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Double Fated (Book One)

Page 8

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Eight

  I had intentionally kept the breakfast conversation lighthearted. I didn’t mention the incident or ask any questions that might spook Audrey. She walked away appearing relieved. She planned to meet me after cheerleading practice for a ride to our study group.

  My classes went by with ease. I aced a challenge quiz and finished an entire homework assignment, while simultaneously taking notes on a chapter.

  Drama practice was even easier than my classes. I remembered every line of the play. If I closed my eyes while I was singing the accompanying songs, I could recall every musical note. I don’t play an instrument. So, it was slightly unsettling to discover that my incredible recall could only be attributed to playing the recorder in fifth grade!

  As I perused my calendar to schedule in food, sleep and fun, I made a note to ask Tray to channel mind depth to me on a nightly basis. Well, if he can zap me with it remotely, that is…

  “Hi Momma-C!” I announced across the restaurant.

  “Hi, baby…thank you for clearing your calendar and tell Torry, I’m sorry…” she said, joining me.

  “It won’t be necessary. She messaged ‘yay’ and I haven’t heard another peep out of her. Besides, you and I don’t get to see each other too often. So, anytime you have available and wanna spend with me, I’ll make myself free,” I replied and she smiled in response.

  After we ordered, she got down to business.

  “I felt guilty about having your brothers perpetrate those channeling interventions last night. Well, I did until I found out that you’re not taking care of yourself, properly. I know you only get one chance to experience college life. But, I’ll worry myself senseless if I think you’re not sleeping or eating…” Momma-C started before I interrupted.

  “Hold on…here, look for yourself so you can share it with my other mommies…” I stated and handed her my technological monster for her viewing pleasure.

  “Looks much better! But be advised, g-mom and Grandma Edie will oppose only allowing ten minutes for fun…”

  “Hey, neither one gave me a time limit,” I reminded her while she finished looking it over.

  I will have to schedule a few more minutes for fun because Momma-C is right. Grandma Edie and g-mom believe entertainment should get top billing. None of us have time for another impromptu sermon.

  “What’s this X-2-S entry?”

  “It’s a flash mob. My cheerleading team is pulling off a prank…”

  “Taking place at??”

  “I’m not sure, yet…”

  “Sounds like fun. I know flash mobs are supposed to be a surprise, but I probably need those details,” she told me, sounding tentative.

  “I’ll give you the full rundown. The only thing I don’t have ironclad is the time.”

  “Thanks baby. Now, let me get you up to speed. You didn’t miss much because we can’t seem to figure out a venue for the Warming. My parents are both picky. And, for this party, they are looking for two different things. My mom wants personal and extravagant, but at the same time, she doesn’t want it to come off as too showy. The other moms’ will bristle and refuse to bring their daughters if they think the Reigns’ clan committed mutiny by turning into gypsy royalty.

  “My dad wants my mom to be satisfied with the venue. But, he is all about security. Think of my father as Tray protecting you, when you’re surrounded by a room full of armed killers. You get the gist. For my dad to approve, the floor plan has to be wide open and set-up for safety.

  “Because this party will definitely have a record turnout, even renting all the banquet halls at the biggest hotels probably will not accommodate our numbers. And, travelers’ have a tendency to get rowdy and belligerent. If we over-stuff gypsies at a party, the police will be on the scene in less than an hour to shut it down. So, until we can find a venue, the Warming will have to be put on hold until after the Hosting.

  “We agonized over this and finally, tabled it about an hour before you woke up. It would be so much easier if we could just have it at the House of Michael…oh well, that’s not an option. And, you know where we’re at with it.

  “The final item we discussed was you…” she offered.

  “I’m almost scared to ask,” I replied because she seemed to be waiting on my reaction.

  “You remember Momma-G and I talking about traveler and royal gypsy expectations last night?”


  “And, you are our single daughter, living on her own,” she remarked, uncomfortably.

  “You don’t have to beat around the bush, Momma-C. Whatever it is, you can just come right out and tell me…”

  “Okay…here goes. In the gypsy world…both Ay’sha worlds’…you wouldn’t actually be staying in a sorority, attending college or living away from us. This is going to sound…well, I don’t…your life is fine…and, you are fine, really baby…” she stumbled and hesitated.

  “And, you’re fine too, Momma-C. But, I promise, you can just tell me. I swear I won’t get upset or freak out or start crying. I love you…”

  “I love you, too. Please understand this conversation is hard for me. Momma-G and I have been away from the Ay’sha lifestyle too long, evidently. Our daughters are strong-willed, free-spirited and independent. We’ve worked hard to foster those traits in each of you because we value those qualities. The problem is…our gypsy families don’t share our feelings.

  “Once my parents are made aware that Rave will be giving Scarlett a Warming, my family will check you out. They will primarily be using their investigation to see if I’ve turned my back on the gypsy life. In many ways, I have. If my parents were to discover that, and how I raise my daughters, then my dad would consider me a bad influence on my baby sister. Single traveler daughters do not live apart from their mother’s.

  “Wait Krista…hold that thought. I would never ask you to leave school, not for them or anyone. I’m your momma. I’m proud of you and your accomplishments – all of your parents are. Do not disrespect us by offering that suggestion to leave because it’s in direct opposition to what we want for you. I won’t entertain the idea and I’ll be offended.

  “We’ve been thinking about presenting a modified version of gypsy living. Momma-G and I have already bucked tradition, once. So, our families should be accustomed to our unique choices. We’re actually banking on that. But, in order to pull it off we’ll need you to do a few things. I’m not comfortable asking you to change anything about yourself. So, let’s just look at what I’m going to ask you to do as a temporary drama you’ll be performing on a world-wide stage…”

  By the time Momma-C outlined what true gypsy girls are required to do on a daily basis, I was exhausted just hearing about it. I have to change everything. I have to dress gypsy-style anytime I am out in public. High-heels and Ay’sha-style jewelry are a must, as well. I can’t just casually pull my hair up in a clip either. My hair has to be down and curled. Plus, my make-up has to be perfect.

  “The only time you can wear your standard stuff is when you’re cheerleading or lounging at home. Remember though, this is only temporary…” she rushed.

  “I know…and, I get why you sound so concerned. It’s a big change. But, really Momma-C, I think you’re forgetting who raised me. G-mom forced me to mix things up, with everything, all the time. At least, you’re not asking me to wear my outfits backwards and inside-out. Dressing gypsy-style is the least of my worries. Well, that’s only if you and I can go shopping. I’ll need your help turning into a gypsy-traveler.

  “I’m sure my sorority sisters will be elated. I’ve been wearing my same old stuff for months. Their wardrobes get rotated on a weekly basis. And, don’t even get me started on how much they adore new shoes and accessorizing.”

  “I’d love nothing more than to take you on a shopping trip, but your schedule appears to be out of control. How about I just buy what you need and get it to you?” />
  “Sounds great…thanks,” I responded, wishing I could just blow off my commitments and go with her.

  “No, my baby, thank you for doing this. Once this wedding is over, you can go right back to jeans, tees and sneakers.

  “Now, the final details on the ‘temporary change drama’ agenda…your car and a chaperone. The car is the easy part. We need to sorta glam up your ride. One of your brothers’ will deliver a sports car to your house. We’ll garage yours until the play is over. I was thinking a Corvette,” she told me.

  “I need four seats because I carpool, sometimes. You think I could swipe Tray’s Camaro or Willow’s convertible Mustang?”

  “Sure, that’s not gonna be a problem. Oh, little FYI, expect to get a refresher, driving safety lesson from whichever brother delivers the car. They understand the reason for the sports car prop. But, they’re none too happy that we’re not getting you a chauffeur or making you a wear a helmet. If they try to pull that mandatory helmet clause on you, refer them back to me…

  “The chaperone is going to present a couple of challenges. You need a visible male to accompany you when you go out in public. The chaperone should preferably be one of your brothers. But, I somehow forgot that they’re getting ready for their annual bonding adventure.”

  “Oh no, I forgot about it, too. Now, I feel really guilty for scaring them and making them chase me all over the planet. They also stuck around and helped me fix a few problems before getting back to their own lives. Gimme a second, Momma-C. I need to apologize, again and tell them I love them…” I requested, so I could send a text to Tray and Jaysen.

  The men in our family take a ‘testosterone-type’ vacation once a year – called a man-cation. They spend one week on their male bonding adventures. They also spend eleven months and three weeks getting things in order so they can take seven paltry days off, together.

  This year’s annual boy’s week out is even more complex. My five-year-old nephews’, Luke and Mikey, are big enough to join them – as finally decreed by their reluctant mommies’.

  Tray and Jaysen will be the only two adults on this upcoming trip. My brother, Reid and my sister, Fallon finally get to take their honeymoon. They have been married almost nine months and were barely able to carve out enough time for their wedding and one night, alone. They are the Reigning Master and Mistress over the Rising Light House in Terria Tarrish. Grandma Edie is the Presiding Reigning Lady, making her the queen. Even with three leaders on site, they stay overwhelmed with responsibility.

  R-daddy and Daddy-Jax will be spending some quality “g-daddy time” with Haven that week. I have no idea what their plans involve. My niece is a girlie-girl. She changes outfits several times a day to match her mood and activity. Haven has no interest in outdoor camping with the boys where she can get dirty.

  No matter which direction our males are headed, they are cramming weeks of work into these last hours before their jaunts. And, I had taken up, sixteen of those precious hours because I vanished on everyone.

  Their returning texts were precisely as expected. They love me too and no worries. I sent another text reminding them that I still feel bad. They both replied with “ugh…stop saying sorry baby sis!”

  “Okay, where were we?” I asked Momma-C, smiling at the duplicate messages on my phone.

  “We were discussing your chaperone. But, while we’re on the subject, let me say, I feel guilty for springing this gypsy wedding on all of you. I know it’s a bad time. I’m so sorry…”

  “Wait…stop right there…now, I understand the “ugh”.

  “You’re my momma and I’d do anything for you. I’ll gladly rearrange my life, cancel plans…in fact, I’d drop every class if that’s what you needed me to do. My classes will be here next semester, but I only have this one chance to prove how much I love you and Momma-G…” I revealed.

  She reached over and squeezed my hands. Battling the sudden impulse to sit in her lap, I stayed seated and silent. We had pulled ourselves back together by the time our food was served.

  “Now, we need to brainstorm and see if we can come up with another option for a chaperone. Tray, Jaysen and Reid planned to take turns, but I was hoping you might have an alternative in mind.”

  “Let’s see…I could ask my spotter, Jarron if he’d mind accompanying me places for the next few weeks. He’s one of my best friends’ and I’ve known him since the first day of college. He only works through the summer, so I assume he’d have the time. I’d just have to clear it with his girlfriend. How should I explain it to her?”

  “Why don’t you ask Jarron if he minds being your paid bodyguard? You can tell him and his girlfriend that you’re a gypsy. Your extended family will be in town for a wedding and they expect you to have a chaperone in public. You can even invite him and his girlfriend to the Warming Feast. Your parents’ will take care of his salary...”

  “I’ve never known Big-J to turn down a paying job. So, he should accept…”

  “That’s another challenge down. Finding a Warming Feast venue is proving more difficult than I imagined. We might be forced to have it at the House of Michael, if we can’t figure out something by Monday. I don’t know how I’ll explain holding it in a palace and still convincing the travelers that my family hasn’t defected.

  “Oh well, I’m giving it until Monday. Maybe, something will turn up before then…” Momma-C told me.

  She provided me the specifics for Jarron and I gave her all the flash-mob details. She looked very disappointed when I told her it’s happening on Friday. Evidently, she has plans on that day that can’t be altered.

  She was going shopping with Willow after lunch, to buy my gypsy outfits. Although I’m not required to wear any of them until Monday, I decided to change today. I need to get the shock over with from my sorority sisters and cheerleading squad. I won’t be able to fool anyone in Momma-C’s family if they come to investigate me on Monday and everyone I know is still gawking and squawking over my unexpected Ay’sha transformation.

  I ate as lightly as I could, but cheerleading practice was still a bust. My blood supply was divided. I felt like I had swallowed a concrete beach ball by the end.

  Jarron readily agreed to chaperone me on an “as needed” basis. After hearing the incredible amount of hourly pay he would be receiving from my parents’ for the job, he begged me to use his services around the clock.

  I made him call his girlfriend, Karin and ask her permission. He reluctantly dialed her number.

  Karin happily shouted, “…you might make enough to pay for our wedding.” Her announcement echoed around the gym.

  My handsome, dark-skinned African American spotter turned a bright shade of red, as his even more beautiful girlfriend excitedly continued. He couldn’t get a word in edgewise. He smacked me on the arm and mouthed, “…see what you just got started.”

  I shrugged my shoulders, by way of apology. It seems Karin has been strongly hinting that she is ready to walk down the aisle. Although I was dying to discover if Jarron was also marriage-minded, he didn’t offer the information. So, I bit my tongue and tried to dismiss my curiosity.

  After giving Audrey my keys and asking her to wait for me in my car, I met Momma-C in the coach’s office. I left the blinds closed because I knew she would be arriving via spiritual means.

  The massive bags were stuffed so full I couldn’t carry them. Once we stopped giggling, Momma-C handed me one outfit.

  “Tray will deliver the rest tonight when he brings you the Mustang. Oh and clear out your drawers and closet because this isn’t everything…” she told me.

  Obviously, my new wardrobe is about to overtake my room. Ah well, it’s the price for being a gypsy daughter. Showering in the locker room, I changed and discovered I liked the gypsy style – well, minus the high heels.

  Audrey wasn’t expecting my transformation. She was reading a book when I tossed my items into the back. I sat
down in the driver seat and that’s when she glanced at me.

  “Does Krista know…okay…that’s incredible…I was getting ready to give you the boot from your own car! What just happened to you in there?? From what I can see through the glare…you look amazing. Oh sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded…” she tried to explain through the hysterics.

  It turns out Audrey didn’t recognize me. I joined her in the laughter and explained what occurred.

  “So, you’re a gypsy? I never would’ve guessed…” she offered and openly stared while I drove down the road.

  After a quick drive-thru dinner, we headed to our study group. No one paid any attention to how I was dressed. It is nearly impossible to stun an active stoner.

  We left at 10:00 p.m. because I still have a closet to empty. My sorority sisters gasped in wonder as I strolled through the door. After the initial shock wore off, they ‘ooohh’d’ and ‘aaahhhhh’d’ just like I knew they would. Becca even dropped her glass of milk when she saw me. Unlike Audrey, they unapologetically questioned me about my new glitzy wardrobe choice. Strangely enough, I couldn’t manage to get a word in edgewise to answer their questions. Eventually, I would have to leave them curious and still inquiring. They will just have to figure out what’s going on the best way they can.

  “Would you mind if I take a long, hot bath?” Audrey asked me, hesitantly.

  “Not at all…” I responded.

  A bath, of any duration, sounds divine. And, I intend to take one, too. Of course, it might have to wait until July…

  I still had items stacked to the rafters when I saw Tray drive up. I grabbed my car keys and head downstairs.

  “Be right back…” I announced to my gossiping sisters without further explanation.

  “Whoa, I’m not sure I want you wearing that…tight little…that!” my oldest brother exclaimed.

  “Momma-C said, take it up with her…” I told him, comically.

  “Come here, gimme a hug while I figure out how to deal with it. I can’t just let you walk around outside, half-dressed. But, I’m not about to take mom on, again today either…” he stated.

  “I always knew you were the wise one in our family…”

  “You’re only saying that because you think it’ll distract me from that way too skimpy, barely-there, outfit…”

  Tray gathered me in a bear-hug. My feet were dangling, but he didn’t seem to notice. Minutes later, he was still hugging me and speaking softly into my hair…in brotherly avoidance. He kept using terms like little, tiny, young, and innocently innocent. He agonized over “…those clothes of his eminent lockdown” (in some place called Brotherly Hades) still hidden in the bags he promised to deliver. Then, he worried over getting annihilated by Momma-C and Willow if those clothes went, by way of a ‘Tray-catastrophe’. They had spent all afternoon shopping for my new wardrobe.

  I had to agree with his annihilation assessment. So, Tray switched to a safer topic. He pondered over ways to temporarily blind every male in a fifty mile radius.

  I had my head resting on his shoulder as I happily listened in amusement. I was thoroughly enjoying the hug. Reluctant to say anything, I was also completely content as he extended his hold and debated the issues with himself. However, I had to draw the line when he decided to “try out some untested Tarrish blindness theory” on the next guy who walks by, in hopes that it will only be a “temporary condition in humans”.

  “I’ll go back to being your modest little sister, as soon as possible. You can relax…” I interrupted his diabolical scheme and he put me down.

  “That’ll never happen…at least, not in this lifetime…with you wearing that…tight little…that!” he declared.

  I could sense how close he was to picking me up, again and resuming the debate.

  “It’s okay…I love you. The fact is I would let you stand here all night and hold me…” I told him.

  Then, I happened to notice movement out of the corner of my eye. Is someone spying on us?

  Nonchalantly surveying the environment, I didn’t see anyone. But, Audrey’s cousin, Lester threatened to come back for her. Tray will never leave me again, if he discovers that some crazy guy might be stalking my friend who is staying with me, in my house…in my room.

  “Gimme a ride to my car, please…” I whispered, attempting to sound casual.

  “I love you, too. And I will, but I need to carry this stuff inside. It’s a thousand pounds of skimpy…how can that even happen??” he inquired.

  “Umm, I appreciate the offer, but my sisters are dressed for bed…” I reminded him.

  “Say, no more…thanks for the save,” he said.

  Tray is very traditional. He raised Ember alone, until she was fifteen. She is extremely modest because of his influence.

  I could envision an unsuspecting Tray, having a full-blown stroke if he walked into my sorority house this time of night. The term ‘skimpy’ doesn’t come close to describing my sisters’ pajamas. And, not a single one is shy.

  He handed me the keys, instructed me to drive slowly and told me to expect a driver’s safety lesson this weekend.

  “Hey, before I jet…what are your thoughts on a genuine-jeweled helmet?”

  “Let’s see…helmet-hair is helmet-hair, no matter how you dress it. And, I might get my head chopped off by a jewel savvy thief if I go around wearing a million dollar headpiece on my cranium. Lastly, all fashion accessories have to be mom and Willow approved until this gypsy wedding business is over…” I stated, humorously.

  “I can’t win tonight!” he told me in exasperation before he dropped me off.

  I grabbed my parking passes out of my car. Tray made me drive the Mustang to demonstrate my current skill level, while he followed me in my Hybrid. I crept along, at 5 miles per hour. I even used my turn signal when I pulled into a parking space in front of my house. He double parked, long enough to get out and say “goodbye” to me.

  We exchanged “I love you’s” in between his vehicle safety reminders. I rushed in and out until I had all seven bags in my room.

  Audrey walked into my bedroom and gasped just like my sisters’ had done, earlier. She offered to assist me.

  “Thanks, but I have to decline. Until I get some of this stuff in my closet, there’s barely enough room for me to maneuver. Mind hanging out with…” I started to say, before she interrupted me.

  “Hey, it’s no problem. I’ll be in the basement den…praying that you don’t get buried alive. I hope you don’t come crashing through the floors from all that blingage either. That stuff’s gotta weigh a ton…” Audrey remarked before she left to go downstairs.

  Although I managed to find a place for every item, my area looked like a hoarder’s paradise. Momma-C and Willow had even bought me a huge case filled with make-up and an even larger case of accessories.

  I am no jeweler. But, most of the dazzle appears to be authentic. I noticed a note resting near the bottom of the case. It read: It’s a good idea to put these items in your safe when you’re not wearing them. Love and miss you, baby sis – xoxoxo Willow xoxoxo

  After sending a text thanking my sister and Momma-C, I went about rearranging my hectic schedule, again. My gypsy lifestyle is going to take even more minutes than I had allotted. I can’t simply grab an outfit and toss on some earrings.

  Tray assured me that he could remotely channel mind depth to me, all I have to do is call him. But, he might have to use the channel on my professors’ during their classes. It seems my study time just got usurped by ‘gypsy styling’.

  I had to cancel every run I had scheduled with Torry. After I explained my dilemma, she spent fifteen minutes riddling me with questions about my cool gypsy upbringing. Oddly enough, my exploits with my g-mom and the travelling we did, fit into the Ay’sha lifestyle perfectly. I told Torry a few truthful tales and apologized for bailing for the next few weeks.

  Then, I cancelled my study gro
up sessions. I did this for three different reasons. Jarron deserves to have a personal life too. My nightly study sessions would drastically cut into his time. Secondly, it’s one thing for me to potentially wreck my lungs inhaling secondhand smoke, but I didn’t want to force him into that position. The third reason I cancelled my Hookah study time was for my sorority sisters. Audrey’s presence has limited their ‘Krista-time’ for the last few nights, but that won’t stop them much longer. My sisters have grown accustomed to using me as their late-night counselor.

  I am giving myself a 2:00 a.m. lights out, curfew until this wedding is over. And, unless I have a family, cheerleading or drama commitment, I plan to be home by 9:00 p.m. I will just have to somehow, learn to study while I’m giving advice.

  Pleased with my new streamlined-calendar, I went to the den to share the news with Audrey and my sisters. They didn’t give me a chance to say much of anything.

  Audrey told them why she was banished from my bedroom. So, my new overstocked wardrobe took center stage. I gave everyone permission to peruse my closet and my jewelry. Everyone was still trying on, gossiping and admiring my clothes at 2:00. I had to actually shout to get their attention.

  “It’s light’s out time in the Stewart residence. Please, re-hang or refold or return your items to the place you found them. All jewelry goes in my safe. You can keep the make-up and the glitter you’re wearing. I love you all, but this girl’s gotta get some beauty sleep…” I yelled before I ducked into the bathroom to take a lightning-fast shower.

  By the time I returned, everything was back in its place. But, my sisters were semi-pouting about getting the boot from my room.

  “I’ll be home at 9:00 sharp and we’ll all play dress-up, again…” I announced and they left, satisfied.

  After sharing my updated schedule with Audrey, I apologized for not being able to give her a ride home from the Hookah study group.

  “I can help you find another way. Or, you could just come home with me and study here…” I offered, feeling guilty for not taking her into account when I formed my new temporary, gypsy-life plan.

  “I’d love to just come here and hang out. Oh, my room at my other place will be available right on schedule too. I don’t know how to thank you for everything…” she stated, uncomfortably.

  “I’m happy to help…” I responded.

  She rolled over and I called Tray. I whispered and told him that I was ready.

  “Are you laying in the middle of the bed…nowhere near the edges?” he asked me, worriedly.

  “I promise…I’m safe in bed,” I replied.

  “I love you, baby sis. Night-night…”

  “I love you t…” was all I had time to say before his mind depth swept me away.


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