and content.

  G-mom was in Monte Carlo when I came back from the Hallows. I joined her and we spent a few carefree weeks travelling the globe and getting into mischief. We were also being closely guarded by the Ava’shay military. This is something g-mom didn’t realize because I forgot to mention our hidden security detail.

  Ember returned with the twins. And, Willow came home with Mikey. I had seen the babies because the Hallow’s environment allowed us to view them while they were growing inside their mommies’. But, I had left the day Ember went into labor, so I had never gotten to hold them.

  My g-mom cannot resist an infant, much less three of them. Plus, they were her kids’ kids…

  We flew back to see the new arrivals. Proud parents showed off their babies. G-mom hugged her children and loved on the little ones. She and I didn’t actually pay attention when everyone left us alone with Grandma Edie. Between the non-threatening environment and snuggling tiny newborns, g-mom relaxed and struck up a conversation with the only other adult in the room.

  Long after the babies were tucked in bed, Grandma Edie and g-mom were still socializing. Their discussion carried on until lunchtime. So, Grandma Edie had invited both of us to Heavenly Beginnings to grab a bite to eat.

  They had laughed so hard they were crying as they exchanged tales of fabulous adventures they had over the years. The conversation eventually turned to their husbands.

  Grandma Edie told us about Lukas, her lost soulmate and powerful shaman. She offered us a detailed disclosure about the Vaydem people and freely, shared the inner-workings of their clandestine society.

  G-mom listened, intently. Bringing us to lunch at the Preserve and revealing such a large secret, demonstrated an amazing amount of trust. And, showing trust never goes unnoticed with my g-mom…

  After Grandma Edie finished her story, g-mom would reciprocate the good faith gesture. She shared stories about her childhood, how she met Pritchard on her first solo-adventure when she was just fourteen and how he never left her side until the day he passed away. The stories she shared with Grandma Edie were all new to me.

  I sat in complete silence while they shared their first close moments’, together as sisters.

  Once the stories had ended, my Grandma Edie would do what she does. She would settle my g-mom’s spirit and help her find her way to her family.

  “You and I, Liz…we’re the wandering type. We scout around until our searching is over, but t
hat’s never the end for us, is it? We just start a new hunt and keep right on exploring. Ever notice, how those paths we trek down are always dark and uncharted. But, we take off down them, anyway throwing caution behind us. We can’t deny who we are, inside. Sometimes, it would be nice if we could…but, there’s just no way to do that…at least, not one that I’ve discovered.

  “Unfortunately, you’re way too much like me and not enough like your daughter. You’re not good at hiding from the truth, even when it scares the pants off of you, offends everyone else or makes you so uncomfortable to just consider it.

  “You feel our kinship, but you don’t understand that tie. That’s a customary reaction for most ordinary people. But listen up, you and I aren’t run-of-the-mill gals and we have our own brand of “normal”. You’ve been sorting the pieces out and rearranging the parts by your lonesome. But, you still can’t figure out how to solve the puzzle. If you’ll just be honest, you’ll admit you’re at the same place you started. Those are circles you’ve been turning…not steps that you’ve been walking.

  “You’re wasting those precious minutes you value so highly – please, stop spinning. This might be difficult to wrap your head around, but here’s the hard, cold truth with no fluff or whitewash added. You can’t solve this particular puzzle when so many of your parts are missing.

  “I know you’re terrified of this specific adventure. You’re scared senseless to take your little girl with you, too. I’ll even be honest and admit that I get why this frightens you, so terribly – now that we know each other. But, ready or not, my sister Liz, you have a family waiting for you to join us. We never get in the way, or spin in avoidance, when the Creator takes a mind to have us do something. You and I know better than almost any other person on this planet, that destiny gets what it wants…one way or another,” my Grandma Edie had told her.

  Although I have tried to figure out what had g-mom so scared all those years ago, I never have deciphered it.

  G-mom did not hesitate to accept Grandma Edie’s offer. She asked to be sealed to her family that day and so, it would happen. I have never seen her shiver before, but shaking, she was when she asked to go before me and without me standing in the line of fire. I watched from a distance that made her comfortable, as our family gathered and performed the joining ritual. Even the three babies, along with Quinn and Zander were included in the spiritual ring needed to lift the power. G-mom had grabbed her chest at the end like she was experiencing a heart attack. Then, she fell to her knees.

  Rushing over to her, I have never been that alarmed in my life. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

  “What have I done???” I had shouted as I reached to steady my g-mom.

  “SShhhh…it’s all good…my beautiful…Bunny Baby. My heart’s just struggling to find the right place to fit so many…wonderful…amazing…pieces,” she had expressed in a tone filled with awe.

  Her words brought me no comfort because that wasn’t her voice talking to me. There is no telling what I would have done or said if g-mom didn’t silence me with a hug. Her voice might have belonged to someone else, but her embrace was the real deal.

  “I’m going to…hold you…the whole time. Shove…that…fear over. It’s time…to…take this…indescribable adventure. I don’t want you to miss…a single precious…second…like I did.

  “Now, seal our daughter…to her family…” g-mom had breathlessly, told the others.

  During those profound minutes, the Creator sealed me to my family…forever. That ritual was held inside the Vaydem Sacred Arboretum. Every time I see it, that memory comes rushing back like it only happened yesterday…

  This window offers a spectacular view of the colorful lights illuminating from the Arboretum. It is a massive glass dome filled with towering trees, winding creeks, incredible rock formations and the most elegant foliage known to any realm. I call it the Creator’s earthen greenhouse. The Vaydem people are his chosen caretakers. They are emphatic believers in peace and they love nature.

  My R-daddy, Rave Jansen is the sovereign ruler over their nation. He is a powerful shaman with indescribable healing powers.

  His wife, Celeste, became my Momma-C. She is not Vaydem, but she can still channel through that lineage because she is married to him. As a full-blooded traditional gypsy (more commonly referred to as a ‘traveler’) my Momma-C has incredible channeling powers of her own.

  “Excuse the intrusion, Miss Krista, but your brothers are waiting…” the hostess told me.

  “Thanks,” I said and joined them at the table.

  “Will R-daddy and Momma-C be joining us?” I asked.

  They both laughed, happily. They love hearing me call him R-daddy. The first time I called him that, Tray announced that it sounded like the name of a famous hip-hop artist. R-daddy played right along and invented a rap song in honor of his newest daughter.

  Tray, Ember and Jaysen call Rave, “dad” and Jaxon, “father”. They also call Celeste, “mom” and refer to Gayle as “mother”. To me, the terms “father” and “mother” sound so formal and detached. I don’t feel detached from any of my parents. So, I made up names that more suit my personality and express their connection to me. From that day, forward they became Daddy-Jax, Momma-G, R-daddy and Momma-C.

  “No, they can’t get here. Their schedules wouldn’t allow it…” Tray answered.

  “They are highly disappointed because they could not arrange it on such short notice…” Jaysen was prepared to continue.

  “Alright, I get it…enough with the guilt trip. So, how can I make it up to all of you?” I asked.

  “The easy fix in two words, distance education…” Tray stated.

  “Wait Jaysen, before you start in on me too, let’s strike a deal. I’ll agree to consider Internet classes for graduate school, if you both agree to not guilting me into leaving college. I have cheering, drama and sorority commitments. Plus, I do have university friends that might notice if I suddenly vanish. They would be hurt by the action…” I said.

  “My counter proposal…you agree to take the rest of your schooling through either, Internet distance education or permit us to hire a faculty, of your choice, to homeschool you. This includes any and all degrees you choose to master, Associates’ through Doctorates’, inclusive,” Jaysen offered.

  “And don’t forget, my additions…you agree to Jaysen’s terms. And, you agree to be finished with this particular away from home, college experience by this December…” Tray countered.

  “I can’t be finished with my classes by the end of this semester!” I exclaimed.

  “Oh yes you can be. We’ll see to that minor detail…” Tray responded.

  “Wait, I know you can make it happen, but I want to actually earn the degree. I’ve worked hard and I only have two years to go…”

  “Two years is much too long to be away from your family…” Jaysen told me, siding with Tray.

  When the deal was done, I agreed to take all future programs at home, through whatever means. Or, I could live on campus if I choose a Vaydem, Ava’shay or Tarrish university to attend. I also agreed to finish my current program and graduate by the end of the summer semester.

  They agreed to stop making me feel guilty for living away at college and asking me to quit. They also agreed to bring my family to visit me for one week, on campus during summer semester.

  “Farewell, movies, concerts, and any type of whimsy…” I declared dramatically. “You two realize, my entire social/dating life just got annihilated until July of next year,” I told my brothers.

  “That’s the idea!” they stated in unison and shamelessly, high-fived each other.

  “Okay, now that we have that business out of the way, let’s dig in…” Tray said.

  Our meal was almost over when Momma-C made a surprise appearance. She hugged me like we hadn’t seen each other in years.

  “Hi Momma-C…I love you,” I told her.
/>   “I love you too and I’ve missed you, little girl. Oh, I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important…” she said and I noticed her wink at my brothers.

  “No, they’ve already forced me to surrender to the deal. I’ll be returning home, permanently, in July. And, I’ve missed you too. Is everything okay?” I questioned, remembering her hectic schedule.

  “I’ve got a favor to ask of all of you. I know we are all incredibly busy right now, but I need to call a family meeting. It’s rather important to me…and time sensitive. It’s not an emergency, necessarily. So, bring it down a few notches, Son…” she requested of Tray.

  Everyone retrieved their digital monsters and the search was on. Finding one available timeslot that works for this family is a challenge.

  “Ember has a nominal break at 1:00 a.m. tonight. She can extend it, if necessary. I will be unavailable until 1:15. However, I can reschedule what I have on my agenda, giving me approximately 50 minutes available at that time. Will that be enough?” Jaysen asked.

  “Yes…plenty,” she replied.

  “I’ll do some juggling. It looks like Willow and I can swing it at 1:00 a.m. She’ll have about 20 minutes. But, I can give you a whopping 40 minutes and fill her in if she misses something.

  “Wait, do the kids need to be there?” Tray inquired and Jaysen paid close attention too.

  “No, they all have school tomorrow. I need all the adults, but we can’t leave the kids alone. Unbelievable, I didn’t consider that detail.

  “Tray, text Grandma Edie…Jaysen, text Fallon and Reid…Krista, text g-mom…while I’m trying to figure out what to do about…

  “Hey wait…I know…we can send the kids to Terria Tarrish to spend the night. Kyrann is still there on assignment. I’m sure he’ll watch over them while we meet. Aunt Embree…oops, I mean Grandma Edie, Fallon and/or Reid will be back in plenty of time to wake them and get them ready for school…” she stated.

  My Grandma Edie’s real name is Embree. Momma-C and R-daddy both call her Aunt Embree in private. Any other time, they call her Grandma Edie to avoid confusion. Momma-C has never once slipped up, at least to my knowledge. Something big must be weighing on her mind.

  “Perfect, Kyrann’s text says he will be honored. Our kids are safe and taken care of…” Momma-C revealed, before sending a text to Momma-G.

  Kyrann is a close family friend, who works as some type of body guard. He is the only person, outside of our immediate family, that is permitted to take care of the kids. I don’t suppose it’s all that shocking, considering the fact that he dwarfs Tray when they stand together. He is also the most attentive man I have ever met, too. He pays close attention to everything – even things that happen behind him.

  My g-mom adores Kyrann. They share stories about their travels and adventures they’ve had on their world treks. I assume he is a gypsy. He and I have also been known to spend hours together, talking. But, strangely I realize I don’t really know him all that well.

  I sent Kyrann a text message inviting him to lunch. He accepted with a smiley face because the auspicious date of our lunch/my inquisition is August 1 of next year. I scheduled it in before our phones started beeping with replies.

  “Grandma Edie will have Gerald take over her panel discussion during that timeframe. She’ll be there….” Tray read the message aloud.

  “G-mom says…and I quote… “Bell’s on, Baby” …she’s coming,” I read the reply and snickered.

  “Fallon and Reid can both arrive on time, but have to return by 1:25…” Jaysen told us.

  “Gayle already knows what’s happening. And wonderful, she said Jaxon will be able to attend with her. So, that leaves you, beautiful girl. Can you make it?” Momma-C questioned me with a look of anticipation.

  “My schedule is always free at 1:00 in the morning. Even if it weren’t, I don’t rule my university…my university rules me. Don’t worry, Momma-C, I should be there early and I’ll stay as long as you need me…” I told her.

  She thanked me by way of another hug and kiss on the cheek. Tray excused himself to quickly escort her home. Jaysen hurried off to pay the bill. And, I finished my beverage feeling extremely guilty.

  My brothers have to rearrange their schedules, during the wee hours of the morning, just to meet with our Momma-C for 40 minutes. They chased me around all day in a worry fueled panic. Except for me and my g-mom, my family members have nations, realms and palaces to oversee. I have never calculated the combined total of the populations’ that look to them for their security and leadership. But, it must be a figure in the millions or greater…

  When Jaysen and Tray returned, I ordered them to take me back to my car.

  They were prepared to protest. We all wanted to spend a little more time together.

  “Don’t bother wasting breath on that argument. Our bargain calls for me to wind things up by July. Besides, we’re gonna see each other in a few short hours. I love you both. And, don’t take this the wrong way but scram-ola. I’ve got business of my own to conduct, now that I’m living in perpetual warp-drive mode…go,” I commanded and they relented.

  I didn’t even have the car started when my phone rang. Francie said that Sam is sick and apologized for not being able to pick up Audrey. I told her not to worry and headed to the Java Den.

  Audrey brought me out a cup of coffee with two shots of espresso. I need to stay alert for this meeting.

  “Hi…how did your first night go?” I inquired.

  “Other than slipping up and giving caffeinated to the Dean of the Math Department, I did spectacular. I can’t thank you enough.

  “Um, I don’t know which way we’re headed. But, Dante is expecting me at rehearsal. It’s held in one of the storage lockers on the corner of Bleacker and Industrial Boulevard. You’re welcome to stay. But, if we’re not headed in that direction, I can just call…” she stated, hesitantly.

  “It’s fine…practically on the way. I appreciate the offer, but I’m trying to graduate early. I’ll drop you off and head over to our study group. Will you need a ride home?”

  “No, he’ll bring me over to your place, after their set…” she said and the silence grew awkward.

  “Don’t feel bad. The Hookah lounge is only one street over…” I informed her of the obvious.

  “I know…but, you practically delivered a job to me when I desperately needed it. You’re giving me a very nice roof over my head…rides around town, like you’re my personal taxi service. I don’t want you to feel like I’m taking advantage. I’ll figure out a way to pay you back…”

  “Save the guilt…I’ve cornered the market today on that pastime. Unless you robbed something or murdered someone, I’ll win hands-down, if we start comparing notes. I’d rather not relive my afternoon guilt-trip if it’s all the same. Once was plenty…

  “Let’s just agree that I’ll be honest with you if I feel like I’m being used. And, you’ll be honest with me if you feel like you’re turning into my personal charity case. In other words, let’s be friends. Knowing you’ll have a permanent residence in few weeks, a job to support yourself and a life that isn’t forcibly provided to you, courtesy of the county, are all the paybacks that I need.

  “A friendship, that includes two-way honesty, should cover us both. I really am headed to the Hookah because I’m highly motivated to graduate in July. And, the storage facility/rehearsal room is virtually on the way…”

  “I’ll proudly call you my friend. But, I won’t promise anything in reference to feeling guilty. I’ve gotten in so much practice, it’s become second-nature.

  “Take this detour, tonight. I have homework…I’m exhausted from being under Mavis’ microscope…and, I smell like a Columbian refugee. But, I’m probably going to be watching the sunrise from my uncomfortable plastic lawn chair, listening to Dante rehearse and feeling guilty. I’m blowing off the same sociology paper that I failed last semester, for do
ing the same thing, no-less.

  “And, you might be thinking…hey Audrey, just explain things to him and come with me. That’s easier said than done. Dante doesn’t realize I’m tired and failing school because I don’t share my problems. I cause enough tension between us because I rarely go to his actual performances. I’m typically a no-show when he hits the stage. I’m the only band girlfriend who’s M.I.A.,” she stated.

  “Do their girlfriends come to every practice, too?”

  “No, not often. But, they never miss an actual gig…”

  “The hard, long hours are spent in practice. You watched my squad for two hours, today. You witnessed me turn into a cheerleading militant. You saw us miss critical steps, argue and repeat the same sequence five times to get it right. I guarantee, if you come to the game or our competition, you will only see us smile and perform. Any errors will be ignored. You’ll never hear a cross word between us. And, we won’t perform that complicated sequence more than once, even if it isn’t perfect.

  “It’s easy for others to show up for the glory moments…but, travelling with them on the road before the glory happens takes some real support. In my estimation, you’re presence at their practice demonstrates your commitment to Dante, your relationship and his dream,” I informed her.

  “I’ve never looked at it like that. Wow, you’re really deep for a snobby, buzz-blinged Alpha sister…” she said, humorously.

  “I aim for deep. I just don’t let on to what exactly we’re getting deep, into…” I replied and snickered.

  Audrey introduced me to the band and then, I went to my study group. I left at 12:15. I need to take another shower and change my clothes before this family meeting. All my parents will be attending and I don’t want to smell like smoke. I had caused enough of a disturbance for one day. I don’t want anyone to waste valuable time trying to casually discover if I have taken up a bad Hookah and/or marijuana habit, so they can preach to me about making poor lifestyle choices.

  I was turning on to my street when I saw them in my peripheral vision. Audrey was swiftly walking away from my sorority with some guys from Dante’s band. Her posture suggests she’s upset or angry. I hope one of my sisters didn’t do or say something to hurt her feelings.

  Driving past my house, everything appeared to be normal. Demi was sitting outside on the porch, laughing on the phone. She wasn’t even looking towards Audrey.

  Pulling over on the side of the road, I hopped out of my car. I don’t know what’s going on, yet. So, I headed in the direction they were walking.

  It didn’t take me long to catch up with them. I had assumed she was with Dante and the other band members. But, I didn’t recognize the guy who was manhandling her or the other two guys who were standing there, watching.

  “Audrey!” I shouted.

  The two bystanders turned to the sound of my voice.

  “Who’s that girl??” the guy demanded, but he didn’t let go of her.

  “We’re fine, Krista! I’m okay. Please, just go home…”Audrey pleaded with me.

  “Let go of her!!” I ordered him.

  “Or, you’ll do what??” he baited me.

  “You don’t…” I said before his two friends’ each grabbed one of my arms.

  They were expecting me to fight. So, I turned the tables. I stopped, dead in my tracks and went limp. The two unknown guys reacted on autopilot. They worked to steady me and keep me, upright. It didn’t take much to knock them off balance because they were leaning forward. The two young men collided into each other. Their heads smacked together, dazing them as they fell to the ground.

  I planned to jump over them, but the guy on top managed to grab my ankle. I lost my balance. Fortunately, I have tons of practice rolling to avoid injury. I tumbled and landed on my feet. By the time I turned back to kick him in the face, the head-butting twins were nearly a mile away.

  The guy who had been manhandling my friend was running, too. He wasn’t nearly as far away though. I heard his ominous words, clearly.

  “We’ll be back for you, missy! We know where you’re at…” he offered to Audrey.

  At first, I was torn between checking on Audrey and giving chase. But then, my plans changed because I heard the screech of tires and blaring sirens. Demi must have heard the commotion and called the police.

  Audrey looked stricken and ready to flee.

  “Don’t say anything! Just go along with what I’m saying…” I instructed as the officers arrived on the scene.

  My frightened sorority sisters weren’t far behind.

  “Oh my gosh, Audrey…we’re missing something! Hi officers, what’s going on??” I inquired.

  “You tell us, young lady…” he replied.

  “Who, me and Audrey?? Me or we, tell you what, about what??” I questioned and tried to look baffled.

  The sheriff’s deputy removed his hand from his weapon and looked at me, intently.

  “If this is some type of prank…” the deputy started to say.

  “Who’s pulling a prank?? Are you playing around, Demi?” I asked.

  “No…no one’s pranking anyone that I know of! We thought we heard someone arguing…” Demi informed us.

  “I heard you shout something like, “…let go…” Becca attempted to say before I interrupted her.

  “All I did was yell her name. I couldn’t see her in the dark from so far away. I thought maybe, she was lost or confused because she’s our guest. Right, Audrey??” I stated and crossed my fingers.

  “Yeah, sorry…all the sorority houses sorta look the same in the dark. I don’t know how I got turned around,” she explained.

  My sisters started talking, at the same time.

  “Ladies…quiet down! Were either one of you involved in an argument or a dispute this evening?” he asked, placing both me and Audrey in the hot seat.

  “Why would we argue or dispute with each other, when I’m her hostess and she’s my guest? I’m really loud, anyway because I’m the captain of my cheerleading team. Maybe, you’ve seen us perform during half-time or…” I rambled and twirled my hair.

  “Ma’am, I don’t watch college football. Are you trying to say that this call was a misunderstanding and nothing occurred?” he inquired again.

  “Here’s what I know. I yelled Audrey’s name and it scared her. Ya’ know…she wasn’t expecting me to be where I was, at that moment. But, she was headed in the wrong direction and I didn’t want her to go. That is, if she was going in that direction to get lost. It would’ve been different if she wanted to go that way, intentionally. And if she was purposefully headed out, I wanted to know where she would be, in case she needed a ride or whatever.

  “Then, some things went flying and I felt really bad about it. I ended up on the ground and she might’ve tripped over something, maybe. She kinda ended up where I landed…we can’t both be in the same place, together, now can we?

  “Next, there you were, along with your other officers, my sisters and Audrey, too. Her stuff’s still everywhere and I hope no one broke anything of value…” I offered a spin on the truth.

  “For future reference, make sure a crime is being committed before dialing 911…” the officer declared, irritated.

  I noticed Audrey nervously tugging at her shirt sleeve. She was picking up her items and attempting to hide the red marks.

  There was no report to be made. So, the deputies walked away exasperated, but none-the-wiser. My sisters escorted me and Audrey to my car, still parked on the side of the road. The driver’s side door was ajar where I jumped out and ran to Audrey’s rescue.

  “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to cause that scene. Audrey’s gonna run a quick errand with me and then, we’ll be back home. See ya’ in a minute…” I told them and we drove away.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her.

  “I’m good…what about you?” she inquired, thoroughly ashamed.

  “I’m fine…who
were those guys?”

  “My cousin, Lester…and his two criminal friends are Horse and Alan. Alan’s actually a distant cousin of ours, too. I’m sorry they hurt you…” she said, tearfully.

  “They didn’t hurt me…” I revealed.

  “I should explain…”

  “You don’t have to…”

  “That’s the least I can do,” she offered and fell silent.

  “That flight gene skipped me, altogether. I’m a fighter. So really, think nothing of it. You don’t have to share anything, private…”

  “I had a bad feeling when Dante didn’t shake your hand tonight. He’s typically polite…well, civil for a rocker. His band booked a gig at BlitZed. You know the club on the D. C. Strip?”

  “I’ve never been, but sure, I’ve heard of it…”

  “BlitZed is owned by GZ Entertainment. Nigel Gray, the managing partner, approached Dante this morning. He caught his show last weekend and liked what he saw. Mr. Gray invited Dante’s band, Dark Matter, to play this coming Saturday night – as in, three days from today.

  “GZE is looking to hire a new house band for one of their other clubs – HaZed. The auditions will take place at BlitZed. Mr. Gray’s been giving several local bands a shot and Dante got the final invite. The crowd numbers will decide who gets the permanent gig.

  “BlitZed is one of the hottest clubs in town. But, HaZed is so much bigger. This is unbelievably important to Dante. He’s been trying to land something at GZE for ages. I’m excited for him and his band. I know he needs me to come and get counted. But, I don’t…I can’t…I just…you see, all of Nigel Gray’s clubs have a reputation…I guess, it’s more like an…atmosphere. Well, I’m not just throwing down on GZE I don’t like the party scene, anywhere. It sorta sucks you in and takes over. You get what I’m saying?”

  “I do…I never go out partying either.”

  “Dante and I had a big argument because I said I’d have to think about going. I walked away, hurt and angry because he knows why I don’t hit clubs. He resumed practicing, like my leaving didn’t bother him. I decided if I walked far enough in the dark, he’d get worried and come after me. That never happened…

  “Silly me…expecting my fiancée, who says he loves me, to stop rehearsing for fifteen minutes and give me a ride home. The least he could’ve done was taken five minutes to check on me. It’s dangerous for a girl to be walking alone in that neighborhood and Dante knows it. I could’ve been killed!

  “But, he’s getting his big break on Saturday. The least I can do, as the girl who claims to love him, is to shove my personal discomfort and principles aside for one evening and go out to support his dream. He’s worried that I won’t show up and that means I don’t love him. So, why should he stop practicing? His excuse for not chasing me down is valid.

  “Sorry…I don’t normally share my internal struggles. I’m stuck and being wedged between two solid objects both, bites and blows. I don’t have any wiggle room.

  “Lester happened to be out…probably on a beer run, when he spotted me. I was feeling sorry for myself and Dante, too and missed seeing his stupid, oversized pick-up truck. I didn’t want to argue with Lester, right then. But, he doesn’t care about my desires. You just happened to walk up when he was insisting…”

  “Cousin or no, he shouldn’t put his hands on you in anger…ever.”

  “He’s older than me and he’s lived with us ever since I was born. In a weird way, he sorta helped raise me. My family thinks I took off to college to make them look bad. They believe I’m getting too big for my britches. We’re originally from down South and that’s a southern expression. It means…”

  “I know what it means. I’m from North Carolina. They shouldn’t feel that way. But, that’s a pointless observation considering no one can help how they feel about something…”

  “Yeah, that’s for sure. If I could stop loving Dante, I probably would. He and I don’t always bring out the best in each other…” she explained and my alarm went off, signaling that my family meeting had just started without me.

  “Those are some late plans…” she observed, giggling and massaging her still aching arms.

  “Didn’t I tell you, I live my life in protest of the conventional? I’m going to drop you off at the house. No argument or debates. Remember, you’re not interested in external controversy.

  “I’d like to meet you at the diner for breakfast, say around 7:30. I won’t be home, tonight. So, mind walking to meet me? Is it safe?” I asked, springing the invitation on her while I scheduled it in my phone.

  I didn’t want her to disappear and I couldn’t think of another way to bribe her into staying.

  “I’ll be fine. It’s safe. Lester will be long passed out by then…” she revealed.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a few hours…” I stated and she got out of the car.

  “You’re a real friend…thanks,” Audrey said.

  Any hope she had of running off, vanished. Neen and Demi were both waiting outside. They rushed over to Audrey to escort her into the house. They called my name to get my attention, too. But, I pretended not to hear them as I made my escape.

  I didn’t bother looking at the time when I finally parked in front of the deserted gym. Sighing, I sent Jaysen a text and he trans-versed me away.


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